Hand Gesture Recognition Using MediaPipe Landmarks and
Deep Learning Networks
Manuel Gil-Martín
, Marco Raoul Marini
, Iván Martín-Fernández
, Sergio Esteban-Romero
Luigi Cinque
Grupo de Tecnología del Habla y Aprendizaje Automático (THAU Group), Information Processing and
Telecommunications Center, E.T.S.I. de Telecomunicación, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM),
Av. Complutense 30, 28040, Madrid, Spain
VisionLab, Department of Computer Science, Sapienza University of Rome, Via Salaria 113, Rome 00198, Italy
Keywords: Hand Gesture Recognition, Human-Computer Interaction, MediaPipe Landmarks, Deep Learning.
Abstract: Advanced Human Computer Interaction techniques are commonly used in multiple application areas, from
entertainment to rehabilitation. In this context, this paper proposes a framework to recognize hand gestures
using a limited number of landmarks from the video images. This hand gesture recognition system
comprises an image processing module that extracts and processes the coordinates of 21 hand points called
landmarks, and a deep neural network module that models and classifies the hand gestures. These landmarks
are extracted automatically through MediaPipe software. The experiments were carried out over the IPN
Hand dataset in an independent-user scenario using a Subject-Wise Cross Validation. They cover the use of
different landmark-based formats, normalizations, lengths of the gesture representations, and number of
landmarks used as inputs. The system obtains significantly better accuracy when using the raw coordinates
of the 21 landmarks through 125 timesteps and a light Recurrent Neural Network architecture (80.56 ±
1.19 %) or the hand anthropometric measures (82.20 ± 1.15 %) compared to using the speed of the hand
landmarks through the gesture (72.93 ± 1.34 %). The proposed framework studied the effect of different
landmark-based normalizations over the raw coordinates, obtaining an accuracy of 83.67 ± 1.12 % when
using as reference the wrist landmark from each frame, and an accuracy of 84.66 ± 1.09 % when using as
reference the wrist landmark from the first video frame of the current gesture. In addition, the proposed
solution provided high recognition performance even when only using the coordinates from 6 (82.15 ±
1.16 %) or 4 (81.46 ± 1.17 %) specific hand landmarks using as reference the wrist landmark from the first
video frame of the current gesture.
Hand gesture recognition consists in detecting the
movement that people perform using their hands.
This technology could be useful to develop human
computer interaction systems and could improve the
user experience across a wide variety of domains.
For example, it could be seen as the basis for sign
language understanding and hand gesture control
applications. For instance, a person could ask to take
a picture using the front camera of a smartphone by
opening and closing the hand palm. In these
applications, it is crucial to accurately recognize the
hand gesture to perform specific actions with smart
devices, a computer, or an automatic transmission
Multiple previous works have been focused on
human activity recognition to optimize the physical
activity classification using wearables or cameras
(Gil-Martin, San-Segundo, Fernandez-Martinez, &
Ferreiros-Lopez, 2020, 2021; Gil-Martín, San-
Segundo, Fernández-Martínez, & de Córdoba, 2020;
Zhang et al., 2017). However, there exists a lower
number of works focused on detecting hand poses or
gestures. Most of these works used images as inputs
of their systems and follow a hand localization step
as the first stage. Afterwards, they extracted
handcrafted features or descriptors (Trindade, Lobo,
& Barreto, 2012) from the hand and fed them to an
inference algorithm that classifies the different hand
poses or gestures. For example, a previous work
(Mantecon, del-Blanco, Jaureguizar, & Garcia, 2019)
Gil-Martín, M., Marini, M. R., Martín-Fernández, I., Esteban-Romero, S. and Cinque, L.
Hand Gesture Recognition Using MediaPipe Landmarks and Deep Learning Networks.
