Reviewing Machine Learning Techniques in Credit Card Fraud
Ibtissam Medarhri
1 a
, Mohamed Hosni
2 b
, Mohamed Ettalhaoui
, Zakaria Belhaj
and Rabie Zine
3 c
MMCS Research Team, LMAID, ENSMR-Rabat, Morocco
MOSI Research Team, LM2S3, ENSAM, Moulay Ismail University of Meknes, Meknes, Morocco
School of Science and Engineering, Al Akhawayn University in Ifrane, Ifrane, Morocco
Credit Card Fraud, Machine Learning, Classification, Systematic Mapping Study.
The growing use of credit cards for transactions has increased the risk of fraud, as fraudsters frequently at-
tempt to exploit these transactions. Consequently, credit card companies need decision support systems that
can automatically detect and manage fraudulent activities without human intervention, given the vast volume
of daily transactions. Machine learning techniques have emerged as a powerful solution to address these chal-
lenges. This paper provides a comprehensive overview of the knowledge domain related to the application
of machine learning techniques in combating credit card fraud. To achieve this, a review of published work
in academic journals from 2018 to 2023 was conducted, encompassing 131 papers. The review classifies the
studies based on eight key aspects: publication trends and venues, machine learning approaches and tech-
niques, datasets, evaluation frameworks, balancing techniques, hyperparameter optimization, and tools used.
The main findings reveal that the selected studies were published across various journal venues, employing
both single and ensemble machine learning approaches. Decision trees were identified as the most frequently
used technique. The studies utilized multiple datasets to build models for detecting credit card fraud and ex-
plored various preprocessing steps, including feature engineering (such as feature extraction, construction, and
selection) and data balancing techniques. Python and its associated libraries were the most commonly used
tools for implementing these models.
The advancement of technology has significantly
influenced the transition from traditional payment
methods to online transactions (Mienye et al., 2023),
(Taha and Malebary, 2020). Modern banking sys-
tems are now offering a wide array of payment op-
tions to enhance customer experience, including card
payments, internet banking, and various e-services.
Globally, credit cards remain the most widely used
payment method. According to the Nil Report (Re-
port, 2023), there are 1,103 credit card issuers world-
wide. In 2021, the combined purchase volume of the
top 150 portfolios reached 12.695 trillion, reflecting a
9.4% increase compared to 2020.
While credit cards offer convenience for online
purchases of goods and services, they also expose
users to the risk of fraudulent transactions (Kim et al.,
2019). In 2021 alone, 32.34 billion payment cards
were compromised globally due to fraud (Report,
2023). Projections estimate that fraud-related losses
will reach 408 billion over the next decade.
Current fraud detection systems predominantly
rely on manually designed rules, which are often inef-
ficient, subjective, and vulnerable to manipulation by
fraudsters (Kim et al., 2019; Carcillo et al., 2018). As
a result, there is a pressing need for automated detec-
tion systems. The growing adoption of electronic pay-
ment systems provides credit card issuers with exten-
sive customer data, which can be leveraged to develop
data-driven models that effectively detect fraud and
minimize losses (Carcillo et al., 2018; Cheon et al.,
2021; Pozzolo et al., 2018).
Machine Learning (ML) techniques have emerged
Medarhri, I., Hosni, M., Ettalhaoui, M., Belhaj, Z. and Zine, R.
Reviewing Machine Learning Techniques in Credit Card Fraud Detection.
DOI: 10.5220/0013072500003838
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 16th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (IC3K 2024) - Volume 1: KDIR, pages 179-187
ISBN: 978-989-758-716-0; ISSN: 2184-3228
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
as a powerful tool for tackling credit card fraud (Poz-
zolo et al., 2018; Leevy et al., 2023; Salekshahrezaee
et al., 2023). ML models, once deployed, can ef-
ficiently process large volumes of transactions in
real-time, assuming the appropriate infrastructure is
in place. The success of ML techniques has been
demonstrated across various domains.
