Analysis and Comparison of the State-of-Art Telescopes:
Evidence from JWST, EHT and FGST
Yuxuan Hong
Ranney School, New Jersey, U.S.A.
Keywords: Telescope, EHT, JWST, FGST.
Abstract: As a matter of fact, the telescope has been a crucial tool in advancing astronomical knowledge since its
invention in the early 17th century. From Hans Lippershey's initial patents to Galileo Galilei's improvements,
the telescope has undergone a substantial evolution, reaching its current state as a sophisticated and innovative
instrument. These developments have facilitated a more profound comprehension of the universe, enabling
the observation of galaxies, stars, and planets, and have also propelled the investigation of dark matter and
energy. This paper examines the significant contributions and prospects of three advanced telescopes: the
James Webb Space Telescope (JWST), the Event Horizon Telescope (EHT), and the Fermi Gamma-ray Space
Telescope (FGST). Through a comparative analysis of their research outcomes and technical specifications,
this study elucidates their role in contemporary astronomical research. Furthermore, this research discusses
the current challenges and the potential for future innovations that will continue to advance the understanding
of the universe.
The telescope has been a seminal instrument in
advancing astronomical knowledge since its
inception in the early 17th century. In 1608, Hans
Lippershey, a Dutch eyeglass maker, submitted a
patent to the Dutch Parliament, which, at the time,
was the highest authority in the country. Therefore,
Lippershey is considered the first to invent the
telescope. However, the Dutch Parliament should
have regarded as Hans's knowledge of the device.
Subsequent reports from that period were
disseminated, and in 1609, the Italian scientist Galileo
Galilei implemented structural modifications to the
telescope based on Hans Lippershey's account.
Galileo constructed his initial telescope
(subsequently designated the "Galilean telescope")
with a convex objective lens and a concave eyepiece.
He utilized this instrument to conduct a substantial
number of astronomical observations. Such
observations included the discovery that Venus
revolves around the Sun. This challenged the
geocentric model and supported the heliocentric
theory proposed by Nicolaus Copernicus. These
findings laid the foundation for modern astronomy.
The design and capabilities of telescopes have
undergone significant evolutions over the years.
These evolutions have encompassed a range of
innovations, from the simple refracting telescope
used by Galileo to the reflecting telescope invented
by Isaac Newton and on to the space telescopes. All
these innovations have greatly enriched mankind's
understanding of the universe. The successful
launches of the HST and the JWST have further
advanced the frontiers of astronomical research.
Telescopes are essential in basic astronomical
research, helping scientists observe and study
galaxies, stars, and planets and making significant
contributions to exploring the origin of the universe,
dark matter, and dark energy, among other areas. For
example, observations from the HST have helped to
confirm the accelerated expansion of the universe. At
the same time, the JWST has excellent performance
in infrared observations and is capable of capturing
information about the more distant and earlier
In recent years, significant advancements have
been made in the field of telescopes. Notable among
Hong, Y.
Analysis and Comparison of the State-of-Art Telescopes: Evidence from JWST, EHT and FGST.
DOI: 10.5220/0013075400004601
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Innovations in Applied Mathematics, Physics and Astronomy (IAMPA 2024), pages 300-306
ISBN: 978-989-758-722-1
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
these are the JWST, the EHT, and the FGST, which
may be considered the three most representative
advanced telescopes. The JWST was successfully
launched in 2021 (Dicken et al., 2024). The JWST's
primary strengths lie in infrared astronomy. Due to its
considerable dimensions, the JWST is equipped with
instruments of exceptional sensitivity and resolution,
enabling astronomers to study the initial galaxies and
stars in the universe, thereby providing further ideas
into the formation and evolution of the universe
Crompvoets et al., 2023). The telescope's achievements
extend beyond the observation of the formation of
stars and galaxies. Its contributions to the
understanding of phenomena, such as the formation
of the universe, are also significant. The EHT is a
network of multiple radio telescopes worldwide
Akiyama et al., 2021a). It is a global network of radio
observatories or radio telescope facilities that enables
high-resolution observations using Very-long-
baseline Interferometry (VLBI). The underlying
principle is to utilize a multitude of radio antennas in
a phased array configuration, thereby achieving a
larger effective aperture and enhanced angular
resolution. In 2019, the EHT achieved the first-ever
capture of a black hole event horizon, measuring it at
a wavelength of 1.3 millimeters and attaining a
theoretical diffraction-limited resolution of 25
microarcseconds. The black hole is situated at the
core of Messier 87 and is designated M87* (Patel et
al., 2022). This achievement has been celebrated as a
significant advancement in astronomical research,
significantly enhancing the understanding of black
holes and their environment. Moreover, it constituted
a test of Einstein's general theory of relativity. FGST,
previously designated the Gamma-ray Large Area
Space Telescope (GLAST), is a space-based
observatory designed to study high-energy gamma
rays. The spacecraft was successfully launched in
June 2008 and was named in honor of the renowned
physicist Enrico Fermi. It is a space observatory
whose principal function is the observation of gamma
rays in low Earth orbit. The observatory houses two
principal instruments: the Large Area Telescope
(LAT), which is used to study active galactic nuclei,
pulsars, and dark matter, and the Gamma-ray Burst
Monitor (GBM), which is employed to examine
gamma-ray bursts and solar flares.