DOI: 10.5220/0013053500003890
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2025) - Volume 3, pages 24-30
ISBN: 978-989-758-737-5; ISSN: 2184-433X
Proceedings Copyright © 2025 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
segmented the image into the hand in different
regions and obtained the Histogram of Oriented
Gradients (HOG) and a Local Binary Pattern (LBP)
from each region. Afterwards, they combined k-
means and Support Vector Machines (SVM) to
classify the hand poses, obtaining an F1-score near
96% using data from 25 subjects and 16 different
hand poses. Similarly a previous work (Bao,
Maqueda, del-Blanco, & Garcia, 2017) fed a deep
Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) to directly
classify hand poses in images without any previous
segmentation. They classified the hand pose with
average accuracy of 97.1% in the images with simple
backgrounds and 85.3% in the images with complex
backgrounds. They used a dataset with data from 40
subjects and seven different hand poses. Another
work (Gil-Martín, San-Segundo, & de Córdoba,
2023) used a normalization over the hand landmarks
to detect the same poses, achieving robust
performance even when the images had complex
backgrounds. This approach has the advantage of
sending less information to the recognition module
compared to traditional computer vision approaches
(landmark coordinates vs. a full image). Another
previous work (Benitez-Garcia, Olivares-Mercado,
Sanchez-Perez, Yanai, & Ieee Comp, 2021) used the
raw images to classify hand gestures via training a
ResNeXt-101 model, achieving a 86.32% of
accuracy when evaluating 13 subjects.
This paper is focused on exploring the impact of
different landmark-based input formats over the
gesture recognition task, rather than optimizing the
deep learning architecture for obtaining the
maximum performance. This work uses a state-of-
the-art deep learning architecture to understand
which input formats—specifically raw hand
landmark coordinates, speed of coordinate
movement, and anthropometric measures—yield the
most informative representations for gesture
recognition. The primary contributions of this
research are as follows:
Analyze different landmark input formats: raw
coordinates, speed of coordinates movement,
and anthropometric measures.
Investigate the effects of various
normalization techniques on raw landmark
Minimize the number of landmarks used in the
recognition process while keeping a high
recognition performance.
This section describes the dataset used, the
landmarks information extraction, and the proposed
model architecture.
2.1 Dataset Description
We have used the public dataset called IPN Hand to
evaluate our system.
The IPN Hand dataset (Benitez-Garcia et al.,
2021) includes hand gestures performed by 50
subjects for interaction with touchless screens. It
contains 4,218 gesture instances and 800,000
frames. It includes 13 gestures performed with one
hand: pointing with one or two fingers, clicking with
one or two fingers, throwing up/down/left/right,
opening twice, double-clicking with one or two
fingers, zooming in, and zooming out. During data
collection, each subject did different gestures with
three random breaks in a single video. The subjects
used their own PC or laptop to collect the RGB
videos, which were recorded in the resolution of
640x480 with the frame rate of 30 fps.
This dataset is a great choice for hand gesture
recognition due to its extensive and varied content
regarding instances, gestures and subjects, ensuring
a diverse representation of hand motions. This
diversity enhances the dataset's applicability for real-
world human-machine interaction applications, such
as touchless screens and virtual reality interfaces,
where accurate gesture recognition is crucial. Its
realistic data collection, with subjects using their
own devices to record gestures in varied
environments, ensures that models trained on the
dataset can generalize well to practical usage
2.2 Landmarks-Based Representations
The original images from the dataset were processed
by the MediaPipe library to extract the x and y
coordinates from specific points of the hand called
landmarks. MediaPipe (Lugaresi et al., 2019;
Quinonez, Lizarraga, & Aguayo, 2022) is a powerful
library with the capacity to track pose and hands
from input frames or video streams. This framework
can extract 21 landmarks from the hand (including
wrist and four points along the five fingers). To
standardize the input data and ensure consistent
processing, we applied zero padding at the
beginning of each gesture sequence, thereby aligning
all examples to the same length, ranging from 25 to
250 timesteps. This padding ensures that a uniform
Hand Gesture Recognition Using MediaPipe Landmarks and Deep Learning Networks
length, although it becomes dominant in shorter
In our gesture recognition pipeline, we leverage
three distinct types of landmark information formats
to encapsulate various aspects of hand movements
and spatial relationships. Firstly, we utilize the raw
coordinates of landmarks extracted from the hand,
providing direct spatial information about the hand's
configuration in each frame of the gesture sequence.
