Searching Dark Matter Candidate Based on the State-of-Art
Facilities: Evidence from WIMPs and ALPs
Yingxu Zhao
Department of Astrophysics, Mcmaster University, Hamilton, Canada
Keywords: Dark Matter Search, WIMPs, ALPs.
Abstract: In contemporary astrophysics and cosmology, dark matter (DM) remains one of the most fundamental
mysteries, derived from its gravitational pull-on radiation, observable matter, and the universe's large-scale
structure. This study explores recent advancements in detecting DM candidates, focusing on WIMPs and
ALPs. Significant progress in WIMP detection is highlighted by the TREX-DM detector achieving a low
energy threshold and background level, enabling the exploration of sub-GeV WIMPs. Similarly,
advancements in ALP detection have been marked by innovative experiments leveraging strong magnetic
fields and novel techniques like nuclear magnetic resonance. These methods have improved sensitivity limits
and explored previously uncharted mass ranges and coupling constants. The continual refinement in detection
technologies and methodologies drives deeper investigations into DM properties. These advancements not
only set stringent limits on DM interaction cross-sections but also open new avenues for exploration in the
search for elusive DM candidates. This research is important because it can unravel the characteristics of DM,
advancing a thorough knowledge of the genesis and development of the universe and directing upcoming
astrophysical and cosmological research projects.
Dark matter (DM) is one of the most profound
mysteries in modern astrophysics and cosmology. Its
gravitational pull-on radiation, observable matter,
and the universe's large-scale structure suggests its
existence. The concept of DM was first proposed by
Fritz Zwicky in the 1930s, when he observed the
peculiar motion of galaxies within the Coma Cluster,
suggesting the presence of unseen mass to account for
the observed gravitational effects (Zwicky, 1937).
For decades, evidence for DM has cumulated through
various astro observations, such as cosmic microwave
background (CMB) radiation, gravitational lensing,
and galaxy rotational curves (Rubin, 1970).
The significance of DM research is very crucial.
It is estimated that DM makes up roughly 27% of the
universe's total mass-energy content, this is in stark
contrast to 5% baryons which is ordinary matter. For
a complete picture of the creation and evolution of the
universe, understanding DM is essential (Bertone,
2018). Its elusive nature challenges the current
understanding of physics, pointing to potential new
particles and interactions beyond the Standard Model.
Recent developments in WIMPs detection have
been marked by the deployment of highly sensitive
detectors designed to identify rare interactions
between WIMPs and ordinary matter. The TREX-
DM detector has shown promising results through
reaching a background level of 80 counts
in the 1 to 7 keV range, and a low
energy threshold of 1 keV. This sensitivity makes it
possible to investigate WIMPs with masses smaller
than 1 𝐺𝑒𝑉/𝑐
, which is a breakthrough in the area
(Castel, 2024). Ongoing improvements in reducing
background noise and lowering energy thresholds are
expected to further enhance the sensitivity of WIMP
detection. Parallel to WIMP research, Considerable
advancements have been achieved in the hunt for
ALPs. Considerable advancements have been
achieved in the hunt for ALPs, which are considered
another well-motivated DM candidate (Castel, 2024).
Current experiments have leveraged strong magnetic
fields to detect the electromagnetic interactions of
ALPs. A study using ferromagnets and SQUIDs
Zhao, Y.
Searching Dark Matter Candidate Based on the State-of-Art Facilities: Evidence from WIMPs and ALPs.
DOI: 10.5220/0013074900004601
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Innovations in Applied Mathematics, Physics and Astronomy (IAMPA 2024), pages 276-281
ISBN: 978-989-758-722-1
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
(Superconducting Quantum Interference Devices)
has pushed the boundaries of detection sensitivity,
improving restrictions in specific mass ranges on the
ALP-photon coupling constant (Gramolin, 2020).
These experiments have begun to explore the mass
and coupling regions where ALPs might explain
anomalies in TeV gamma-ray transparency, thus
opening new avenues in DM research. Previous
studies have also employed novel techniques like
nuclear magnetic resonance and spin-based
amplifiers to detect ALPs, significantly improving the
constraints on ALP-photon coupling. The
NASDUCK collaboration has achieved
unprecedented sensitivity in detecting the interactions
of ALPs with nucleons, covering a previously
unexplored mass range (Bloch, 2023).
