Y–Balance Test in Female Gymnasts
Lucija Milčić
, Elena Milenković
and Josipa Radaš
Faculty of Kinesiology, University of Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia
Gymnastics Club”Aura”, Zagreb, Croatia
Keywords: Rhythmic Gymnastics, Balance, Dominant Leg, Non-Dominant Leg, Postural Control.
Abstract: The aim of this study was to examine the differences in dynamic balance between the legs and potential
asymmetry in rhythmic gymnasts. The sample consisted of six rhythmic gymnasts competing at the senior
level A category and members of the Croatian National Team. Dynamic balance was assessed using the "Y
Balance" test. Each gymnast performed the test in the anterior, posteromedial, and posterolateral directions,
following a practice attempt. Data analysis was conducted using Statistica 14. Differences in Y Balance test
performance between the dominant and non-dominant leg were evaluated using the T-test for dependent
samples, as well as the Wilcoxon Matched Pairs Test for variables that did not follow a normal distribution.
The results revealed a statistically significant difference in the posteromedial reach distance between the
dominant and non-dominant legs, indicated by variables RRDPMD and RRDPMND (p=0.021). This disparity
was evident in both absolute and relative terms, with the dominant leg demonstrating a greater reach distance.
These findings suggest that the gymnasts exhibit a preference for one leg over the other, potentially affecting
performance and increasing the risk of injury. Monitoring these asymmetries is crucial for developing targeted
training interventions to enhance balance and functional performance.
Rhythmic gymnastics is a difficult and complex sport
which requires increased space-time coordination
between body movements and apparatus handling
(Purenović – Ivanović et al., 2016). Execution of
rhytmic gymnastic elements demands a high level of
physical ability, thus, strong performance relies on
muscular strength and endurance, motor
coordination, and postural balance (Shigaki et al.,
2013). The balance provided by the feet refers to the
capacity to maintain the center of gravity within the
base of support (Duarte & Freitas, 2010).
Balance ability is influenced by genetics, but postural
control continues to evolve throughout a person’s life
(Calavalle et al., 2008). Postural control (or balance)
can be defined statically as the ability to maintain a
base of support with minimal movement, and
dynamically as the ability to perform a task while
maintaining a stable position (Ricotti, 2011; Winter et
al., 1990). It relies on various factors, including
vestibular, retinal, kinesthetic, and tactile systems,
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which complicates investigation and analysis
(Gateva, 2016). There is a sensitive period for balance
stability between the ages of 11 and 14 for girls, and
one year later for boys. (Gateva, 2016). By the ages
of 11 to 13, children can implement strategies similar
to those used by adults to maintain balance in both
stationary and moving conditions (Hatzitaki et al.
2002; Muller et al. 1992; Shumway-Cook and
Wollacott 1985). Two of the three main groups of
body exercises heavily rely on this ability. The Y
Balance Test is a dynamic stability assessment that is
recognized for its efficiency and clinical applicability
in accurately evaluating lower limb neuromuscular
control (Fratti Neves et al., 2017). Most exercises in
rhythmic gymnastics require an above-average ability
to maintain balance while standing on a very small
support surface; what causes additional difficulty is
that the gymnast is required to keep the free leg in
different demanding positions and move the
apparatus (FIG, 2022; Sobera & Rutkowska
Kucharska, 2019). In balance exercises, it is common
to hold a position with a minimal support surface,
c, L., Milenkovi
c, E. and Radaš, J.
Y–Balance Test in Female Gymnasts.
DOI: 10.5220/0013094200003828
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Sport Sciences Research and Technology Support (icSPORTS 2024), pages 283-288
ISBN: 978-989-758-719-1; ISSN: 2184-3201
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
while during rotations, the same balance positions are
executed with a 360°, 720°, or even greater degree of
rotation.(Gateva, 2016). Many studies compared the
balance ability of athletes from different sports,
underlying that gymnasts tended to have the best
balance ability (Bressel, Yonker, Kras & Heath,
2007; Hrysomallis, 2011; Scursatone, Caire, Cerrina,
& Pizzigalli, 2015). Authors Purenović-Ivanović et
al. (2023) investigated balance ability and
performance scores in rhythmic gymnastics on a
sample of 126 various level rhytmic gymnasts. Study
of Root et al., (2019), examines the participation
characteristics and the impact of specialization level
on fitness and functional performance in 131 youth
gymnasts (84 females, 47 males; avg. age 10.9 years).
Authors Kyselovičova and Zemkova (2024) analyzed
performance adaptations over two years of training in
a 22-year-old elite aerobic gymnast, using tests for
postural coordination, balance, jumping, leg strength,
and the Wingate test. Study of Overmoyer and Reiser
(2015), aimed to explore the relationship between
flexibility, flexibility asymmetries, and Y Balance
Test performance in 20 healthy active young adults (9
men, 11 women; avg. age 21.9 years), who completed
9 lower extremity active range of motion (AROM)
tests and the Y Balance Test in one session.
Furthermore, research of Gateva (2016), establishes a
database for static balance in rhythmic gymnastics by
testing 60 competitors across five age groups using
four balance tasks, with amplitude deviation
measured on a force platform during 10-second trials.
Santos et al. (2015), aimed to assess lower limb
flexibility and potential asymmetry indexes in 30
Junior 1st Division gymnasts in Portugal, with a mean
age of 13.73 years. In study of Simas Frutuoso et al.
(2016), the aim was to evaluate how lateral preference
in the lower extremities affects anthropometric
measurements, range of motion, and isokinetic torque
in rhythmic gymnastics athletes. The objective of
study of Santos et al. (2023), was to evaluate upper
and lower limb balance and lower limb static strength
in 12 female rhythmic gymnasts (ages 7-17) during
the pre-season, using the Upper Body Test, Lower
Body Test, and manual dynamometry. Aydin et al.
(2023), analyzed hand-foot/leg preferences in 75 final
routines of 28 elite rhythmic gymnasts from the 2021
World Cup and European Championships, focusing
on body and apparatus difficulties and preferred side
usage. Two groups of female rhythmic gymnasts
(N=40) from the Greek national team, aged 11-12 and
13-15, were tested to (a) identify perceptual and
motor abilities linked to performance across age
groups, and (b) assess the predictive power of these
abilities between the groups (Kioumourtzoglou et al.,
1998). The aim of this the investigation was to find
out the difference in dynamic balance between legs
and potentional assimetry in rhytmic gymnasts.
2.1 Sample of Subjects
The sample of subjects consists of 6 rhythmic
gymnasts who compete at level A of the senior
category and are also a part od Croatian National
Team. he limited number of participants in this study
reflects the high level of expertise required in
gymnastics, which restricts the pool of athletes
eligible for inclusion. The condition for participation
in the research was the absence of injuries or painful
conditions of the lower extremities, which could
negatively affect the performance of the test or further
worsen the current condition. Before conducting the
research, the protocol and possible risks of the tests
were explained to all gymnasts and declarations of
voluntary participation were signed.
2.2 Measurement Protocol and Test
The research was conducted in the "Stoja" sports hall
in Pula, where gymnasts spent two weeks at a summer
camp. Since the testing was carried out during the
preparatory period of the pre-competition season, all
of the gymnasts were on the same fitness level.
Before carrying out the tests, the gymnasts warmed-
up for an hour, so that the conditions were as close as
possible to daily training. After warming up, one by
one the gymnast came to the measurer, followed by a
demonstration and description of the performance of
the "Y balance" test. Before the performance of the
test, each gymnast had a trial attempt of the
2.3 Y Balance Test
Since the test platform was not available, tapes glued
to the ground were used, according to the prescribed
rules of installation and execution and with values in
centimeters marked on each tape. The test is performed
in the anterior (Figure 1), posteromedial (Figure 2) and
posterolateral (Figure 3) directions, whereby the angle
between the posterior arms must be 90°, and the angle
between the anterior and posterior arm must be 135°.
Before performing the test, the length of the lower
limbs of the gymnasts was measured, which will later
be necessary for the calculation of the absolute and
relative reach distance, calculated according to the
icSPORTS 2024 - 12th International Conference on Sport Sciences Research and Technology Support
formula: absolute reach length = (reach 1 + reach 2 +
reach 3)/3 (cm) and relative reach length = absolute
reach length/limb length*100 (Walker, 2016). Each
gymnast had 3 attempts to perform the test, with the
order of performing each test as follows: dominant leg
anteriorly, non-dominant leg anteriorly, dominant leg
posteromedially, non-dominant leg posteromedially,
dominant leg posterolaterally and non-dominant leg
posterolaterally (Linek et al., 2017). All 3 performance
attempts are first performed on one limb, and only then
on the other.
