Aspect-Level Sentiment Analysis of Filipino Tweets
During the COVID-19 Pandemic
John Paul S. Guzman
1 a
, Charibeth K. Cheng
2 b
, Jan Michael Alexandre C. Bernadas
3 c
and Angelyn R. Lao
1 d
Department of Mathematics and Statistics, De La Salle University, Manila, Philippines
Department of Software Technology, De La Salle University, Manila, Philippines
Department of Communication, De La Salle University, Manila, Philippines, {charibeth.cheng, jan.bernadas, angelyn.lao}
Aspect-Based Sentiment Analysis, Twitter, COVID-19.
During the COVID-19 pandemic, X (formerly known as Twitter) was teeming with rich discussions as people
shared their experiences and concerns. Understanding the sentiments in these tweets could aid in gauging
public reactions and enhancing public health communication. While some studies analyze public health sen-
timents, few specifically focus on aspect-level sentiments in the Global South. In this study, we examine
tweets published in the Philippines during the COVID-19 pandemic and aspects relevant to the pandemic. The
sentiment polarities of tweet-aspect pairs are annotated. We analyze these pairs to understand the sentiments
expressed during this period. These insights can improve health communication in the Philippines by assessing
public receptiveness to policies, monitoring events that influence sentiment, and identifying communication
gaps. Notably, we observed disproportionately high amounts of negative sentiment toward the Sinopharm and
Sinovac vaccines. This sentiment indicates distrust and racial bias against Chinese brands. Moreover, the
consistent negative sentiment toward face shields over an extended period highlights shortcomings in health
communication about their effectiveness.
The Internet has become an essential tool for day-to-
day communication. Social media platforms like X
facilitate the widespread sharing of people’s thoughts,
opinions, and knowledge. During the COVID-19 pan-
demic, X was teeming with rich discussions as people
shared their experiences and concerns (Pastor, 2020;
Wang and Chen, 2022). The vast amounts of data gen-
erated through online discourse can be processed to
yield valuable insights (Ghani et al., 2019).
A common method for extracting information
from text data is sentiment analysis. Sentiment analy-
sis, or opinion mining, refers to the process of extract-
ing opinions or sentiments from bodies of texts (Pang
et al., 2008). It has a wide variety of applications,
such as monitoring social media, processing customer
reviews, and deciding political campaign strategies
(DeNardis and Hackl, 2015; Ramteke et al., 2016;
Salinca, 2015).
One particularly promising application of senti-
ment analysis lies in health communication. Health
communication is the study of communication strate-
gies designed to influence individuals to adopt behav-
iors beneficial to their health (Schiavo, 2013). Sen-
timent analysis can be used to assess the public’s
risk perception and attitudes toward infection control
strategies (Alhajji et al., 2020). In addition, it can
measure the public’s concern about diseases (Cabling
et al., 2018; Himelboim et al., 2020; Ji et al., 2015).
However, much of the existing research is situated in
the Global North (Wang and Chen, 2022), which can
have vastly different experiences compared to coun-
tries in the Global South (Balfour et al., 2022). This
study uses sentiment analysis to examine public reac-
tions and identify communication gaps in the Philip-
pines during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Sentiment analysis is mainly done at three lev-
els of granularity (Liu, 2012). The first level is
document-level, which extracts a sentiment from an
entire document (Cabling et al., 2018). This is use-
Guzman, J. P. S., Cheng, C. K., Bernadas, J. M. A. C. and Lao, A. R.
Aspect-Level Sentiment Analysis of Filipino Tweets During the COVID-19 Pandemic.
DOI: 10.5220/0013053100003911
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 18th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies (BIOSTEC 2025) - Volume 2: HEALTHINF, pages 343-350
ISBN: 978-989-758-731-3; ISSN: 2184-4305
Proceedings Copyright © 2025 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
ful in cases where the documents were selected to ex-
press opinions on a fixed entity, but it is not applica-
ble when documents have multiple entities. The sec-
ond level is sentence-level, which aims to assign sen-
timents to each sentence in a document (Himelboim
et al., 2020; Wang and Chen, 2022). This assumes
that each sentence expresses an opinion on one entity
but will fail when a sentence contains multiple enti-
ties. The third level is aspect-level or aspect-based
sentiment analysis (ABSA), which extracts a senti-
ment towards a given aspect or entity in a sentence.
