angle to gather into a focal point, telescopes would
have required distance for refracted light to travel, to
meet up with the rest of the light into the instrument
equipped by the telescope, making the tube of
refractor telescope significantly longer than other two
methods. Still, both the manufacturer's difficulty and
cost of this telescope substantially increase as its size
and resolution increase. This is due to the difficulty
of producing large and high-precision lenses without
any defects since the edge of the lens is extremely
fragile. Another problem that refractor telescopes
commonly encounter is the chromatic aberration
caused by different indices of refraction for each
wavelength of light. Chromatic aberration can be
calibrated by using a second carefully designed lens
mounted behind the main objective lens of the
telescope to compensate for the chromatic aberration
and cause two wavelengths to focus at the same point.
An example of a refractor telescope is the Yerkes
Observatory Refractor. The Yerkes 40-inch was the
largest refracting-type telescope in the world when it
was completed in 1897. Research conducted at
Yerkes in the last decade includes work on the
interstellar medium, globular cluster formation,
infrared astronomy, and near-Earth objects. Another
type of telescope is the catadioptric telescope, which
has an optical system of combination refraction and
reflection. The catadioptric telescope consists of both
lenses and mirrors to form images, utilize the benefits,
and minimize the disadvantages of each. Incoming
light first passes through a corrector lens, which
effectively helps reduce the telescope’s optical
aberration. The light then passes down to the primary
mirror at the bottom of the tube, which then reflects
all the light onto the secondary mirror, allowing the
secondary mirror to reflect concentrated light into the
instrument. Catadioptric telescopes typically have
two branches, being Schmidt-Cassegrain Telescopes
and Maksutov-Cassegrain Telescopes. Although both
have similar structures, Maksutov-Cassegrain
Telescopes equip a thin, meniscus-shaped corrector
lens. In contrast, Schmidt-Cassegrain Telescopes
equip a thin, aspherical lens, and corrector lens lenses
to correct optical aberration. In comparison, the
Maksutov-Cassegrain telescope works better due to
its thin lens, providing better correction to optical
aberration, and resulting in a higher price.
The last and most common type of ground-based
telescope is the reflecting telescope. The telescope’s
primary mirror can concentrate as much light as
possible into one focal point. Afterward, the
secondary mirror reflects all the captured light in the
focal point onto the instrument for observation. The
primary mirror on the telescopes is adjustable using
the optic system, allowing it to change the angle and
direction it faces. This is to collect radiation more
effectively and to avoid turbulence in the atmosphere.
Large mirrors are easier to manufacture than lenses,
making reflecting telescopes the most common type
for ground-based observation. Additionally, a
reflecting telescope wouldn’t experience chromatic
aberration since light isn’t going to be dispersed
through lenses during the process,
Earth’s atmosphere is transparent for radiations in
the radio frequency, making ground-based
observation possible. Radio telescopes are one of
them, literally collecting radio waves emitted by the
universe. Unlike optical telescopes that use a lens or
mirror, radio telescopes equip a large parabolic-
shaped metal dish with an antenna in the middle.
However, similar to optical telescopes, the dish can
reflect and concentrate all the radiation into the feed
horn in the middle. This will then direct all the
focused radiation to the receiver that amplifies these
weak signals for recording. Radio telescopes usually
scatter many dishes in a region, and with precise
placements, many dishes can serve as a radio
telescope that covers the whole area. This method is
known as interferometry, providing excellent
observation for a low budget.
Similar to ground-based optical telescopes, space-
based optical telescopes target the visible wavelength
and are equipped with a primary mirror and
secondary mirror to capture and concentrate light. On
top of that, they also have a guidance control system,
and a communication system to keep in contact with
the earth. In certain situations, some telescopes will
have specialized equipment for their unique scientific
goal of detection. The Hubble space telescope is a
perfect example of a space-based optical telescope,
by collecting visible celestial lights using mirrors,
while the HST orbits around Earth, its observation
isn’t affected by the atmosphere’s turbulence and
captures images with higher resolution. Although the
telescope is located in space, astronauts can service it
in orbit, extending its lifespan from 15 years to now,
which is already 34 years. Its main missions included
studying the formation and evolution of galaxies and
stars, studying and mapping dark matter,
investigating black holes, and more.
Infrared space-based telescopes focus on the
infrared wavelength of the electromagnetic spectrum,
which is typically emitted by hot objects in the
universe that can penetrate through space dust clouds,
making it extremely useful for studying the universe.
Heated objects emit thermal radiations that consist of
various wavelengths of radiation, infrared
wavelength being the most dominant. From a design