in Listing 1, correctly included the names of all 6
CallBehaviorAction instances shown in Figure 3.
Instances of other subclasses, e.g. the InitialNode
named init, were not returned by the query.
The objective of this publication was to develop a
workflow to automate and support the creation of a
VKG interface for the API of an engineering soft-
ware. Several steps of the developed workflow were
implemented in a tool that significantly simplified the
implementation effort for the VKG interface. The
process was streamlined by displaying the documen-
tation as true to the original as possible, with the addi-
tional required features added in a minimalist and in-
tuitive way. The navigational functions of the Javadoc
were preserved, ensuring a familiar environment for
the developer. Automated steps reduced manual effort
while minimizing errors, ensuring an efficient and ac-
curate workflow for the VKG interface creation. Sev-
eral steps not covered in the tool’s implementation but
included in the developed workflow were carried out
manually. As discussed earlier, these steps are not au-
tomated due to their complexity and the need for cus-
tomization. However, creating guidelines and defin-
ing requirements for these manual steps would still
be beneficial. Such guidelines would assist in check-
ing prerequisites ahead of time to determine whether
the workflow is applicable to a particular API. They
would also help streamline the manual steps, making
them more efficient, while reducing the likelihood of
errors during the process. This will be a focus of fu-
ture research aimed at enhancing the workflow.
This research is part of the project iMOD which
is funded by – Digitalization and Technol-
ogy Research Center of the Bundeswehr. is
funded by the European Union – NextGenerationEU.
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