The Role of Dark Matter in Galaxy Formation and Evolution
Tianyu Zhang
Dalian Mapleleaf International High School, Maqiaozi street, Dalian, China
Keywords: Dark Matter, Cosmology, Galaxy Formation.
Abstract: At the forefront of contemporary astrophysics, it is widely accepted that galaxy formation is directly attributed
to the gravitational pull of dark matter halos. As the universe ages, dark matter not only observes the inception
and growth of galaxies but also significantly impacts their evolutionary paths and morphological
transformations. This paper seeks to explore how these enigmatic substances act as cosmic architects, shaping
and propelling the galaxy formation process. Additionally, we will explore how dark matter orchestrates the
large-scale structural network of the universe, including the formation and evolution of galaxy clusters and
superclusters, highlighting its pivotal role in the grand scheme of the cosmos. Additionally, the article will
delve into the various approaches currently employed by the scientific community to detect dark matter and
develop its theoretical models. This ranges from direct detection experiments conducted in precise
laboratories to indirect detection utilizing astronomical observation techniques, including the gravitational
lensing effect.
Dark matter is a mysterious form of matter in the
universe, whose existence and properties are essential
for understanding the structure, evolution, and
composition of the cosmos. It refers to a form of
matter that cannot be directly observed via
electromagnetic radiation, but its presence can be
inferred indirectly from its gravitational effects. In
long-term observations of celestial motions,
astronomers have discovered that the motion and
gravitational structures of many celestial bodies do
not adhere to existing gravitational models. Hence,
they postulate the existence of an invisible substance
pervasively distributed across numerous galaxies, star
clusters, and the broader universe, contributing to
gravitational forces and influencing the evolution of
cosmic structures across various scales. Its mass
significantly exceeds the total of all visible celestial
bodies in the universe. By integrating anisotropic
observations of cosmic microwave background
radiation with standard cosmological models, it is
determined that dark matter comprises 85% of the
universe's total mass and 26.8% of its total energy
(Ade, 2016). Currently, scientists continue to
investigate dark matter and its properties using
methods such as gravitational lensing and computer
Although the properties of dark matter remain poorly
understood, scientists continue to explore and study it
using various methods. Regarding the properties of
dark matter, since it cannot be directly observed, we
generally agree that it neither emits nor reflects light
and therefore cannot be observed through optical
means. This explains why there are no effective
methods to detect dark matter. Among the current
methods used to observe the universe, only
gravitational wave detection involves capturing
electromagnetic radiation. Fortunately, dark matter
possesses gravity, being one of the primary sources of
gravitational force in the universe, significantly
influencing the structure and dynamical behavior of
celestial systems like galaxies and galaxy clusters.
Additionally, dark matter has mass and therefore
inertia. Consequently, its presence can be indirectly
Zhang, T.
The Role of Dark Matter in Galaxy Formation and Evolution.
DOI: 10.5220/0013077700004601
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Innovations in Applied Mathematics, Physics and Astronomy (IAMPA 2024), pages 335-342
ISBN: 978-989-758-722-1
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
inferred through the observation of gravitational
lensing effects. Although the mass of individual dark
matter particles remains undetermined, this is due to
the uncertain particle properties of dark matter itself.
Dark matter is exceedingly stable and rarely
transforms into other forms, changing only under
extreme conditions such as during the universe's early
formation or its eventual contraction. Notably, in
addition to gravity, particle-type dark matter may
engage in weak interactions, but it largely lacks
participation in electromagnetic or strong
interactions. This restricts the interactions between
dark matter and visible matter, which may contribute
to the remarkable stability of dark matter itself.
Furthermore, the prevailing view within the scientific
community is that the velocity of dark matter
significantly exceeds the speed of light.