This paper presents a systematic mapping study
aimed at gaining insights into the use of ML tech-
niques in developing decision support systems for de-
tecting fraudulent credit card transactions. The study
examines key aspects, including publication trends
and venues, ML approaches and techniques, datasets
used for constructing Credit Card Fraud (CCF) mod-
els, evaluation frameworks, preprocessing techniques,
hyperparameter optimization methods, and tools em-
ployed in model development.
The structure of the paper is as follows: Section 2
outlines the research protocol used in the study. Sec-
tion 3 presents and discusses the findings for each
mapping question. Finally, Section 4 concludes the
paper and offers suggestions for future research.
This study aims to consolidate existing research on
the application of ML in developing automated sys-
tems for credit card fraud management. To ac-
complish this, a systematic mapping study was con-
ducted following the methodology outlined by (Pe-
tersen et al., 2008), which has been widely adopted
in various research fields, including software engi-
neering (Hosni and Idri, 2018), medical informatics
(Hosni et al., 2019), and urban flood hazard mapping
(El baida et al., 2024). The mapping process consists
of several steps, which are described in detail in the
following subsections.
2.1 Mapping Questions
The goal of this review is to provide a comprehen-
sive understanding of how ML techniques, particu-
larly classification methods, are utilized in the devel-
opment of CCF systems. To fulfill this objective, we
formulated eight research questions (MQs), each de-
signed to explore specific aspects of ML application
in CCF. Table 1 lists these MQs along with the moti-
vations behind each question.
2.2 Search Strategy
This step aims to identify candidate papers relevant to
the topic of this study. The primary sources of papers
are digital libraries that index research published by
leading publishers worldwide. For this study, we se-
lected the Scopus digital library as our primary source
of candidate papers. The initial task was to construct a
search string to be used as input for the Scopus search
The search string was formulated based on the au-
thors’ expertise and knowledge. The search query
used was:
TITLE-ABS-KEY((fraud OR ”Fraud de-
tection” OR ”Fraud Analyt-
ics”) AND (”credit card” OR ”card pay-
ment*” OR ”Transaction Fraud”) AND (”Ma-
chine learning”))
The searches were conducted on metadata of ti-
tles, abstracts, and keywords of research works be-
tween the years 2018 and 2023. We have limited our
search to articles in peer-reviewed journals. We set
this limitation to ensure that the papers selected have
undergone a satisfactory peer-reviewing process and
hence command a high level of academic integrity
and reliability.
2.3 Study Selection
The pool of candidate papers obtained through the
Scopus search needed further filtering based on pre-
defined inclusion and exclusion criteria. This step was
crucial to ensure that only relevant papers addressing
our MQs were included. To maintain accuracy, three
researchers independently performed the filtering pro-
cess. A paper was included if it met at least one in-
clusion criterion and none of the exclusion criteria. If
the decision was unclear based on the metadata, the
researcher proceeded to read the full paper. The in-
clusion and exclusion criteria were as follows:
Inclusion Criteria:
Papers that specifically focus on building credit
card fraud detection systems using ML tech-
Papers that aim to enhance existing ML tech-
niques for credit card fraud detection.
Papers that compare different ML techniques in
the context of credit card fraud detection.
Exclusion Criteria:
Papers not written in English.
Papers that do not utilize ML techniques for credit
card fraud detection.
Papers that focus on detecting fraudulent transac-
tions unrelated to credit cards.
KDIR 2024 - 16th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
Table 1: Mapping Questions and their Motivations.
Mapping Questions Motivations
Which journal venues are the primary targets for the use
of ML techniques in credit card fraud detection? And
what is the frequency of publication has changed over
To identify the specific journal venues where research
related to ML techniques in credit card fraud detection is
being published and discover the publication trend over
What are the ML approaches used in credit card fraud
detection? Additionally, which specific ML techniques
are commonly utilized?
To identify the various types of ML techniques used in
CCFD systems and provide an enumeration of specific
ML techniques that have been adopted in building these
What are the main datasets used in credit card fraud de-
To identify the prevalent datasets that researchers rely on
when developing and evaluating CCFD systems.
What are the performance frameworks used to build and
assess the credit card fraud detection model?
To identify the evaluation methods used to build the
CCFD systems and enumerate the performance indica-
tors used to assess the built models.
What techniques are used to handle the balancing prob-
lem in credit card fraud detection?
To identify the techniques used to handle the balancing
problem present in CCF datasets.
What feature engineering stages have been investigated
in the context of credit card fraud detection? Addition-
ally, what are the techniques that have been used in each
of these stages?
To identify the feature engineering stages that have been
treated in literature. Furthermore, enumerate the tech-
niques used in each of the identified stages.
What are the optimization techniques used to fine-tune
the hyperparameters of the ML techniques in credit card
fraud detection systems?
To identify the optimization techniques used to fine-tune
the hyperparameters of the ML techniques in credit card
fraud detection.
What tools are used to build credit card fraud detection
To identify the tools used to build credit card fraud de-
tection models.
2.4 Data Extraction and Synthesis
After selecting the papers relevant to our MQs, data
extraction was performed independently by three re-
searchers. The extracted data were systematically
recorded in detailed forms, ensuring alignment with
each MQ.
Following a comprehensive review of the ex-
tracted data, synthesis was conducted by summariz-
ing and aggregating the findings for each MQ from
all selected papers. Two synthesis methods were em-
ployed: narrative synthesis and the counting method,
which allowed for the consistent tabulation of data in
line with the MQs. Visualization tools, such as bar
charts and pie charts, were used to present the aggre-
gated data.
This section presents and discusses the results ob-
tained from the mapping study, organized according
to the research questions listed in Table 1.
3.1 Results Overview
A total of 790 candidate papers were retrieved
through the automatic search in the Scopus database
using the search string specified in Section 2.2. The
search was restricted in two ways: first, by time
frame, including only papers published between 2018
and 2023, and second, by selecting only journal ar-
ticles. The search was conducted on June 24, 2024.
The primary reason for limiting the search to 2023
is to facilitate the replication of the search results, as
the likelihood of additional papers being indexed for
that year is minimal. In contrast, selecting an ongoing
year could pose challenges since the indexing process
for papers published within the same year may take
time to complete.
Following the study selection process and the ap-
plication of inclusion and exclusion criteria, 131 pa-
pers were selected. Relevant information was then
extracted from these papers to address the research
questions (MQs). It is worth noting that both the se-
lection and data extraction processes were performed
independently by three researchers. Additionally, not
all 131 papers provided answers to all the research
questions. Details of the selected papers and extracted
data are available upon request.
Reviewing Machine Learning Techniques in Credit Card Fraud Detection
Figure 1: Publication Trends over Time.
3.2 Publication Venues and Trends
This review identified 86 different venues where the
131 selected papers were published. The IEEE Ac-
cess journal had the highest number of publications,
with 13 papers, followed by the Journal of Theoretical
and Applied Information Technology with five publi-
cations and the Journal of Big Data with four. Seven
journals published three papers each, while thirteen
journals published two papers each. Additionally, 63
venues published only one paper each. Table 2 lists
the main sources that published more than three pa-
Regarding publication trends, an upward trajec-
tory in the number of publications was observed over
time. It is important to note that only papers pub-
lished in journals over the last five years were in-
cluded in this review. The highest number of publi-
cations occurred in 2022, with 38 papers published
across 28 different venues. IEEE Access led with
four papers, followed by seven journals that published
two papers each, while the remaining papers were dis-
tributed among 20 other journals, each publishing one
paper. Figure 1 illustrates the publication trends over
the search period.
3.3 Machine Learning: Approaches and
Techniques (MQ2)
The objective of the MQ2 is to identify the most
prevalent ML approaches used by researchers and to
catalog the specific ML techniques employed in the
selected studies.
Figure 2 illustrates the distribution of ML ap-
proaches used in the reviewed papers. The findings
show that 39% of the selected studies (51 out of 131
papers) focused exclusively on single ML approaches.
Meanwhile, 29% of the papers (39 out of 131) ex-
plored ensemble ML approaches alone. Notably, 32%
of the papers (42 out of 131) investigated both single
and ensemble approaches.
Figure 2: Publication Trends over Time.
