Youla-Kučera Parameterization: Theory and Applications
Vladimír Kučera
Czech Institute of Informatics, Robotics, and Cybernetics, Czech Technical University in Prague, Czech Republic
Keywords: Linear Systems, Feedback, Stabilizing Controllers, Controller Parameterization, Multitask Controllers.
Abstract: Youla-Kučera parameterization is the parameterization of all linear controllers that stabilize a given linear
Youla, Bongiorno, and Jabr (Polytechnic Institute of
New York University) and Kučera independently
discovered the parameterization formula in the late
seventies, see (Youla et al., 1976a), (Youla et al.,
1976b) and (Kučera, 1975), (Kučera, 1979).
Ten years later, Vidyasagar (1985) provided a
comprehensive account of the result. Quadrat (2003)
generalized the parameterization results from
lumped-parameter systems to a class of distributed-
parameter linear systems. The survey paper
(Anderson, 1988) summarized the first twenty years
of theoretical developments. In contrast, the recent
survey paper (Mahtout et al., 2020) collects the latest
developments and industrial applications and
provides an impressive list of references.
Parameterization is essential when control
systems are designed to be stable and meet additional
performance specifications (Kučera, 1993). The
specifications beyond stability are achieved by
selecting an appropriate parameter. There is a one-to-
one correspondence between the set of stabilizing
controllers and the set of parameters. Furthermore,
the parameter appears linearly in the closed-loop
system transfer function, whereas the controller
appears nonlinearly. Selecting the parameter instead
of the controller thus simplifies the design
significantly. The system is made stable first, and then
the additional specifications can be accommodated,
one at a time.
Performance specifications, such as optimality
and robustness, are often conflicting and challenging
to achieve using a single controller. In such a case,
parameterization allows the designer to reconfigure
the controller to reach satisfactory performance while
guaranteeing overall system stability.
The Youla-Kučera parameterization is a
fundamental result that launched an entirely new area
of research and has been used to solve many control
problems (Kučera, 2007), ranging from optimal
control, robust control, disturbance and noise
rejection, and vibration control to stable controller
switching and fault-tolerant control.
There is a dual parameterization, which describes
all linear systems stabilized by a given linear
controller (Anderson, 1988). The parameter can then
describe plant variations. This is useful for solving the
problem of closed-loop plant identification (Hansen,
et al., 1989). Open-loop identification is more
straightforward, but it is often prohibitive to
disconnect the plant. Identifying the dual parameter
instead of the plant is a linear problem like open-loop
This keynote presentation is a guided tour through
the theory and applications of the Youla-Kučera
parameterization. It explains the origins of the result,
the derivation of the parameterization formula using
the transfer functions, and the state-space
representation of all stabilizing controllers (Nett et al.,
1984), (Kučera, 2011). It also explains how to select
the parameter to satisfy specific design requirements.
New and exciting applications of the Youla–Kučera
parameterization are then discussed: stabilization
subject to input constraints (Henrion et al., 2001),
output overshoot reduction (Henrion et al., 2005a),
and fixed-order stabilizing controller design (Henrion
et al., 2003), (Henrion et al., 2005b). A selection of
applications in different control fields is presented,
cera, V.
cera Parameterization: Theory and Applications.
DOI: 10.5220/0013113700003822
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics (ICINCO 2024) - Volume 2, pages 9-10
ISBN: 978-989-758-717-7; ISSN: 2184-2809
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
showing the efficiency of this approach in controlling
complex systems (Cifdaloz et al., 2008), (Trangbaek
and Bendtsen, 2009), and (Mahtout et al., 2018).
This work was co-funded by the European Union
under Project Robotics and Advanced Industrial
Production CZ.02.01.01/00/22_008/0004590.
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vol. 50, pp. 135–148.
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ICINCO 2024 - 21st International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics