Analysis of the 'Zero Step' IHF Handball Rule 7.3.d. in Open and
Closed Motor Performance Program
Igor Gruić
and Ivan Vlah
University of Zagreb, Faculty of Kinesiology, Croatia
Keywords: 'Zero Step', Match, Anthropometric Characteristics, Eye Inertia, Handball.
Abstract: Handball is a dynamic team sport game in which a series of actions can take place in a short period of time
and in a small space, without the human eye being able to follow it. In this paper, the 'zero step' in open
(matches) and closed (training) motor performance program was analysed and an attempt was made to prove
that it is not possible to simultaneously land on two feet, which significantly changes the rules of the handball
game. The matches of the European Handball Championship 2024 held in Germany were analysed in the
matches that ended in a draw, and whether referee errors related to unjudged steps during the performance of
the 'zero step' could have affected the final result. 18 senior players of the Kozala handball club, aged 16 to
24, participated in the research. For the purposes of the research, a motor task was composed in which, in the
first phase, there was a jump to the 'zero step' from a standing position and a run, and in the second phase, a
given feint and a shot at the goal. The results showed that no player jumped on both feet at the same time. A
qualitative analysis of the matches of the European Championship in 2024 came to the conclusion that the
final outcome could have been different, if there were no refereeing errors during the performance of the zero
step. According to the obtained results, the anthropometric characteristics do not affect the difference in the
time between the contacts of the left and right foot with the ground during the performance of the closed
structure of the 'zero step' from the initial stance and after the run-up.
Handball belongs to complex polystructural sports
activities in which cyclic and acyclic movement
structures alternate. Handball today is much more
dynamic than it used to be, mostly due to the use of
the fast centre rule. More modern principles in the
technical, tactical and physical development of the
handball game require players to possess new
technical and motor skills and characteristics. Modern
handball requires speed, dynamism, versatility in
defence and attack, technical skill, good perception of
the game and the ability to play in multiple positions,
at least for a limited time (Pokrajac, 2007; Taborsky,
2008). During the handball game, players often use
feints or tricks, with phases divided into real and fake.
This technical element of individual play is used with
the aim of gaining a spatial/temporal advantage over
the defender to get an unobstructed scoring
opportunity. What binds all versions of the feint with
steps is - landing on the ground with the feet in a
parallel or diagonal position, i.e. 'zero step', after
receiving or dribbling the ball, and followed by the
execution of the feint (modified from Zvonarek,
2005). The problem of controlling this technical
element lies in the judge's assessment, which opens
numerous controversies and questions regarding the
perception of 'zero step'. With the historical
development of handball, the rules of the handball
game also changed. Newer technologies including
VAR, the introduction of rules relating to the last 30
seconds of the game and many other changes greatly
improve objectivity and reduce the chances of
refereeing errors. However, there are segments of the
game where it is difficult to see with the naked (even
trained) eye whether there has been a violation of the
rules or not. One of such segments of the game is
certainly the 'zero step', which is still difficult to
assess whether the player has landed on both of his
feet. The rule 7.3.d. of the game of the highest
umbrella handball organization (IHF) say that “It is
permitted to: … take a maximum of 3 steps with the
c, I. and Vlah, I.
Analysis of the ’Zero Step’ IHF Handball Rule 7.3.d. in Open and Closed Motor Performance Program.
DOI: 10.5220/0013096200003828
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Sport Sciences Research and Technology Support (icSPORTS 2024), pages 289-295
ISBN: 978-989-758-719-1; ISSN: 2184-3201
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
ball (13:1a); one step is considered taken when a
player after a jump touches the floor with both feet
simultaneously, and then lifts one foot and puts it
down again, or moves one foot from one place to
another.”). The problem with this rule arises at the
beginning, where it is difficult for the referees to see
whether the contact was made at the same time,
because if it is not, it significantly changes the result
and leads to the subjective assessment of the referee,
which means that the same technical element will not
always be judged equally.
The previous researches covered the findings on
different indicators of the game in attack and defence.
Rogulj (2001) determined at the World Cup in Egypt
1999 that the result performance and general
situational efficiency are best explained through the
effective collective counterattack, a successful
positional attack against the opponent's organized
defence, minimizing technical errors in the attack,
effective application of non-contact defence and
situational efficiency of the goalkeeper in defending
shots from back positions. Gruić et al. (2003) after
analyses 59 matches of the Women's World Handball
Championship held in Croatia, determined very
different factors among groups which can influence
success in preliminary phase of the competition.
Different approaches to analysis of ‘success’ were
performed on different competition levels. E.g. on
case studies for Croatian national team few
contributions depicted various very different
approaches. At the World Championship in Portugal
in 2003, Smajlagić (2007) studied the situational
performance indicators in which the Croatian
handball team reached the podium and won the gold
medal, and Perkovac (2007) in his work analysed the
situational performance indicators of the Croatian
men's handball team at the World Championship in
2007 in Germany, followed by Balažinec (2020) who
analysed indicators of the situational effectiveness of
the Croatian handball team at the 2020 European
Championship. Šibila et al. (2011) study various
factors of situational efficiency through five
consecutive European championships held from 2002
to 2010. They analysed 237 matches as a sample for
their research. In their work, they investigated various
variables, including the number of goals scored in
positional attacks, the number of dismissals, blocks,
attacks, assists, goals, goals scored on the counter
attack, steals, yellow cards and goalkeeper defence.
During those years of the European Championships,
trends in efficiency changes in various parameters
were noticed. For example, the number of repeated
attacks and goals scored from counter-attacks
increased until 2010. Likewise, with the development
of goalkeepers and players, the ability to shoot,
defend the goalkeeper and block has remained stable
or similar. From this it is concluded that this analysis
of situational parameters shows how handball is
increasingly developing into a fast sport, with players
moving faster in attack, requiring less time to prepare
and organize attacks. Foretić (2012) classifies
research on situational efficiency in handball into five
different groups. The first three groups focus on the
analysis of individual segments of situational
effectiveness in the handball game: study of standard
indicators of situational success, analysis of the
presence of individual technical-tactical elements,
and the effectiveness of individual playing positions.
Next, expert assessment for team sports and
situational confrontation with the opponent are
investigated. The author points out that certain
parameters of situational efficiency can be compared,
including the successful performance of technical or
tactical elements, the final outcome of the match, the
placement in the competition and the activity of the
opponent during the confrontation. The comparison
of parameters of situational efficiency focuses on the
final outcome of the match, either victory or defeat,
efficiency in the performance of specific technical-
tactical elements, placement in the competition and
the activity of the opponent during the match. Based
on his research, Foretić (2020) concludes that it is
important to observe playing time in the context of
specific playing positions instead of in the context of
the overall sample of handball players. His research
linked certain variables that showed a negative impact
on the attacking efficiency of top handball players
with the time the players spent on the court. Although
the reasons for this can only be speculated on the basis
of research data, it is clear that playing time directly
affects the increase in the number of missed shots and
technical errors in top handball. Management and
control of game time, as well as a more careful
approach in the integral fitness training of handball
players, can benefit from such studies and their
results. Future research should be more detailed in
terms of including more variables of situational
efficiency and physiological load of players in order
to enrich the specific-situational knowledge of fitness
coaches in handball. Also, it is important to
investigate the effect of cumulative fatigue caused by
the time spent on the field - whether the efficiency
decreases from match to match. This is especially
important for tournament systems in competitions
such as the World and European Championships or
the Olympic Games.
Although interesting, most analyses of situational
effectiveness did not deal with 'borderline'
icSPORTS 2024 - 12th International Conference on Sport Sciences Research and Technology Support
manifestations of the application of handball rules.
The change is introduced by the research of Tuquet et
al. (2022) who studied the men's European
Championship 2018, World 2019, and European
2020 teams that were ranked 1st to 4th. After
analysing 12 games in which their goal was to see
how many steps players take before kicking from
different positions. On a sample of 174 players, the
results were obtained that players in the zone between
6-9 meters use 3 steps, with the assumption that they
want to get as close as possible to the opponent's
goalkeeper, in the zone outside 9 meters they use 2
steps in order to send a shot towards the goal as soon
as possible and reduce the possibility for defensive
players to prepare well for the block, and in the 6-
meter zone, players use no more than zero or one step.
The aim of the research is to determine the
parameters of the performance of the 'zero step'
according to rule 7.3.d. of the IHF in an intentional
closed experimental environment (test) and an open
situational competitive environment (match), in order
to assess the value and sustainability of the existing
interpretation of the same rule.
The first partial goal is to determine the physical
limitations of the rule that interprets the
'simultaneous' landing with both feet on the ground,
and then to determine whether there are statistically
significant differences in the performance of the
closed structure of the 'zero' step between the
performance from the initial stance and the take-off,
as well as that there is a statistically significant
correlation between the anthropological
characteristics of the subjects in the difference in time
between the contact of the left and right foot with the
ground during the performance of the closed structure
of the 'zero step' from the initial stance and from the
take-off. Another partial objective is to determine
whether there is a difference in the outcomes of tied
matches based on awarded and non-awarded steps
when performing a 'zero' step.
2.1 Entities
The sample of subjects for evaluating the closed
structure of the 'zero step' performance consists of 18
handball players from MRK Kozala, Rijeka, who
compete in the 1st Croatian Handball League in the
2023/2024 season, average height (M+/-SD)
186.11+/- 6 ,26 cm, average weight 88.89 +/- 8.98 kg,
average BMI 25.60, while the average age is 20+/-
2.59 years.
The sample of entities, which were presented with
the open structure of the 'zero step' performance,
consists of the performances of the 'zero step' version
through the foot jump into the parallel/diagonal
stance of the players in 5 matches of the preliminary
part of the international competition in which the
regular part of the match (60 minutes) ended in a draw
Table 1: Overview of the national teams in preliminary
groups after the group stage matches.
oints draw
A 1. France 5 Switzerland
2. German
4 /
3. North
2 /
4. Switzerlan
1 France
B 1. Croatia 5 Austria
2. Austria 4 Croatia,
3. Spain 3 Austria
4. Romania 0 /
C 1. Hungary 6 /
2. Islan
3 Serbia
3. Montene
ro 2 /
4. Serbia 1 Island
D 1. Slovenia 6 /
3 Faroe Islands
3. Polan
2 /
4. Faroe
1 Norway
2.2 Variables
Basic and derived anthropological characteristics of
handball players were measured (BH, BW, BMI, etc.)
A - The difference in time between left and right
foot contact with the ground during the execution of
the closed structure 'zero step' from the initial stance
B - Time difference between left and right foot
contact with the ground when performing a closed
structure 'zero step' from take-off (s)
N - Number of performances of 'zero steps' per
game in total/per team (n1 - ruled, n2 - not ruled)
O - Expert assessment of the correctness of the
judge's assessment of compliance with the rules of the
'open’ competition performance of the 'zero step'
version of the foot jump (0/1).
2.3 Protocol
The experimental procedure took place in two phases.
The first phase involved slow-motion recording of the
Analysis of the ’Zero Step’ IHF Handball Rule 7.3.d. in Open and Closed Motor Performance Program
players’ task, which included the performance of a
'zero step', while the second phase included a video
analysis of the matches of the last European Men's
Handball Championship and the registration of a 'zero
step' after which no steps were ruled/awarded. The
recording protocol took place in the evening after 9
p.m. The content of the warm-up before the recording
was through handball games and the players have had
one trial attempt for both tasks before the recording.
Jump-shot at the goal was performed trough two
variables: 1) from the spot after a take-off with both
legs and catching the passed ball while in flight phase,
with simultaneously both feet landing into paralel
stance followed by execution of three steps and a one-
legged reflection to a jump with one, and 3) the same
task after a short run-up. The position of the camera
was at the level of the surface behind the player. The
examinee's position in the first part of the task was 1.5
m behind the 9 m line, while in the second part it will
be 3.5 m behind the 9 m line. Duration of the task was
between 5-10 seconds and the examinees registered
one attempt. The recording frequency was 120 Hz.
The analysis of the matches of the European
Championship was assessed on 9 matches that ended
in a draw result. The analysis was focused exclusively
on isolated events involving a parallel or diagonal
jump into a 'zero step' and haven’t considered
situations in which the delegate could have judged.
Isolated events were slowed down with slow motion
tools and reviewed several times to make the
correctness assessment as accurate as possible. An
expert evaluation of the correctness of the judge's
assessment of compliance with the rules of the 'open
competitive performance of the 'zero step' version
with a foot jump was carried out to agree on the
inclusion of the observed situations in n1 or n2.
In the first shown kinogram (Figure 1) the player
took a total of 6 steps without dribbling the ball after
3 steps and the game continued, because the referees
started count steps only after jumping to 'zero step'. In
the second shown kinogram (Figure 2) we see the
phase of jumping into the 'zero step' and preparations
for the jump shot. It is clear the difference between
the jump of the left and right leg. The task was given,
and the player knew what he had to do, and the
difference is clearly noticeable in controlled and
closed setup, contrary to competitive open
environment i.e. matches with a high speed of cutting
movement and a short decision time frames.