Figure 1: Y – balance test anteriorly.
Figure 2: Y – balance test posteromedially.
Figure 3: Y – balance test posterolaterally
2.4 Data Analysis
For easier use and data processing, all measurement
data were entered into a Microsoft Excel table.
Statistica 14 was used for further data analysis. Mean,
minimum, maximum and standard deviation were
calculated as indicators of descriptive statistics, while
Kolmogorov-Smirnov test was used to check the
normality of the distribution. The results showed that
the distribution of the data is normal, except for
variables ARDAND cm , ARDANND cm, RRDAND
which are not normally distributed. For the
differences in the performance of the Y balance test
between the dominant and non-dominant leg the T-
test for dependent samples was used, as well as
Wilcoxon Matched Pairs Test for variables that are
not normally distributed.
Table 1 presents basic descriptive parameters for
various reach distances in different directions
(anterior, posteromedial, posterolateral) for both
dominant and non-dominant legs.
Table 1: Descriptive Statistics.
Variable Valid N Mean
Height c
6 169.167 163.000 178.000 6.039
length R leg
6 88.167 84.000 93.000 3.724
Length L leg
6 88.000 84.000 93.000 3.536
6 61.483 56.700 69.500 5.012
6 60.667 55.000 70.000 5.508
RRDAND % 6 70.200 64.800 74.700 3.248
6 68.900 62.900 75.300 4.590
6 94.217 69.500 112.000 16.295
6 89.883 69.000 103.000 15.052
RRDPMD % 6 106.967 82.700 127.300 19.137
6 102.233 79.700 119.300 17.485
6 90.817 70.300 106.300 13.465
6 91.167 68.300 120.300 18.708
RRDPLD % 6 103.150 83.700 120.700 16.188
6 103.783 81.300 137.500 22.149
Y–Balance Test in Female Gymnasts
In Table 2 are the results of T-test for dependent
samples. There is only statistically sgnificiant
difference in variables RRDPMD and RRDPMND
Table 2: T-test for Dependent Samples.
106.967 19.137
102.233 17.485 6 5 0.021* 1.052 8.414
90.817 13.465
91.167 18.708 6 5 0.906 -7.618 6.918
103.150 16.188
103.783 22.149 6 5 0.855 -9.090 7.823
Note. *Marked differences are significant at p < .05000
In Table 3 are the results of Wilcoxon Matched
Pairs Test for variables which are not normally
distributed. There is statistically significant
difference between variables ARDPMD cm &
Table 3: Wilcoxon Matched Pairs Test.
Pair of variables
No. of
v < V
6 33.333 0.408 0.683
6 33.333 0.408 0.683
6 0.000* 2.041 0.041
Dynamic balance and stability, which are essential for
gymnasts during a variety of routines and
performances, are evaluated by the Y-Balance Test. It
assesses an athlete's ability to stay balanced while
reaching in different directions, modeling the
demands of gymnastics. Postural stability is essential
in rhythmic gymnastics during balance positions, as
well as in pirouettes and jumps (Calavalle et al.,
2008). Present the absolute and relative reach
distances reached in the anterior, posteromedial, and
posterolateral directions. Results shows that
gymnasts' dominant and non-dominant legs had
significantly different posteromedial reach distances,
both in absolute and relative terms. Bilateral
asymmetry in lower limb girth among both juvenile
and adult gymnasts, attributing this to the dominance
of exercises performed on the preferred side during
training (Douda et al., 2002). The findings showed
that in the posteromedial direction, the dominant leg's
absolute reach distance was larger than the non-
dominant leg. This suggests that when extending
backward and inward, the gymnasts had greater
stability and balancing abilities on their dominant
side. The reason for this is that throughout training
and performance routines, the dominant leg is used
constantly, perhaps resulting in improved strength
and proprioception. The main results revealed that
86.7% of the gymnasts exhibited significant
flexibility asymmetry between their dominant and
non-dominant limbs (Batista Santos et al., 2015).
Similarly, the relative reach distance results indicated
a noticeable difference between the dominant and
non-dominant legs in the same posteromedial
direction. This implies that even while the dominant
leg works effectively, the non-dominant leg might not
be able to attain a same degree of stability and
balance. The preferred limb exhibited greater thigh
girth and anatomical cross-sectional area, increased
ankle dorsiflexor range of motion, and higher hip
flexor torque at 60°·s⁻¹, as well as greater
plantarflexor torque at 180°·s⁻¹ compared to the non-
preferred limb (Simas Frutuoso et al., 2016). Reach
distance ratios may indicate a dependence on the
dominant leg, which may lead to an unequal
development of balance and strength. Balance ability
is a significant predictor of performance scores in
rhythmic gymnastics, accounting for 35% of the
variance in advanced-level gymnasts and 24% in the
entire sample (Purenović-Ivanović et al., 2023). For
gymnasts, these variations in reach distances are
crucial since balance and stability are key
components of an efficient rhythmic gymnastics
performance. Asymmetry in reach lengths,
particularly in the posteromedial direction, might
impact skills like landings, jumps, and twists
requiring for stability and lateral movement.
Gymnasts tended to use the left foot for jumps and
balances, while favoring the right foot for rotations
(Aydin et al., 2023). Including specific training
programs that target the non-dominant leg is crucial
to correcting these asymmetries. For the lower limbs,
a significant difference was found only between the
right and left posterolateral patterns (G1=80.33 ±
5.06, G2=76.19 ± 8.14; t(11) = -3.631; p = 0.004; d =
0.63) (Santos et al., 2023). Exercises that improve
posteromedial strength, stability, and flexibility need
to be provided priority. Exercises for lateral balance,
single-leg stability drills, and proprioceptive training
icSPORTS 2024 - 12th International Conference on Sport Sciences Research and Technology Support
may fall under this category. In the youngest elite
athletes, eye-hand coordination, whole-body reaction
time, and depth perception accounted for 40% of
overall skill, while in the oldest group, dynamic
balance, kinesthesis, and depth perception explained
56% (Kioumourtzoglou et al., 1998). Unipedal
balance is a challenging skill specific to gymnasts,
whereas bipedal stance is easier and less specific
(Hrysomallis, 2011). There may be a higher chance
of injury due to the observed imbalance in absolute
and relative reach distances between the dominant
and non-dominant legs. In a study by Plisky et al.
(2009), the mean composite YBT scores for healthy
high school and collegiate athletes were as follows:
anterior reach 92.4% of leg length, posteromedial
reach 92.9% of leg length, posterolateral reach 94.0%
of leg length and composite score 93.1% of leg
length. Asymmetry between limbs equal to or greater
than 4 centimeters for the anterior direction and/or
composite score less than 94% is related to
neuromuscular control deficits and a higher
probability of lower limb injuries (Fratti Neves et al.,
2017; Plisky et al., 2009). Overuse injuries, especially
to the ankle and knee, can result from an over-reliance
on the dominant leg. Results indicate that the Y
Balance Test can identify lower extremity flexibility
deficits and asymmetries in the ankle and hip regions
among recreationally active adults; however, it
should be supplemented with additional tests for a
comprehensive assessment of functional movement
and injury risk (Overmoyer & Reiser 2015). The
small sample size, while a limitation, is representative
of the reality in elite gymnastics, where the number
of athletes capable of competing at the highest level
is inherently limited. This emphasizes the need for
future research to consider the challenges of
accessing a larger sample in such a specialized field.
The differences in relative reach distance between
both legs can indicate balance and stability
asymmetries in athletes. In the context of gymnasts,
significant disparities in reach distance may suggest a
preference for one limb over the other, potentially
impacting performance and increasing the risk of
injury. Monitoring these differences can help in
developing targeted training interventions to improve
overall balance and functional performance. A
significant difference in reach distance in the
posteromedial direction may indicate an imbalance in
stability and control during movements that require
weight shifting and lateral support. This is
particularly relevant for gymnasts who frequently
perform turns and transitions.
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icSPORTS 2024 - 12th International Conference on Sport Sciences Research and Technology Support