amateur players generally tend not to position
themselves at a sufficient distance from the ball. In
the face of these results, the study opens new on-court
applications for improving amateur tennis
performance through personalized feedback. Indeed,
it is possible to develop, via the SDK provided by the
manufacturer, simple mobile apps connected via
Bluetooth to the sensor that can indicate a customized
correction in real-time. The study's main limitation is
the small number of subjects, which will need to be
expanded. Furthermore, in this study, only the
forehand technique was examined without analyzing
the stroke result, and because of the need to
standardize the investigation protocol, a single
structured situation was assessed, and not all possible
game situations that may occur during a match were
This preliminary study found a strong correlation
between the torso tilt detected by the IMU system and
the lateral distance to the ball at the impact point. This
bodes well for how a sensorized chest strap can aid
the technician in assessing the individual optimal
distance to the ball in the forehand of amateur tennis
players. Subsequent studies are needed to develop the
system's full potential, broaden the investigation's
sampling, and examine all game fundamentals.
The authors are grateful to "Saroli Club" Castel
Gandolfo (Rome – Italy) for permitting them to take
the measurements within their facilities. The
availability and support provided in the research to
the Saroli family, coach Matteo Petrolati, and the
participants of the study
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Impact Distance Detection in Tennis Forehand by an Inertial System