Table 3 provides a comprehensive list of ML tech-
niques that have been applied in developing decision
support systems for detecting fraudulent credit card
transactions (CCFD). The review identified 11 sin-
gle classification techniques commonly explored in
CCFD literature. Among these, Decision Tree (DT)
was the most frequently used technique, appearing
in 82 instances. Artificial Neural Networks (ANN)
were investigated 67 times, while Regression tech-
niques were utilized 47 times. Support Vector Ma-
chines (SVM) were employed in 32 instances. No-
tably, four techniques were each used only once.
Out of the 131 selected papers, 60 focused on in-
vestigating a single ML technique, and nine papers
examined two ML techniques. The study that ex-
plored the highest number of ML techniques, totaling
31, was (Randhawa et al., 2018).
Ensemble methods were explored in 113 instances
within the selected studies. The primary type of en-
semble investigated was homogeneous, particularly
the combination of a single base technique with a
meta ensemble technique. Among the meta ensemble
techniques, Boosting was the most commonly used,
with XGBoost being the most extensively studied, ap-
pearing in 22 cases. Other meta ensemble techniques,
such as Random Subspace and Bagging, were also ex-
plored. Additionally, heterogeneous ensembles were
investigated in the selected studies (Baker, 2022).
3.4 Datasets Used (MQ3)
The construction of CCF models primarily relies on
historical transaction data. This MQ aims to iden-
tify and catalog the datasets used in the selected stud-
ies for building CCF models. A total of 29 different
datasets were identified across the selected studies.
Table 4 lists the datasets that were utilized more than
four times. Notably, the ”Credit Card Fraud Dataset,
containing 284,807 records, was the most frequently
KDIR 2024 - 16th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
Table 2: Publication Venues.
Journal Number
IEEE Access 13
Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology 5
Journal of Big Data 4
Multimedia Tools and Applications 3
International Journal of Intelligent Engineering and Systems 3
International Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies 3
International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication 3
Applied Sciences (Switzerland) 3
Electronics (Switzerland) 3
Mathematics 3
Table 3: ML techniques used in the Selected Studies.
Technique Number
Ensemble 113
DT 82
ANN 67
Regression 47
SVM 32
KNN 25
NB 23
Rule 3
Independent component analysis 1
K-means 1
Local Outlier Factor 1
used, appearing in 85 out of the 131 selected papers.
This dataset is publicly available on the Kaggle plat-
form. Additionally, 16 papers employed more than
one dataset, with the maximum number of datasets
used in a single study being three, as reported in three
papers (Arora et al., 2020; de Zarz
a et al., 2023; Zhu
et al., 2020).
The review also identified several studies that uti-
lized private datasets, including those collected from
organizations in China (Zheng et al., 2020; Li et al.,
2021b), various European countries (Marco et al.,
2022), and financial institutions in South Korea (Kim
et al., 2019), among others. It is important to note
that most of the datasets used suffered from the prob-
lem of data imbalance, where the fraudulent class was
significantly underrepresented compared to the non-
fraudulent class.
3.5 Evaluation Framework: Evaluation
Methods and Performance Metrics
The MQ4 aims to identify the evaluation frameworks
used to assess CCF models in the selected studies.
It specifically focuses on the evaluation methods em-
ployed to develop CCF models and the performance
indicators used to measure their predictive capabili-
ties. The review identified 38 different performance
criteria. Table 5 lists the nine performance indicators
that were used more than ten times to evaluate the pre-
dictive capabilities of the ML techniques applied in
the selected studies.
The most frequently used performance criterion
was Sensitivity, appearing in 115 instances. Preci-
sion and Accuracy were used 95 and 89 times, respec-
tively. The F1-score and ROC AUC were also com-
monly adopted, appearing 79 and 69 times, respec-
tively. One of the selected studies utilized ten per-
formance indicators to assess the proposed models.
Notably, 121 out of the 131 selected papers employed
more than one performance criterion to evaluate their
Regarding the validation techniques used in build-
ing the ML models, Table 6 lists the different vali-
dation approaches investigated in the literature along
with their frequency of use. A total of four validation
approaches were identified. The Holdout validation
technique was the most frequently used, appearing in
61 research papers. It was followed by the K-fold
cross-validation technique, employed in 42 papers.
Among these, 10-fold cross-validation was the most
common, appearing in 21 papers, followed by 5-fold
cross-validation. Notably, four papers did not spec-
ify the number of folds used. The stratified K-fold
and cross-validation techniques were each adopted in
six papers. It is also worth noting that some papers
did not provide details about the validation technique
used to develop their models.
3.6 Handling Balancing Problem (MQ5)
This MQ aims to explore how the issue of imbalanced
datasets is addressed in the selected studies. Imbal-
anced datasets, where the number of fraudulent trans-
Reviewing Machine Learning Techniques in Credit Card Fraud Detection
Table 4: Datasets used in the selected studies.
Dataset Number
Credit Card Fraud Detection Dataset 85
Default of Credit Card Clients Dataset 7
Vesta IEEE-CIS 5
Financial company in China 5
BankSim 4
Generated Dataset 4
Dataset emerges from Kaggle 4
cc Fraud dataset 4
UCSD-FICO dataset 4
Table 5: Performance indicators used in the selected stud-
Performance Criterion Number
Sensitivity 115
Precision 95
Accuracy 89
F1-score 79
AUC 69
Specificity 41
MCC 17
False Positive Rate 15
Table 6: Validation techniques used in the selected studies.
Validation techniques K Number
5 fold 3
10 fold 3
K-cross validation
K-fold 4
2 fold 1
3 fold 1
4 fold 1
5 fold 13
10 fold 21
15 fold 1
Holdout 61
Cross validation 6
actions is significantly lower than that of legitimate
transactions, pose challenges in training ML models
effectively. Table 7 lists the balancing techniques that
were used more than three times to handle class im-
balance in the selected papers. A total of 32 tech-
niques were identified.
The most widely adopted technique was SMOTE
(Synthetic Minority Over-sampling Technique),
which was used in 24% of the selected papers (31
out of 131). Following SMOTE, Random Under
Sampling, Under Sampling, and Over Sampling
techniques were utilized in 12, 11, and 10 papers,
respectively. It is worth noting that four papers
Table 7: Imbalanced techniques used in the selected studies.
Technique Number
Random Under sampling 12
Under Sampling 11
Over Sampling 10
SMOTE-Edited Nearest Neighbors 7
Random Oversampling 5
SMOTE-Tomek 4
Addressed 4
Borderline SMOTE 3
Near Miss 3
Table 8: Feature Engineering aspects investigated in the se-
lected studies.
Aspect Number
Extraction 16
Feature Importance 4
Feature selection 41
Feature Construction 1
addressed the class imbalance problem without
explicitly specifying the technique used (Bakhtiari
et al., 2023), (Sadgali et al., 2021; Rakhshaninejad
et al., 2022; Trisanto, 2021).
3.7 Feature Engineering: Steps
Investigated, and Techniques Used
This MQ aims to explore the feature engineering ap-
proaches investigated by researchers in the selected
studies and to identify the techniques employed at
each step. Out of the 131 selected papers, 44 con-
sidered feature engineering as a crucial preprocessing
step. Four key aspects of feature engineering were ex-
amined: feature construction, extraction, importance,
and selection.
Among these aspects, feature selection was the
KDIR 2024 - 16th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
Table 9: Feature Extraction, Construction and Importance techniques used in the selected studies.
Extraction Construction Importance
PCA 10 Feature Construction 1 XGBoost 2
Auto Encoder 4 LightGBM 1
Convolutional Neural Network 1 Shapley addictive explanations 1
Linear Discriminant Analysis 1
Table 10: Feature Selection Techniques investigated in the selected studies.
Filter Techniques Wrapper Techniques
Correlation 10 Genetic Algorithm 2
Information Gain 5 Recursive Feature Elimination 2
Random Forest 3 Stepwise 2
Chi2 1 Rock Hyrax Swarm Optimization 1
Correlation based Feature Selection 1 SVM Recursive Elimination 1
Decision Tree 1 Quantum Algorithm Feature Selection by Q-SVM 1
Degree Centrality 1
Distance based Feature Selection 1
Entropy 1
Extra Tree Ensemble 1
Gain Ration 1
Mutual Information 1
ReliefF 1
Factorial Analysis of Mixed Data 1
Rough set 1
standardized murals with ANOVA F-values 1
Table 11: Hyperparameters Optimization techniques used
in the selected studies.
