Intelligent Human Iris Recognition System Based on Deep Learning
Andreea Negoit
Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, “Babes
-Bolyai” University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Deep Learning, Iris, Biometrics, Segmentation, Recognition.
This research paper presents the development of an intelligent biometric system which performs human iris
recognition. The software application that incorporates it is called KEYE. Deep learning models are imple-
mented to segment and recognize the users’ irises at authentication. Iris segmentation uses a modified version
of the U-Net convolutional neural network, trained and validated on images from the I-SOCIAL-DB dataset.
The experimental results prove a maximum validation accuracy of 98.98% and a Dice score of 0.93. The
extraction of features from the segmented images is done using part of the layers of the pre-trained DenseNet-
201 neural network. For classification, the KEYE-DB dataset with visible light spectrum images was created.
The accuracy obtained after testing the recognition model is 99.98%. The precision, specificity, recall and
F1 score exceed 0.9955, while the error and the false positive rate are almost zero, following the conducted
experiments. The performance of the biometric system has proven to be gratifying.
Due to the increasing interest in the development of
science and technology worldwide, there is also an
intense focus on security and, implicitly, on the de-
velopment of intelligent systems that use biometric
recognition for human identification and verification.
Such an authentication system represents the basis
of the KEYE mobile application developed from this
study, which aims to keep users’ credentials and pho-
tos safe from impostors.
Biometrics is defined, in (Tahir and Anghelus
2019), as the technology that analyzes the physiolog-
ical and behavioral features of people, with the aim of
identifying and authorizing them. According to (Ab-
dulkader et al., 2015), it is the most secure human
authentication method among the existing ones: bio-
metric, knowledge-based and possession-based. Bio-
metrics is a vast field and is intensively studied by
researchers, because it provides information used in
the design and implementation of security technolo-
gies. It involves a wide range of human recognition
techniques and portrays the unique and detailed char-
acteristics of individuals.
The complexity and uniqueness of the human iris
is fascinating compared to other biometric traits. The
arrangement of pigments, the pattern of the collarette,
the distribution of fibers and blood vessels, give this
natural structure a huge potential for use in the field
of security. Thus, the aim of this study is to demon-
strate the reliability and accuracy of human iris fea-
ture recognition using artificial intelligence. The ob-
jectives of this study are: researching and implement-
ing innovative methods in the field of iris biomet-
rics, obtaining performant results after applying deep
learning algorithms, demonstrating the uniqueness of
the iris as a biometric characteristic and ensuring a
high degree of personal data security.
From the first studies on iris recognition, there has
been remarkable progress in the diversity and perfor-
mance of the algorithms used for this purpose. Start-
ing from images captured in infrared light, more and
more emphasis has been placed on the use of datasets
containing images from the visible light spectrum.
These images are captured in uncontrolled environ-
ments, where iris region visibility conditions are not
necessarily favorable, as the ones in the datasets used
in this study. It is resorted to the development of
methods with an increased degree of complexity for
the purpose of iris segmentation and classification,
based mainly on machine learning techniques, or to
the improvement of already existing ones.
This paper focuses on the implementation of both
segmentation and recognition deep learning methods.
The unique contributions of this study consist, firstly,
in using a deep learning model that consists of a vari-
Negoi¸tescu, A.
Intelligent Human Iris Recognition System Based on Deep Learning Models.
DOI: 10.5220/0013037000003890
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2025) - Volume 3, pages 15-23
ISBN: 978-989-758-737-5; ISSN: 2184-433X
Proceedings Copyright © 2025 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
ation of the U-Net architecture and trained on the I-
SOCIAL-DB dataset, for iris segmentation. Secondly,
the KEYE-DB dataset is created and used for the first
time. Its scope is to help training and validating an iris
recognition model to extract relevant features from
irises and classify them, based on the DenseNet-201
neural network. Due to these implemented innova-
tions, the biometric authentication system of KEYE
mobile application proves outstanding performances.
Compared to the present study, others focus either
on segmentation or recognition, or are simply not suit-
able for use on a mobile phone, either because of their
computational complexity or due to the fact that most
of them use images from the infrared light spectrum.
2.1 The Basis of Human Iris
The first patent on iris recognition was developed
in 1987 (Flom and Safir, 1987). Most of the cur-
rently existing iris recognition methods have their ba-
sis on the algorithm of the British researcher John
Daugman, patented in 1994. In his work, (Daugman,
1994), iris localization implies a integro-differential
operator in order to demarcate the inner and the outer
contours of the iris. Then, geometric normalization is
performed and Gabor filters are used to represent the
obtained rectangular image of the iris in binary code.
In the iris code matching process, authenticity verifi-
cation is performed by calculating the Hamming dis-
tance between pairs of codes. In order for two codes
to define the iris of the same person, the value of the
Hamming distance, scored between 0 and 1 inclusive,
must be as close as possible to 0. The work (Wildes,
1997) investigates the application of the Hough trans-
form for the purpose of detecting the iris and Gaussian
filters for the representation of its code.
2.2 Recent Studies Regarding Human
Iris Segmentation and Recognition
A study that presents a complex approach is (Gang-
war et al., 2019). From the visible light spectrum,
it uses the UBIRIS.v1, UBIRIS.v2, UTIRIS V.1 and
MICHE-1 datasets in various combinations. Iris
segmentation is performed using a pair of convolu-
tional neural networks. The first network, inspired
by YOLO (Redmon et al., 2016), locates the iris and
pupil. It receives as input an image of 448×448 pixels
and the obtained accuracy is 96.78%. The second net-
work, similar to SegNet (Badrinarayanan et al., 2017),
receives an input of size 100×100 pixels. It performs
pixel-level segmentation of the localized region, re-
sulting in an F1 score of 96.98%. For iris binary
code generation, the paper proposes the DeepIrisNet2
architecture, with approximately 100 layers, which
achieves remarkable results without the need for pre-
cise segmentation of images or their normalization.
For the UBIRIS.v2 database, an error EER = 8.51% is
obtained, while for MICHE-1 it varies between 1.05%
and 3.98%. Such a model is extremely computational
expensive to be used on a mobile phone.
Another approach that accepts segmented but non-
normalized images is the ThirdEye system, described
in (Ahmad and Fuller, 2019). It consists of triple
convolutional neural networks, obtained by modify-
ing the architecture of ResNet-50 (He et al., 2016).
The model is trained using three input irises at once,
each of size 200×200 pixels: two are from the same
class and one is from a different class. The recogni-
tion error for the UBIRIS.v2 dataset is EER = 9.20%
and the false rejection rate is FRR = 60%.
The (Ahmadi et al., 2019) study combines, for
image feature extraction, two dimensional Gabor fil-
ters, step filtering and polynomial filtering. Then, for
matching purposes, it uses a neural network with ba-
sic radial functions along with a genetic algorithm.
Using the UBIRIS.v1 database, it achieves an ac-
curacy of 99.9869% after only 10 iterations, with
10 neurons per layer and the following parameters:
population of 150, maximum number of generations
equal to 10, selection factor equal to 3, mutation of
0.35, crossover of 0.5 and recombination of 0.15.
However, the process of locating, segmenting and
normalizing the iris region is not specified.
The work (Yang et al., 2021) provides the
encoder-decoder architecture of DualSANet. Be-
ing included in the pre-trained ResNet-18 (He et al.,
2016) network, the encoder represents spatially cor-
responding features at multiple levels. For these fea-
tures to fusion, a module based on spatial attention,
integrated in the decoder, is introduced. It gener-
ates dual feature representations that contain comple-
mentary discriminative information. The described
recognition model proves a great performance, hav-
ing a minimum error EER = 0.27% and a rate FRR =
0.31%. It does not specify the behavior of the network
on images in the visible light spectrum, as the exper-
iments are performed on infrared images. They are
first segmented, then normalized using the Daugman
Rubber Sheet Model method and resized to 64×512
pixels, before feature extraction.
In the study (Lee et al., 2021), iris recognition
is experimented with NICE.II and MICHE databases.
ICAART 2025 - 17th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
The iris region is detected then normalized along with
two periocular regions. The reconstruction of the nor-
malized blurred regions of the iris is done using the
DeblurGAN model (Kupyn et al., 2018). Each triplet
of normalized images becomes the input of a convo-
lutional neural network that extracts a feature vector.
4096 dimensional features are distinguished across
the layers. To check whether two irises correspond
to the same person, the Euclidean distances between
three pairs of feature vectors are calculated. This re-
sults in three scores are merged into one using a sup-
port vector machine. An error of 14.18% is obtained
for images captured with a Samsung Galaxy S4 phone
and 17.02% for those taken with an iPhone 5.
A variant of the algorithm that does not require the
use of artificial neural networks is described in (Singh
et al., 2020). The illumination and contrast of the im-
ages are improved, then the median filter is applied to
reduce their noise. For iris localization and segmenta-
tion, the circular Hough transform and the total rela-
tive variation model measure and regularize the local
variation of pixels. The obtained region is normal-
ized with the Daugman Rubber Sheet Model method
and decomposed using the four-level integer wavelet
transform (IWT), which generates 256 frequency sub-
bands. Only the lower 192 sub-bands, which pro-
duce a 192-bit binary code, are considered, by com-
paring their energies with a previously calculated cor-
responding threshold value. This is done by finding
the Hamming distance between them. The algorithm
achieves, on the UBIRIS.v2 dataset, an accuracy of
98.9% in segmentation and 98.02% in recognition.
Regarding the semantic segmentation of the iris,
one of the most recent approaches is mentioned in
(Pourafkham and Khotanlou, 2023). This presents
the ES-Net architecture, which uses an ESP (Effi-
cient Spatial Pyramid) block (Mehta et al., 2018) to
minimize the time complexity of a network model in-
spired by the U-Net architecture (Ronneberger et al.,
2015), but also an attention mechanism (Vaswani
et al., 2017) to enhance performance. Through the ex-
periments, a MIOU (Mean Intersection Over Union)
score of 93.61% and an F1 score of 97.03% are ob-
tained for the UBIRIS.v2 dataset.
The study (Nourmohammadi Khiarak et al., 2023)
proposes a new dataset, called KartalOl. It contains
images from the visible light spectrum, captured us-
ing a mobile phone camera. As a segmentation ar-
chitecture, Mobile-Unet is built, consisting of the pre-
trained MobileNetV2 model (Sandler et al., 2018), in-
tegrated into the encoder part of the U-Net network.
It achieves 98% accuracy on validation data.
3.1 I-SOCIAL-DB Dataset
For segmentation, the I-SOCIAL-DB, namely Iris So-
cial Database dataset (Donida Labati et al., 2021) was
used. It contains 3286 color images from the visible
light spectrum, collected from a sample of 400 sub-
jects, in uncontrolled environments. These were ob-
tained by extracting two eye regions of 300×350 pix-
els each, corresponding to the left and right eye, from
1643 high-resolution portrait images. Because they
were collected from various online public sources,
both the devices that captured the images and the dis-
tances from which they were taken are unknown.
Figure 1: I-SOCIAL-DB ocular region sample.
Each image in this dataset corresponds to a manu-
ally constructed segmentation mask at the pixel level,
as in the example in Figure 1. The mask highlights,
through white pixels, the iris as the region of interest,
excluding reflections and other possible occlusions.
The portion of the iris after segmentation represents,
on average, 71.4% of the total area of the ring formed
by the circles that approximate the inner and outer
border of the iris.
3.2 U-Net Architecture
The architecture of the U-Net convolutional neural
network was firstly introduced in the paper (Ron-
neberger et al., 2015). Even though it was originally
intended for the processing of microscopic biomedi-
cal images, it also proves extraordinary results in the
case of semantic segmentation of human irises pho-
tographed under various conditions. The advantage of
this network lies, in addition to the speed of segmen-
tation, in the useful ability to learn from a relatively
small set of data. This is proven by the great per-
formances shown by the network through the experi-
ments conducted in this research, as the used dataset
for learning contains only 3286 images. Also, being
a fully convolutional network, the sizes of the outputs
adapt to those of the input image, so their resolutions
and number of channels can vary. The U-Net archi-
tecture is of encoder-decoder type, being formed of
Intelligent Human Iris Recognition System Based on Deep Learning Models
a contraction path, followed by an expansion path.
They are connected to each other symmetrically, to
preserve information lost by contracting. The net-
work contains 23 convolutional layers.
The contraction path consists of repetitive steps
which extract relevant features from images. Each
step involves the application of two convolutions with
a filter of 3×3. Each of them is followed by a ReLU
function for activation, at the end of which a 2×2 max-
pooling operation is performed with a step of 2. To
compensate for this reduction in spatial dimensional-
ity caused by subsampling, the number of channels of
the feature maps is doubled at each iteration.
The expansion path is relatively symmetrical and
achieves a precise localization, at pixel level, of the
region of interest. Each step represents an upsampling
of the feature map. Then, a 2×2 filter convolution that
halves the number of channels is applied, a concate-
nation with a copy of the clipped feature map from
the corresponding step of the shrinking path and two
3×3 convolutions, followed by one ReLU activation
function each. The final layer maps each 64-element
feature vector to the desired number of classes.
In this study, the U-Net neural network is adapted
to act as a binary classifier, assigning each pixel in
each input image a corresponding class, iris or non-
iris. The difference from the original model described
in (Ronneberger et al., 2015) consists, firstly, in the
use of padding in the case of convolutions and the
BatchNorm2d layer (Ioffe and Szegedy, 2015), which
has the role of normalizing the activations between
network layers. Since the bias will be canceled by this
normalization layer, its existence is no longer neces-
sary. Also, because color input images are provided
to the network, the input layer contains 3 channels.
For semantic segmentation, a binary classification of
the pixels is performed, so the existence of a single
output channel is sufficient.
Another important step is to ensure that the net-
work works properly for any input image dimensions
by performing resizing when concatenating the fea-
ture maps. Otherwise, if the input dimensions were
not divisible by 2 at each of the four steps at which
the max-pooling operation is performed within the
contracting path, some pixels would be lost. For ex-
ample, if max-pooling is performed on an image of
size 175×175, an image of 87×87 pixels will result.
In the expansion path, when oversampled, it will end
up being only 174×174 pixels in size. In order to be
concatenated with the original image, they must be
brought to the same size.
3.3 Training and Validation
The described model was trained and validated on 3-
channel color images from the I-SOCIAL-DB dataset,
both original size of 300×350 pixels and resized to
160×240 pixels. The first 3000 images, respectively
masks, were kept for training and the next 286 im-
ages, respectively masks, for validation. In this way,
the train : validation ratio is approximately 90 : 10.
By feeding the network batches of 16 images, 188
steps are performed in each training epoch. The cho-
sen loss function is Binary Cross Entropy. For opti-
mization, the Adam algorithm is used, with a constant
learning rate of 0.001. The model is saved in a check-
point every time the validation accuracy increases fol-
lowing the completion of an epoch.
3.4 Experimental Results
For images of 300×350 pixels, the model proves out-
standing performance even from the first epoch. On
the training dataset, an accuracy of 98.01%, an aver-
age loss of 0.67731, a final loss of 0.276 and a Dice
score of 0.83326 are obtained. Upon validation, an
accuracy of 97.85%, and an average loss equal to
0.67600 is obtained. The Dice score increases by
approximately 0.00222, reaching a value of 0.83548.
The model is trained over 18 epochs, each taking be-
tween 2 and 4 hours to run. This number was chosen
because after epoch 18 the model performance does
not improve anymore. The results can be observed in
the graphics from Figure 2 and Figure 3, where the
color blue is used for training evolution and the or-
ange color corresponds to validation evolution.
Figure 2: Analysis of accuracy and Dice score after training
and validating the model on 300×350 pixels images.
Figure 3: Average and final loss progress of the model dur-
ing training and validation on 300×350 pixels images.
ICAART 2025 - 17th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Table 1: Comparison of model performance for images of different sizes.
Training Validation
300×350 160×240 300×350 160×240
first epoch 98.01% 98.33% 97.85% 98.07%
last epoch 99.30% 99.26% 98.98% 98.97%
maximum 99.33% 99.27% 98.98% 98.97%
Dice score
first epoch 0.83326 0.86242 0.83548 0.85592
last epoch 0.94474 0.94195 0.92860 0.92833
maximum 0.94765 0.94195 0.92860 0.92833
Medium loss
first epoch 0.67731 0.67570 0.67600 0.67488
last epoch 0.67174 0.67185 0.67141 0.67138
minimum 0.67163 0.67179 0.67141 0.67138
Final loss
first epoch 0.276 0.184 - -
last epoch 0.0182 0.0188 - -
minimum 0.0182 0.0173 - -
At the end of the 18th epoch, an accuracy of
99.30% is noted on the training data, 0.03% lower
than the maximum, which was achieved in the 17th
epoch. The training Dice score is maximum in the
penultimate epoch, reaching 0.94765. In epoch 18,
it drops to 0.94474. The average loss in epoch 18
is equal to 0.67174, while in the previous epoch it is
lower, reaching the minimum value of 0.67163. Con-
sidering the value of the final loss at the end of each
of the 18 epochs, without calculating the average of
its values within them, its decrease during training is
achieved progressively, from 0.276 in the first epoch
to 0.0182 in the last. Upon validation, the accuracy
and the Dice score reach the maximum of 98.98%,
respectively 0.92860, in the last epoch, in which the
average loss is also minimal, being equal to 0.67141.
From the first to the last epoch, a 1.13% increase in
accuracy is reported. The Dice score also increases
by about 0.09312 and the average loss decreases by
about 0.0046.
The segmentation results of 4 validation images,
along with their original masks above, are illustrated
in Figure 4. After training the model for 18 epochs, it
recognizes iris reflections with high accuracy.
Figure 4: Original vs. predicted iris masks.
To reduce the execution time of an epoch to a
maximum of one hour, it is experimented with im-
ages resized to 160×240 pixels. For these, the model
proves, in the first of the 17 total epochs, better results
compared to the previously described approach. This
number was chosen because after epoch 17 the model
performance does not improve anymore. A compari-
son of the results from the first and final epochs and
the best values of the metrics obtained for both dimen-
sions of the images, is made in Table 1.
4.1 KEYE-DB Dataset Creation
The KEYE-DB dataset contains 1370 3-channel color
images from the visible light spectrum captured by
various mobile phones with high-resolution cameras.
To capture them, both the front and back cameras of
the devices were used, with and without flash. They
were positioned at distances between 7 and 10 cen-
timeters from the eyeball of the subjects, who were in
various environments with natural or artificial light.
This study involved 36 subjects, 22 women and 14
men, with irises of various colors and shades. The
subjects belong to several age categories: 5-20 years
(14%), 20-35 years (33%), 35-50 years (25%), 50-65
years (20%) and 65-80 years (8%). Most of them are
between 20 and 35 years old. Both the left and the
right iris were photographed for each. Between 25
and 50 photographs were collected for each individ-
ual, with an average of approximately 38 photographs
per person. As the privacy of the subjects is priori-
tized, the dataset is not made publicly accessible.
Most images have been cropped to approximate
3:4 or 4:3 aspect ratios. They were then resized to
300×350 pixels height×width for further segmenta-
tion. In the case of older subjects, a cropping of the
images that more closely frames the eye region than
Intelligent Human Iris Recognition System Based on Deep Learning Models
in the case of the others was considered. Thus, a pre-
cise segmentation was ensured, which is not disturbed
by the uneven distribution of light on the skin folds.
Each binary mask obtained after segmentation
was transformed back to the original image dimen-
sions. To avoid false positive regions in the predicted
mask as much as possible, the largest area of white
pixels is found, as it is most likely to describe the iris
region. Then, the radius and the center of the smallest
enclosing circle are calculated to simulate the outer
boundaries of the iris. With their help, the coordinates
of the square that inscribes this circle are determined.
Next, a multiplication of the pixel values of the origi-
nal image with those of the mask pixels is performed,
to obtain an image in which the white pixels in the
mask are replaced by the corresponding ones in the
original image. The resulting image is cropped based
on the coordinates of the previously obtained square,
resized to 300×300 pixels and saved in the folder cor-
responding to the subject to which the iris belongs.
These stages are summarized in Figure 5.
Figure 5: General steps of obtaining KEYE-DB images.
Figure 6: Iris images augmentations.
The entire process is applied to all captured im-
ages. After completion, the dataset can be augmented
by rotating each image by -60, -40, -20, 20, 40, and
60 degrees, respectively. For each image among the
approximately 30 of a subject, 6 more images are ob-
tained, as in Figure 6. In this way, each subject will
have 7 times more images of their own irises than
originally. This type of augmentation is necessary be-
cause various factors can obscure the iris region and
cause significant areas of black pixels, whose orienta-
tion is not relevant.
4.2 DenseNet-201 Architecture
The DenseNet-201 convolutional neural network ar-
chitecture was first introduced in the study (Huang
et al., 2017). Its major advantage is the presence of
dense blocks, where each layer has direct connections
to all the others. With their help, the risk of losing
information through the network layers is consider-
ably reduced, while the direction of its transmission
remains constant. Dense connections reduce the num-
ber of parameters and avoid possible overfitting ten-
dencies, which is why DenseNet-201 was chosen to
be used in this research.
Considering that each Conv layer corresponds to
the triplet of BN (Batch Normalization) (Ioffe and
Szegedy, 2015), ReLU and Conv layers, an example
of the DenseNet-201 network architecture is shown in
Table 2.
Table 2: DenseNet-201 architecture with a growth rate of
32 (Huang et al., 2017).
Convolution 112×112 7×7 Conv, step=2
Pooling 56×56
3×3 max-pooling,
Block (1)
[1x1 Conv and
3x3 Conv] x 6
layer (1)
56×56 1×1 Conv
2×2 average
pooling, step=2
block (2)
[1x1 Conv and
3x3 Conv] x 12
layer (2)
28×28 1×1 Conv
2×2 average
pooling, step=2
block (3)
[1x1 Conv and
3x3 Conv] x 48
layer (3)
14×14 1×1 Conv
2×2 average
pooling, step=2
Block (4)
[1x1 Conv and
3x3 Conv] x 32
7×7 global average
completely connected
and Softmax
ICAART 2025 - 17th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
The inputs of each layer are represented by the
concatenation of feature maps received from previous
layers and the total number of connections between L
layers has a value equal to c
L · (L + 1)
The layer l that performs the nonlinear transfor-
mations denoted by H
receives, at input, the concate-
nated outputs x
, x
, up to x
, of the previous layers.
Thus, its output is given by x
= H
) + x
= H
, . . . , x
]) (2)
If each function H
produces k feature maps,
which represent the growth rate of the network, layer
l will have, at input, m
feature maps.
= k
+ k · (l 1) (3)
4.3 Feature Extraction and
In order to extract the relevant features from the pre-
viously segmented iris images, the DenseNet-201 net-
work is used, from which the last 58 layers are re-
moved. It is pre-trained on the ImageNet dataset,
which contains 1281167 images, divided into 1000
classes. The features are extracted using the weights
resulting from learning based on the data in that set
and become the inputs of a multi-class classifier rep-
resented by a simple artificial neural network using
a Flatten and a Dense layer with Softmax activation.
For each feature, the prediction of the classifier is
a probability distribution, indicating the percentage
match of the image to each of the existing classes.
4.4 Training and Validation
The classification model was trained and validated
over 50 epochs using batches of 8 images from the
KEYE-DB dataset, with and without augmentation.
This batch size was chosen as it proved the best vali-
dation results. It is small enough to provide frequent
gradient update and great generalization potential, but
also large enough to be used on a relative small dataset
like KEYE-DB. The images were randomly split so
that 30% of them were dedicated to validation and
70% to training. The used loss is Categorical Cross
Entropy and, as an optimizer, the Adam algorithm
was chosen, with a learning rate equal to 0.001. The
model is saved in a checkpoint each time the valida-
tion accuracy increases following the completion of
an epoch. This technique is very useful, as it provides
the possibility of continuing the training starting from
the iteration that proved the best result previously.
4.5 Experimental Results
After training the model on the KEYE-DB dataset
without augmentation, a maximum accuracy of 100%
is achieved on the training dataset after only 4 epochs,
which is maintained up to epoch 50. The maximum
validation accuracy is 96.594% and results at the end
of epoch 20, when the validation loss is 0.1590 and
the training loss is 0.0016. It then oscillates for 30
epochs, without exceeding the mentioned maximum
percentage and having, in the final epoch, a value of
96.11%. The minimum training, respectively valida-
tion loss, is recorded in the last epoch, with the values
of 1.9594e-04, respectively 0.1428. The model per-
formance over epochs is shown in Figure 7.
Figure 7: Analysis of accuracy and loss after training and
validating on the KEYE-DB dataset without augmentation.
To increase the performance of the recognition
model, the images from the KEYE-DB dataset are
augmented as previously specified. Thus, after train-
ing the model, a maximum accuracy of 100% is ob-
tained over 50 epochs on the training dataset, which
is maintained from epoch 23 to the end, and 99.583%
on the validation dataset, at epoch 47. In epoch 50
the same accuracy values are recorded as in epoch 47,
but the loss decreases, from 6.1620e-09 to 4.4750e-
09, respectively from 0.0299 to 0.0295. The model
performance over epochs is shown in Figure 8.
Table 3 compares the performances of the model
considering the average value of each metric for all
classes. It proves the advantage of data augmentation.
Table 3: Comparative analysis of the validation perfor-
mance of the model before and after data augmentation.
Before data
After data
Accuracy 0.998107597 0.999768277
Error 0.001892403 0.000231723
Precision 0.967860534 0.995949288
Recall 0.967048978 0.995510867
Specificity 0.999024939 0.999880640
False Positive
0.000975061 0.000119360
F1 score 0.966338857 0.995705300
Intelligent Human Iris Recognition System Based on Deep Learning Models
Table 4: Comparative analysis of proposed segmentation and recognition approaches with the existing ones in literature.
Study Segmentation performance Recognition performance
accuracy = 98.98%
Dice = 0.93
accuracy = 99.98%
F1 99.57%
(Gangwar et al., 2019)
accuracy = 96.78% YOLO
F1 = 96.98% SegNet
EER = 8.51% UBIRIS.v1
1.05% EER 3.98% MICHE-1
(Ahmad and Fuller, 2019) -
EER = 9.20%
FRR = 60%
(Ahmadi et al., 2019) - accuracy = 99.9869%
(Yang et al., 2021) -
EER = 0.27%
FRR = 0.31%
(Lee et al., 2021) -
EER = 14.18% Samsung Galaxy S4
EER = 17.02% iPhone 5
(Singh et al., 2020) accuracy = 98.9% accuracy = 98.02%
(Pourafkham and Khotanlou, 2023)
MIOU = 93.61%
F1 = 97.03%
(Nourmohammadi Khiarak et al., 2023) accuracy = 98% -
Figure 8: Analysis of accuracy and loss after training and
validating on the KEYE-DB dataset after augmentation.
After analyzing the obtained experimental results, in
the case of segmentation, it was concluded that the
model trained on images of size 300×350 is the most
suitable. Despite the longer training time, the decision
was made considering the increased performance of
the model. It proves a maximum validation accuracy
equal to 98.98% and a Dice score of about 0.93.
For iris classification based on the features ex-
tracted from the segmented images, data augmenta-
tion was chosen, with the model obtaining an accu-
racy of 99.98% and an almost insignificant error, as
well as the false positive rate. The precision, speci-
ficity, recall and F1 score all exceed the value of
0.9955. Thus, the chance of unauthorized persons
logging into the application is almost zero. This state-
ment is made considering that no photos of digital or
printed iris pictures are used, as these cases have not
yet been extensively tested to reach a firm conclusion.
As seen in Table 4, this study shows promis-
ing results and even competitive with those obtained
in other studies in existing literature. The study
(Gangwar et al., 2019) performs recognition using
iris matching, as well as classification, while (Ahmad
and Fuller, 2019), (Ahmadi et al., 2019), (Yang et al.,
2021) and (Lee et al., 2021) describe, in essence, iris
matching approaches.
The choice for using a classification approach in
this study has been made due to the fact that by trying
several variants of iris matching algorithms, no satis-
factory results were obtained, considering the limited
public datasets resources that contain images from the
visible light spectrum. The comparison in Table 4
is made with the mention that the described studies
do not use the same datasets nor approaches as in the
present work. An exact comparison cannot be made
because there are no relevant studies in the literature
that address the problem in this paper using the I-
SOCIAL-DB dataset for segmentation. Also, there
are no studies that use the KEYE-DB dataset since it
is created within this work. However, an attempt was
made to select related studies that use similar datasets.
The limitations of this study consist in the number
of subjects who agreed to participate in the research
by providing photos of their irises to the KEYE-DB
dataset. As a future improvement, it is desired to ex-
pand the sample of users recognized by the KEYE
application. Also, additional verification at authenti-
cation should be implemented to confirm the physical
presence of the user who tries to access the applica-
tion, such as the live recording of subtle but continu-
ous movements of the pupil. This should stop fraudu-
lent intents of authentication using photos of iris pic-
tures or artificial irises.
ICAART 2025 - 17th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
In conclusion, following the extensive research car-
ried out in this paper, it is confirmed with certainty
that the iris is a biometric feature that meets all the
necessary conditions to be used in the implementation
of a reliable biometric recognition system. The exper-
imental results are gratifying for the development of
the KEYE mobile application, so the objectives of this
research were achieved.
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Intelligent Human Iris Recognition System Based on Deep Learning Models