Figure 1: Kinogram - open motor performance program.
Figure 2: Kinogram - closed motor performance program.
Roles when taking steps within the 'zero' step rule
are usually divided into three categories: 1) the player
who performs (in senior handball, players are
expected not to make many technical mistakes, so
they are not expected to do more than the allowed
three steps, however, there is a 'big compromise' in
which the player takes a step or two and only then
jumps with his feet into the zero step, while those
steps before the jump go 'under the radar' for the
judges who start counting the steps only after the
jump), 2) defensive player in front of the performer
(although today there are so-called defence
specialists, it is extremely difficult to prevent a player
who uses the 'grey zone' and gains an advantage. And
3) those who enforce the rules (referee on the field,
line referee, delegate, var system, and competition
organization committee).
icSPORTS 2024 - 12th International Conference on Sport Sciences Research and Technology Support
2.4 Data Processing Method
Microsoft Excel was used to create spreadsheets that
were later used for further analysis in the Statistica
14.0.0. program. Descriptive statistics (arithmetic
mean, standard deviation, etc.), offered insight into
the structure related to the observed sample of
subjects (average height, weight and age). Normality
of distributions were tested by Kolmogorov-Smirnov
test. The t-test for dependent samples was used to
determine the differences between variables A and B,
while Pearson’s correlation coefficient was used for
the influence of anthropological characteristics with
variables A and B. Qualitative analyses were used to
analyse the matches that ended in a draw, recorded
awarded and non-awarded steps during the jump to
the 'zero step'.
Table 2: Descriptive parameters and correlation.
A 0.28 0.24 0.07 1.09 0.25; p = 0.22
B 0.17 0.09 0.06 0.37 0.18; p = 0.61
BH 186.11 6.26 177 200 0.16; p = 0.77
BW 88.89 8.98 75 102 0.15; p = 0.81
e 20 2.59 16 24 0.11; p = 0.98
Table 3: Correlations.
A 1.00 0.19 0.73* 0.61* 0.14
B 0.19 1.00 0.16 0.37 -0.19
BH 0.73* 0.16 1.00 0.86* 0.15
BW 0.61* 0.37 0.86* 1.00 0.16
e 0.14 -0.19 0.15 0.16 1.00
The t-test for dependent samples between variables A
and B is t=1.84; df=17; p=0.08.
The interpretation of the results of the conducted
analyses can be standardly placed within the
framework of two standard levels of statistical
inference (99% and 95%), but also one non-standard
one (90%) for which the term - tendency to statistical
significance will be used in the rest of the paper.
Namely - "Type 1 error" (alpha error) refers to the
rejection of the hypothesis H0 which is correct (i.e.,
no differences or influence). Type 2 error is reversed
(beta error), and refers to the acceptance of the
hypothesis H0, which is not true. In various medical
studies whose results may have consequences for the
quality of human life or human life in general, the
level of significance is significantly lower than the
standard (even p<0.001 and less). On the contrary, if
it is a procedure that is not expensive and dangerous,
and could have a positive impact on a certain
situation, it can be operated with milder criteria (0.05,
and even 0.10 and 0.20)" (in Gruić , 2011, according
to Kolesarić, Petz, 1999). Therefore, in this case too,
p<0.08 should be linked to the analysis of sample size
and statistical power (0.59 for n = 18; and 0.80 for n=
31). With very large dispersions, e.g., SD in variable
A almost as AS, the power and level of statistical
inference and generalization are satisfactory.
Table 4: Qualitative analysis of handball matches from the
European Championship 2024 with Result ‘X’ (draw).
x n1 n2
1 6 3
2 1 0
36 4
43 1
52 0
There are physical limitations of the rule 7.3.d. that
interprets the 'simultaneous' landing with both feet on
the ground, there are statistically significant
differences in the performance of the closed structure
of the 'zero step' between the performance from the
initial stance and the take-off. There is a statistically
significant correlation between the anthropological
characteristics of the subjects in the difference in time
between the contact of the left and right foot with the
ground during the performance of the closed structure
of the 'zero step' from the initial stance, as well and
after a run-up. There is a difference in the occurred
and expected outcomes of tied matches based on
awarded and non-awarded steps when performing a
'zero step’.
Qualitative analysis proved that a different end
result would affect the further course of the
competition, i.e., a different order on the table and
thus the transition from the preliminary to the main
stage of the competition. In preliminary phase (tables
1 and 4), in matches that ended in a draw, e.g.
a) France and Switzerland - the expert
assessment concluded that due to the
undecided steps after the 'zero step', France
was more damaged (although, if the outcome
had been different, rank on the table would
Analysis of the ’Zero Step’ IHF Handball Rule 7.3.d. in Open and Closed Motor Performance Program
not have changed much as far as these two
teams are concerned).
b) Croatia and Austria different outcome may
have occurred - one situation in which
Austria was not awarded steps after the
erroneous 'zero step'. If the outcome had been
different, Croatia could have taken one more
point, thus having 6 points at the end of the
group stage and transferring 2 points to the
next stage of the competition, while in this
way they transferred 1 point due to the draw
with Austria.
c) Spain and Austria - no unjudged steps were
found during the performance of the 'zero
step'. However, if Austria have had lost from
Croatia, the situation on the table would have
been different, and in that case, Spain would
have had the same number of points as
d) Iceland and Serbia - Serbia was ‘damaged’ by
the number of unjudged technical errors due
to the islanders performance of the 'zero
step', and the outcome could have been
different. If that had been the case, Serbia
would have taken one more point, while
Iceland would have had one less point, and
Iceland, Montenegro and Serbia would have
tied on points.
e) Norway and Faroe Islands - analysis did not
find referee errors during the performance of
the 'zero step', so the final standings on the
table would not change.
Although, during the analysis of the match, not all
situations were monitored, jumps on one leg were not
included in the analysis, which is also considered a
'zero step', but only situations with jumps on two legs
were analysed. Mathematically, different scenarios
could have happened where in Group B Spain could
have passed to the main stage if it had beaten Austria,
and then Croatia would have transferred 2 points
instead of 1. A situation in which the team that goes
on would be decided according to the point difference
and the mutual ratio was in group C where Serbia
would be decided according to goal difference and
mutual ratio to Montenegro and Iceland, who would
go further. In that case, Serbia, which would have the
smallest goal difference, would have the most likely
situation to advance. There were no draw results in
groups E and F, so the final result on the table based
on the analysis of the referee's errors would not
Limitations of the research. One of the limitations
is the impossibility of ad-hoc calculation of statistical
power and determination of the sample size because
there are no previously comparable studies on this
topic, and in this study a post-hoc statistical power of
p=0.59 was determined for a sample of N=18.
Mathematically, there could have been more result
scenarios, but in this paper the focus was on the 'zero
step' and the scenarios that resulted from referees'
mistakes during unjudged steps after the 'zero step'.
Although ‘tendency to statistical significance’ is not
a term that the 2016 ASA statement would
recommend, this reference should, within broader
perspective (when using a larger sample in the
experiment), added value to the understanding of
related phenomena should focus on all matches, not
just those that ended in ‘draw’.
Future research on this or a topic similar to this
can study the referee's perception and how much the
referee's 'eye' is ready to follow the course of the
situation, that is, how much the seen situation and the
speed of decision-making affect the further course of
the attack so that the action of action is as effective as
possible when making decisions and so that these
rules would not call into question the passing of the
group stage, or the winner of the competition.
The obtained results confirmed that it is physically
and mathematically impossible to land on the ground
with both feet at the same time. The rule of "zero step"
due to the perceptive barriers, insufficient attention
when counting steps, or simply due to difficulties to
see the leap - leads to a ‘grey zone’ in handball game
where numerous outcomes are ignored, which from a
mathematically proven rule can lead to an unfair
result, and even not advancing to the next stage of the
competition. This all leads to numerous controversies
between referees, delegates, coaches, players and the
audience where big mistakes are allowed. Despite the
advanced technology (VAR), if this rule is not
changed, the benefits resulting from the jump will
continue to be used (more steps than allowed,
changing the tactics of the game, inability to place a
defender). The analysis of matches has often seen
situations in which players take a step or two before
leaping into the 'zero step', where the referees do not
see it or do not address attention to that part, so the
steps start to be counted only after jumping to 'zero
step'. We can call such situations a 'big compromise'
where judges are focused on correct execution of
steps and players at a high level of competition are
expected not to make such mistakes.
icSPORTS 2024 - 12th International Conference on Sport Sciences Research and Technology Support
Approved by Committee for Scientific research and
Ethics of the University of Zagreb, Faculty of
Kinesiology, Croatia, Date 10.05.2024, No; 43/2024.
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Analysis of the ’Zero Step’ IHF Handball Rule 7.3.d. in Open and Closed Motor Performance Program