Optimization technique Number
Grid Search 27
Adam 9
Given 7
Bayesian 4
Genetic Algorithm 3
Particle Swarm Optimization 3
Randomized Search CV 2
Default Parameters 2
Differential Evolution Algorithm 2
Firefly Algorithm 2
most extensively studied, appearing in 41 experi-
ments. Feature extraction was explored in 16 experi-
ments, as detailed in Table 8.
Four feature extraction techniques were identi-
fied, as listed in Table 9. The most commonly used
technique was Principal Component Analysis (PCA),
which appeared in 10 instances. This was followed
by the Auto Encoder technique, used four times. Re-
garding feature construction, only one study specif-
ically focused on this aspect, utilizing both domain
knowledge and statistical methods to create new fea-
Table 12: ML tools used in the selected papers.
Tool Number
Python 71
Weka 11
Java 4
R 3
LibSVM 1
Orange 1
RapidMiner 1
SAS E-miner 1
tures (Wu et al., 2019). For feature importance, three
techniques were employed: XGBoost was used twice,
while LightGBM and the Shapley Additive Explana-
tions (SHAP) model were each used once.
Regarding feature selection techniques, as de-
tailed in Table 10, this review identified two main cat-
egories: filter and wrapper techniques. Among the fil-
ter techniques, 17 different methods were used across
the experiments in the selected papers. The most fre-
quently employed filter technique was the correlation
coefficient, such as Pearson correlation, which was
used in 10 experiments. Information Gain and Ran-
dom Forest were utilized in 5 and 3 experiments, re-
Reviewing Machine Learning Techniques in Credit Card Fraud Detection
spectively, while the remaining 14 techniques were
each explored once.
For wrapper techniques, six methods were identi-
fied in the selected studies. The Genetic Algorithm,
Recursive Feature Elimination, and Stepwise tech-
niques were each explored twice, while the other three
techniques were used once.
3.8 Hyperparameters Optimization
Techniques (MQ7)
Hyperparameter optimization is crucial for enhanc-
ing the performance and generalization ability of ML
models. This question aims to identify the hyperpa-
rameter optimization techniques employed in the se-
lected studies.
In this review, 20 different optimization tech-
niques were identified, used to fine-tune the hyperpa-
rameters of ML models. These techniques are listed
in Table 11. Notably, Grid Search was the most fre-
quently adopted optimization method, appearing in
27 research papers. The Adam optimizer was ex-
plored in 9 papers. Additionally, seven papers explic-
itly listed the parameter values of their employed ML
techniques, while two papers used the default param-
eters provided by the tools used.
It is important to highlight that only 57 out of the
131 selected papers considered the hyperparameter
optimization step. Moreover, seven studies employed
multiple optimization techniques (Zhu et al., 2020; Li
et al., 2021b; Tayebi and El, 2022; Li et al., 2021a;
Yara et al., 2020; Grossi et al., 2022; Sharma et al.,
2021). The study with the most comprehensive explo-
ration of optimization techniques investigated seven
different methods (Tayebi and El, 2022).
3.9 ML Tools (MQ8)
This question aims to identify the tools used to
build decision support systems for detecting fraudu-
lent credit card transactions. Table 12 provides a list
of the nine identified tools.
The Python programming language was the most
widely used, appearing in 71 papers. The Weka tool
was utilized in 11 papers, while MATLAB and Java
were each employed in four papers. Additionally,
four tools were used in only one paper each.
The identified tools can be categorized into two
groups: those with a user interface, such as Rapid-
Miner, Orange, SAS E-miner, and Weka, and those
that provide a programming environment, such as
MATLAB, Java, R, Python, and the Weka API.
This paper presents a systematic mapping study that
structures the body of knowledge on the use of ML
techniques in developing decision support systems
for detecting fraudulent credit card transactions. The
study reviewed papers published in journal venues in-
dexed in the Scopus database between 2018 and 2023.
After applying the study selection process, including
specific inclusion and exclusion criteria, 131 papers
were selected to address eight mapping questions.
The main findings related to each mapping question,
as outlined in Table 1, are summarized below:
The selected papers were published across 86 dif-
ferent journal venues.
Both single ML approaches and ensemble ap-
proaches were investigated, with single ML ap-
proaches being the most prevalent.
A total of 29 different datasets were utilized to
build credit card fraud detection systems.
Various performance indicators were used to eval-
uate the predictive capabilities of the models, with
the Holdout validation technique being the most
frequently employed.
A total of 32 balancing techniques were identi-
fied, with SMOTE being the most commonly used
Feature extraction, construction, and selection
steps were explored in the selected studies.
Only 27 studies optimized the hyperparameter
settings of the ML techniques used.
Nine tools were identified for building credit card
fraud detection systems in the selected studies.
Future research directions could include exploring
the construction and effectiveness of ensemble tech-
niques in credit card fraud detection systems. An-
other promising area of investigation is identifying the
most effective ML models for distinguishing between
fraudulent and legitimate transactions, which could be
systematically explored through a comprehensive lit-
erature review.
Arora, V., Leekha, R. S., Lee, K., and Kataria, A. (2020).
Facilitating user authorization from imbalanced data
logs of credit cards using artificial intelligence. Mo-
bile Information Systems, 2020(1):8885269.
KDIR 2024 - 16th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
Baker, M. R. (2022). Ensemble learning with supervised
machine learning models to predict credit card fraud
Bakhtiari, S., Nasiri, Z., and Vahidi, J. (2023). Credit card
fraud detection using ensemble data mining methods.
Multimedia Tools and Applications, 82(19):29057–
Carcillo, F., Dal Pozzolo, A., Le Borgne, Y.-A., Caelen, O.,
Mazzer, Y., and Bontempi, G. (2018). Scarff: a scal-
able framework for streaming credit card fraud detec-
tion with spark. Information fusion, 41:182–194.
Cheon, M.-j., Lee, D., Joo, H. S., and Lee, O. (2021). Deep
learning based hybrid approach of detecting fraudu-
lent transactions. Journal of Theoretical and Applied
Information Technology, 99(16):4044–4054.
de Zarz
a, I., de Curt
o, J., and Calafate, C. T. (2023). Op-
timizing neural networks for imbalanced data. Elec-
tronics, 12(12):2674.
El baida, M., Hosni, M., Boushaba, F., Chourak, M., et al.
(2024). A systematic literature review on classifica-
tion machine learning for urban flood hazard mapping.
Water Resources Management, pages 1–42.
Grossi, M., Ibrahim, N., Radescu, V., Loredo, R., Voigt,
K., and Altrock, C. V. O. N. (2022). Mixed quan-
tum – classical method for fraud detection with quan-
tum feature selection. IEEE Trans. Quantum Eng.,
Hosni, M., Carrillo-de Gea, J. M., Idri, A., Fern
an, J. L., and Garc
a, J. A. (2019). Using
ensemble classification methods in lung cancer dis-
ease. In 2019 41st Annual International Conference
of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology So-
ciety (EMBC), pages 1367–1370. IEEE.
Hosni, M. and Idri, A. (2018). Software development effort
estimation using feature selection techniques. In New
trends in intelligent software methodologies, tools and
techniques, pages 439–452. IOS Press.
Kim, E. et al. (2019). Champion-challenger analysis for
credit card fraud detection: Hybrid ensemble and deep
learning. Expert Syst. Appl., 128:214–224.
Leevy, J. L., Johnson, J. M., Hancock, J., and Khoshgoftaar,
T. M. (2023). Threshold optimization and random un-
dersampling for imbalanced credit card data. J. Big
Li, C., Ding, N., Zhai, Y., and Dong, H. (2021a). Compara-
tive study on credit card fraud detection based on dif-
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Reviewing Machine Learning Techniques in Credit Card Fraud Detection