Knowledge about the specific target of the opinion al-
lows for a more fine-grained analysis of sentiments.
For instance, smartphone reviews may contain sen-
timents about various aspects of the phone, such as
battery life, camera, and screen quality. Smartphone
manufacturers may use the insights from aspect-level
sentiment analysis to make targeted improvements.
Jang et al. (2021) conducted an ABSA study an-
alyzing Twitter data during the COVID-19 pandemic
in North America. Their research uncovered various
negative topics linked to the pandemic, including anti-
Asian racism and the spread of misinformation. They
employed topic modeling to identify topics and as-
pects. They then used a combination of English lexi-
cons, part-of-speech tagging, and dependency parsing
for sentiment polarity classification.
A significant challenge in sentiment analysis for
the Global South is the lack of tools for processing
multilingual text. One approach, employed by Math-
ayomchan et al. (2023), involves filtering out non-
English tweets and then applying existing tools to the
remaining English tweets. Unfortunately, this method
excludes tweets written in local languages or those
code-mixed with English.
In this study, we examine tweets published in the
Philippines during the COVID-19 pandemic and as-
pects relevant to the pandemic. This is done to gain a
deeper understanding of public sentiment and the fac-
tors that influence it during this critical period. We
manually identified the topics and aspects and then
classified sentiment polarity. We then study the senti-
ments by aggregating aspect-level sentiments in vari-
ous ways. These insights can improve health commu-
nication in the Philippines by assessing public recep-
tiveness to policies, monitoring events that influence
sentiment, and identifying communication gaps.
The data used in this study originate from the tweets
collected by Chan et al. (2022). These tweets
were posted between December 4, 2020, and June 4,
2021. The tweets were filtered to ensure they orig-
inate from the Philippines based on geolocation and
contain at least one of the specified health-related key-
words: covid-19,” “covid, coronavirus,” “corona,
tb, tuberculosis, WorldTBDay, or TBFreePh
(Chan et al., 2022). Aspect terms were selected
based on topics frequently discussed during the pan-
demic, including but not limited to different vaccine
brands, travel bans, community quarantine, the use
of masks/face shields, hospital capacity, government
agencies, and isolation facilities. Aspects related to
tuberculosis, such as cough, ubo, and fatigue,
were excluded to avoid conflating tuberculosis senti-
ments with those of COVID-19. In total, 590 aspects
were identified (Guzman, 2024).
Two human annotators were hired to label the
sentiment polarity towards an aspect term in a given
tweet. These annotators are native Filipino speakers
fluent in English and have backgrounds in jobs requir-
ing communication skills in both languages, such as
teaching. Before starting the annotation process, the
annotators underwent a brief training session. They
were instructed to classify each tweet-aspect pair into
one of four categories: positive when the sentiment
towards the aspect is positive, negative when the sen-
timent towards the aspect is negative, neutral when
the sentiment towards the aspect is neither positive
nor negative, and no relation/conflicting when there
is no sentiment expressed towards the aspect or when
the sentiment is conflicting. The annotators were also
provided with examples to illustrate each category.
To reduce the noise in the labeling, tweet-aspect
pairs labeled as no relation/conflicting were dis-
carded. The pairs where the annotations do not match
were also removed, such as when one annotator labels
a pair as positive while another labels it as negative.
A total of 6,600 pairs remained after the removals.
Among these, 2,840 are labeled as negative, 2,705 as
neutral, and 1,055 as positive (Guzman, 2024).
We evaluated the inter-annotator agreement be-
tween the two hired annotators using Cohen’s Kappa
statistic κ before discarding annotations (Cohen,
1960). The calculated κ value was 0.5116, suggest-
ing a degree of agreement but at a relatively low level
(McHugh, 2012).