As a fundamental instrument in astronomical
research, telescope technology's ongoing
advancement and implementation plays a pivotal role
in propelling scientific progress. The objective of this
paper is to examine the significant contributions and
prospective avenues of advancement of the three
cutting-edge telescopes (JWST, EHT, and FGST) in
contemporary astronomical research. This will be
achieved through a comparative analysis of their
research outcomes and technical specifications.
Additionally, the paper will present a comprehensive
overview of the telescopes and discuss the constraints
inherent to existing telescopes. The rest part is
organized as follows. Sec. 2 gives an introduction to
the definition, classification, development, and
number of telescopes. Sec. 3 focuses on the JWST,
focusing on its use, principles, instruments, and
recent results. Sec. 4 presents a detailed examination
of the EHT, encompassing its applications,
underlying principles, instrumentation, and recent
outcomes. Sec. 5 presents a detailed examination of
the FGST, encompassing its applications, underlying
principles, instrumentation, and recent outcomes.
Sec. 6 shows an examination of the constraints of
contemporary telescopes and proposals for future
developments. A brief summary is given in Sec. 7.
Telescopes are defined as devices that detect distant
objects by emitting, absorbing, or reflecting
electromagnetic radiation from them. The
fundamental concept is to utilize a lens or reflector to
collect and focus electromagnetic radiation, thereby
creating an enlarged image that enables the human
eye or other detectors to observe greater detail. The
visible light band does not constrain telescopes, but
rather, they encompass the entirety of the
electromagnetic spectrum, extending from radio
waves to gamma rays. The term "telescope" was first
used by the Greek mathematician Giovanni
Demisiani in 1611 to describe an instrument that was
subsequently provided to Galileo. The word "tele" is
derived from the Greek word for "far," while
"skopein" means "to see." Thus, the term "teleskopos"
can be translated as "to see far."
Telescopes can be classified according to three
primary criteria: their working principle, observing
bands, and intended use. Refracting telescope
employs a lens as an objective lens to refract light,
thereby forming an image. This particular telescope
design enjoyed considerable popularity during the
late 19th century, but is now more commonly
employed in other optical devices, including
binoculars and telephoto lenses. Reflecting telescope
employs a combination of single or multiple curved
mirrors to reflect light and form an image. The
inaugural reflecting telescope was devised by Isaac
Newton in the 17th century; however, it was still
imperfect and generated optical aberrations. The HST
Analysis and Comparison of the State-of-Art Telescopes: Evidence from JWST, EHT and FGST
employs this technique. Catadioptric Telescopes
integrates the principles of refraction and reflection
with lenses and mirrors that function in conjunction
to reduce aberration and chromatic aberration and
enhance image quality.
The classifications according to the observation
wavelength is as follows. Optical telescope collects
and gathers light from the visible part of the
electromagnetic spectrum. Three methods are
employed to generate images: refraction, reflection,
and retroreflection. Radio telescopes are employed to
observe radio waves, with large dish antennas
typically utilized to collect and focus radio wave
signals. These devices possess a single receiver,
which can record a single signal. Infrared detectors
and cooling systems can be employed to observe the
infrared band and reduce thermal noise. All celestial
objects have a temperature are observed to emit
electromagnetic radiation. Ultraviolet telescopes are
used to observe in the ultraviolet band, and they must
be operated in space since most of the ultraviolet light
is absorbed by the atmosphere. X-ray telescopes are
used to observe the X-ray band, employing special
mirrors and detectors to focus and detect high-energy
X-rays. Gamma-ray telescopes are used to observe
the gamma-ray spectrum, and they utilize coded
aperture masks to generate images. They are typically
mounted in Earth orbit.
According to the usage location, they can be
categories as follows. Ground-based telescopes are
mounted on the Earth's surface. They typically have
large-aperture mirrors and advanced observing
techniques, as well as advanced optical systems for
data acquisition and analysis. They are less expensive
than space-based telescopes and can be easily
upgraded and maintained, such as the European
Southern Observatory (ESO) in Chile. Challenges
include atmospheric interference and limited
observations due to weather or seasons. Space-based
telescopes are installed outside the Earth's
atmosphere, such as the HST and the JWST. The
advantages are that there is no Earth's atmosphere to
interfere with the instrument's camera, it has a very
stable window, and different wavelengths can be
detected by different telescopes. The disadvantages
are that space telescopes are expensive to launch and
build, and have a very short lifetime. Space telescopes
are difficult to maintain and upgrade compared to
ground-based telescopes.
The technology and applications of telescopes
have continued to develop and expand, and since the
mid-20th century, advances in electronics and
computer technology have greatly increased the
power and resolution of telescopes. Computers can
help people make simulations and predictions.
Modern optical telescopes have evolved to use
adaptive optics, astigmatism, and optical
interferometry to overcome atmospheric disturbances
and greatly improve image resolution. Large ground-
based optical telescopes such as the Keck Telescope
and the Very Large Telescope are representative.
Radio telescope arrays such as the VLA in the United
States and the FAST in China are among the
telescopes. They have achieved significant results in
the search for dark matter and black holes. The JWST
is the most advanced infrared space telescope
available and will advance the study of the early
universe and galaxy formation; the Nancy Grace-
Roman Space Telescope, to be launched around 2027,
will be in a Sun-Earth L orbit.
There are a number of ground-based and space-
based telescopes located around the world and in
space. Ground-based telescopes are mainly located in
areas that are less affected by the Earth's atmosphere
and less air pollution, such as Hawaii, the Atacama
Desert in Chile, and the Canary Islands. Space
telescopes are mainly located in Low Earth orbit or
deeper space, such as HST and JWST, which one is
in Low Earth orbit and one is in Sun-Earth L2 orbit.
According to statistics, there are 29 active space
telescopes and over 350 ground-based telescopes.
JWST uses MIRI (Mid Infrared Instrument),
NIRCam (Near Infrared Camera), NIRISS (Near
Infrared Imager and Slitless Spectrograph) and
NIRSpec (Near Infrared Spectrograph) as imaging
methods. In wavelength range 0.6μm<λ<5μm,
NIRCam will be responsible for imaging by using
modes of parallel or primary. In wavelength range
0.8μm <λ<5μm, NIRISS will be responsible for
imaging by using modes of parallel or primary (Lau
et al. 2024). In wavelength range 5.6μm<λ<25.5μm,
NIRISS will be responsible for imaging by using
modes of parallel or primary. In wavelength range
0.6μm<λ<5.3μm, NIRSpec enables to analyze the
formation of galaxy and characteristics of stellar
populations (Whalen et al., 2012). MIRI’s FOV (field
of view) covers an area of 112.6” by 73.5”, which
covers wavelength from 5.6 to 25.5 μm. It has 9
broadband filters: F560W, F770W, F1000W,
F1130W, F1280W, F1500W, F1800W, F2100W,
F2550W (seen from Table 1).
IAMPA 2024 - International Conference on Innovations in Applied Mathematics, Physics and Astronomy
Table 1: All MIRI broadband filters are broadband
(λ/Δλ ~ 5) except F1130W, which isolates the 11.3μm
PAH emission feature (λ/Δλ ~ 16) explicitly.
Filter Name λ0 (
m) Feature(s)
F560W 5.6 Broadband Imaging
F770W 7.7 PAH, broadband imaging
F1000W 10 Silicate, broadband imaging
F1130W 11.3 PAH
F1280W 12.8 Broadband imaging
F1500W 15 Broadband imaging
F1800W 18 Silicate, broadband imaging
F2100W 21 Broadband imaging
F2550W 25.5 Broadband imaging
NIRCam’s FOV covers a 9.7 arcmin2 with range
of 0.6 2.3 μm (0.031"/pix) and 2.4
5.0 μm (0.063"/pix) . It is separated into two
channels: short wavelength channel and long
wavelength channel. In short wavelength, its FOV is
2 × 2.2’× 2.2’ with 4” – 5” gaps and imaging pixels
can reach 8 × 2040 ×2040 pixels. Its long wavelength
channel’s FOV is 2 × 2.2’× 2.2’ and imaging pixels
can reach 2 × 2040 ×2040 pixels. These two channels
allow it to peer through dust clouds that obscure
visible light, revealing objects and phenomena that
are hidden from view. It has 4 observing modes,
which cover a wavelength range from 0.8 – 5 μm.
Those four observing modes are WFSS, SOSS, AMI,
and Imaging. WFSS has wavelength coverage of
0.8 2.2 μm with pixel scale of 0.066”/ pixel
(arcsec/pixel). It has a FOV of 133×133 arcsec. Its
resolving power (𝑅 = 𝜆 𝛥𝜆) is 150 @ 1.4 μm.
SOSS has wavelength coverage of 0.6 2.8 μm with
pixel scale of 0.066"/pixel (arcsec/pixel). It uses a R
= λ/Δλ = 700 grism to disperse the light from the
target object into its constituent wavelengths without
the use of a slit. AMI has the highest spatial resolution
imaging which employs a mask with 7 small holes or
sub-apertures and turns the full aperture of JWST into
a interferometric array to analyze to reconstruct high-
resolution images. Its FOV is 5.2 × 5.2 arcsec with
pixel scale of 0.066” / pixel. Imaging mode allows
NIRISS to capture high-resolution images in the near-
infrared spectrum from wavelength range of 0.8 – 5
μm. Since NIRISS has 12 filters (except F158M),
NIRCam has correspond filter which can help
imaging. When NIRISS and NIRCam work at same
time for imaging, NIRISS will become the third
channel for NIRCam including long wavelength
channel and short wavelength channel. It designs to
perform spectroscopy in the near-infrared spectrum
from 0.6 5.3 μm within a 3.4 × 3.6 arcmin FOV,
using MSA, IFU, and FSs. Each observing mode have
different aperture or slit size (arcsec): MSA has
aperture of 0.20 × 0.46; IFU has aperture of 3.0 × 3.0;
FSs has three size 0.2 × 3.2, 0.4 × 3.65, 1.6 × 1.6; and
BOTS has aperture of 1.6 × 1.6. Their wavelength
coverage including range can also be separated into
five parts: 0.6-5.3 μm (prism), 0.7-1.27 μm (f070lp),
0.97-1.89 μm (f100lp) , 1.66-3.17 μm (f170lp) and
2.87-5.27 μm (f295lp).
The JWST is comprised of three primary
components: the spacecraft bus and sun shield, the
OTE, and the ISIM. The JWST is divided into two
sections: a 300K section facing the Sun and a 40K
section facing away from the Sun. The sun shield is
employed to safeguard the OTE and ISIM from solar
radiation, thus preventing overheating of the
equipment. Due to its capacity to permit only 1W of
heat transfer, the shield is capable of maintaining the
essential components of the telescope at the requisite
low temperatures without the use of consumable
refrigerants. This is made possible by its distinctive
five-layer polyimide film (such as Kapton), with each
layer coated with a reflective material to minimize
heat transfer. Each layer is approximately 21 meters
long and 14 meters wide.
In September 2023, the JWST identified the
presence of carbon-based molecules in the
atmosphere of the exoplanet K2-18 b, which is
hypothesized to possess an ocean. Prior research and
observations conducted with the HST have indicated
that the planet may be a "Hycean" world,
characterized by the presence of liquid water, which
is an essential component of life. K2-18 b has a radius
that is two to three times that of the Earth and is
situated approximately 120 light-years from the solar
system. The planet has a mass approximately 8.6
times that of Earth and is situated within the habitable
zone of its star, indicating that this region is neither
excessively hot nor cold. The most recent findings
indicate the presence of carbon dioxide and methane
in the atmosphere of K2-18 b, yet no ammonia has
been detected. This could be indicative of the
existence of a water-rich ocean beneath the hydrogen-
dominated atmosphere. This could contribute to the
understanding of the atmospheric and environmental
conditions of sub-Neptunian and Hycean worlds.
Analysis and Comparison of the State-of-Art Telescopes: Evidence from JWST, EHT and FGST
The EHT is a globally distributed network of radio
telescopes that employs a technique called Very Long
Baseline Interferometry (VLBI). This technique
enables the network to achieve extremely high
angular resolution by combining multiple long-range
radio telescopes to form an Earth-sized virtual
telescope. VLBI is a technique for observing the same
object by synchronizing radio telescopes situated at
disparate locations. The resolution of the system is
directly proportional to the baseline distance between
the telescopes (Zhang et al., 2024). Each telescope
collects and records a substantial quantity of radio
data (Psaltis, 2019). To guarantee the accuracy of the
data, an atomic clock, is utilized to provide an
accurate time reference. The data are transmitted to a
data center via a high-speed data chain, where the two
data sets are compared and multiplied by the speed of
light, thereby yielding the geometric distance along
the line of sight to the quasar. More precisely, the
VLBI can be considered to be a radio interferometer.
Two antennas are oriented towards the same location
in the sky, with the signal emitted by antenna 1 being
at a distance of τg greater than that of antenna 2. The
two signals are then multiplied together and averaged
into a correlator, which results in a complex number,
denoted phase by 2π𝜏𝑔𝑐/𝜆. Here, λ is the wavelength
of the received radio waves and c is the speed of light.
However, the resulting phase would be exceedingly
large. To reduce the phase to zero, it is sufficient to
introduce a compensating delay τg at the second
antenna, thereby enabling the array to alter its
orientation with respect to the target source in the sky,
despite the Earth's rotation. For HT, the radio
antennas are separated by considerable geographic
distances. These include the ALMA, APEX, the
IRAM 30-meter telescope, the JCMT, and the LMT.
These include the SMA, SMT, SPT, the Greenland
Telescope, the NOEMA in France, and the Arizona
ARO 12-meter Telescope at Kitt Peak. The EHT's
VLBI is now capable of observing at a wavelength of
1.3 millimeters, representing the shortest wavelength
currently available. At each site, it records radio
waves at a rate of 64 gigabits per second.
Image reconstruction is the process of converting
processed radio data into a visual representation. As
individual telescope observations are frequently
incomplete and noisy, image reconstruction
necessitates the application of sophisticated
algorithms and models to fill data gaps and remove
noise. This motivates the use of principal-component
interferometric modeling (PRIMO), which is trained
on a large number of accretion black hole simulation
images (
Akiyama et al., 2021a; Akiyama et al., 2021b).
This approach employs principal components
analysis (PCA) to achieve high-fidelity general
relativistic magnetohydrodynamic (GRMHD) results.
Subsequently, the data are subjected to analysis
employing the Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC)
PCA components of the Fourier transform of the
linear combination space. A sketch is shown in Fig.
Figure 1: The image on the far left depicts EHT's data
from 2017, the image in the middle represents the
result of reconstructing the image after PRIMO, and
the image on the far right is a combination of the two.
It is evident that the resolution has increased
significantly, and the diameter and bezel width have
decreased (
Akiyama et al., 2021a).
Since its inception, the EHT has yielded a number
of significant scientific findings, particularly in the
domain of supermassive black holes. The initial
outcome was the dissemination of the inaugural
image of the black hole situated at the nucleus of the
M87 galaxy. In April 2019, the EHT team published
the first photograph of a black hole, marking a
significant milestone in the history of astronomy. The
black hole is situated within the galaxy M87,
approximately 55 million light-years from Earth. In
the image, a bright ring-like structure with a dark
central region is evident, which is believed to
represent the event horizon of the black hole. This
validated Einstein's theory of general relativity and
furnished insights into the genesis and dynamics of
black hole jets. In 2023, the EHT released a new
image of the M87 black hole, created using the
PRIMO algorithm. The second result was an image of
Sagittarius A*, a black hole at the center of the Milky
Way (Medeiros et al., 2023). The image is of
markedly greater clarity, and the black hole is
observed to exhibit reduced activity, with an
accretion rate that is similarly low. The results
provide data regarding the event horizon of black
holes, the material in their vicinity, and the effects of
these phenomena.
IAMPA 2024 - International Conference on Innovations in Applied Mathematics, Physics and Astronomy
The imaging methodology employed by the Fermi
telescope is contingent upon the capabilities of its two
principal instruments: the Large Area Telescope
(LAT) and the Gamma-ray Burst Monitor (GBM).
The Large Area Telescope is responsible for the
capture and imaging of gamma rays from the
universe. It covers the energy range from about 20
MeV to more than 500 GeV, with a FOV of about 2.4
steradians. The process is comprised of four distinct
steps: gamma-ray detection, energy measurement,
orientation reconstruction, and image reconstruction.
Gamma rays interact with the telescope material,
creating electron-positron pairs that are detected by
LAT silicon microstrip detectors and trackers
(Thompson, 2022). Subsequently, the calorimeter
below measures the energy of these particles and
records the data. Following the collection and
subsequent software analysis of the gamma-ray
events, the data is converted into images of the
objects in order to facilitate their visualization. The
GBM represents the second principal instrument of
the FGST for the detection and study of GRBs. The
instrument is comprised of 14 scintillation detectors,
12 sodium iodide crystals (Nal), and two bismuth
germanate crystals (BGO), which collectively cover
the 10 keV - 40 MeV energy range. This also
guarantees that the FGST is capable of continuous
operation, always monitoring the sky and detecting
GRBs in a prompt manner. Moreover, the GBM can
measure the energy spectrum of gamma-ray bursts,
thereby confirming the energy distribution and
process of these bursts.
Although the FGST is still operational, it has
exceeded its design lifespan and has yielded
significant scientific insights in the field of
astrophysics. LAT observations have found
thousands of gamma-ray sources, including stars,
galaxies, and explosions. Additionally, the GBM has
detected a considerable number of gamma-ray bursts,
yielding a substantial corpus of data. The FGST has
fulfilled its intended purpose. Furthermore, the FGST
has detected gamma-ray signals from dark matter and
observed high-energy gamma rays. These
observations provide a crucial scientific foundation
for understanding the most extreme physical
processes in the universe.
A comparative analysis of the various telescopes
reveals that each is subject to inherent limitations. For
instance, the JWST is constrained by operational
temperature, field of view, and maintenance
requirements over its lifetime. The JWST relies
heavily on its sunshade and passive cooling system to
maintain its operation, as extremely low temperatures
are required to prevent the infrared (IR) detector from
being affected by thermal radiation. Secondly, the
JWST has a relatively narrow field of view, which
restricts its ability to observe a comprehensive area
simultaneously. If observations are to be made over a
large area of the sky, it is necessary to undertake
multiple observations, which are then spliced
together. This approach compromises both efficiency
and accuracy. Additionally, the JWST is situated at a
considerable distance from Earth, which will render
repairs to the telescope a challenging undertaking in
comparison to the Hubble telescope. The EHT is
constrained by the diameter of the Earth,
meteorological conditions, and the intricacy of the
data. Although the EHT's VLBI technology is highly
sophisticated, its largest span is the diameter of the
Earth, which represents the only viable means of
observing the target star. This renders observation of
certain minute or remote objects unfeasible.
Secondly, the EHT necessitates favorable
meteorological conditions across multiple regions
simultaneously, which is not a reliable or consistent
occurrence. In addition, the EHT requires the
processing of highly intricate data, which results in
the generation and analysis of images that are time-
consuming and laborious. Furthermore, the FGST is
constrained by limitations in energy range and
resolution. Its energy range extends from 20 MeV to
500 GeV, and it cannot observe gamma rays at either
lower or higher energies. Secondly, the spatial and
temporal resolutions of the FGST and LAT are
insufficient for observing subtle variations in
phenomena with efficiency.
The future of telescopes will likely involve
coordinated observations across multiple wavelength
bands and an increased demand for high-resolution
and sensitive instruments. By simultaneously
observing data in different bands, the telescope will
facilitate a more comprehensive understanding of the
physical properties of celestial objects and enable the
revelation of details that cannot be observed in a
single band. The resolution and sensitivity of a
telescope are the primary determinants of its
observational capability. The forthcoming generation
Analysis and Comparison of the State-of-Art Telescopes: Evidence from JWST, EHT and FGST
of telescopes, exemplified by the WFIRST, will
possess enhanced resolution and sensitivity, thereby
facilitating more comprehensive investigations of the
early universe and the center of the Milky Way.
The telescope has been a vital tool in the advancement
of astronomical knowledge since it was invented in
the early 17th century. The technology and
capabilities of telescopes have changed a lot over
time. Modern telescopes, such as the JWST, the EHT,
and the FGST, represent the cutting edge of
astronomical research today. The main strength of the
JWST lies in infrared astronomy, where its high
sensitivity and resolution allow it to study the initial
galaxies and stars in the universe. The EHT with
VLBI has captured an image of the black hole at the
center of the Galaxy M87. The FGST studies high-
energy gamma rays and other phenomena. The
successful launches and observations of these
telescopes have really moved the needle in
astronomy. They've helped scientists observe and
study galaxies, stars, planets, the origins of the
Universe, dark matter and dark energy, and more.
With further tech development, one will see even
more from these telescopes.
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IAMPA 2024 - International Conference on Innovations in Applied Mathematics, Physics and Astronomy