Impact Distance Detection in Tennis Forehand by an Inertial System
Lucio Caprioli
1 a
, Francesca Campoli
1 b
, Saeid Edriss
1 c
, Elvira Padua
2 d
, Amani Najlaoui
1 e
Cristian Romagnoli
2 f
, Giuseppe Annino
3 g
and Vincenzo Bonaiuto
1 h
Sports Engineering Lab., Dept. Industrial Eng. Univ. Rome Tor Vergata, Rome, Italy
Dept. of Human Science & Prom. of Quality of Life, San Raffaele Rome Univ., Rome, Italy
Dept. of Medicine Systems, Univ. Rome Tor Vergata, Rome, Italy
Keywords: Inertial Measurement System, Sports Performance Assessment, Tennis, Forehand, Lateral Distance.
Abstract: Assessing the distance to the ball in the tennis forehand is fundamental. In this context, a non-invasive
assessment system can help technicians even more in amateur tennis, where players who are still unaware of
the act need continuous feedback. Three amateur tennis players with an average of 4 years of playing
experience were recruited. The subjects wore a sensorized chest strap with an inertial unit and received two
sets of 10 balls each. Two action cameras captured 20 forehands of each player from lateral and rear
perspectives, aligned about 6m from the point of impact. Video analysis was conducted to identify the
anteroposterior and lateral distance of the ball at the point of impact from the longitudinal axis coincident
with the first toe of the nondominant foot. Pearson's correlation between distance and trunk inclination during
the impact phase was investigated, and a strong correlation was found for all the subjects. This prompts us to
consider the potential of a sensorized chest strap to assess the individual optimal distance from the ball in the
forehand of tennis amateurs. Subsequent studies are needed to develop the system's full potential, expand the
number of subjects, and examine all the fundamentals of the game.
Tennis is a highly technical sport and requires fine
motor coordination (Casale, 2003; Roetert & Kovacs,
2019). The learning process is particularly
demanding, and it is common to make various
mistakes in improving skills (Reid et al., 2013). The
technique can be continuously refined (Castellani et
al., 2007), and biomechanical analysis of the
movement can effectively correct improper actions.
Studies comparing high-level and amateur players
have provided insights into optimal angles and body
positions during various strokes (Fleisig et al., 2003;
Knudson & Elliott, 2004; Landlinger et al., 2010;
Nesbit et al., 2008; Reid & Elliott, 2002; Roetert &
Kovacs, 2019). However, playing technique is
strongly influenced by the tactical context and how
the player reaches the position. That is why, in recent
years, the concept of pure technique has lost its value,
and coaches are increasingly talking about technique
applied to the tactical context (Castellani et al., 2007).
Even in simple, controlled situations in training,
amateur players have difficulty always positioning
themselves at an optimal distance from the ball,
presenting a higher variability in stroke execution,
unlike advanced athletes (Caprioli et al., 2024). This
variability occurs because less experienced players
are less able to read the ball's trajectory and less aware
of their technical gestures.
For this reason, assessing the distance to the ball
in rebound shots (forehand and backhand) is critical,
Caprioli, L., Campoli, F., Edriss, S., Padua, E., Najlaoui, A., Romagnoli, C., Annino, G. and Bonaiuto, V.
Impact Distance Detection in Tennis Forehand by an Inertial System.
DOI: 10.5220/0013073100003828
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Sport Sciences Research and Technology Support (icSPORTS 2024), pages 277-282
ISBN: 978-989-758-719-1; ISSN: 2184-3201
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
particularly for amateur tennis players. Proper
distance maximizes ball contact in the ideal area of
the racquet, known as the "sweet spot" allowing more
control over the direction and power of the shot. If the
impact occurs too close to the body the extension of
the arm is limited, and as well as in the case of
excessive distance reduced power and accuracy of the
shot. Keeping the right distance from the ball can also
help reduce the risk of injury, as it allows you to
execute the shot with proper technique and without
excessive stress on joints, muscles, and ligaments (Fu
et al., 2018; Reid et al., 2013).
1.1 Forehand Shot Assessment
Forehand is considered the most important technical
gesture after the serve (Johnson & McHugh, 2006),
and in the game, forehand shots are about 25 percent
more than backhand shots. Players are constantly
striving to improve their forehand from a technical
standpoint. In the forehand, we can observe different
personalisms among tennis players; however, some
technical parameters are present in all of them, and it
can be divided into six main phases: starting position,
preparation (unit-turn), opening phase, stance,
impact, final (Bertino et al., 2012). In the forehand,
the greatest linear and internal rotation velocity
expressions occurred quite late in the forward swing
phase toward impact (Elliott, 2006; Elliott et al.,
1997; Seeley et al., 2016).
Among the methods currently most widely used
for technical assessment are 2D and 3D video motion
tracking systems (Annino et al., 2023; Edriss et al.,
2024; Lambrich & Muehlbauer, 2023; Martin et al.,
2021). However, these systems often prove to be
expensive or time-consuming. For this purpose,
proposed as a valid alternative solution to optical
motion tracking systems the inertial sensors (Inertial
Motion Unit IMU) (Delgado-García et al., 2021;
Hernández-Belmonte & Sánchez-Pay, 2021; Zanela
et al., 2024) IMUs contain MEMS-type
accelerometers, gyroscopes, and magnetometers, and
through a sensor fusion estimation 3D orientation is
obtained. The advantages of inertial sensors include,
among others, the accuracy, convenience, and
quickness of measuring and analyzing data, which
can potentially take place even in real-time without
the need for very expensive hardware components,
unlike current 3D motion capture systems (Edriss et
al., 2024). Despite their small size and applicability in
almost any environment, these devices face several
technical challenges (Alcala et al., 2021). In some
studies, inertial sensors were placed on the racket or
wristband for stroke analysis and classification
(Ebner & Findling, 2019; Kos & Kramberger, 2018).
Although this approach allows the direct
measurement of important kinematic parameters such
as accelerations, angular velocities, and the exact
position of joint segments using quaternions, the
extensive use of these devices may prove invasive.
Although very lightweight, several sensors placed on
the tennis player's body could sensitively limit
movement or otherwise impair the naturalness of the
gesture. In the same way, even a single sensor of a
few grams placed on the tennis racket can
compromise the technique of the strokes.
The help a non-invasive assessment system can
provide a technician is even more apparent in amateur
tennis, where players still unaware of the act need
continuous feedback. In this study, an inertial
measurement system was applied to detect the
distance from the ball at the impact in the forehand
shot of 3 amateur players.
The analysis was conducted on three amateur tennis
players (one female and two males; 32.7 ± 6.8 years,
175.3 ± 8.2 cm) with an average of 4 years of playing
experience. All recruited subjects were in good
health, had not suffered recent injuries, and consented
to data processing for research purposes. The subjects
wore a sensorized chest strap on which a Movella
DOT inertial unit was mounted (Table 1). The device
was positioned as tightly as possible without allowing
the sensor to move freely and as comfortably as
possible for each subject, depending on the physical
conformations of each male and female. The inertial
sensors, previously calibrated, were set to an offline
acquisition mode at 120 Hz.
Table 1: Inertial Measurement Unit details.
36.3 × 30.35 × 10.8 mm
11.2 g
Recording Mode
Sampling Rate
Bluetooth 5.0
All measurements were conducted on a sunny day
with no adverse wind conditions in an outdoor court.
The subjects followed a 20-minute physical and
technical warm-up and then played two sets of 10
forehand strokes in a controlled situation, with a
three-minute rest between sets. A Tennis Tutor Plus
ball-launching machine, positioned on the opposite
baseline at 1.60m from the mid-point, was set to two
settings for the two practice sets. For the first set,
icSPORTS 2024 - 12th International Conference on Sport Sciences Research and Technology Support
subjects received ten balls each, at speed 4, with no
effect and easy to handle. In the second, ten balls at
speed 6 with top spin instead. Two action cameras
240 Hz captured 20 forehands of each player from
lateral and rear perspectives, both aligned about 6m
from the point of impact and placed on a stand at
1.10m above the ground. The cameras were
synchronized with each other through a luminous
pulse. Video analysis was conducted using Kinovea
software (version 0.9.5) (Charmant & contributors,
2021) to identify the lateral and anteroposterior
distance of the ball at the point of impact concerning
the longitudinal axis coincident with the first toe of
the nondominant foot (Figure 1). Since the players did
not have the same position on the court in each shot,
in each impact frame, calibration was re-performed
using the racquet of a known size equivalent to 68.50
cm as a reference placed on the measurement plane
(subjects used standard-length racquet models).
Figure 1: Distance measurement by video analysis. The
racket measurement was used as a reference placed on the
measurement plane in the calibration process.
2.1 Data Analysis
From the data acquired by the IMU, the trunk
inclination angle (Euler Y) during the impact phase,
coinciding with the point of the maximum angular
velocity of trunk rotation (Gyr X), was analyzed. The
Shapiro-Wilk test was used to validate the assumption
of normality. Since no significant deviations from
normality were detected, parametric tests were used
for inference. The coefficient of variation (CV) for
repeated measurement, interclass correlation
coefficients (ICC), standard error of measurement
(SEM) and 95% confidence interval (95% CI) were
calculated to determine the set-to-set reliability for
lateral and anteroposterior distance, and trunk angle
(Euler Y). Moreover, the ICC was used as an
assessment test of consistency and the repeatability of
quantitative measurements made by the same
operator in two different sets. Paired t-tests and the
Pearson correlation coefficient (r) were used for
repeatability of test-re-test measurements. In
addition, the effect sizes (ES) were also calculated
using Cohen's d between the first set and the second
set of means (Cohen, 2013), where the small effect
was 0.1, moderate 0.3, and large was 0.5 (Cooper et
al., 2019).
Pearson's correlation between ball distance and
trunk inclination during the impact was investigated
for each player and the group. MedCalc software
(Version 23.0.2) was used for statistical analysis.
3.1 Reliability
Test-retest values of Mean, SD, SEM, ICC, Pearson
correlation coefficient (r), and the CV relative to the
lateral distance (LD), trunk inclination (Euler Y), and
anteroposterior distance (APD) performed in the two
sets are reported in Table 2.
Table 2: Set-to-set repeatability of average lateral distance LD (cm) and trunk angles Euler Y of the forehands performed by
three amateur tennis players. r Pearson correlation coefficient; CV, Coefficient of Variation for repeated measurements; ICC,
Interclass Correlation Coefficient; 95% Confidence Interval (CI); SEM, Standard Error of Measurement; and ES, Effect Size.
Set 1
Set 2
Mean ± SD
Mean ± SD
LD (cm)
88.43 ± 16
87.45 ± 23
Euler Y (°)
75.50 ± 5
77.03 ± 4
APD (cm)
-6,77 ± 18
-12,42 ± 23
Root mean square method
Impact Distance Detection in Tennis Forehand by an Inertial System
ICC found no significant differences between the
first and second sets of measurements, showing high
reproducibility for all measurements. The CV was
high or extremely high in the case of APD. The effect
size is small or moderate in the case of LD. The two
measurements have a strong Pearson correlation
(Table 2).
3.2 Descriptive Statistics
Sixty forehand shots were analyzed. The mean lateral
distance measured among all trials was 88.52cm with
a standard deviation of ± 18cm, with a minimum
value of 61cm and a maximum value of 120cm. The
mean anteroposterior distance was -9.42cm ± 23cm
with a minimum value of -53cm and a maximum
value of 20cm. As for trunk inclination (Euler Y), it
was an average of 76.30° with a standard deviation of
5°, minimum value of 63° and maximum value of
3.3 Inferential Statistics
A highly significant strong Pearson's correlation was
found in all the subjects between trunk angle Euler Y
(i.e., flexion-extension angle) and lateral distance
from the ball. In particular, in Player 1 was found a
medium-high correlation (r= 0.69 p<0.001) (Figure
2), strong in Player 2 (r= 0.79 p<0.001) and Player 3
(r= 0.70 p<0.001) (Figure 3). A more moderate partial
correlation (r= 0.40 p<0.001) was found in the
analysis of the 60 forehand shots of the whole group
due to the variability of distance to the ball in players
with different body stature and joint levers. However,
no significant correlations were found with
anteroposterior distance.
Figure 2: Pearson's correlation in Player 1.
Figure 3: Pearson's correlation in Player 2 (a) and 3 (b).
This study allowed us to evaluate, even if in
preliminary form and on a sample of only three
subjects, the reliability of a system for distance
assessment in the forehand based on a single inertial
sensor applied on the athlete through a chest strap.
The measurements were reliable, and a strong,
significant correlation was found between torso tilt
and lateral distance. The correlation found confirms
what was logically hypothesized at the beginning of
the study: a proper distance from the ball may allow
for better body weight transfer through forward torso
tilt, as opposed to distances that are too short. It
should be considered from a simple observation that
icSPORTS 2024 - 12th International Conference on Sport Sciences Research and Technology Support
amateur players generally tend not to position
themselves at a sufficient distance from the ball. In
the face of these results, the study opens new on-court
applications for improving amateur tennis
performance through personalized feedback. Indeed,
it is possible to develop, via the SDK provided by the
manufacturer, simple mobile apps connected via
Bluetooth to the sensor that can indicate a customized
correction in real-time. The study's main limitation is
the small number of subjects, which will need to be
expanded. Furthermore, in this study, only the
forehand technique was examined without analyzing
the stroke result, and because of the need to
standardize the investigation protocol, a single
structured situation was assessed, and not all possible
game situations that may occur during a match were
This preliminary study found a strong correlation
between the torso tilt detected by the IMU system and
the lateral distance to the ball at the impact point. This
bodes well for how a sensorized chest strap can aid
the technician in assessing the individual optimal
distance to the ball in the forehand of amateur tennis
players. Subsequent studies are needed to develop the
system's full potential, broaden the investigation's
sampling, and examine all game fundamentals.
The authors are grateful to "Saroli Club" Castel
Gandolfo (Rome Italy) for permitting them to take
the measurements within their facilities. The
availability and support provided in the research to
the Saroli family, coach Matteo Petrolati, and the
participants of the study
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