The ability to interoperate with external sources (par-
ticularly GraphBRAIN with OWL ontologies and
WoMan with SWRL rules (Redavid and Ferilli,
2023)) simplifies the acquisition of data and informa-
tion from existing healthcare systems.
Another important issue for telemedicine is the
availability of the back-end support described here.
By using it, it is also possible to capture information
from physician-patient interaction during remote vis-
its, as well as data from computer sensing, which is
critical to the goals to be achieved. The same tech-
nologies proposed in this paper are also able to ad-
dress these needs (Redavid et al., 2022). Different is
the security aspect where, however, good solutions,
especially when we talk about social networks de-
signed for CP consolidation, have been proposed (Pel-
licani et al., 2023).
In this paper, we have outlined a possible framework
that can handle existing or learned PDTA formalised
in the WoMan formalism. Through GraphBRAIN it
will be possible to handle different knowledge repre-
sentations and apply multi-strategic reasoning to im-
prove CP related to Health Records. Combining these
tools we can cover one of the fundamental require-
ments of National Plan for Chronic Care: an holis-
tic approach to managing the different dimensions of
care needs with a patient-centred analytical approach.
In a specific vision, the implementation of
NextGenerationEU program can be an opportunity to
converge toward a common line of CP management,
in a general vision, the idea that in any territory of the
European community, it is possible to know the treat-
ment path of a citizen of the community leads to a
greater awareness of being part of an evolution repre-
sented by the European Community itself. The holis-
tic approach underlying GraphBRAIN (Ferilli et al.,
2023) as well as the innovative AI approach to process
management (Ferilli et al., 2017b) enables a concrete
response to the problem we have been discussing. The
PNRR AMICA project is a good test case for imple-
menting the proposed approach. In future work, start-
ing from local solutions it will be possible to general-
ize them to seek valid solutions at the European level.
This work is partially supported by the Ministry of
Health, ’Trajectory 1 ‘Active & Healthy Ageing -
Technologies for Active Ageing and Home Care’ ini-
tiative, funded project: ‘AmICA: Intelligent holistic
care for aCtive Ageing in indoor and outdoor ecosys-
tems’ [Grant number T1-MZ-09].
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KEOD 2024 - 16th International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development