The motivation for this research stems from the
ongoing gaps in the knowledge of the composition
and characteristics of DM. Despite extensive efforts,
the identity of DM remains unknown. This research
aims to contribute to the ongoing quest by exploring
various detection methods and theoretical models. By
synthesizing recent experimental results and
theoretical developments, this study seeks to provide
a comprehensive overview and propose new avenues
for investigation. The rest part of the paper is
organized as follows. The Sec. 2 introduces the
definition and classification of DM, including
potential candidates like WIMPs and axions, and their
theoretical underpinnings. The Sec. 3 focuses on the
theoretical description of axions, including Feynman
diagrams and scattering cross-sections, detection
methods, and typical instruments. It will present
recent results and include figures from relevant
studies. The Sec. 4 covers WIMPs, detailing their
theoretical framework, detection principles, and key
experiments. Recent findings will be discussed, with
accompanying charts and graphs from recent
literature. The Sec. 5 explores other DM candidates,
their theoretical models, and detection techniques.
Recent results will be illustrated with figures from
studies conducted in the past few years. The Sec. 6
discusses the current limitations of DM research and
outline potential future directions for overcoming
these challenges. Eventually, a conclude remark is
given in Sec. 7.
Since DM doesn't emit, absorb, or reflect light, it is
invisible to telescopic technology as they exist now.
Even though its invisible, the gravitational pull of DM
on observable matter, such galaxies and stars,
suggests that DM exists. Fritz Zwicky first put up the
concept of DM in the 1930s when he noticed that a
galaxy's motion within clusters indicated the presence
of unseen mass, significantly exceeding the mass of
observable objects (Zwicky, 1937).
DM is broadly categorized into two types: cold
DM (CDM) and hot DM (HDM). CDM consists of
relatively massive particles that move slowly, while
HDM includes lighter particles that travel at higher
velocities (Press, 1990). For Cold Dark Matter
WIMPs. Among the most well-liked CDM
contenders, WIMPs are hypothesized to interact
only via gravity and the weak nuclear force.
Their masses range from a few 𝐺𝑒𝑉/𝑐
to a few
Axions. Axions are hypothetical particles with
extremely low masses, suggested as a solution
to strong CP problem in QCD. If they exist,
axions could also form part of the CDM (Peccei,
For Hot Dark Matter (HDM), there are some Light
Neutrinos. Early cosmological models considered
light neutrinos as potential HDM candidates.
Neutrinos are very light, travel at relativistic speeds,
and contribute minimally to the overall DM density
(Press, 1990).
The most auspicious applicants for DM include
WIMPs and axions. WIMPs are one of the leading
contenders for DM. They exclusively interact through
gravity and the weak nuclear force; neither the strong
nuclear force nor the electromagnetic force is
involved. WIMPs are classified as CDM due to their
relatively large mass and slow movement compared
to the speed of light. The "freeze-out" mechanism
describes how WIMPs decoupled from the thermal
equilibrium of the early cosmos, leading to the DM
density observed today. The density parameter for
WIMPs can be expressed as:
~(3 ×
) (1)
Here, Ω
denotes the density parameter, h denotes the
Hubble constant, σ
v denotes the average
interaction cross-section multiplied by the velocity
(Press, 1990). Axions are lightweight hypothetical
particles initially proposed to address the strong CP
problem in QCD. It is anticipated that their masses
will vary between 10
eV and 10
eV. Axions
interact weakly with photons, which allows indirect
detection methods. The density parameter for axions
can be described by the equation:
Where Ωa is the density parameter, fa is the Peccei-
Quinn symmetry-breaking scale (Peccei, 1977).
Searching Dark Matter Candidate Based on the State-of-Art Facilities: Evidence from WIMPs and ALPs
Despite the fact that DM cannot be seen directly, it is
supported substantiated by cosmological
observations and gravitational effects. Candidates
such as WIMPs and axions offer plausible
explanations for DM. Ongoing and future
experiments aim to reveal more about the
characteristics of DM, advancing the comprehension
of the universe's composition and evolution.
ALPs are hypothesized to address the strong CP
problem in QCD. They are pseudoscalar bosons with
no intrinsic spin. The axion-photon exchange is
described by the Lagrangian:
where a denotes the axion field, gaγγ denotes the
axion-photon coupling constant, 𝐹
denotes the
electromagnetic field tensor, and 𝐹
is its dual.
Feynman diagrams depict axion interactions, like the
conversion of photons to axions in a magnetic field
(Preskill, 1983).
A number of experimental strategies designed in
order to identify ALPs and axions., mainly relying on
their weak coupling to photons. Common methods
Haloscope Searches. In these studies, axions are
converted into observable photons by use of
high-quality-factor microwave cavities
submerged in a strong magnetic field.
Helioscope Searches. These involve telescopes
intended to use a high magnetic field to
transform axions created in the Sun into X-rays,
which would then be detected.
LSW Experiments. These experiments involve
shining a laser beam at a wall where axions are
expected to convert to photons, which can then
be detected on the other side of the wall.
Axion Interferometry. This method exploits the
interference patterns produced by axion-
modulated laser beams in optical cavities
(Gramolin, 2020).
For typical detectors, there are several follows:
ADMX. This haloscope experiment makes
advantage of a microwave cavity inside a strong
magnetic field to find axion-photon conversion
at specific resonance frequencies corresponding
to the axion mass range of interest.
CAST. A helioscope that aims to find axions
created in the Sun by their conversion to X-rays
using a powerful magnet (Gramolin, 2020).
ABRACADABRA. This experiment looks for
axion DM by detecting the magnetic fields
induced by axions in a toroidal magnet
The SHAFT experiment demonstrated significant
improvements in response to DM that is axion-like.
The experiment enhanced the static magnetic field by
using toroidal magnets with ferromagnetic powder
cores made of iron-nickel alloy. The setup involved
two independent detection channels with stacked
toroids, each magnetized to create an oscillating
magnetic field detectable by SQUID magnetometers.
Results showed improved limits on a wide mass range
of the axion-photon coupling constant (Gramolin,
2020). The ADBC experiment proposed a novel
approach to interferometry employing a birefringent
cavity to detect axion-modulated laser light. Over a
broad range of axion masses, this architecture
improves sensitivity to the axion-photon coupling,
Using a realistic bowtie cavity design with adjustable
mirror angles. The expected limits on the axion
coupling from this experiment indicate significant
improvements over previous methods (Gramolin,
The results from these experiments typically
include exclusion plots showing the limitations of the
axion-photon coupling constant gaγγ in relation to the
mass of the axion ma. These plots help illustrate the
sensitivity improvements and the parameter space
explored by each experiment. Fig. 1 is an example of
a graphical representation from the SHAFT
experiment. It shows the axion-photon coupling
strength exclusion limits for various axion masses,
demonstrating the enhanced sensitivity of the SHAFT
experiment compared to previous limits set by the
CAST helioscope and other experiments (Gramolin,
Figure 1: Graphical representation from the SHAFT
experiment for searching cross sections (Gramolin, 2020).
IAMPA 2024 - International Conference on Innovations in Applied Mathematics, Physics and Astronomy
WIMPs are an ideal candidate for DM, arising
naturally in supersymmetric models as the lightest
supersymmetric particle. They communicate using
gravity and the weak nuclear force, and their
theoretical framework can be illustrated using
Feynman diagrams. A common interaction is the
destruction of WIMPs into particles in the Standard
Model through intermediate states like the Z boson or
the Higgs boson. The effective Lagrangian describing
WIMP interactions includes terms such as:
+ . .. (4)
where LSM represents the standard model
Lagrangian, 𝑊
represents the gauge group
SU(2)L (U(1)Y) field strength tensor, D denotes the
covariant derivative, while m represents the WIMP's
mass. The scattering cross-section, crucial for
detection, can be calculated using these interactions,
often focusing on spin-independent or spin-
dependent interactions depending on the experiment
(Fukuda, 2024).
There are several methods for detection:
Direct Detection. Measures the recoil energy of
nuclei after scattering with WIMPs. Key
principles include:
Elastic Scattering. WIMPs elastically scatter off
target nuclei, transferring kinetic energy.
Threshold Energy. Detectors are sensitive to
specific recoil energy thresholds to distinguish
WIMP interactions from background noise
(Fukuda, 2024).
Indirect Detection. Searches for WIMP
annihilation or decay products, such as
neutrinos, gamma rays, or positrons.
Cosmic Ray Observations. Observatories
monitor excesses in cosmic rays which may
indicate WIMP annihilation.
Neutrino Telescopes. Detect neutrinos from the
Sun's or Earth's WIMP annihilations (Fukuda,
Collider Searches. Producing WIMPs in high-
energy collisions, inferred by missing
transverse energy (MET).
Mono-jet and Mono-photon Channels.
Characterized by a single high-energy jet or
photon and large MET, indicative of WIMPs
escaping detection (Fukuda, 2024).
Typical detectors are as follows:
TREX-DM. Using a high-pressure gas TPC with
Micromegas readout for detecting low-mass WIMPs.
Operated at the Canfranc Underground Laboratory, it
aims to achieve low background levels and energy
thresholds (Castel, 2024; Fukuda, 2024).
XENON1T. A liquid xenon detector designed for
ultra-low background levels, searching for WIMP-
induced nuclear recoils.
LUX-ZEPLIN (LZ). Another liquid xenon detector,
an upgrade from LUX, with improved sensitivity to
WIMP interactions (Fukuda, 2024).
The TREX-DM experiment has achieved significant
milestones in WIMP detection. The detector, with an
active volume filled with argon or neon mixtures,
demonstrated the ability to attain an 80 counts
ke 𝑉
background level and a low
energy threshold of 1 keVee. Recent developments
include a new readout plane integrating GEM and
Micromegas technologies with the goal of achieve
single-electron ionization energy thresholds. These
developments set up TREX-DM to investigate WIMP
masses lower than 1 GeV/c
. Future muon colliders
offer promising prospects for WIMP detection
through both direct and indirect methods. Indirect
detection benefits from analyzing the elastic µ+µ+
scattering's angular distribution, with beam
polarization enhancing sensitivity. Studies indicate
that with sufficient luminosity and beam polarization,
these colliders could probe thermal WIMP masses,
including the 2.7 TeV wino and 1 TeV Higgsino,
highlighting their potential in improving the
comprehension of DM (Fukuda, 2024). Fig. 2
demonstrates how the scattering cross-section's
angular distribution is impacted by the WIMP, with
polarization enhancing detection sensitivity.
Figure 2: Δ(θ) for various WIMP candidates
(Higgsino, Wino, 5-plet minimal dark matter) at
sqrt(s) = 10 TeV. The solid and dashed lines represent
unpolarized and polarized (Pµ+ = 0.8) initial muons,
respectively (Fukuda, 2024).
Searching Dark Matter Candidate Based on the State-of-Art Facilities: Evidence from WIMPs and ALPs
Sterile neutrinos are hypothetical neutrinos that
interact without using the weak force, making them
hard to detect. They could have been created in the
early universe by oscillations from active neutrinos.
Their interactions can be represented by Feynman
diagrams showing the transition from active to sterile
neutrinos and vice versa (Akerib, 2020). The LZ
experiment is a state-of-the-art direct detection search
for WIMPs DM. It is a successor to the LUX and
ZEPLIN-III experiments and is designed to explore
WIMP-nucleon interactions with unprecedented
WIMPs are hypothesized to interact with ordinary
matter through weak nuclear forces. These
interactions can be described using Feynman
diagrams, which depict the WIMP interacting with a
nucleon through the mediator particle's exchange,
such as a Z boson. The SI WIMP-nucleon cross-
section is a crucial element for characterizing these
interactions. The LZ experiment has set stringent
limits on this cross-section, particularly rejecting
values above 9.2 × 10
at a 36GeV/cm
WIMP mass with 90% confidence (Aalbers, 2023).
The LZ detector employs a dual-phase xenon TPC to
search the characteristic low-energy nuclear recoils
(NR) caused by WIMP interactions. The TPC is
protected by a 4300-meter-water-equivalent
overburden at the SURF in Lead, South Dakota
(Aalbers, 2023). The detection process involves two
primary signals:
Scintillation Light (S1): Prompt photons
produced by the interaction.
Ionization Electrons (S2): Electrons freed from
xenon atoms, which drift to the liquid-gas
interface and generate secondary scintillation in
the gas phase.
It is possible to distinguish between NR and ER
using the ratio of S2 to S1, the latter being mainly due
to background radiation (Aalbers,2023) (Akerib,
2020). The LZ TPC is a cylindrical chamber with a
diameter and height of around 1.5 meters, filled by10
tonnes of liquid xenon. It is monitored by the top and
bottom of the chamber are equipped with arrays of
494 PMTs to detect S1 and S2 signals (Aalbers, 2023).
To reduce background noise, the TPC is encircled by
two additional detectors. A liquid xenon "skin"
detector between the cryostat wall and the TPC,
comprising 38 2-inch and 93 1-inch PMTs. An outer
detector comprising 17 tons of liquid scintillator filled
with gadolinium to absorb neutrons (Aalbers, 2023;
Akerib, 2020).
In its first 60 live days of operation, LZ's search
data showed no significant WIMP signal, resulting in
increased upper bounds on the cross-sections of
WIMP-nucleon. The spin-independent WIMP-
nucleon cross-section was given the strictest
constraint, particularly for a WIMP mass of 36
(Aalbers,2023). The following plot from
the experiment illustrates the spin-independent
WIMP cross-section vs WIMP mass with a 90%
confidence level as depicted in Fig. 3. The LUX-
ZEPLIN experiment signifies a significant milestone
in DM research. By utilizing advanced detection
methods and sophisticated instrumentation, it has
achieved remarkable sensitivity in probing WIMP
interactions, setting stringent limits on their possible
cross-sections. These efforts contribute to narrowing
down the parameter space for WIMPs and guide
future explorations in the quest to understand DM.
Figure 3: The WIMP cross-section's upper limit
(black line), where the 1σ and 2σ sensitivity bands are
indicated, respectively, by the green and yellow bands.
(Aalbers, 2023).
Despite significant advances, DM research faces
several limitations. One primary challenge is the
absence of direct detection, even with highly sensitive
experiments such as TREX-DM and LUX-ZEPLIN.
These experiments have only been able to set upper
limits on interaction cross-sections, indicating the
need for even more sensitive detectors and innovative
techniques to reduce background noise and lower
energy thresholds. Theoretical uncertainties further
complicate the search for DM. The vast parameter
space of potential DM particle masses and interaction
strengths means that current experiments may not be
probing the correct ranges. This ambiguity makes it
IAMPA 2024 - International Conference on Innovations in Applied Mathematics, Physics and Astronomy
challenging to design experiments that are both
comprehensive and sufficiently sensitive.
Despite these challenges, the prospects for DM
research are promising. Future experiments, such as
upgrades to existing detectors like LUX-ZEPLIN and
ADMX, aim to enhance sensitivity and explore new
parameter spaces. Innovations in detector technology,
including novel materials and quantum sensing
techniques, hold potential for breakthroughs in both
WIMP and axion searches. Interdisciplinary
collaborations and the integration of theoretical and
experimental efforts are expected to accelerate
progress. Advances in computational techniques,
particularly machine learning, can help analyze vast
datasets to identify potential DM signals amidst
background noise. Theoretical advancements in
understanding particle interactions and cosmological
implications will guide future experimental designs.
International collaborations will be crucial in
overcoming financial and technological barriers.
Projects like the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) and
future muon colliders offer complementary
approaches to DM research, potentially providing
indirect evidence through particle collisions and
decay signatures.
In summary, while DM research faces significant
limitations, ongoing technological advancements,
interdisciplinary efforts, and international
collaborations provide a hopeful outlook for future
discoveries. By continuing to push the frontiers of
detection capabilities and exploring novel theoretical
models, the scientific community is poised to make
significant strides in comprehending DM.
In summary, DM remains one of the biggest puzzles
in contemporary cosmology and astrophysics. This
study has provided a comprehensive overview of DM
research, concentrating on the leading candidates,
WIMPs and axions. It detailed their theoretical
underpinnings, detection methods, and recent
experimental advancements. Despite extensive
efforts, direct detection has not been achieved,
underscoring the challenges posed by DM's elusive
nature. However, significant progress has been made
in setting stringent limits on interaction cross-sections
and improving detection sensitivity. Looking forward,
the prospects for DM research are promising. Future
experiments, technological innovations, and
interdisciplinary collaborations are expected to
enhance sensitivity and explore new parameter spaces,
bringing us closer to a potential breakthrough. The
research's significance rests in its capacity to reveal
fundamental aspects of the universe's composition
and evolution. A thorough understanding of DM is
essential to understanding cosmic history, making
this research essential for advancing the knowledge
of the universe and guiding future explorations in the
quest to comprehend DM.
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Searching Dark Matter Candidate Based on the State-of-Art Facilities: Evidence from WIMPs and ALPs