2.1 Evidence for Dark Matter from
Observational Studies
In 1922, astronomer Jacobs Kaptin first proposed the
concept of the possible existence of "dark matter",
who suggested that the motion of celestial systems
could indirectly infer the presence of unseen matter
surrounding the celestial bodies. Although dark
matter has not yet been directly detected, substantial
evidence indicates its widespread presence in the
universe, including from galaxy rotation curves and
dispersion velocity distributions. In 1933,
astrophysicist Fritz Zwicky employed spectral
redshifts to measure the velocities of galaxies within
the Coma Cluster relative to the cluster itself
(Zwicky, 1933). Observations of visible matter mass
distributions in spiral galaxies and calculations based
on the law of universal gravitation suggest that outer
celestial bodies should orbit the galaxy's center more
slowly than those near the center. However,
measurements of the rotation curves of numerous
spiral galaxies reveal that outer celestial bodies orbit
at velocities nearly equal to those of inner celestial
bodies, significantly higher than expected. This
implies the existence of massive unseen matter within
these galaxies. Using the potential force theorem, the
distribution of matter within a galaxy can be deduced
from the dispersion velocity distribution of its visible
celestial bodies.
There are currently three mainstream methods for
determining the mass distribution of galaxies or
galaxy clusters. (1) Analysis the motions of galaxies
or clusters using gravitational theory. In 1939,
astronomer Horace W. Babcock examined the spectra
of the Andromeda Nebula, revealing that the
rotational speeds of celestial bodies in the outermost
regions were significantly greater than those
predicted by Kepler's law, indicating a higher mass-
to-light ratio (Babcock, 1939). This implies the
presence of substantial dark matter within the galaxy.
(2) Observing the X-rays emitted by galaxy clusters.
Galaxy clusters commonly contain hot gases that emit
X-rays. Once these gases achieve hydrodynamic
equilibrium within the cluster's gravitational field,
they will emit different temperatures due to uneven
distribution of mass (3) The gravitational lensing
effect, a subtle prediction of general relativity,
demonstrates that the light from the back of a galaxy
cluster is bent as it passes through massive clusters.
By examining the extent and pattern of this light
bending, scientists can infer the distribution of matter
within the galaxy cluster, even though much of this
matter does not emit visible light.
At the cosmic scale, the total amount of dark
matter in the universe can be determined by precisely
measuring the anisotropy of cosmic microwave
background radiation. Observations reveal that
26.8% of the universe's total energy is attributed to
dark matter, compared to only 4.9% from traditional
matter comprising celestial bodies and interstellar
gases(Ade, 2016). Large-scale computer simulations
of cosmic evolution using n-body gravity modeling
highlight the critical importance of dark matter
particle properties for their aggregation behavior
(Melott, 1983). The simulations reveal that slow-
moving dark matter particles tend to clump together
more readily under gravity, thereby facilitating the
formation of large-scale structures (White, 1983).
Conversely, particles moving at high speeds, such as
neutrinos, tend to disrupt or smooth out these
structures due to their rapid motion (White, 1987),
and thus are not considered the primary candidates for
dark matter.
2.2 Theoretical Models of Dark Matter
Dark matter has been proposed since 1933, and
astrophysicists and particle physicists have raised
considerable possibilities for having models about
dark matter, such as the weakly interacting massive
particles, the Axion model, Graitino model, the
neutrino model, the sterile neutrino model and so on.
For the convenience of organization, based on their
inherent velocity dispersion and temperature
differences, different types of particle models are
classified into (1) cold dark matter, namely WIMPs
model, Axion model. (2) warm dark matter,
represented with sterile neutrino and Graitino models.
(3) hot dark matter, such as the neutrino which have
own mass.
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In the modern physics cosmological model, dark
matter is crucial for galaxy formation and evolution.
Following decades of meticulous observations and
simulations, the dark matter model has been solidly
established. During the first second of the inflationary
epoch, fluctuations in matter distribution began to
influence gravity, leading to a gradual decrease in its
stability. Over time, the originally well-mixed dark
matter and gas separate due to the fluctuating gravity,
with the gas gradually descending toward the center
of the dark matter halo. Some dark matter halos are
so large that the gas can cool significantly at their
core, enabling the formation of stars and eventually a
proto-galaxy. As dark matter halos merge, the energy
dynamics within the galaxy influence the formation
of future stars.
3.1 Dark Matter Halos
Figure 1: Composite image (of the full TNG100-1 box) All
the gravitationally collapsed structures (in orange/white)
are surrounded by successive shock surfaces (blue) which
encode their formation histories.
Due to the fact that dark matter only participates in
interactions with gravity, it collapses and aggregates
to form large-scale structures resembling fibers
compared to other baryonic matter. We will transform
these elliptical spherical dark matter structures with
deep potential wells into dark matter halos.
3.2 Halo Mass Function and Its
Implications for Galaxy Formation
The halo mass function plays a pivotal role in
astrophysics and cosmology. Given a halo's redshift
and known mass, its density distribution can be
derived from its mass function (Jeremy, 2008).
Press-Schechter Formalism (PS theory) is one of
the earliest models used to describe the halo mass
function. Based on Gaussian random field theory, this
model considers the smoothed density perturbation
field as a Gaussian random field with a mean of 0 and
a variance of σ²(M), predicting the formation of dark
matter halos by identifying regions where the
perturbation exceeds the critical density δc.
Extended Press-Schechter Formalism (EPS
theory): An extension of the PS theory that
incorporates the merging history of halos, allowing
for a more precise description of the evolution of the
halo mass function.
Sheth-Tormen Formalism (TS theory): A
refinement of the PS theory that incorporates
additional parameters to more accurately align with
numerical simulation results.
As the seed of galaxy formation, the mass
distribution and abundance of dark matter halos
directly determine the rate and quantity of galaxy
formation. In the early universe, small mass dark
matter halos first formed and gradually merged to
form larger mass halos as the universe expanded and
evolved, triggering the formation of galaxies.
The halo mass function also regulates the
properties of galaxies by influencing internal physical
processes such as star formation, gas cooling,
feedback mechanisms, etc. For example, high mass
halos typically retain more gas for star formation,
while low mass halos may lose most of their gas due
to feedback, leading to a decrease in star formation
efficiency. By studying the halo mass function under
different redshifts, we can understand the evolution
of galaxies in different cosmic periods. For example,
as the universe expands and cools, the merging
activity of dark matter halos becomes more frequent,
and galaxies also undergo complex processes such as
mergers, interactions, and evolution.
3.3 Hierarchical Structure Formation
In the standard cold dark matter (Λ CDM)
cosmological model, the complex structures in the
universe are evolved from tiny quantum fluctuations
that gradually grow and evolve due to gravitational
forces during the period of cosmic inflation. This
The Role of Dark Matter in Galaxy Formation and Evolution
theoretical framework provides a theoretical basis for
the hierarchical growth of dark matter halos.
In the standard cold dark matter (ΛCDM)
cosmological model, the complex structures in the
universe are derived from tiny quantum fluctuations
that progressively grow and evolve through
gravitational forces during cosmic inflation. This
theoretical framework underpins the hierarchical
growth of dark matter halos. After the Big Bang, dark
matter was nearly evenly distributed throughout the
universe, albeit with minor density variations. These
slight density variations gradually coalesce under
gravitational influence, forming small dark matter
clumps known as the initial dark matter halos. As the
universe expands and cools, the density fluctuations
of dark matter halos intensify, transitioning into a
nonlinear growth phase.
During this phase, gravity predominates, leading
to the further collapse of less dense dark matter halos
into denser ones in response to fluctuations in density.
Small dark matter halos evolve into larger ones
through the merging and accretion of other halos or
dark matter particles, following a bottom-up
evolutionary model where lower-mass dark halos
form first and then coalesce into higher-mass ones.
Typically, smaller halos form and nest within larger
ones. This structure resembles the growth of trees,
with small branches evolving into larger ones. Within
this hierarchical structure, dark matter halos of
varying masses have distinct formation epochs and
evolutionary histories. Generally, lower-mass halos
form earlier while higher-mass ones form later.
This is attributed to the smaller density
fluctuations required for lower-mass halos, which
facilitate their formation in the early universe,
whereas higher-mass halos necessitate greater density
fluctuations and longer evolutionary periods.
3.3.1 Hierarchical Structure Formation’s
Impact on Galaxy Formation
As previously mentioned, dark matter halos create
gravitational potential wells for normal matter, such
as gas and dust, enabling their aggregation and
cooling, which in turn leads to the formation of stars
and galaxies. Without the gravitational influence of
dark matter halos, stable structures of normal matter
would be difficult to form in the universe.
The shape and distribution of dark matter halos
influence the morphology of galaxies. For instance,
an irregular or asymmetrically structured dark matter
halo could potentially stretch the galactic disk,
resulting in the distortion or deformation of the
galaxy's shape. Moreover, mergers of dark matter
halos can trigger interactions and collisions between
galaxies, thereby further impacting their morphology
and dynamical properties.
The hierarchical merging process of dark matter
halos significantly drives galaxy evolution. Through
merging and accretion, dark matter halos grow and
accumulate mass, thereby influencing star formation
rates, gas distribution, and the dynamical states within
galaxies. Additionally, the evolution of dark matter
halos interacts with feedback processes, such as
stellar winds and supernova explosions in galaxies,
collectively shaping the course of galaxy evolution.
On larger scales, the hierarchical merging of dark
matter halos also facilitates the formation of galaxy
clusters and supermassive galaxies. The merging and
interaction of multiple dark matter halos can create
large galaxy clusters comprising hundreds or even
thousands of galaxies. Within these clusters, galaxies
gravitationally interact and merge, further enhancing
galaxy formation and evolution.
3.4 The Formation of Clusters and
Super Clusters
As described in section 3.3.1, the existence of dark
matter allows star clusters to retain a stable structure.
While significant, the gravitational interactions
between visible matter, such as stars and gas, within
star clusters, are insufficient to fully maintain their
stability. The gravitational pull of dark matter
compensates for this deficiency, enabling star clusters
to preserve their shape and structure over extended
periods. Dark matter facilitates star formation through
gravitational dynamics. During the formation of star
clusters, dark matter accumulates in the central
regions, creating dense dark matter halos. The
gravitational pull of these halos accelerates the
collapse and cooling of nearby gas, which in turn
initiates the star formation process.
Just as in star clusters, the stability of super
clusters also relies on the gravitational pull of dark
matter. The gravitational interactions between
galaxies and galaxy clusters in super clusters, while
crucial, are insufficient to fully sustain their stability.
The gravitational influence of dark matter fills this
role, allowing super clusters to maintain their overall
shape and structure over long periods. Dark matter
further influences the evolutionary process of super
clusters. Using observational methods such as
gravitational lensing, scientists can deduce the
distribution and evolution of dark matter within super
clusters. These observational findings enhance our
understanding of the evolutionary history and future
trends of super clusters.
IAMPA 2024 - International Conference on Innovations in Applied Mathematics, Physics and Astronomy
Before the discovery of dark matter, it was commonly
assumed that all visible matter constituted the entire
mass of the universe; this misconception resulted in
substantial discrepancies between observed and
theoretical estimates of cosmic mass. Dark matter
constitutes an invisible yet massive component of
galaxies, with a mass significantly exceeding that of
visible matter like stars and gas. Consequently, a
higher proportion of dark matter directly increases the
total mass of the galaxy. The gravitational pull of dark
matter is one of the primary gravitational forces in
galaxies. As the proportion of dark matter rises, the
gravitational pull of galaxies intensifies significantly,
which in turn influences the motion and distribution
of matter within them.
As discussed in section 3.3.1, dark matter halos
serve as the structural framework for galaxy
formation and morphology. Thus, dark matter
stabilizes stars and gas within galaxies via its
gravitational pull, ensuring their sustained orbital
motion. In other words, a higher proportion of dark
matter leads to increased galaxy rotation speeds,
further enhancing their stability. Dark matter is more
uniformly distributed than ordinary matter, and a
greater proportion of it causes the galaxy's center of
gravity to be more aligned with the center of dark
matter distribution. This leads to alterations in the
galaxy's shape, resulting in a flatter and more
extended configuration. The growing proportion of
dark matter influences the distribution and movement
of gas and dust within galaxies. For instance, the
gravitational influence of dark matter may
concentrate gas and dust closer to the galaxy's center,
which in turn impacts the formation and evolution of
stars within these galaxies.
The galaxy rotation curve illustrates the
relationship between the velocities of stars and their
orbital distances within the galaxy. Normally, as one
moves farther from the galaxy's center, the velocity of
stars should decrease as the gravitational pull from
the center diminishes. However, observations reveal
that many galaxies' rotation curves do not conform to
this expectation, particularly in the outer regions
where the stellar rotational velocities do not
significantly decrease and even show an upward trend
in some cases. This phenomenon is referred to as
"rotation curve anomaly" or "high-velocity rotating
galaxies". The presence of dark matter offers a
plausible explanation for this phenomenon (Rubin,
1980). Since dark matter does not emit
electromagnetic radiation, it cannot be directly
observed, but it influences the stars and gas in
galaxies through gravitational forces. In the outer
regions of galaxies, where the mass of visible matter
is minimal, the mass of dark matter remains
substantial, exerting sufficient gravitational force to
sustain high stellar velocities, resulting in a flat or
even rising rotation curve, it is generally believed that
baryonic matter, which is difficult to detect, does
contribute to some of the dark matter effects, but
evidence suggests that it comprises only a small
fraction (Graff, 1996, Najita, 2000).
In galaxy clusters, the gravitational pull of dark
matter acts to counterbalance the centrifugal forces,
thereby maintaining their stability. Likewise, within
galaxies, the gravitational force of dark matter
supports their stability, preventing their disintegration
from the centrifugal motion of internal components.
Uneven distribution of dark matter creates
imbalances in the tidal force fields within galaxies.
However, it is this uneven tidal force field that, to
some extent, helps stabilize galaxy structures. It helps
prevent massive tidal disruption of galaxies when
disturbed by external forces, such as the gravitational
pull from neighboring galaxies.
4.1 Feedback Mechanisms
Two primary and frequently employed feedback
mechanisms in simulation analysis are supernova
feedback and ANG feedback Supernova feedback
primarily harnesses the immense energy and
materials expelled during supernova explosions.
These energies and materials heat and disperse the
adjacent baryonic gas, creating supernova winds.
These winds can subsequently influence the gas
distribution and star formation rate within the galaxy.
Additionally, supernova explosions can trigger
intergalactic gas flows and the formation of galaxy-
wide winds, thereby impacting the distribution of
baryonic matter on a larger scale. Active galactic
nuclei (AGNs), powered by supermassive black holes
at the centers of galaxies, are intense radiation
sources. AGNs heat, disperse, or expel the baryonic
matter within galaxies by emitting massive amounts
of energy in the form of jets and radiation (Risa,
2018) Similar to supernova feedback, this mechanism
profoundly influences the gas dynamics, star
formation rate, and morphology of galaxies. For
instance, the energy emitted by AGNs can inhibit star
formation in the central regions of galaxies while
promoting gas cooling and star formation in the outer
The Role of Dark Matter in Galaxy Formation and Evolution
Observations of dark matter within galaxies represent
a pivotal area of research in contemporary astronomy
and physics. Since dark matter neither emits
electromagnetic waves nor interacts strongly with
ordinary matter electromagnetically, it cannot be
directly observed using optical or electromagnetic
methods. Nevertheless, scientists have devised
multiple indirect methods for observing and detecting
dark matter, which are especially critical for
observations at the galaxy scale.
Scientists infer the presence of dark matter in
galaxies by observing how the rotational speed of
stars, gas, and other substances varies with distance
from the galaxy's center. Based on Newton's law of
gravity and dynamical theory, if a galaxy contained
only the mass of its visible matter, the rotational
speed of material distant from the center should
decrease. However, empirical observations reveal
that the rotation curves of many galaxies in the
universe remain flat beyond the central region,
suggesting the presence of additional mass,
specifically dark matter, as noted in section 4.
Another notable example is the gravitational
lensing effect. This phenomenon was predicted by
Albert Einstein's theory of general relativity and
independently confirmed by Arthur Eddington in
1919 through the observation of star displacements
during a total solar eclipse. As light from distant
galaxies passes through foreground galaxies or
clusters, it is bent by the gravity of the dark matter,
creating the gravitational lensing effect. Scientists
deduce the distribution and mass of dark matter in
galaxies or clusters by analyzing the bent light.
5.1 Simulations and Modeling
The numerical simulation of galaxy formation using
dark matter is an important field in cosmology, which
relies on complex computer simulations to
understand and predict the formation and evolution of
large-scale structures in the universe, such as
galaxies, galaxy clusters, etc.
Firstly, a theoretical framework for simulation
must be established based on general relativity and
cosmological principles. The standard cosmological
model (ΛCDM model) is typically employed as it
encompasses dark matter, dark energy, ordinary
matter, and radiation, enabling comprehensive
simulation across all scales. Simulations often begin
with observational data from cosmic microwave
background radiation shortly after the Big Bang,
which offer insights into the early state of the
Similarly, the initial amplitude and distribution of
density fluctuations, as described in section 3.3, are
among the key initial parameters for simulations. N-
body simulation is the most prevalent method among
scientists, where dark matter particles interact and
evolve into large-scale structures under the influence
of gravity. Besides N-body simulations, grid methods
are also utilized to simulate the dynamics of dark
matter and gases.
The simulation process involves extensive gravity
calculations, commonly employing the Fast Fourier
Transform (FFT) or tree-based algorithms, such as
the Barnes-Hut algorithm, to compute gravitational
interactions among particles. Another significant
factor influencing simulation outcomes is the
feedback among celestial bodies. Although dark
matter does not engage in interactions other than
gravity, the feedback effects of gas, stars, and black
holes in simulations, such as supernova explosions,
galaxy winds, and active galactic nuclei, can impact
the structure and evolution of dark matter halos.
After the simulation is completed, it is also
important to extract data from the simulation and
analyze information such as the formation time, mass,
morphology, and kinematic characteristics of the
galaxy. This work primarily facilitates the
comparison between simulation results and
observational data, such as galaxy redshift surveys
and cosmic microwave background radiation
observations, and verifies the model's accuracy. Some
individuals employ visualization tools to render
simulation results as images or animations, aiming to
provide a more intuitive understanding of galaxy
formation and evolution.
An an important concept in cosmology, dark matter is
currently facing a lot of problems and challenges in
many aspects.
6.1 Small-Scale Structure Problems and
the Missing Satellites Problem
After extensive numerical simulations, it was found
that dark matter forms numerous halos and
substructures in the universe. However, the number
of galaxies observed by scientists today is
significantly lower than that predicted by simulation
IAMPA 2024 - International Conference on Innovations in Applied Mathematics, Physics and Astronomy
results, a phenomenon known as the 'small-scale
problem'. Similarly, the Milky Way is expected to be
surrounded by a multitude of satellite galaxies.
However, the actual number of observed satellite
galaxies is markedly lower than theoretical
predictions, a discrepancy known as the 'missing
satellite problem'.
6.2 The Impact of Baryonic Physics on
Dark Matter Distribution
At scales less than 1h-1Mpc (million parsecs),
baryonic processes significantly influence the
clustering of dark matter. This influence is especially
pronounced at smaller scales, like 0.1h-1Mpc, where
gas adiabatic processes can substantially boost dark
matter clustering. Moreover, baryonic processes
including radiative cooling, star formation, and
dynamical supernova feedback in the universe can
modify the mass distribution of dark matter halos,
particularly under the influence of active galactic
nucleus feedback mechanisms, which amplify this
effect. For instance, the feedback from active galactic
nuclei discussed in 4.1 might inhibit the formation of
massive dark matter halos. Theoretically, baryonic
matter also influences the morphology of dark matter
halos. As the universe evolves, the spatial
morphology of dark matter halos transitions gradually
from flat to rounded. The presence of baryonic matter
hastens this transformation, further rounding the
shapes of dark matter halos. However, feedback from
active galactic nuclei can mitigate this acceleration.
The Large Synoptic Survey Telescope (LSST) is a
planned ground-based telescope designed for deep
and wide-field continuous observations of the sky,
aimed at unveiling the large-scale structure of the
universe, the nature of dark matter and dark energy,
and the behavior of transient celestial objects. LSST
will feature an unprecedented wide field of view,
enabling it to cover extensive regions of the sky.
Additionally, by utilizing its high sensitivity to
observe extremely faint celestial objects, LSST will
reveal deeper mysteries of the universe. In terms of
its mission, LSST is designed to perform long-term
continuous observations to capture the dynamic
changes in celestial bodies. (2) The James Webb
Space Telescope (JWST), a next-generation
spacecraft developed by NASA and space agencies in
other countries, was successfully launched in 2021. It
has now superseded the Hubble Telescope as a
pivotal tool for exploring the universe's depths. JWST
is outfitted with state-of-the-art instruments like
NIRCam and MIRI, which facilitate advanced
spectral and imaging analyses.
In the future, it is necessary to continue to
improve the sensitivity and accuracy of direct and
indirect detection techniques for dark matter particles,
in order to obtain more direct evidence about dark
Based on new observational data and
experimental results, continuously improve and
revise existing dark matter theoretical models to
better explain dark matter phenomena in the universe.
In general, dark matter plays an indispensable role in
the formation and evolution of galaxies. Dark matter,
in its high-density form, generates substantial
gravitational forces that attract adjacent matter,
including visible substances like gas and dust. These
gravitational forces cause surrounding matter to
gradually accumulate, forming primitive nebulae that
evolve into celestial entities such as stars and
galaxies. Additionally, because dark matter does not
interact with electromagnetic radiation, its
distribution is uniformly spread across vast spatial
scales. This distribution pattern ensures that galaxies
experience consistent gravitational forces during their
formation, leading to relatively regular and
symmetrical structures. The gravitational influence of
dark matter not only fosters the formation of galaxies
but also sustains their stability. Its presence allows the
internal matter within galaxies to maintain a relatively
stable state of motion, preventing excessive
contraction or disintegration due to internal
gravitational forces. In larger-scale systems such as
galaxy clusters, the gravitational influence of dark
matter also facilitates interactions and mergers among
galaxies. These processes profoundly influence the
formation and evolution of galaxy clusters.
Through the study of dark matter, we can deepen
our understanding of the universe's structure and
evolution. This avenue of research also advances the
fields of fundamental and particle physics, unveiling
novel physical phenomena and laws. In summary, the
exploration of dark matter and its halos represents a
pivotal area of development in astrophysics.
The Role of Dark Matter in Galaxy Formation and Evolution
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IAMPA 2024 - International Conference on Innovations in Applied Mathematics, Physics and Astronomy