Aspects are categorized into different topics, which
can be further divided into subtopics. This approach
enables us to aggregate sentiments at various lev-
els of generality. The aspects are categorized into
five main topics: Facilities, Government, Responses,
HEALTHINF 2025 - 18th International Conference on Health Informatics
Figure 1: Categorization of aspects into selected topics and subtopics. Aspects related to facilities, government organizations
or officials, pandemic responses or policies, testing, and vaccines are assigned to specific topics under COVID-19. Within
the Vaccines topic, particular vaccine brands are classified into subtopics. Similarly, frequently discussed pandemic responses
within the Responses topic are organized into subtopics. Finally, important pandemic facilities within the Facilities topic are
further categorized into subtopics.
Testing, and Vaccines. Aspects related to facilities,
government organizations or officials, pandemic re-
sponses or policies, testing, and vaccines are assigned
to these topics. Within the Vaccines topic, specific
vaccine brands are classified into the subtopics: As-
traZeneca, Moderna, Pfizer, Sinopharm, and Sinovac.
Frequently discussed pandemic responses within the
Responses topic are categorized into the subtopics:
Assistance, Border control, Contact tracing, Face
shield, Isolation, Lockdown, Mask, Social distanc-
ing, and Vaccine deployment. Finally, important pan-
demic facilities within the Facilities topic are classi-
fied into the subtopics: Hospitals, Isolation facilities,
Testing facilities, and Vaccination facilities. Any as-
pect within the five main topics that do not fit the
aforementioned subtopics is not further categorized
(Guzman, 2024). A diagram of the selected topics
and subtopics is shown in Figure 1.
Figure 2 shows the distribution of sentiments
across various topics. Each topic contains a signif-
icant portion of neutral sentiments. Notably, a con-
siderable amount of negative sentiment is expressed
towards Government, Responses, and Facilities. In
contrast, Vaccines elicits more positive sentiments.
Figure 3 displays the sentiment distribution of
subtopics of Vaccines. Each subtopic shows a sig-
nificant proportion of neutral sentiments. Notably,
AstraZeneca and Pfizer exhibit a moderate amount
of positive sentiments. Meanwhile, Sinopharm and
Sinovac have larger amounts of negative sentiments.
Figure 4 depicts the distribution of sentiments
within the Responses subtopics. Most of them show
low amounts of positive sentiments. The exception is
Mask, which is predominantly positive. Conversely,
Face shield and Lockdown mainly exhibit negative
sentiments. Similarly, Figure 5 shows that nearly all
Facilities subtopics have a low proportion of positive
sentiments. The only exception is Vaccination facili-
ties, which predominantly shows positive sentiments.
Figure 2: Distribution of sentiments across various topics.
Each topic exhibits a substantial proportion of neutral senti-
ments. There are significant amounts of negative sentiment
toward Government, Responses, and Facilities. Meanwhile,
Vaccines elicits more positive sentiments.
Figure 3: Distribution of sentiments among subtopics of
Vaccines. Each subtopic has a large portion of neutral sen-
timents. AstraZeneca and Pfizer exhibit moderate amounts
of positive sentiments. On the other hand, Sinopharm and
Sinovac have large proportions of negative sentiments.
Aspect-Level Sentiment Analysis of Filipino Tweets During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Figure 4: Distribution of sentiments among subtopics of Re-
sponses. Most subtopics show low amounts of positive sen-
timents, except for Mask, which is primarily positive. In
contrast, Face shield and Lockdown predominantly exhibit
negative sentiments.
Figure 5: Distribution of sentiments among subtopics of Fa-
cilities. Almost all subtopics show low levels of positive
sentiment. The exception is Vaccination facilities, which is
predominantly positive.
Next, we visualize trends in selected topics and
subtopics by separating tweets by month. In Figure
6, we see that the sentiment for Sinovac is consis-
tently negative and neutral. However, there has been
an increasing trend in positive sentiment since March.
A similar upward trend in positive sentiments is ob-
served for AstraZeneca.
In Figure 7, we observe an increase in positive
sentiment regarding Vaccine deployment in March
and April. However, there is a spike in negative
sentiment in May. Discussions about Assistance
rose in April, though it is rarely discussed in the
other months. Furthermore, Face shield consistently
evokes negative sentiment. Notably, Lockdown re-
ceived a substantial increase in negative sentiment in
March. During March and April, we also observed
a surge in negative sentiments directed towards the
Government and Testing, as illustrated in Figure 8.
The hierarchical nature of this approach facilitates a
better understanding of sentiments. We notice pre-
dominantly positive and neutral sentiments when ex-
amining the distribution of sentiments related to Vac-
cines, as shown in Figure 2. However, delving into
the subtopics in Figure 3 reveals a disproportion-
ately high amount of negative sentiment targeting
Sinopharm and Sinovac. This discrepancy suggests a
lack of trust in the Sinopharm and Sinovac vaccines.
The overall sentiment towards the Responses
and Facilities topics is mostly negative and neu-
tral. Nonetheless, the Mask and Vaccination facili-
ties subtopics stand out with a large amount of posi-
tive sentiment, as depicted in Figures 4 and 5. This
reflects public support for wearing masks during the
pandemic and satisfaction with vaccination sites.
Beyond analyzing sentiment distribution, we
delve into the contents of the tweets to identify com-
mon reasons for negative sentiments. Our goal is to
understand these causes in order to find potential so-
lutions. Firstly, we consider some tweets from the
Facilities topic expressing negative sentiments:
there are no more hospital beds in ncr. the sooner
the government acknowledges this, the quicker we
can get any intervention.
only 27k people tested for two days in a row. al-
most the same number two weeks ago, before the
start of ecq kala ko ba increase testing capacity?
A common concern is the potential of hospital or ICU
beds reaching full capacity. This worry is highlighted
in a news article by Tomacruz (2021a), which re-
ports an alarming occupancy of ICU beds in Metro
Manila. Another common concern observed in the
tweets is insufficient testing capacity, which was also
acknowledged by government officials (Luna, 2020).
The emphasis on facilities highlights the efforts of Fil-
ipinos on social media to frame the COVID-19 prob-
lem as structural and societal rather than solely indi-
vidual. This emphasis exposes the existing flaws in
the Philippine healthcare system and problematic le-
gal approaches to a public health crisis (Bernadas and
Ilagan, 2020; Navera and Bernadas, 2022).
We turn our attention to the tweets from the Face
shield and Lockdown subtopics under Responses, as
they predominantly exhibit negative sentiments:
2020 mecq....gcq...ecq 2021 granular lockdown,
hard/soft lockdown.... tapos heightened gcq... ano
pa naiisip nyong forms ng quarantine?
i still don’t get the rationale for the use of face
shields when in fact, it did not even lower the
HEALTHINF 2025 - 18th International Conference on Health Informatics
Figure 6: Trends in sentiments on Vaccines subtopics. The trendlines were calculated using 2-month moving averages. The
sentiment for Sinovac is consistently negative and neutral. Nonetheless, there has been a notable increase in positive sentiment
since March. A similar rise in positive sentiments is observed for AstraZeneca.
Figure 7: Trends in sentiments on Responses subtopics. The trendlines were calculated using 2-month moving averages. We
observe an increase in positive sentiment regarding Vaccine deployment in March and April. However, there was a notable rise
in negative sentiment in May. Furthermore, Face shield consistently evokes negative sentiment. Discussions about Assistance
rose in April, though it is rarely discussed in the other months. Finally, there was a substantial rise in negative sentiment
concerning Lockdown in March.
Figure 8: Trends in sentiments on the Government and Testing topics. The trendlines were calculated using 2-month moving
averages. The positive sentiments are consistently low towards Government and Testing. In March and April, there was a
surge in negative sentiments directed at these topics.
Aspect-Level Sentiment Analysis of Filipino Tweets During the COVID-19 Pandemic
covid cases? it just adds plastic trash. so, can
someone shed some light? fuck rules!
after a year of covid-19 pandemic in the country,
we have the following: world’s longest lockdown
last to legally vaccinate in southeast asia best
The negative sentiments toward face shields stem
from skepticism about their effectiveness, leading to
online debates and controversy (Pamintuan, 2021).
Health agencies can combat this by designing mes-
sages focused on the positive outcomes of preven-
tive measures, known as gain-framing. Meanwhile,
negative sentiment towards lockdowns stems from the
prolonged duration, notably being one of the world’s
longest lockdowns (Patag, 2021; See, 2021). Ad-
ditionally, people expressed dissatisfaction with the
complicated and seemingly erratic types of commu-
nity quarantine (Gotinga, 2020).
We examine the tweets related to the Sinovac
and Sinopharm subtopics under Vaccines, which had
a disproportionately high amount of negative senti-
ment. During this analysis, we identified some inter-
esting words frequently brought up in these tweets.
Figure 9 shows the most frequent words. Certain
words, like vaccine names, are expected to have
high frequencies. However, some unexpected terms,
namely chinese and efficacy, surfaced with no-
table frequency. This discovery prompts a more fo-
cused examination of these specific terms.
Figure 9: Frequently occurring words from negative tweets
in the Sinovac and Sinopharm subtopics. Certain words,
like vaccine names, are expected to have high frequencies.
However, some unexpected terms, namely chinese and
efficacy,” surfaced with notable frequency.
We investigate how the words “chinese and “effi-
cacy” relate to negative sentiments by filtering tweets
that contain either of these keywords:
may history kasi ang sinovac ng bribery sa mga
chinese official dati.
sinovac ang vaccine dito sa qc uhuhuhuhuh i
dont trust chinese product fuuuuuuk
in chinatown/chinese warehouses/chinese owned
condos located from batanes to jolo millions upon
millions of sinovac/sinopharm vaccines are ”la-
bel switching” into pfizer/biontech, astrazeneca,
moderna, j&j, covavax!!! very, very alarming!!!
people are hesitant not on the vaccines in gen-
eral but on the efficacy and safety profile of your
favorite chinese brand. people want pfizer, az, and
moderna. throw sinovac in the trash.
Negative sentiment may be linked to Sinovac
Biotech’s past involvement in bribery cases with Chi-
nese drug regulators (Bergonia, 2020). Additionally,
rumors about fake vaccines contribute to the negative
perception of these vaccines (The Food and Drug Ad-
ministration of the Philippines, 2021; The Philippine
Star, 2021). A significant point of contention about
the Sinovac vaccine is its low efficacy. Critics, includ-
ing lawmakers and former advisers, question the gov-
ernment’s decision to procure the Sinovac vaccine.
They argue that other vaccines have higher efficacy
rates at lower costs and express concerns about the
lack of transparency in Sinovac’s clinical trials (Bon-
doc, 2021; Jalea, 2020; Romero, 2020). Moreover,
the frequent occurrence of the term chinese in a
negative context reinforces the racialization of health
issues and reflects the precarity of Sino-Philippines
relations (Caba
nes and Santiago, 2023).
Lastly, we analyze the trends in certain topics and
subtopics. The rise of positive sentiment towards
Sinovac, depicted in Figure 6, coincides with the start
of the COVID-19 vaccine rollout in the Philippines
on March 1, 2021. This event likely contributed to
the public’s favorable perception of the vaccine brand.
Similarly, the vaccine rollout likely influenced the in-
crease in positive sentiment toward Vaccine deploy-
ment, as illustrated in Figure 7.
It was announced near the end of March that low-
income Filipinos were set to receive supplemental aid
(Rey, 2021). This development reflects a rise in dis-
cussions about Assistance in April, as seen in Figure
7. Furthermore, we observed that Face shield consis-
tently evoked negative sentiment. This persistent neg-
ativity suggests that health communication about their
benefits has been inadequate for an extended period.
Public health campaigns should promote the benefits
of using face shields more assertively to bridge this
communication gap. Lastly, the substantial increase
in negative sentiment toward Lockdown in March
2021 coincides with the one-year anniversary of the
initial lockdown implemented in March 2020 (Medi-
aldea, 2020). By this time, many expressed dissatis-
faction with the lockdown, which had become one of
the world’s longest (Patag, 2021; See, 2021).
In March and April, there was a surge in nega-
tive sentiments towards the Government and Testing,
as illustrated in Figure 8. Much of this negativity
HEALTHINF 2025 - 18th International Conference on Health Informatics
stemmed from the inadequacy of the pandemic re-
sponse despite the prolonged lockdown. Criticisms
directed at the government included a lack of ac-
knowledgment or downplaying of problems and mis-
trust in reported numbers. As for testing, the main
issue was the absence of mass testing (Cabico, 2021).
Despite the insights gained from this study, we
have encountered several limitations. The reliance
on manually annotated data posed several challenges.
First, the manual labeling process is labor-intensive
and difficult to scale. Second, sentiment analysis has
inherent subjectivity, as individual biases can influ-
ence annotations. Consequently, the resulting dataset
was relatively small, consisting of only 6,600 tweet-
aspect pairs. This limited sample may not fully repre-
sent the broader population’s sentiments.
In this paper, we studied the tweets collected by Chan
et al. (2022) and the tweet-aspect sentiment polarity
annotations of Guzman (2024). We analyzed this data
using three approaches.
First, we examined the distribution of sentiments
at different levels of granularity. We have found a
disproportionately high amount of negative sentiment
specifically targeting Sinopharm and Sinovac. This
sentiment suggests a lack of trust in the Sinopharm
and Sinovac vaccines. Equally important, this study
reinforces health as racialized and reflects the com-
plexity and precarity of the Sino-Philippines relation-
ship (Caba
nes and Santiago, 2023), even before the
pandemic. On the other hand, the sentiment towards
the Mask and Vaccination facilities subtopics stand
out with predominantly positive sentiments. This re-
flects public support for wearing masks during the
pandemic and satisfaction with vaccination sites.
Second, we explored the content of tweets to pin-
point common reasons for negative sentiments. For
the Facilities topic, we have found that a common
theme is the possibility of hospitals reaching full ca-
pacity and insufficient testing capacity. In the Face
shield and Lockdown subtopics, negative sentiments
revolve around skepticism regarding the effectiveness
of face shields, prolonged lockdown duration, and
complicated types of community quarantine. Con-
cerning the Sinovac and Sinopharm subtopics, com-
mon issues include Sinovac Biotech’s past involve-
ment in bribery cases with Chinese drug regulators,
rumors about fake vaccines, the low efficacy of Sino-
vac with its relatively high price, and lack of trans-
parency in clinical trials.
Finally, we examined trends in the sentiments to
identify events that might have influenced changes
in sentiment. In March, people showed more posi-
tive sentiment toward Sinovac and AstraZeneca likely
the rollout of COVID-19 vaccines in the Philippines.
During the same period, negative sentiment towards
Lockdown increased as it marks the one-year anniver-
sary of the initial lockdown. This anniversary likely
contributed to the rise in negative sentiment toward
Government and Testing. The negative sentiment was
driven by criticisms of the inadequacy of the pan-
demic response and the lack of mass testing despite
the prolonged lockdown. Furthermore, sentiment to-
wards Face shield remained consistently negative,
indicating poor public health communication about
their effectiveness over an extended period. To ad-
dress skepticism and misinformation regarding face
shields, health officials should adopt a more proactive
and assertive approach to emphasizing their benefits.
Future studies should explore ways to overcome
these limitations. For manual annotations, we rec-
ommend providing more detailed guidelines and ex-
amples to increase inter-annotator agreement. Addi-
tionally, future research could investigate integrating
machine learning techniques to complement manual
annotation, thereby facilitating data collection on a
larger scale. Moreover, collecting data from different
periods and regions could yield further insights.
We recommend exploring alternative topics re-
lated to the pandemic. Our categorization of topics
was selected based on what we deemed relevant dur-
ing the pandemic. However, other applications may
yield topics and hierarchies different from those in
Figure 1. For instance, one may want to track top-
ics and subtopics related to the spread of misinforma-
tion or mental health. A different categorization could
help gain insights into new topics and subtopics.
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HEALTHINF 2025 - 18th International Conference on Health Informatics