Secondly, we incorporate the speed derived from the
computed derivatives of these coordinates, capturing
the temporal dynamics and velocity of hand
movements throughout the gesture. Lastly, we
integrate anthropometric measures (Pheasant &
Haslegrave, 2006) obtained by computing the
Euclidean distances between pairs of landmarks,
enabling us to encode spatial relationships in the
hand gestures and structural characteristics inherent
in the hand physiognomy.
For the first approach of landmark information
(raw landmark coordinates), we applied two
normalization techniques at the landmark level to
consider hand translation. The first normalization
method involved using the wrist landmark from each
frame of the gesture sequence as a reference point.
This process entailed subtracting the coordinates of
the wrist landmark from those of all other landmarks
within the same frame, aligning them relative to the
position of the wrist. The second normalization
technique employed the wrist landmark from the
first frame of the gesture sequence as a constant
reference point throughout. Regardless of
subsequent frames, the coordinates of all landmarks
were adjusted relative to the wrist landmark from the
initial frame, ensuring uniformity and consistency in
spatial representations across the entire gesture
sequence. The formulas related to these
normalizations are described in Equation (1) and
Equation (2), respectively, where 0 landmark
corresponds to the wrist, i ranges from 1 to 20 (for
the other landmarks) and t refers to a specific frame
in the gesture sequence. These normalization
approaches could contribute to reduce variability
and enhance the interpretability of landmark
coordinates for the modeling and recognition
architecture. We also evaluated the possibility of
performing a scaling normalization, but no
improvement was obtained. A possible reason for
this is that the distance between the subjects and
their laptops was relatively consistent across the
2.3 Model Architecture
The deep learning architecture used in this work
learns the evolution pattern from landmark-based
inputs using a Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM)
layer of 100 neurons and classifies the examples
using a Dense layer of 13 neurons, corresponding to
the number of classes. The input shape of the
architecture was bidimensional, including the
timesteps of the gesture (from 25 to 250) and the
number of channels (for example, 42 when using x
and y coordinates from the 21 landmarks). The
architecture included a dropout layer (0.3) after the
LSTM layer to avoid overfitting during training. The
last layer used a softmax activation function to offer
the predictions of each class for every analysis
gesture. We used categorical cross-entropy as loss
metric and the root-mean-square propagation
method as optimizer (Weiss, 2017). We adjusted the
epochs and batch size of the deep learning structure:
50 and 25, respectively. Since the objective of this
work is not optimizing the deep learning
architecture, its configuration is a sample of a state-
of-the-art RNN useful for modeling pattern sequence
(Goodfellow, 2016), which is the case of gesture
recognition task.
To evaluate the system using the whole dataset in a
subject-independent scenario, we followed a
Subject-Wise Cross-Validation (SW-CV) alternative
as data distribution. In this 10-fold CV methodology,
the given data are divided into 10 groups or folds to
train and test a system with different data subsets in
such a way that the data from one subject is only
contained in one subset. This process is repeated by
changing the training and testing folds and the
results are the average of the partial results obtained
for all repetitions. This methodology simulates a
realistic scenario where the system is evaluated with
recordings from subjects different to those used for
As evaluation metrics, we used accuracy, which
is defined as the ratio between the number of
correctly classified samples and the number of total
samples. This way, for a classification problem with
ICAART 2025 - 17th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
N testing examples and C classes, accuracy is
defined in Equation (3).
To show statistical significance values, we used
confidence intervals, which include plausible values
for a specific metric. We will assure that there exists
a significant difference between results of two
experiments when their confidence intervals do not
overlap. Equation (4) represents the computation of
confidence intervals attached to a specific metric
value and N samples for 95% confidence level.
metric · (100 − metric )
Regarding the experiments, we firstly analyzed
the effect of different landmark-based input formats:
raw landmark coordinates, landmarks speed and
anthropometric measures. In these experiments we
used the 21 available landmarks and different
lengths for each gesture (25, 50, 75, 100, 125, 150,
175, 200, 225 and 250 timesteps). Figure 1 shows
the evolution of accuracy considering the length of
the gestures and the different landmark-based input
This figure shows how a saturation of
performance is achieved when increasing the length
of the gestures, reaching a competitive performance
for each landmark representation at 125 timesteps,
which is close to the mean of duration of the
gestures in the dataset (140 timesteps). For example,
at this gesture length, the system obtains an accuracy
of 80.56 ± 1.19 % when using the raw coordinates,
72.93 ± 1.34 % when using their speed and 82.20 ±
1.15 % when using the hand anthropometric
measures. As observed in the figure, when it comes
to modeling gestures, finding the right balance in the
amount of real data is crucial. Using too few points
fails to capture the nuances of gestures adequately,
potentially cutting off crucial information or having
too much padding. Conversely, padding sequences
unnecessarily lengthens them, posing challenges for
recurrent layers to process efficiently.
Results also suggest that the raw landmark
coordinates and the anthropometric measures offer
significantly better performance compared to the
landmark speed along the different timestep
Raw coordinates serve as fundamental building
blocks for hand gesture recognition, offering direct
spatial information about the positions of hand
landmarks. Anthropometric measures derived from
hand landmarks provide valuable insights into the
Figure 1: Accuracy depending on the number of timesteps
used per gesture and the landmark format.
structural characteristics and spatial relationships
within gestures. This way, relative positions of hand
key points could be useful to learn features based on
the spatial arrangement of landmarks, facilitating the
discrimination of complex gestures with subtle
variations. However, landmark speed might not
provide enough contextual information for
understanding the hand gestures, because features
such as direction, acceleration, and spatial relations
between landmarks could be lost in this
representation, which may struggle to accurately
distinguish the hand gestures.
Second, we performed some experiments
applying different landmark-based normalization
over the raw coordinates. Figure 2 shows the
evolution of accuracy considering the length of the
gestures and the landmark normalization used.
This figure shows a tendency of performance
improvement when applying a landmark
normalization over the raw coordinates, which
becomes significant when using 125 or 150
timesteps. For example, at 125 timesteps length, the
accuracy of 80.56 ± 1.19 % obtained with the raw
landmark coordinates is significantly improved until
83.67 ± 1.12 % when normalizing through the wrist
landmark from the current frame, and until 84.66 ±
1.09 % when using as reference the wrist landmark
25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200 225 250
Accuracy (%)
Raw Coordinates Landmarks
Landmarks Speed
Anthropometric Measures
Hand Gesture Recognition Using MediaPipe Landmarks and Deep Learning Networks
from the first video frame of each gesture.
Normalizing the coordinates using the wrist
landmark as reference removes the variability in the
inputs among users. One of the reasons for this
improvement is that thanks to these types of
normalizations, the representation of examples of the
same gesture become similar independently of the
location of the hand through the images. For
example, the representation of a hand gesture
consisting in clicking with one finger could differ
when the person performs the gesture at the right or
left side of the image. However, thanks to
normalizing using the wrist landmark, both
representations become standardized since both use
the coordinate origin as reference. Table 1 shows a
summary of the results from the previous
experiments using 125-timestep gesture length.
Figure 2: Accuracy depending on the number of timesteps
used per gesture and the landmark normalization used over
the raw landmark coordinates.
Comparing the state-of-the-art works, it is fair to
highlight that the hand pose recognition usually gets
higher performance because it deals with fixed
images, which are more stable and easier to
recognize. In contrast, the hand gesture recognition
involves sequences of images of varying lengths,
requiring normalization and handling of temporal
dynamics, which complicates the recognition task.
Table 1: Accuracy for different landmark-based input
formats using 125-timestep gesture length.
ased input Accuracy (%)
Raw Coordinates + No
80.56 ± 1.19
Raw Coordinates + Wrist of Current
Frame Norm.
83.67 ± 1.12
Raw Coordinates + Wrist of First
Frame Norm.
