An Holistic Approach to Diagnostic and Therapeutic Care Pathways
Domenico Redavid
1 a
and Stefano Ferilli
2 b
Economics and Finance Department, University of Bari, Largo Abbazia S. Scolastica, Bari, 70124, Italy
Computer Science Department, University of Bari, Via E. Orabona 4, Bari, 70125, Italy
{domenico.redavid1, stefano.ferilli}
Ontologies, Graph Databases, Clinical Pathways.
The European Commission EU4Health program (2021-2027) is launched after the severe health crisis caused
by COVID-19 to support member states in long-term health challenges to build more resilient health systems
aimed at reducing inequalities in access to healthcare. In Italy, the PNRR program has among its goals the
enhancement of the Diagnostic Therapeutic Care Pathways, particularly their complete informatisation to re-
duce the gap currently present at the regional and, in some cases, at the hospital level. This paper describes a
possible AI framework as a starting point for a potential solution to this goal. The proposed solution involves
the use of GraphDB for information persistence and evolved process management methods for the implemen-
tation of Care Pathways.
At the European level, there are many community
programs activated to tackle chronic diseases and fu-
ture scenarios of possible non-sustainability of the
system in ensuring adequate levels of care. After
the severe health crisis from COVID-19, the Eu-
ropean Commission launched the EU4Health pro-
gram (2021-2027) (European Union, 2021) to sup-
port member states in long-term health challenges to
build more resilient health systems aimed at reducing
inequalities in access to healthcare. The programme
addresses the following four general objectives:
Improve and foster health,
Protect people,
Access to medicinal products, medical devices
and crisis-relevant products,
Strengthen health systems.
The last objective, most relevant to our area of com-
petence, contains these specific objectives:
Reinforcing health data, digital tools and services,
digital transformation of healthcare,
Enhancing access to healthcare,
Developing and implementing EU health legisla-
tion and evidence-based decision-making,
Integrated work among national health systems.
In Italy, the National Plan for Chronic Care (PNC)
(Italian Ministry of Health, 2016), issued in 2016 and
being updated in 2024 (Italian Ministry of Health,
2024), stems from the need to harmonise activities
in this field at the national level, proposing a doc-
ument, shared with the Regions, which, consistent
with the availability of economic, human and struc-
tural resources, identifies a common strategic design
aimed at promoting interventions based on a unified
approach, centered on the person and oriented on a
better organisation of services and the full empower-
ment of all care actors. The aim is to contribute to the
improvement of protection for people with chronic
diseases, reducing the burden on the individual, his
or her family and social context, improving quality
of life, making health services more effective and ef-
ficient in terms of prevention and care, and ensur-
ing greater uniformity and equity of access to citi-
zens. Specifically, the PNC outlines the overall strat-
egy and objectives of the Plan, proposes some lines
of action and highlights the expected results, through
which to improve the management of chronicity un-
der scientific evidence, the appropriateness of ser-
vices and the sharing of Diagnostic Therapeutic Care
Pathways (Translated from Italian Percorsi Diagnos-
Redavid, D. and Ferilli, S.
An Holistic Approach to Diagnostic and Therapeutic Care Pathways Management.
DOI: 10.5220/0013076200003838
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 16th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (IC3K 2024) - Volume 2: KEOD, pages 252-259
ISBN: 978-989-758-716-0; ISSN: 2184-3228
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
tici Terapeutici Assistenziali (PDTA)). PDTAs, also
known as critical pathways, care pathways, integrated
care pathways, case management plans, clinical path-
ways or care maps, are used to plan and follow a
patient-centered care program systematically. In this
paper, we propose a possible IT framework capable of
handling all aspects of advanced management via AI
of PDTAs.
In this section, we report the related work and some
specific prototypes implementation that could be used
to implement the proposed framework.
2.1 Related Works
The importance of clinical pathways has been high-
lighted through the various surveys published in re-
cent years (Du et al., 2020; Emma Aspland and
Harper, 2021), as well as the verification methods
adopted from the EU member state (like in (Italian
Ministry of Health, 2023)), but for our purposes we
are interested in approaches involving the use of on-
tologies and their representation (Dissanayake et al.,
2019). In (Bediang et al., 2021) is proposed an ontol-
ogy called Shareable and Reusable Clinical Pathway
Ontology (ShaRE-CP) which integrates four knowl-
edge domains (CP, guidelines, health resources and
context) to make esplicit existing semantic links be-
tween them. It is developed using Semantic Web
languages, in particular OWL2 (W3C OWL Work-
ing Group, 2012), and some specific ontologies like
OWL-S (W3C OWL Working Group, 2004), to de-
scribe concepts related to process, and Time-OWL
(W3C OWL Working Group, 2022) for manage ac-
tivities related to time in which they are executed.
In (Alahmar et al., 2020), instead, an ontology-based
framework designed to solve the main challenges re-
lated to standardisation, digitisation, and inclusion of
CPs in modern computerised hospitals is described.
The framework is based on an OWL ontology plus
SWRL rules that uses SNOMED CT (Truran et al.,
2010) terminology and includes a coding system that
is specific to CPs and their artefacts. Much work has
also been done concerning the use of GraphDB ap-
plied to healtcare (Abu-Salih et al., 2023). Specifi-
cally for Health Critical Pathways, ((Naeimaei Aali
et al., 2022) explores the potential of analysing com-
plex clinical pathways using an event log representa-
tion reflecting the independent clinical processes. The
event graph, whose creation is realised using Python
and the Neo4J library, is visualised with Graphviz.
This event graph representation allows the user’ anal-
ysis of the relationship between activities of differ-
ent clinical processes, which was not recognisable
in classical process model representation. A work
closer to our proposal is described in (Aldughayfiq
et al., 2023) where Semantic Web technologies and
GraphDB are combined to implement a knowledge
graph that can be queried with SPARQL to capture
and visualise complex interactions.
In contrast to these approaches, our goal is to build
a system that manages to exploit GraphDB as a repos-
itory of data and relationships between data whose
meaning is specified through OWL ontologies.
2.2 GraphBRAIN
GraphBRAIN (Ferilli and Redavid, 2020) is a
general-purpose tool that allows designing and col-
laboratively populate knowledge graphs, and pro-
vides advanced solutions for their fruition, consul-
tation and analysis. The GraphBRAIN functionali-
ties are achieved by combining different tasks, tech-
niques and approaches of artificial intelligence able
to improve knowledge management and (customised)
user experience, including database technology, on-
tologies, data mining, machine learning, automated
reasoning, natural language processing, personalisa-
tion and recommendation, collaborative and social in-
teraction tools, and social network analysis. While
most of these items are investigated and exploited
separately in the state-of-the-art, the relevance of the
GraphBRAIN methodology is in their being really in-
tegrated, and not simply juxtaposed, so that each of
them takes direct or indirectly advantage from all the
others. This allows GraphBRAIN to find relevant,
personalised, and non-trivial information, e.g., a so-
cial approach is used to build and integrate ontolo-
gies; user models are used to guide data mining; on-
tologies are used to guide database interaction and
interface generation; data mining is used to filter a
manageable and relevant portion of a huge graph on
which carrying out automated reasoning, etc. Graph-
BRAIN’s functions can be used online, interactively
by end users or delivered as Web services to other
applications for obtaining selective and personalised
access to the stored knowledge. For the formal repre-
sentation of CPs, a simple taxonomic representation
model is not sufficient, but more expressive models
are needed. For this reason, GraphBRAIN was cho-
sen as it supports multiple knowledge representation
formal languages ranging from OWL (so it is possible
to reuse existing ontologies) to FOL (more flexible for
the variable knowledge structures representation such
as context- and situation-dependent ones).
An Holistic Approach to Diagnostic and Therapeutic Care Pathways Management
2.3 WoMan
WoMan (Workflow Manager) (Ferilli, 2014) is a
framework for workflow learning and management,
based on First-Order Logic representations. Its pro-
cess mining engine, applicable to activity logs com-
ing from actual process executions, can learn mod-
els involving concurrent, repeated, optional and du-
plicate tasks in any combination, also with weighted
elements. Its full incrementality (Ferilli et al., 2013)
avoids the need for having all the examples available
from the beginning, still allowing the learning to start
from scratch. Correct models can be learned using
very few examples (in principle, any set of examples
including at least one representative of each allowed
process). It can also handle noise in a very straight-
forward, intuitive way. Finally, the representation lan-
guage allows the description of not just the flow of
events, but also the context in which the activities take
place, and hence the learning of complex (and human-
readable) pre- and post-conditions for the workflow
elements. A relevant issue in Process Management in
general, and in Process Mining in particular, is to as-
sess how well a model can provide hints about what
is going on during the process execution, and what
will happen next. Indeed, given an intermediate sta-
tus of a process execution, knowing how the execution
will proceed might allow the (human or automatic)
supervisor to take suitable actions that facilitate the
next activities. The task of activity prediction may be
stated as follows: given a process model and the cur-
rent (partial) status of a new process execution, guess
which will be the next activity that will take place in
the execution (Ferilli et al., 2017a). WoMan models
can be used for the monitoring and supervision of pro-
cesses and, when applicable, can be translated into
standard representations (like BPMN or Petri nets).
Both controlled and real-world experiments show that
WoMan outperforms existing process mining systems
in accuracy, effectiveness and efficiency. It ensures
quick, correct convergence towards the correct model,
using much less training examples than would be re-
quired by statistical techniques, even in the presence
of noise. WoMan is currently being wrapped in a Web
service that can be exploited by external applications
for workflows learning, simulation and checking.
3.1 Updated PNC
One of the strengths of the updated Italian National
Plan for Chronic Care (PNC) 2024 (Italian Ministry
of Health, 2024) is the definition of population strati-
fication tools to be used in health planning. This pro-
vides a specific framework of chronic disease types
and quantities sorted by geographic areas. Based on
this stratification, it is then possible to act in a targeted
manner with digital health techniques that can take
advantage of telemedicine more effectively in accor-
dance with best practices and scientific evidence re-
specting the reference legislation (i.e., EU, National
and regional). Particularly for Italy, where health
management information systems are regionally es-
tablished and therefore vary, there is a need for an in-
tegrated platform containing information on the char-
acteristics of the assisted population. This is espe-
cially necessary to manage a stratification model that
enables the holistic estimation of the different dimen-
sions of care needs with a patient-centred analytical
approach. A strong impulse was given by the tech-
nological evolution and the experience gained dur-
ing the pandemic emergency by COVID-19, which
stimulated the development of telemedicine and digi-
tal health by strengthening especially the tools useful
to improve the quality, effectiveness and efficiency of
the services provided to people with chronic diseases.
Based on these factors, the following lines of action
have been identified:
Improving the quality, equity, efficiency and ap-
propriateness of care through the activation of
care models that combine telemedicine services
with in-person healthcare delivery methods, start-
ing from the health needs of the persons assisted.
Strengthen health of initiative and promote multi-
disciplinary of interventions through the imple-
mentation of new organisational models and best
practices, also through the development of Artifi-
cial Intelligence tools.
Strengthening and adapting telemedicine path-
ways to facilitate the taking charge and continu-
ity of care of people with chronic conditions in
the territory, favouring de-hospitalisation and im-
proving the quality of care also through the acti-
vation of innovative organisational models and the
development of digital health.
Promoting and enhancing the interoperability of
systems, even through corporate interconnection.
Enhancing training and continuing education
courses in digital health for health professionals.
The expected results concern the implementation of:
Care models that, in accordance with the indi-
cations of Ministerial Decree 77/2022 (Vinceti,
2023), combine telemedicine services with the
development of regional projects and good
KEOD 2024 - 16th International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development
telemedicine practices as a tool to support patient
New organisational models envisaged by Minis-
terial Decree 77/2022, also through the develop-
ment of digital healthcare, including corporate in-
terconnection and telemedicine.
Through the implementation, treatment with
telemedicine tools of the chronically ill population is
expected to increase.
3.2 PDTA
PDTA stands for Diagnostic Therapeutic Care Path-
way. Pathway means both the patient’s iter, from his
or her first contact with the Health System to the ther-
apeutic treatment after diagnosis, and the organisa-
tional iter, i.e. the phases and procedures for taking
charge of the patient carried out by the Health Au-
thority. Diagnostic, therapeutic and care means the
total taking charge of the patient, together with all
those multi-professional and multidisciplinary inter-
ventions that follow. Thus, PDTAs represent specific
models for a given territory (Corporate for the popu-
lation treated by that specific regional hospital organ-
isation) that contextualise the Scientific Guidelines
concerning the organisation of the Health Authority
and the Region, taking into account in the analysis
the available resources and guaranteeing the Essen-
tial Levels of Care (LEA). PDTAs are complex in-
terventions based on the best scientific evidence and
characterised by the organisation of the care process
for specific groups of patients, through the coordina-
tion and implementation of standardised consequen-
tial activities by a multidisciplinary team. For several
years, PDTAs have been used to improve the qual-
ity and efficiency of care, reduce variability in care
and ensure appropriate care for the greatest number
of patients. These pathways enable practitioners to
act on the appropriateness of therapeutic and care in-
terventions, reorganising and standardising care pro-
cesses and monitoring their impact not only clinically
but also organisationally and economically. PDTAs,
also known as critical care pathways, integrated care
pathways, case management plans, clinical pathways
or care maps, are used to systematically plan and
follow a patient-centred care programme. As re-
ported in (Mincarone et al., 2018), the languages used
to model CP processes are Unified Modeling Lan-
guage (UML)
and Business Process Model & No-
tation (BPMN)
. These languages are suitable for the
modelling phase but are not optimal for the execution
phase: UML does not provide for execution engines,
whereas BPMN although it has various implementa-
tions, are based on XML-based representations not
designed for the representation of process semantics.
To manage CPs during both phases, a more powerful
representation language is required; to this end, we
propose WoMan as a tool for their management.
3.3 Health Record
In Italy, the Electronic Health Record (Fascicolo Sani-
tario Elettronico - FSE) was established in 2012 and is
defined as the set of health and social-health data and
digital documents generated by clinical events, con-
cerning the patient, referring to services provided by
the National Health Service and also by private health
facilities. With the National Recovery and Resilience
Plan (PNRR), an implementation of the NextGenera-
tionEU program, measures for its enhancement have
been released. The PNRR investment includes:
The full integration of all health documents and
data types. This will be achieved through the cre-
ation and implementation of a central repository,
interoperability and service platform, the design
of a standardised user interface and the definition
of the services to be provided by the FSE.
The integration of documents by regions within
the FSE. This will also be achieved through fi-
nancial support to healthcare providers to upgrade
their technology infrastructure and data compati-
bility, and to regions adopting the FSE platform
through human capital and skills support to im-
plement the changes necessary for its adoption.
Therefore, the objective of the intervention is to fos-
ter the development of a homogeneous FSE through a
technological transformation of information systems
at the national and regional levels to:
Guarantee a single access point to health services
for citizens and patients.
Guarantee a single source of information for
health professionals detailing the patient’s medi-
cal history.
Ensure that Health Authorities, Regions, and the
Ministry of Health have at their disposal tools to
perform data analysis to improve care and preven-
Concerning the Apulia Region, the health record has
the following fields: Vaccination certificate, Medica-
tion supply, Discharge letter, Hospitalisation prescrip-
tion, Pharmaceutical prescription, Specialist prescrip-
tion, Specialist services, Outpatient specialist and
Vaccination card. As can easily be deduced, the type
An Holistic Approach to Diagnostic and Therapeutic Care Pathways Management
of information is very varied, including structured and
unstructured text, image text and images of reports
(X-rays, CT scans, etc.), all data that are well suited
to the application of Artificial Intelligence techniques
ranging from NLP to Image Processing. Persistence
through tools such as Neo4J would therefore be opti-
mal for this purpose, as it can contain all types of data
and represent the relationships between them with a
powerful query engine.
3.4 Issues to Be Tackled
To achieve the objectives set at the ministerial level,
it is necessary to establish at the technical level what
characteristics the representation languages and tech-
niques to be applied must fulfil.
1. Combine existing ontologies to represent CP.
There is no accepted standard terminology for CP,
which makes it difficult to represent all aspects of
CP uniformly.
2. Customise a generic CP with a specific disease.
This will require the use of a hospital CP in use,
the collaboration of experts in the field, and the
definition of specific modelling steps.
3. Make explicit not formalised medical data and ac-
tivities. CP is often not followed precisely, but it
is important to be able to capture differences that
could lead to the specification of valid variants
for a certain territory or the reporting of incorrect
4. Provide the CP in a format that is understand-
able by medical professionals. Providing a sim-
ple, user-friendly, and logical interface for medi-
cal professionals could be complicated.
Semantic Interoperability can be achieved through the
use of Semantic Web ontologies that enable implicit
information through automatic reasoning. However,
to achieve the expected results, a holistic approach is
required, which is often not achievable by using these
technologies alone. Moreover, the semantics of the
CP must be represented uniformly to that of the data.
In this way, it is possible to carp the possible influ-
ences on the CP as the data changes.
In this section, we report how the proposed frame-
work works identifying how prototype implementa-
tion will be used. The approach involves the use of
GraphBRAIN, for the persistence of data and seman-
tics related to both data and CPs, and WoMan, as
the CP management system. In detail, the following
phases can be identified:
Import existing ontologies or create new ones.
In this phase, the system administration uploads
the existent upper ontologies describing Health
Record and CP. The imported ontologies must
be harmonised so a semi-automatic alignment or
merge operation involving domain experts will be
required. This operation will allow both the repre-
sentation of semantics in GraphBRAIN’s internal
format, in particular, complex relationships will
be expressed in FOL, and their parts remaining in
the decidable fragment in OWL (see Fig. 1).
Figure 1: Ontology Concepts and Relations Import.
Import of existing Health Records and PDTA.
The Health Records can be migrated from other
sources to the Neo4J GraphDB used by Graph-
BRAIN. Guidelines for formatting the data in
the structure provided by the GraphBRAIN on-
tology representing the schema of the data in
KEOD 2024 - 16th International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development
the graph will be released. Once imported, the
data can be further validated by domain experts
through GraphBRAIN’s front-end interface. Fur-
thermore, existing PDTAs will be formalised in
the WoMan formalism. The transition from the
major languages currently used for CP represen-
tation (BPMN and PetriNet) is already available
among the import features of WoMan itself, for
other representations import is always guaranteed
as FOL has sufficient expressive power to include
the primitives of any logical representation (see
Fig. 2).
Figure 2: Data and PDTA workflow Import.
System Execution. The CP management informa-
tion systems in use provide a web-based front-
end interface from where management and con-
trol features can be performed. These interfaces
may be in an initial phase gradually extended
to use GraphBRAIN and WoMan as a back-end.
Later, these interfaces will be modified and ex-
tended to provide new functionality. With the
power of these tools, it will be possible to respond
to the issues shown in Sect. 3.4:
1. Combine existing ontologies to represent CP
semantics. GraphBRAIN allows to export of
ontology concepts and relations in several for-
mats, such as OWL, SWRL and FOL
2. Customise a generic CP with a specific disease.
WoMan allows you to learn new processes from
scratch, observe whether a process is executing
correctly, or learn deviations during the execu-
tion of a process. Therefore, finding possible
customisations of existing processes and repre-
senting them as variants for a specific territory
is possible.
3. Make explicit not formalised medical data and
activities. The ability to export portions of
knowledge into OWL allows automatic reason-
ing to be applied to find implicit knowledge. In
addition, WoMan’s supervision feature allows
the system to alert physicians and patients if CP
is not being performed correctly.
4. Provide the CP in a format that is understand-
able by medical professionals. The simplicity
of process representation in WoMan allows for
the construction of ad-hoc interfaces that also
report explanations of why an activity is a con-
sequence of previous ones. This will enable
medical professionals to understand the pecu-
liarities of a CP in more detail.
Multistrategy reasoning (Ferilli, 2023) is the key to
being able to find appropriate solutions to these prob-
lems. Since GraphBRAIN uses a Labelled Property
Graph as a persistence medium, the following forms
of automatic reasoning can be applied:
Symbolic/Logic approach: deduction, abduction
(also with probabilistic Reasoning support), ab-
straction, Argumentation for Induction. These
approach can be useful to infer new information
from data (how a patient should be followed up,
what possible CPs are applicable, completeness
of information present on the patient, complete-
ness of medical reports, and so on).
Statistical/Mathematical approach: Subgraph Ex-
traction with the application of Spreading Activa-
tion or PageRank algorithm, Centrality with dif-
ferent assessment strategies (i.e., Closeness, Be-
tweenness, Harmonic, Katz and Page Rank), Link
Prediction and Clustering. These approaches can
be useful for obtaining statistical information on
the healthcare state at different levels of granular-
An Holistic Approach to Diagnostic and Therapeutic Care Pathways Management
The ability to interoperate with external sources (par-
ticularly GraphBRAIN with OWL ontologies and
WoMan with SWRL rules (Redavid and Ferilli,
2023)) simplifies the acquisition of data and informa-
tion from existing healthcare systems.
Another important issue for telemedicine is the
availability of the back-end support described here.
By using it, it is also possible to capture information
from physician-patient interaction during remote vis-
its, as well as data from computer sensing, which is
critical to the goals to be achieved. The same tech-
nologies proposed in this paper are also able to ad-
dress these needs (Redavid et al., 2022). Different is
the security aspect where, however, good solutions,
especially when we talk about social networks de-
signed for CP consolidation, have been proposed (Pel-
licani et al., 2023).
In this paper, we have outlined a possible framework
that can handle existing or learned PDTA formalised
in the WoMan formalism. Through GraphBRAIN it
will be possible to handle different knowledge repre-
sentations and apply multi-strategic reasoning to im-
prove CP related to Health Records. Combining these
tools we can cover one of the fundamental require-
ments of National Plan for Chronic Care: an holis-
tic approach to managing the different dimensions of
care needs with a patient-centred analytical approach.
In a specific vision, the implementation of
NextGenerationEU program can be an opportunity to
converge toward a common line of CP management,
in a general vision, the idea that in any territory of the
European community, it is possible to know the treat-
ment path of a citizen of the community leads to a
greater awareness of being part of an evolution repre-
sented by the European Community itself. The holis-
tic approach underlying GraphBRAIN (Ferilli et al.,
2023) as well as the innovative AI approach to process
management (Ferilli et al., 2017b) enables a concrete
response to the problem we have been discussing. The
PNRR AMICA project is a good test case for imple-
menting the proposed approach. In future work, start-
ing from local solutions it will be possible to general-
ize them to seek valid solutions at the European level.
This work is partially supported by the Ministry of
Health, ’Trajectory 1 Active & Healthy Ageing -
Technologies for Active Ageing and Home Care’ ini-
tiative, funded project: AmICA: Intelligent holistic
care for aCtive Ageing in indoor and outdoor ecosys-
tems’ [Grant number T1-MZ-09].
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An Holistic Approach to Diagnostic and Therapeutic Care Pathways Management