During the user research phase of HCD approach, the
designer of the DietAdhoc system takes into account
various clinical checks and visits carried out by the
nutritional biologist (ethnographic research).
Following this process, the system designer develops
a series of unstructured interviews and specific
questionnaires to define:
• the complete profile of the characteristics of the
nutritional biologist and of the designer –
system administrator who will use the system
[age, gender, type of interaction with the system
(primary or secondary), frequency of use of the
system (daily, in the specific case), level of
computer experience (inexperienced, sufficient,
good, expert), system usage time and technical
support equipment];
• task analysis (both for the nutritional biologist,
and for the designer - system administrator);
• usage scenarios (both for the nutritional
biologist, and for the designer – system
• future stakeholders (cardiologists,
diabetologists and endocrinologists), interested
in scientific collaborations to share clinical
information for the creation of a
multidisciplinary team).
In the initial phase, the two figures in charge of
the software will be the nutritional biologist (domain
expert) and the system designer who will also act as
system administrator. The nutritional biologist, is 32
years old and has basic computer skills. He represents
the primary user of the system because he uses it daily
and deals with the insertion and update of all the
patient’s clinical data (including reports from other
specialists), of a new food portions relating to certain
diets into the database, and for the generation of
clinical reports to be sent via e-mail to patients). The
designer – system administrator, is 42 years old, and
has a high level of computer skills. He represents the
secondary user of the system because he is contacted
on the base of the needs of the nutritional biologist.
The system designer remotely checks for any
malfunctions in the workflow and in the interfacing
with the technical instrumentation.
Subsequently the nutritional biologist has
contacted other medical specialists (cardiologists,
diabetologists and endocrinologists) for the creation
of a scientific multidisciplinary team to support the
DietAdhoc® system. The current technical
instrumentation supporting the human nutrition
specialist consists of: SECA 799 digital column scale,
the SECA mBCA 525 digital bioimpedance meter and
the GIMA digital caliper. At the moment the system
administrator is in contact with the commercial and
technical managers of the aforementioned medical
devices to evaluate the possibility of inserting the
DietAdhoc system into them. Finally, based on the
data obtained from unstructured interviews and
questionnaires, also addressed to the aforementioned
clinical specialists, the designer created usage
scenarios, i.e. descriptions in natural language, of how
the application (with all the tasks identified) will be
used by current and potential users in order to verify
all the needs expressed.
2.1 Requirements
It was found that a software to support a professional
in the field of nutrition, compared to classic data
processing applications coded in a procedural manner,
had to manipulate a knowledge of a clinical nature
with an inferential approach and had to allow an
analysis of the patient with three levels of detail:
• descriptive – analyze the data of the various
patients to decipher the latent details that escape
medical procedures;
• predictive – creation of analytical and complete
models from the aforementioned latent data with
the aim of predicting valid results from the
scientific community in the nutritional field;
• prescriptive - suggest corrective clinical actions
for a given patient, using all the information that
the system has generated.
In this regard, the operational knowledge was codified
in the system by the designer and the following high
fidelity prototypes were created (Conceptual design -
second phase of HCD process):
• a section concerning four food categories (main
food, vegetables, fruit and drinks) so that the
nutritional biologist can insert, update and delete
food portions with the relative contribution in
kilocalories (kcal), macronutrients
(carbohydrates, proteins and fats) and other
nutritional parameters (cholesterol, ORAC,
PRAL, and salts);
• a section for all patient data (name, surname, age,
birth of date, gender, identity document, tax id
code, telephone reference, e-mail, working
activity, eventual Vat number);
• a section for entering medical reports of other
• a dynamic menu for evaluating the patient's
medical history, blood chemistry tests and
System DietadHoc: A Fusion of Human-Centered Design and Agile Development for the Explainability of AI Techniques Based on Clinical
and Nutritional Data