84.66 ± 1.09
Landmarks Spee
72.93 ± 1.34
Anthropometric Measures 82.20 ± 1.15
For example, a previous work (Benitez-Garcia et
al., 2021) used 37 subjects from this dataset to train
a ResNeXt-101 model with 47.56 million parameters
and evaluating the remaining 13 subjects, achieving
an 86.32% accuracy. This potentially allows for
overfitting, where the model performs well on the
test data because it has been optimized for it. Using
the same setup, the proposed approach of using the
raw coordinates and the wrist of first frame
normalization obtained an 86.38 ± 2.03 % accuracy
using a significantly lighter model with only 58,614
parameters. In addition, this work offers a
competitive 84.66 ± 1.09 % accuracy evaluating a
larger and more diverse set of 50 subjects, making
the task more challenging and the model's
generalization performance more critical.
Finally, we analyzed if using a limited number of
landmarks was informative enough to provide a high
performance. Analyzing the nature of the dataset
gestures, we observed that all the 13 classes
compromised the movement of the thumb, index and
middle fingers, and the ring and little fingers were
slightly used in the gestures. This supports the idea
that we observed in a previous study (Luna-Jimenez
et al., 2023), indicating that for example the variance
of the index finger was higher (𝜎2 =0.031) than the
one of the little finger (𝜎2 =0.019). This way, we
used the wrist and all fingertips landmarks (6
landmarks) and the wrist, and fingertips from thumb,
index and middle fingers (4 landmarks) to perform
the experiments. In this case, the anthropometric
measures were computed using only these
landmarks (Euclidean distances between those pairs
of landmarks). Figure 3 shows the accuracy
depending on the landmark-based input format and
the number of landmarks per hand.
We observed that using the wrist and the
fingertips landmarks could be enough to obtain a
high recognition performance when using raw
landmark coordinates as inputs. For example, when
using the raw coordinates and the normalization
using the first video frame, the system achieved
82.15 ± 1.16 % and 81.46 ± 1.17 % when using 6
25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200 225 250
Accuracy (%)
No Landmark Normalization
Wrist Landmark of First Frame
Wrist Landmark of Current Frame
ICAART 2025 - 17th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
and 4 landmarks, respectively. However, there exists
a performance decrease when using the
anthropometric measures and reducing the number
of landmarks. This could be due to a loss of spatial
relationships between the different landmarks (from
210 when using 21 landmarks to 15 and 6 when
using 6 and 4 landmarks, respectively).
Figure 3: Accuracy depending on the landmark-based
input format and the number of landmarks used per
This paper proposes a system to detect hand gestures
using a limited number of landmarks from images.
The proposed approach automatically extracts 21
MediaPipe landmarks (x and y coordinates of
specific points) from the hand and feeds a deep
neural architecture to model and recognize different
hand gestures in a subject-independent scenario.
This system analyzes the effect of using different
landmark-based representations as inputs to a light
RNN. It obtains significantly better accuracy when
using the raw coordinates of the 21 landmarks or the
hand anthropometric measures compared to using
the speed of the hand landmarks. In addition, a
performance tendency improvement is observed
when using landmark-based normalizations over the
raw coordinates. Moreover, using a limited number
of hand landmarks (the ones with higher variance
along the gestures) provides competitive gesture
recognition performance.
As future work, it would be interesting to apply
Multi-Modal Large Language Models to recognize
gestures by feeding the models with the original
images and landmarks representation. In addition, it
would be interesting to apply this framework using
other landmark detection models like OpenPose and
for other datasets with a wider variety of gestures or
microgestures (Chan et al., 2016) and/or related to
sign language recognition. Finally, a real-time
system that infers the prediction from a stream of a
camera could be an application on a real use case of
the proposed method.
This research was funded by Programa Propio 2024
from Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. Iván
Martín-Fernández research was supported by the
Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (Programa
Propio I+D+i). Sergio Esteban-Romero research was
supported by the Spanish Ministry of Education (FPI
grant PRE2022-105516).
This work was funded by Project ASTOUND
(101071191 HORIZON-EIC-2021-
Commission and by the Spanish Ministry of Science
and Innovation through the projects GOMINOLA
(PID2020-118112RB-C22), TRUSTBOOST
(PID2023-150584OB-C21) and BeWord (PID2021-
126061OB-C43), funded by
MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and by the
European Union “NextGenerationEU/PRTR”.
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ICAART 2025 - 17th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence