Working Memory Capacity, Mental Fatigue, and Human
Paul Westfield
Mindseye Coaching and Consulting LLC, 2390 N. Reid Hooker Rd, Eads, TN, U.S.A.
Keywords: Working Memory Capacity, WMC, Mental Fatigue, Cognitive Deficits, Working Memory, Executive
Control Inhibition, High-WMC, Low-WMC.
Abstract: Errors in aviation can cause death. When the cause of error is not understood, it cannot be mitigated and will
repeat. This paper will explore an area of error causality that is not addressed or even identified in aviation
training or operations The aviation industry should evaluate their current pilots and establish a hiring
baseline for working memory capacity. This is the first step in understanding and mitigating what may be a
fundamental cause of many accidents and incidents. First, working memory (WM), working memory
capacity (WMC), and mental fatigue (MF) will be defined using current literature. Only one study is
operationally based, the rest are experimentally based. In the referenced literature, WMC was evaluated
using complex span tests (CST) or automated operational span tests (Aospan). Individuals with low WMC
were found to be more likely to be reactive, have slower response times, be more easily affected by
interruptions, and have higher error rates. Individuals with high WMC were more proactive, were less
affected by interruptions, maintained goal focus, and made fewer errors.
Aviation is inherently dangerous. When errors are
made, lives are placed in danger. Crew Resource
Management (CRM) created a way for crews to
communicate more effectively and to include all
relevant information in the decision-making process.
Not much has changed since that time, and accidents
still occur. This discussion will look deeper into the
cognitive processes that drive CRM behaviours and
may explain many of the recurring failures. The
ability of humans to process relevant information
resulting in an acceptable outcome, is variable in
many ways. Humans are individually unique in
cognitive abilities and their expression through
decision-making, which is founded on working
memory capacity (WMC). There are low-WMC and
high-WMC individuals with significant differences
in ability. In addition, humans are variable in
response to fatigue, specifically mental fatigue
(MF), which has a variable impact on low vs high
WMC individuals. Studies now show that these
variables are identifiable and quantifiable. This may
be an open window into understanding how and why
CRM fails. More aviation-specific studies are
needed that will support this focus on cognitive
causality based on WMC and MF variability and
Error Causality
All airlines spend millions of dollars and thousands
of hours on simulator instruction, but one common
goal is always present: error elimination. The
challenge is tracing error to its expressed behavior,
then on to the originating causality. A procedural
error in an approach may be identified as a lack of
knowledge of the automation capability of the
aircraft. What cannot be determined superficially is:
why was that knowledge unavailable to the pilot at
that time? Foundationally, behavior causality is
cognitively based, yet there is no formal process in
aviation to evaluate cognitive ability. Instructors
assess and evaluate based on observed human
performance. As design, maintenance, and
automation improved, failure causality was more
directly placed on pilots. Studies suggest that
between 60% and 80% of accidents have human
factor causality (Shappell et al., 2007).
Westfield, P.
Working Memory Capacity, Mental Fatigue, and Human Performance.
DOI: 10.5220/0013152600004562
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Cognitive Aircraft Systems (ICCAS 2024), pages 126-133
ISBN: 978-989-758-724-5
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
CRM Origins
The crash of United Flight 173 from New York to
Portland, Oregon, ushered in a new era of crew
training designed to eliminate error. The aircraft had
experienced a gear malfunction prior to landing. Air
traffic control gave the crew airspace to hold and
work on the problem. The captain became distracted
by the needs of the cabin crew in their preparation
for the approach. He ignored the statements about
limited fuel made by the cockpit crew during this
time. By the time he realized the severity of the
situation and turned toward the airport, they were
already running out of fuel. Flight 173 crashed in a
neighborhood short of the airport due to fuel
starvation. Ten people died, and dozens were
injured. As a result of the findings of this crash,
Crew Resource Management (CRM) was born. The
goal of CRM is to ensure that safer decisions will be
made with more information and coordination. CRM
is an external view of behaviours centered around
teamwork, leadership, communication, situational
awareness, and decision- making. This approach led
to vast improvements in the leadership gradient and
overall crew collaboration. Unfortunately, errors
continued to occur, and people continued to die. In a
high- reliability industry like aviation, one accident
is consequential.
As an instructor/evaluator and teaching Human
Factors, I became interested in a series of five near
catastrophic events that occurred during the go
around phase of flight. A go-around is when the
crew or the controller decide that the aircraft must
break off the approach and fly a specific procedure
instead of landing. This can be directed because the
spacing between landing aircraft is too close, wind
or weather is now beyond landing limits, an aircraft
malfunction, not meeting stable approach criteria, or
many other reasons. The five events were evaluated
for causality commonality. Was there a training,
proficiency, currency, planning, or fatigue issue that
could be credited with explaining why the crews
flew perfectly good aircraft into an undesired aircraft
state (UAS)? The crews were professionally
qualified and experienced, had received good
training with no deficiencies, and were not
physiologically fatigued. The events occurred in
different aircraft, at various locations both domestic
and international. The intersecting commonality was
limited. All UAS events were all at the end of a
flight and required the use of a specific procedure
engaging both implicit autonomic response and
explicit cognitive engagement. All the crews made
serious errors including, power application, system
control, flight path, communication, and others. In
the goal of tracing causality, there seemed to be no
common external factors identified that would
mitigate the developed UAS. An unidentified
influence was likely behind these failed maneuvers.
After doing an informal survey of simulator
instructors, a common experience became clear. In
training for the requirement of a go-around there is a
prescribed procedure that dictates pitch, power,
flight path management, and configuration changes.
There is also a verbal litany that accompanies the
flight path profile with the intent of communicating
the steps as they occur. There were pilots who could
fly the entire go-around procedure perfectly but could
not seem to get the corresponding verbal call outs
correctly. Other pilots got every memory call out
correctly but could not fly the prescribed procedure
profile while doing so. While most pilots seemed to
perform to standards, this limited performance group
was large enough to be identifiable. While this was
completely anecdotal and held no scientific value, it
was the assessment of instructors with thousands of
hours of observations. The differences in performance
behavior could not be explained through error
analysis of CRM, or any other training application.
Boksem and Tops research identify attentional control
decrements due to the impact of mental fatigue
(2008). Further research, presented here, exposed
attentional control decrements as a shared impact of
low-WMC and MF on cognitive performance. This
paper explores the limitations of WMC variability and
the combined impact of MF. There are several
questions that should be answered. First, can
variations in WMC among non-mentally fatigued
individuals impact their performance under high
workloads? Next, could that explain why some pilots
who met application and interview criteria seem to
underperform? Drews and Musters (2015) warn that
individuals who are functioning at their maximum
WMC are likely to have increase error rates and less
effective strategies for task completion. Finally, what
impact, if any, does MF have on the performance of
those with low-WMC vs high-WMC. These questions
must be explored to fully understand the potential for
performance decrements in high workload
Moreover, if having a specific WMC score has
an impact on human performance, measuring this
prior to employment may provide a benefit to error
reduction and safety.
Working Memory Capacity, Mental Fatigue, and Human Performance
Understanding the interaction and integrated
impacts Working Memory Capacity and Mental
Fatigue have on Human Performance must start with
definitions. By providing clarity through definitions,
the nature of the interactions and potential
performance variability can be described with more
Working Memory
Working memory (WM), as defined by Unsworth
and Engle (2008), combines the recall, use, and
management of information relevant to the task at
hand. It has been further defined by including the
ability to keep behaviorally focused on the relevant
information despite distractions (Jarrold & Towse,
2006). Baddeley (2001) considered executive
attentional control as an important agent for
maintaining WM focus. In early research into WM,
the concept of accessing information from long-term
memory (LTM) was developed by Ericsson &
Kintsch, (1995). They differentiate the durability of
long-term working memory (LT-WM) and short-
term working memory (ST-WM) in WM. They
suggest that LT-WM is dependent on attentional
controls, and once available, it must be kept active,
or it is lost. This concept is critical when considering
task interruption and reengagement.
Working Memory Capacity
Working memory capacity is a newer concept that
explains the personal differences in functionality,
fixed storage, and ability to focus attention
(Shipstead et al., 2016). In earlier work by Unsworth
& Engle (2008, p. 616), the idea of “active
manipulation” is offered as a defining component for
moving WM to WMC. This is the process of
bringing relevant long- term memories forward for
integration. There are strong positive correlations
between WMC and fluid intelligence, offering an
avenue for assessment (Shipstead et al., 2016). Fluid
intelligence is demonstrated by novel problem-
solving methods. Strong capabilities in fluid
intelligence access relevant information from LT-
WM and apply it to the current environment in
creative ways that provide solutions. A significant
aspect of fluid intelligence is the propensity to
identify and activate disparate stored information
that, when integrated, adds to the developed solution
(Shipstead et al., 2016). Jastrzębski, et al. (2018)
suggest that the efficiency of WM is strongly
supported by an individual’s fluid intelligence. Their
work specifically identifies that WMC, and fluid
intelligence are insulated from strategy use and show
interdependence (Jastrzębski, et al., 2018). With
such strong correlations to WMC, future studies of
pilot cognitive abilities should incorporate fluid
intelligence assessments. WMC is the ability to take
in current stimulus held in ST-WM, use executive
control to identify relevant LT-WM information, and
apply attentional controls to keep all the information
available. All this is accomplished while
determining the appropriate response during the
engagement of implicit, automaticity-based
WMC Assessment. WMC variation can be
measured and evaluated using complex span tasks
(CST) (Redick et al., 2012). An automated operation
span test (Aospan) has also been used successfully
and is associated with fluid cognition (Unsworth et
al., 2005). The common research employment is to
assess WMC, then invite those in the top and bottom
quartiles for quantitative testing. This process
provides a clear division in capabilities and
performance variations in WMC among the
individuals evaluated (Bafna & Hansen, 2021).
Then, during task loading testing, performance is
related to the WMC scores. Osaka et al. (2021) have
identified brain activity differences between high-
WMC and low-WMC individuals. Their work
indicates that low-WMC individuals appear to
engage more areas of the brain to accomplish certain
tasks than those with high-WMC. High-WMC
individuals showed much higher engagement in the
anterior cingulate cortex (ACC). This may indicate a
need to recruit more areas of the brain in low-WMC
individuals for the same task. The ACC is thought to
have a significant impact on attentional control and
inhibition. Inhibition, in this case, is helpful in
maintaining goal-oriented behavior by inhibiting
nonrelevant stimuli from becoming significant. In
addition, Quaedflieg et al. (2019) show reduced
capabilities in those with low WMC when under
stress. Ahmed and Fockert (2012) use visual flanker
trials in their study of WMC and working memory
load (WML). Consistent with other studies, they
found that “high-WMC individuals were indeed
better able to adjust their attentional window to task-
relevant information compared to low-WMC
individuals (Ahmed & Fockert, 2012, p. 9). This
visual response study is relevant to the visual
distractions that can occur in the cockpit. Variations
ICCAS 2024 - International Conference on Cognitive Aircraft Systems
in both high-WMC and low-WMC individuals have
proven to impact performance. What happens when
they are impacted further by high levels of task
USAF WMC Assessment. In 1980, while attending
USAF pilot training, I was exposed to a process that
evaluated WMC from an operational performance
perspective without having the scientific definitions
or studies to support it. Everyone was ranked by the
end of pilot training. The ranking was for the
purpose of identifying those with the highest skill
sets. The ranking was from highest to lowest:
fighter/instructor qualified, fighter qualified, and
multicrew qualified. How did they manage to
develop the ranking without the science of WMC? A
pilot candidate had to be exceptionally skilled at
flying to rise above the multicrew ranking to become
fighter-qualified. Next, those with the fighter-
qualified ranking still had to prove their ability to be
instructors as well. The technique the USAF used
was to create a high-task-loaded environment during
challenging flying engagements. They did this by
engaging the student in distracting conversations
while flying a challenging formation rejoin
maneuver or any other challenging flying task. If the
student could still fly the jet well with no
performance loss while engaged in conversation and
other distractions, they were fighter/instructor
qualified. This was an important evaluation, as many
new pilots were brought back and trained as pilot
training instructors. Most of the fighter/instructor-
qualified pilots were selected for F-15, F-16, or
other single-seat high- performance aircraft. The
USAF also required forward air controllers to be
fighter/instructor qualified. Their job was to fly the
OV-10, a single pilot twin engine turboprop, at low
altitude while talking on three different radios,
marking targets on maps, and recording fighter
information. Then the pilot developed attack
headings and providing final attack clearance, a very
task intensive job. The USAF circa 1980 ranking
system was experientially developed and offered
pilots a way to compete for the best assignments.
More importantly, it created a margin of
performance capability and safety for the USAF.
The result was a ranking system based on a pilot’s
ability to maintain attentional focus and keep
relevant information a priority. Military pilot
training is intentionally a culling process with high
washout rates. The candidates had to prove their
capabilities if they wanted to get their wings.
Airline Assessment. Commercial flying is a
multicrew-based operation with international and
federal regulations as well as corporate rules and
guidance. Pilots must meet minimum experience
requirements to be invited to an interview. Pilots
prove their qualifications when they pass the
interview. The training is designed to be the most
efficient in the least amount of time to produce a
safe pilot. The interview process does not
necessarily identify capabilities under stress or high
task loading. The ability of the pilot to operate under
stress is assumed. This assumption is a mistake and
exposes a gap in capability assessment. As aviation
moves into higher levels of complex airspace
management and aircraft automation, this gap should
be eliminated. The importance of eliminating this
gap in assessment becomes stark when the impact of
mental fatigue is considered.
Mental Fatigue
Mental fatigue is differentiated from both physical
fatigue and sleep-loss fatigue. While both conditions
may contribute to mental fatigue, it does not require
their presence. Task loading induced mental fatigue
can be categorized as acute mental fatigue. Other
forms of mental fatigue can be injury or illness
induced (Bafna & Hansen, 2021). Here, the term
mental fatigue (MF) will refer to acute task-loaded
mental fatigue. MF can be identified by many
different cognitive test variations that identify
deviations correlated to task level increases. MF can
develop during short periods of high task loading
and does not require prolonged periods of work
(Boksem & Tops, 2008). MF is further defined
based on physiology and energy use. The
biochemical activity of energy use in the brain under
high demand can produce sleep regulatory
substances, including adenosine, which shut down
that part of the brain. This inhibitory effect may be
contributory to MF decrements (Kumar et al., 2013).
The ACC (anterior cingulate cortex) is an area of
the brain where the impact of excess adenosine may
directly impact WMC and information processing.
Darnai et al. (2023) identify that as MF rises,
activity in the ACC and other non-task-specific areas
decreases. High-WMC individuals have increased
activity in the ACC as compared to low-WMC
individuals during complex-span tasks (Osaka et al.,
2021). This may result in improved executive
function and goal-directed behavior by high-WMC
individuals. In addition, Osaka et al. (2021) identify
the importance of the ACC in central executive
functions, a key component of WMC. Moreover,
Working Memory Capacity, Mental Fatigue, and Human Performance
elevated levels of adenosine may directly affect
effort-based decision-making (Martin et al., 2018).
Proper decision-making requires all components of
WMC, including drawing explicit memories from
long-term memory. Anything that degrades
motivation or allows irrelevant information into the
processing process can disrupt this process. This is
an effortful activity engaging in goal-centered
processing, which is an executive function required
to ensure proper response inhibition. The brain
engages in filtering processes that inhibit
inappropriate or irrelevant responses. Chen, et al.
(2021) produced an electroencephalographic study
engaging participants in task interruption trials. To
induce mental fatigue, they used the AX continuous
performance task. A negative effect of interruption
on WM was identified in non-MF participants. They
also noted that: “In the current study we found that
high WMC individuals were indeed better able to
adjust their attentional window to task relevant
information compared to low WMC individuals…”
(Chen et al., 2021, p. 9). This finding is consistent
with other forms of testing that have identified the
importance of attentional control associated with
WMC (Ahmed & Fockert, 2012; Baddley, 2001;
Engle, 2002; Kane and Engle, 2002). Guo et al.
(2018) support this and determined that in addition
to degraded and delayed response inhibition, there
also appeared to be a reduction in the allocation of
attentional resources. When referring to the
definition of WM above, the impact of attentional
focus and control on relevant information is
identified as essential for WM maintenance and
function. WMC, then, must have those components
available to effectively engage in the active
environment. Adenosine buildup from high
cognitive activity and task loading-induced MF may
have a negative impact on the functionality of WMC
through various channels. This impact is associated
with the ability to accurately process the information
required for an effective response. Loss of executive
attentional control, an effect of MF, appears to allow
irrelevant information to drive inappropriate
reactions or delayed responses. In addition, MF has
been shown to create resistance toward increasing
effort during task accomplishment (Lorist et al.,
2000). This is consistent with the concept that MF
results in reduced motivation and effort for task
completion (Boksem & Tops, 2008). Lorist et al.
(2000) show how mentally fatigued subjects move
toward stimulus-based reactions and away from
WMC-based responses. This may be due to the loss
of the capability of executive control to exclude
irrelevant stimulus. This loss of executive control
through MF has been shown to affect the allocation
of information resources of WM through
electroencephalogram testing (Yang, et al., 2021).
Goal-directed behavior is a key component of
executive control, where inhibition of irrelevant
information maintains goal focus. Reduced
executive control resulting from MF actions is
driven more by “…situational or external cues, even
when this is inappropriate” (van der Linden et al.,
2003, p. 47). This can be translated behaviorally as
reactions rather than responses. Reactions tend to be
explicit in nature, rapid, and without effortful
thought. A response takes time and includes explicit
memory recall and cognitive processing. The former
may or may not produce a positive outcome; the
latter is an attempt to produce a desired outcome.
When a response becomes too effortful and
irrelevant stimuli are present, an erroneous reaction
can occur. The data shows that there are limits to
WMC. When increased task loading develops into
MF, information processing declines, resulting in
degraded decision- making. While heuristics are not
assessed here, they are less effortful processes in
decision-making and often inaccurate, based on
previous experience or framing. The influence of
MF on perseverance may also show up as
confirmation bias: not making the effort to explore
all the data before committing to inclusion.
Proactive and reactive control are defined by
Wiemers and Redick (2018). They describe
proactive control as using available information to
infuse or prepare for a response before a reaction is
needed, resulting in faster response times and greater
accuracy. Alternatively, they explain reactive control
as not engaging relevant information until a critical
stimulus appears, then trying to retrieve the
information and select an appropriate response,
which can lead to slower response times and less
accurate responses. In addition to other influences,
Wiemers and Redick (2018) identify WMC as an
influence in the use of proactive or reactive control.
An important concept they present warns that just
because low- WMC individuals are less likely to use
proactive control, it does not mean that they are
incapable of using it. More practice or time on-task
training may improve their use (Wiemers & Redick,
Möckel et al. (2015) also identified how task
loading can lead to WM, action control, and
attention deficits. They further add that MF may add
ICCAS 2024 - International Conference on Cognitive Aircraft Systems
to the difficulty of staying focused on the relevant
information (Möckel et al., 2015). Looking at this
another way, irrelevant information or stimulus may
become engaged in the process of human
performance and degrade available WMC
throughput. Considering WMC limits, if additional
irrelevant data is added to the processing
requirement, it seems likely that there will be an
increase in errors. Interruptions have been associated
with error causality. Aviation is fraught with
interruptions. Drews and Musters (2015) conclude
that higher WMC reduces the impact of
interruptions. Interruptions increase cognitive
demand and can create capacity interference. Key to
their findings is that it is the irrelevant information
in an interruption that creates cognitive overload.
This ties the impact of MF to the degraded inhibition
of irrelevant information. Kane and Engle (2002)
promote a strong executive attention component in
WMC. They define executive attention as:
“a capability whereby memory representations
are maintained in a highly active state in the
presence of interference, and these representations
may reflect action plans, goal states, or task-relevant
stimuli in the environment” (p. 638).
Kane and Engle support their position and
further claim that active maintenance and distractor
blocking function as the core of WMC through the
activity of executive attention (2002). Recall that
MF can degrade executive attention and allow non-
relevant stimulus considerations to increase
perceived task loading. This perception influences
the effort projection and can reduce motivation for
perseverance. Kane and Engle (2002) suggest that
active maintenance of information is most critical
when interference and distractions are present. This
brings focus to the concept that high-WMC
individuals perform better during distractions due to
stronger executive control inhibiting nonrelevant
Unsworth and Robison (2020) explored WMC
during extended vigilance tests. This is suggestive of
a pilot’s requirement to monitor aircraft systems for
hours during cruise. They found that while the
results for both low and high WMC individuals were
similar early on, as time went on the low-WMC
individuals experienced a greater performance loss
over the high- WMC individuals (Unsworth &
Robison, 2020). Studies indicate performance
decrements in low- WMC individuals in both short
term, high task loading, and long term, time-on-task
Research must provide solutions that will
function in future proposed cognitive environments.
Tools are now available that can identify high-WMC
candidates for task-challenged positions like
piloting. By eliminating those who will commit
more errors based on their limited WMC, aviation
organizations will improve safety margins.
Individual variations in WMC must be managed by
creating a working environment that minimizes
distraction potential, a key error contributor. There
may also be ways to train more efficient strategies
for low-WMC individuals and reduce reaction-based
decision-making (Drews & Musters, 2015).
Westbrook et al. (2018) looked at emergency
department physicians. They shadowed thirty-six
physicians over 120 hours. While this is a small
study, it has immense potential to guide future
studies in aviation. They assessed the physicians
WMC levels using OSPAN, with error rates
correlated to interruptions and multitasking. They
identified prescribing errors and clinical errors.
Prescribing errors increased in association with
multitasking; interruptions, however, during this
task, failed to have an effect. When trying to
accomplish multiple tasks simultaneously during
administrative prescribing duties, error rates were
high. It was discovered that for every one-point
increase in the OSPAN WMC score, the decrease in
error rate was 2%. A higher WMC produced fewer
errors (Westbrook et al., 2018).
Westbrook et al. found that clinical errors,
however, significantly increased with interruptions.
While error rates also increased with physician age,
they were inversely proportionate to physician
seniority. WMC was also associated with clinical
errors. A 19% reduction in error rate was observed
for each ten-point increase in the OSPAN WMC
score (2018). Westbrook et al. (2018) indicate that
their study showed a direct connection between error
rates and WMC, where those with low WMC made
more errors.
This is one of very few operational assessments
of WMC, specifically in a high-task-loaded
environment comparable to aviation. The correlation
is significant. In their conclusion, Westbrook et al.
make several points worth considering. They point
out that accepted practices of interruptions and
multitasking had a negative impact and should raise
questions about those traditional strategies (2018).
This is also good guidance for aviation. Next, they
demonstrated that high-WMC individuals are better
at operating in this high-task-loaded environment
(Westbrook et al., 2018). Pilots and physicians have
been compared many times based on personality
types and the stress and task load of their jobs. Tests
are available to determine WMC variance. The
Working Memory Capacity, Mental Fatigue, and Human Performance
evidence suggests high-WMC individuals are less
error prone. Testing pilots could be a powerful tool
for error, incident, and accident prevention.
Human performance in aviation is subject to
many influences and variables. The environment is
ever- changing, with variations in weather
conditions, maintenance restrictions, and changes to
NOTAMs (Notices to Airmen), routes, approaches,
and personnel. Often, crews meet for the first time
an hour before a flight that can take them halfway
around the world through many challenges.
Regulations and procedures are designed to
structuralize behavior as much as possible. CRM
and Threat and Error Management are tools and
performance aids designed to minimize error-
producing behaviors. What if the ultimate error-
producing causality is currently invisible to our
system of analysis? After an error has occurred,
cognitive evaluation is not historical and provides
little value to an investigation. During interviews
pilots are eyewitness, and eyewitnesses have been
shown to be the least reliable source in
investigations. The information gathered event by
event will be unique to the individual with no way to
associate that to the general pilot population.
Identifying individual WMC in advance, provides
added value to a Safety Management System.
Testing on a broad-based level will produce data that
will reflect the general population of pilots and
allow for system-wide responses.
As aviation moves to higher levels of automation
with increased specificity of cognitive focus,
matching capabilities to requirements becomes a
safety issue. Low-WMC individuals are identified as
having higher error rates and longer response times.
Their ACC activation levels are lower, and they are
more susceptible to distraction and irrelevant
stimuli, especially after high task loading and MF
onset. High-WMC individuals demonstrate higher
levels of perseverance and increased goal-oriented
focus despite distractions and irrelevant stimuli.
Their response times are faster, and they have fewer
errors. Additionally, studies have shown a strong
correlation between WMC and fluid intelligence.
Before there can be procedural development or
performance filtering, there must be more direct
studies involving active pilots from major airlines as
well as air traffic controllers. Using available CST
and Aospan testing, the WMC and fluid intelligence
of the current employees can be ascertained. If
validated, training studies should be developed to
explore the effectiveness of providing low-WMC
individuals with alternative strategies that will
prevent reactive behaviors. Alternately, based on the
data results, it may be effective to develop a
screening process for high-WMC, high-fluid-
intelligence candidates. A WMC score scale
included in the interview process would bias the
selection to those who are more capable of operating
in a high-task- loaded, high-interruption profession
with reduced error potential. The benefits, projected
forward, may allow reduced training times, more
complex operations, reduced errors, and improved
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Working Memory Capacity, Mental Fatigue, and Human Performance