Algorithmic Bias from the Perspectives of Healthcare Professionals
Jennifer Xu
and Tamara Babaian
Department of Computer Information Systems, Bentley University, Waltham, MA, U.S.A.
Keywords: Algorithmic Bias, Perceived Fairness, Healthcare Professionals.
Abstract: This paper focuses on algorithmic bias of machine learning and artificial intelligence applications in
healthcare information systems. Based on the quantitative data and qualitative comments from a survey and
interviews with healthcare professionals, who have different job roles (e.g., clinical vs. administrative), this
study provides findings about the relationships between algorithmic bias, perceived fairness, and the intended
acceptance and adoption of ML algorithms and algorithm generated outcomes. The results suggest that the
opinions of healthcare professionals toward the causes of algorithmic bias, the criteria of algorithm assessment,
the perceived fairness, and bias mitigation approaches may vary depending on their job roles, perspectives,
tasks, and the algorithm characteristics. More research is needed to investigate algorithmic bias to ensure
fairness and equality in healthcare.
Artificial intelligence (AI) has been increasingly used
and adopted by individuals, organizations, and
institutions around the globe. AI can be employed to
support decision making and enhance productivity in
a broad spectrum of application domains, such as
business, finance, transportation, and education. AI
and machine learning (ML) algorithms have also been
used in the medical and healthcare domain for clinical
decision support (Rajkomar et al., 2018), such as
predicting hypertension and obesity (Ge et al., 2023;
Gupta et al., 2022), diagnosing cardiovascular
diseases (Litjens et al., 2019), detecting cancerous
tumors (Lehman et al., 2015), identifying high-risk,
high-cost patients (Osawa et al., 2020), and
optimizing clinical workflow (Akkus, 2021).
While AI and ML have found many promising
applications in healthcare, many healthcare
stakeholders (e.g., physicians, hospital managers,
payers, and patients) have been increasingly
concerned with algorithmic bias, which may cause
serious consequences for clinical safety (Challen et
al., 2019) and misalignments with ethical principles
(Morley et al., 2020). A recent comprehensive study
of clinical ML algorithms shows that in several
medical disciplines, such as cardiology, nephrology,
and obstetrics, using patient race and ethnicity in ML
algorithms may lead to the conclusion that Black
patients are in less need for care (Vyas et al., 2020).
There have been many proposals for addressing
ML algorithmic bias and related ethical issues, such
as fairness, equality, discrimination, among many
others (Mehrabi et al., 2021). However, the problem
remains challenging to tackle, especially in
healthcare, due to several reasons.
First, it can be difficult to identify the sources of
algorithmic bias. There are a wide variety of biases,
which may originate from different sources and
caused by different reasons (Giovanola & Tiribelli,
2023; Kordzadeh & Ghasemaghaei, 2022). For
example, biased outcomes produced by an ML
algorithm may be caused by human bias embedded in
the training data (Gaonkar et al., 2020; Larrazabal et
al., 2020). Algorithms trained on data from one
community may be biased when utilized in another
community with a different patient population (Liu et
al., 2018). Rarity of certain medical conditions and
lack of clinical expertise may also result in
imbalanced samples, leading to biased, unfair
outcomes (Ktena et al., 2024).
Second, since ML algorithms are used to support
decision making, their performance (e.g., accuracy,
sensitivity) is one of the most important criteria for
Xu, J. and Babaian, T.
Algorithmic Bias from the Perspectives of Healthcare Professionals.
DOI: 10.5220/0013076500003911
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 18th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies (BIOSTEC 2025) - Volume 2: HEALTHINF, pages 17-28
ISBN: 978-989-758-731-3; ISSN: 2184-4305
Proceedings Copyright © 2025 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
algorithm assessment. However, it can be practically
impossible for ML algorithms to satisfy all
performance criteria and ethical principles at the same
time (Giovanola & Tiribelli, 2023). For example, as
fairness is a perception (Kordzadeh & Ghasemaghaei,
2022; Wang et al., 2020), what one social group
perceives as fair may be considered unfair by other
groups (Ochmann et al., 2024). In addition, the
variety in algorithms adds more complexity to the
task of assessing and selecting algorithms when
facing algorithmic bias. There are many types of ML
algorithms, ranging from supervised learning,
unsupervised learning, to generative AI algorithms.
Even within the same learning category, algorithms
may have heterogeneous characteristics in their
design, architecture, and parameter setting. For
instance, although both decision tree algorithms and
neural networks can be used in supervised learning to
classify data, their design, inner workings, and
learned models are completely different. The
classifiers learned by decision trees are often easy to
interpret and explain, yet neural networks are
considered “black box,” lacking transparency and
Third, it is unclear how different healthcare
stakeholders view algorithmic bias and mitigation
strategies. Different stakeholders may have different
attitudes and opinions toward many questions, such
as the presence of algorithmic bias in healthcare ML
algorithms, where the biases come from, how to
mitigate the biases, and which algorithms to select
and adopt (Vorisek et al., 2023). Their opinions may
depend on several factors, such as their roles and
perspectives, the tasks they wish to use AI and ML to
accomplish, and the priority of goals. For example,
doctors and physicians may focus on accuracy of
diagnoses and effectiveness of treatments; managers
may prioritize patient safety and hospital operational
efficiency over other aspects; patients may wish to
lower medical costs in addition to receiving timely,
quality care.
This research seeks to study the opinions of
healthcare professionals toward algorithmic bias and
fairness. We intend to explore the following research
questions (RQs):
RQ1: What do healthcare professionals think
about the causes of algorithmic bias?
RQ2: What approaches do they believe would
help address bias and fairness?
RQ3: What criteria and factors do they
consider when selecting algorithms?
RQ4: How would they intend to use and adopt
ML algorithms in their practice and work?
Using a survey and interviews, we gathered
quantitative data and qualitative comments from
healthcare professionals from different hospitals. The
participants have various job roles in their hospitals
ranging from clinical (e.g., physicians, doctors, and
nurses), technical (e.g., radiologists), administrative,
to IT (e.g., information system developers) and
support (e.g., trainers and educators). Our findings
show that healthcare professionals are concerned
about algorithmic bias and fairness, and that their
opinions about using AI and ML algorithms in their
practice of medicine and healthcare management
differ depending on several factors.
The remainder of the paper is organized as
follows. The next section reviews the literature about
algorithmic bias, the application of ML algorithms
and bias identified in the literature. Section 3
describes research methods and data, followed by
reports of analysis and results in Section 4. Section 5
discusses our findings and implications. The last
section outlines plans for future research and
concludes the paper.
2.1 Algorithmic Bias
The concept of computer system bias is not new
(Moor, 1985); it was further developed by Friedman
& Nissenbaum (Friedman & Nissenbaum, 1996) and
has since evolved into what is now commonly
referred to as algorithmic bias, particularly, within the
scope of AI/ML systems. Algorithmic bias refers to
systematic errors which may disadvantage specific
individuals or groups of population without a justified
reason (Kordzadeh & Ghasemaghaei, 2022).
Algorithmic bias is a socio-technical concept: it is
rooted in the biases that exist in society, which make
their way into technology, the use of which, in-turn,
may contribute to helping proliferate and amplify
discriminatory practices by humans.
Within the context of ML applications,
algorithmic bias can be a result of inappropriate
choice of training data, model, or inappropriate use of
a system (Giovanola & Tiribelli, 2023), categorized,
respectively, as data-driven bias, model design bias,
and user-interaction bias. Data-driven biases
originate from inadequate representation (minority or
selection bias), missing data, and differences between
the population in the training and deployment data
(domain shift bias). Model bias arises during the
model conceptualization stages, for example, with the
selection and assignment of classification labels
HEALTHINF 2025 - 18th International Conference on Health Informatics
(Zając et al., 2023). Biases arising from the
interaction of users and ML technology (sometimes
referred to as latent (DeCamp & Lindvall, 2020), or
emergent (Friedman & Nissenbaum, 1996) bias,
include automation and feedback loop biases, which
are caused by overreliance on the potentially
imperfect decision support algorithms without
thorough questioning of the system-generated
Fairness, one of the core ethical principles, is
closely related to algorithmic bias. In the healthcare
context, unfair outcomes often are related to the use
of protected attributes, such as gender, age, race,
ethnicity, socioeconomic status, etc. (Abràmoff et al.,
2023). As an ethics value, fairness has multiple
dimensions including distributive, procedural,
interpersonal, and informational justice (Ochmann et
al., 2024). In our research, we focus on the perceived
fairness, which is defined as the extent to which
algorithms are perceived to be fair by people
(Kordzadeh & Ghasemaghaei, 2022).
While ML models are typically developed and
assessed with the goal of optimizing for specific
overall performance measures, such as accuracy,
precision, and sensitivity, it remains a challenge, in
general, for ML algorithms to achieve high
performance while aligning with all ethical principles
at the same time (Giovanola & Tiribelli, 2023).
2.2 Algorithmic Bias in Healthcare
A family of decision-tree-based algorithms have been
employed in clinical and healthcare management
applications and research, such as predicting survival
in locally advanced rectal cancer (De Felice et al.,
2020), readmission in mental health patients (Morel
et al., 2020), and triage level designation for
emergency room (ER) patients (Levin et al., 2018).
Deep learning algorithms that use neural networks
have also been employed to process medical imagery
data (e.g., X-ray, MRI, CT scans, and ultrasound
images) for detecting, screening, or analyzing various
clinical conditions, such as breast tumors (Lehman et
al., 2015), lung cancers (Ardila et al., 2019), and
cardiovascular complications (Litjens et al., 2019),
and to classify numerical and text data (e.g., visual
signs and clinical notes) for predicting hypertension
(Ge et al., 2023), diagnosing cancers (Fu et al., 2020),
preventing inpatient falls (Cheligeer et al., 2024), and
providing new disease insights (Rajpurkar et al.,
While ML algorithms are employed in healthcare,
there have been growing concerns about algorithmic
bias that may jeopardize clinical safety (Challen et al.,
2019) and cause healthcare inequality, disparity, and
unfair outcomes toward underrepresented social
groups (Giovanola & Tiribelli, 2023; Mehrabi et al.,
2021; Schrouff et al., 2023).
Investigations of the sources and types of
algorithmic bias in clinical decision support
applications confirm that algorithmic bias in
healthcare may originate from the training data, the
algorithm design, or the interactions between human
users (e.g., physicians and patients) and clinical
support systems (Giovanola & Tiribelli, 2023). The
distribution shift, which occurs when there are
discrepancies between the training data and the data
in real-world settings, can cause the learned model to
perform and generalize poorly and produce biased
outcomes. For example, a study finds that a large
performance drop occurs when an ML model trained
on data from 17 teledermatology services in the U.S.
is applied to teledermatology cases in Colombia
(Schrouff et al., 2023). Similarly, Watson for
Oncology, a system with ML algorithms trained on
Western datasets, is found to perform much worse
when used for Chinese patients (Liu et al., 2018).
Imbalanced data caused by underrepresentation of
some social groups (e.g., gender) may lead to biased
classifiers (Larrazabal et al., 2020). Labelling bias
resulted from subjective annotations of physicians or
use of billing and reimbursement driven diagnostic
coding of diseases may also cause a trained model to
reflect the bias embedded in the training data (Yu &
Kohane, 2019). Automation bias (a.k.a., confirmatory
bias) may occur when physicians over rely on
algorithm generated recommendations and diagnoses
(Giovanola & Tiribelli, 2023). For example,
automation bias is shown to cause an increased false
negative rate in radiology diagnoses (Lehman et al.,
The discussion of fairness in healthcare often
centers on distributive fairness (Giovanola &
Tiribelli, 2023). A recent study shows that including
patient race and ethnicity information in the data for
ML algorithms may potentially lead to unfair
distribution of clinical resources toward certain
minority groups (Vyas et al., 2020). However, it has
also been reported that in some cases, ML algorithms
may perform well with fair outcomes for different
social groups (Noseworthy et al., 2020) and across
hospitals and sections (Levin et al., 2018).
Researchers propose frameworks and guidelines
for building safer ML supported clinical decision
systems (Challen et al., 2019), and promoting trust
(Ema et al., 2020). However, development of
strategies and methods for mitigating bias and
enhancing fairness and trust in ML algorithms in
Algorithmic Bias from the Perspectives of Healthcare Professionals
healthcare remains elusive, due to the complexity of
the issues. It is widely recognized that the demands
on effectiveness, safety, and fairness of AI-based
tools require that healthcare AI developers, users, and
regulating bodies work collaboratively to define
guidelines for clarifying the levels of transparency on
the provenance, quality of data as well as assessment
mechanisms for the AI tools before their adoption
(Matheny et al., 2023). Furthermore, the risks
associated with the entrenchment and amplification
of existing biases due to the use of black-box decision
support require specific attention to the clinicians’
understanding of the potential risks to patient safety
and equity, which motivates our study.
2.3 Stakeholder Perspectives
Healthcare is an industry with many different
stakeholders, including healthcare organizations,
physicians, administrative and support personnel,
payers and insurance companies, clinical information
system and electronic health record (EHR)
developers, and patients. Different stakeholders may
have diverse perspectives, priorities, and opinions
regarding ML algorithms, algorithmic bias, and
There has been limited research and reports on
stakeholder perspectives. A qualitative study (Parikh
et al., 2022) reports findings from interviews of 29
oncology clinicians regarding their perceptions on the
adoption of ML-based predictions of patient mortality
risk to prompt conversations of end-of -life care with
cancer patients. It is found that physicians are
generally positive toward the prospect of using ML
generated predictions. However, they are concerned
with ethical issues, accuracy and possible
confirmation and automation biases. Another study
has conducted interviews with a group of healthcare
AI experts specialized in system development and
regulation. The findings show that experts’ opinions
vary regarding the mitigation strategies for
algorithmic bias (Aquino et al., 2023). Specifically,
there are divergent views about whether protected
attributes such as sociocultural identifiers (e.g., race
and gender) should be included in healthcare ML
algorithms (US Department of Health and Human
Services 2024). Similarly, a web-based survey has
found that healthcare AI developers perceive their
algorithms to be moderately fair (Vorisek et al.,
Our research seeks to explore how healthcare
professionals view and perceive algorithmic bias and
fairness and how they intend to assess, select, and
adopt ML algorithms when facing algorithmic bias.
Our chosen theoretical framework presented in
(Kordzadeh & Ghasemaghaei, 2022) focuses on
algorithmic bias, perceived fairness, and user
behavioral responses. It posits that algorithmic bias
negatively influences perceived fairness, which
further affects the behavioral response of users in
terms of their acceptance of the algorithms and
adoption of ML based decision support systems.
Moreover, these relationships are affected by several
factors including individual, task, and technology
characteristics. For example, individuals with
different education levels and gender may perceive
the outcome of ML algorithms differently (Wang et
al., 2020), and the responses to algorithmic bias may
also vary depending on whether the task has high-
impact or low-impact. Technology characteristics,
such as levels of transparency and explainability, may
also affect the perceptions of fairness, and users’
behavioral responses.
Our research methodology includes survey and
interviews. Both survey and interviews target
healthcare professionals taking various roles in their
3.1 Survey
The survey is designed to explore opinions and
attitudes of healthcare professionals toward
algorithmic bias, fairness, and intended behavior in
response to bias. To reduce the scope of ML
algorithms referred to in the survey, we focus only on
supervised ML classification algorithms.
The survey consists of two parts. The first part
contains eight questions regarding the participant
demographic information (e.g., age, gender),
background (e.g., job roles in organizations, years of
work experience, and knowledge about ML
algorithms), and their general attitudes toward AI
technology in general. The second part includes five
questions using a five-point Likert scale ranging from
Strongly Disagree to Strongly Agree. Each of these
questions focuses on the participant’s opinions
toward a specific topic: causes of algorithmic bias
(Q9), fairness (Q10), algorithm assessment and task
characteristics (Q11), technology characteristics
(Q12), and intended behavior (acceptance and
adoption) (Q13). Each question consists of several
sub-questions (Q9: 4, Q10: 3, Q11: 4, Q12: 5, Q13:
6). The complete set of questions is provided in the
HEALTHINF 2025 - 18th International Conference on Health Informatics
The survey questions were developed based on
the review of the literature on algorithmic bias in
healthcare. Major issues related to algorithmic bias
(e.g., distribution shifts, algorithm transparency) are
covered in the questions. Questions about the
intended behaviors were adapted from the survey
instruments used for accessing technology
acceptance and adoption in the information systems
(IS) literature (Venkatesh et al., 2003).
A pilot study was conducted involving four
participants, who were IS researchers with expertise
in algorithmic bias and healthcare decision support
systems. Questions were revised and modified for
several rounds based on participants’ feedback.
The participants of the full-scale survey were
recruited from an executive MBA program offered at
a business university in the northeastern USA. The
executive MBA program was offered specifically to
a cohort of employees in a world-class hospital based
in the Greater Boston area. Students who were taking
a healthcare analytics course in this program in spring
2024 were invited to participate in the survey. The
survey was administered after covering various ML
algorithms during the semester.
Among the 20 students who took the course, 19
responded to the invitation and participated in the
survey. Among the 19 participants, the majority (n =
14) were female, and the rest (n = 5) are male.
Students were from four age groups (i.e., 20-29, 30-
39, 40-49, and 50+), and the number of participants
in the groups was 4, 7, 4, 4, respectively. Their work
experience ranged from 1-5 years (n = 3), 6-10 years
(n = 6), 11-20 years (n = 7), to 20 or more years (n =
3). Their job roles included administrative (e.g.,
manager, director, team leader) (n = 4), clinical (e.g.,
physician, nurse, surgeon) (n = 8), technical (e.g.,
radiology) (n = 1), support (e.g., educator, analyst) (n
= 4), and IT (e.g., developer, clinical system engineer)
(n = 2). Regarding their experience with ML
algorithms, all participants were familiar with
decision tree and neural networks, which were
covered in the course. Three participants also were
familiar with other ML algorithms (e.g., k-nearest
neighbor and naïve Bayes classifier).
3.2 Interviews
In a parallel study, we conducted semi-structured
interviews with eight healthcare professionals in
different positions/roles: doctors, nurses, therapists,
and administrators overseeing medical IT. All
recruited interviewees work in medical facilities in
the northeastern USA; all of them were medically
trained, although some were currently working in
administrative positions, sometimes, in addition to
their clinical work. In terms of type and area of
practice, interviewees spanned a range from in-
patient and outpatient care, emergency room (ER)
care, primary care, to urgent care facilities.
Interview questions addressed perspective use of
AI within EHRs and the issues surrounding ethics of
using AI algorithms. The interviews lasting 30-45
minutes were conducted over Zoom, recorded,
transcribed and analysed using inductive content
analysis with the coding labels derived from the
interview topic questions and emergent themes,
refined in the process.
4.1 Survey Results
Using the responses to each close-ended sub-
questions as the dependent variable, we performed
two-way ANOVA on three independent variables:
age, gender, and job role. Since years of experience
in healthcare and years of experience in organization
are highly correlated with age, adding them to the
ANOVA would cause the multicollinearity problem.
The results from ANOVA using either experience
variable produced similar results with those using
age. Participants’ knowledge about ML algorithms is
homogeneous and does not show individual
difference, since the cohort took the same analytics
course where the algorithms were covered. Their
intended goals of using AI correlate with their job
roles (e.g., enhancing quality of care for clinical roles,
reducing costs and improving operational
productivity for administrative roles). As a result,
these variables were not included in ANOVA. We
summarize the ANOVA findings in the following.
4.1.1 Causes of Algorithmic Bias
The results show that the participants generally agree
on the four statements about the major causes of
algorithmic bias. In particular, they believe that bias
in the training data can cause algorithmic bias (Q9.1
Likert scale mean = 4.6, S.D. = 0.51), and that the
distribution shift of data, which occurs when an
algorithm is trained on data from one hospital is used
in another hospital, can also cause algorithmic bias
(e.g., it may not work) (Q9.2 mean = 4.5, S.D. = 0.61).
They are not as positive that a larger training dataset
would necessarily mitigate bias (Q9.3 mean = 3.6,
S.D. = 1.0). They tend to believe that bias may also
come from the specific design of algorithms (Q9.4
Algorithmic Bias from the Perspectives of Healthcare Professionals
mean = 3.9, S.D. = 0.88).
None of the three independent variables (age,
gender, and job role) is significant in ANOVA across
the four sub-questions. In other words, there is no
gender, age, and role difference in the participants’
opinions toward sources of algorithmic bias.
4.1.2 Fairness of Outcomes
Participants strongly agree that if the outcome
generated by an algorithm is biased against certain
social groups, it is unfair for those groups (Q10.1
mean = 4.11, S.D. = 1.0). However, they disagree that
protected demographic attributes (e.g., age, gender,
race) of patients should be excluded in ML algorithms
as a solution to prevent possible unfair outcomes
(Q10.2 mean = 2.4, S.D. = 0.96). Instead, these
attributes, which may potentially lead to unfair
outcomes, can be used in some ML applications
depending on the specific problem under study
(Q10.3 mean = 4.4, S.D. = 0.60).
There is no age, gender, or role difference in the
first two sub-questions in ANOVA. Only age is
significant in the third sub-question, showing that the
female participants (mean = 4.3) are slightly less
inclined than the male participants (mean = 4.6) to
allow ML algorithms to use demographical
information of patients.
4.1.3 Assessment Criteria and Task
The responses to the sub-question regarding
algorithm assessment are rather similar: the
participants generally believe that ML algorithms
should be assessed based on multiple criteria
including performance, bias, and fairness (Q11.1
mean = 3.5, S.D. = 0.61), and that the prioritization of
the criteria depends on the task characteristics (Q11.2
mean = 4.1, S.D. = 0.71). However, they are relatively
neutral about whether algorithmic bias should be
allowed in high- (e.g., fatal disease prediction) (Q11.3
mean = 3.5, S.D. = 1.0) or low-impact situations (e.g.,
patient satisfaction prediction) (Q11.4 mean = 3.5,
S.D. = 0.84).
The ANOVA result shows that there is significant
difference in age and job role for Q11.4. Among the
four age groups, the 40-49 group gives significantly
lower score to this question, indicating that they tend
to disagree that algorithmic bias can be tolerated even
in low-impact situations. In terms of job roles,
clinicians also tend to disagree with this statement
more than other participants with other roles.
4.1.4 Technology Characteristics
Participants strongly believe that algorithm
transparency (Q12.1 mean = 4.6, S.D. = 0.61) and
explainability (Q12.3 mean = 4.3, S.D. = 0.73) are
important, and they prefer algorithms with high
transparency (Q12.2 mean = 4.3, S.D. = 0.75) and
explainability (Q12.4 mean = 4.5, S.D. = 0.51) over
those with lower transparency and explainability and
similar performance. However, if one algorithm
significantly outperforms another one, participants
are less certain about whether they would choose the
one with higher performance and lower transparency
(Q12.5 mean = 3.2, S.D. = 1.1).
None of the independent variables is significant in
4.1.5 Intended Behavioral Responses
Participants’ opinions are more divergent in terms of
their intended behaviors (e.g. acceptance and
adoption), given that ML algorithms vary in their
performance (e.g., accuracy and error rate), bias, and
fairness. Participants do not agree that ML algorithms
should be outright abandoned even though their
outcomes may have errors (e.g., false positives and
false negatives) (Q13.1 mean = 2.7, S.D. = 1.0).
However, they are more inclined to avoid using
algorithms with biased (Q13.2 mean = 3.3, S.D. = 1.0)
or unfair outcomes (Q13.3 mean = 4.0, S.D. = 1.1),
but may still use the algorithm if its performance is
high (Q13.5 mean = 3.4, S.D. = 1.1). They strongly
agree that they will treat algorithm generated
outcomes as mere recommendations and will rely on
their own knowledge and experience to make final
decisions (Q13.6 mean = 4.4, S.D. = 1.0).
The ANOVA identifies significant differences in
job role, gender, and the interactions between role and
age, and between gender and age for Q13.6. More
specifically, the participants with administrative roles
(mean = 3.25) are less likely to agree with the
statement than other roles including clinical,
technical, IT, and support (mean = 4.7).
4.2 Interview Results
In this section we summarize the interviewee
responses regarding issues surrounding the use of AI
and algorithmic bias. Full analysis of the interview
data is beyond the scope of this paper. Here we
present points relevant to our research questions,
illustrated with quotes from the interviews.
HEALTHINF 2025 - 18th International Conference on Health Informatics
4.2.1 Causes and Consequences of Errors
and Algorithmic Bias
All interviewees saw the potential associated with the
application of AI/ML in medical practice, while
recognizing that the technology may not have reached
the level needed to be used in clinical settings.
Algorithm generated recommendations are part of the
usual workflow for some practitioners. Practitioners
referred to system generated, typically rule-based
scoring of risks, such as risk of patient experiencing
sepsis, falling, or heart attack. Interviewees
mentioned that while they use such information, they
typically combine it with other assessments instead of
following it blindly. They emphasized that
transparency in the way the scores are generated
(typically, rule-based) is important to them and they
realize that the scoring is not flawless. Among the
sources of concern for potential inaccuracy and bias
in the automatically generated recommendations,
they mentioned issues of distribution shift, model
bias, and the validity of the knowledge base used by
algorithms to make the assessment. Concerns
regarding the knowledge base include patient
information that cannot be easily put into the written
form or easily found, as well as the validity of
(INT_7) Mostly, we have a very diverse patient
population and if the model has been designed and
tested on a population that is very different from
our population, certainly bias can be introduced in
that way.
One practitioner recognized the failure of a newly
implemented ML system to account for the
differences in the environment for recommending
whether to discharge a patient to a rehab facility or to
their home:
(INT_2) One of the things that we're running into is
the discharge tool that we're using doesn't take into
account a person's home environment. So you know
it might say that a patient can go home not realizing
there's 30 steps to get into their home. But again, in
Massachusetts, our architecture is very different
than you get in Florida, so if this was a tool
developed in Florida where a lot of the houses there
are one level, no steps to get in, versus
Massachusetts where you're dealing with
architecture from the 17 - 18 hundreds in some
An emergency care physician noted the danger
associated with over-reliance on tools (i.e., the
automation bias), as an additional potential negative
consequence of using inaccurate or biased
(INT_0) So I just worry that there are subtleties in
the human condition that AI may not be able to
analyze and give us that information. And we may
become too reliant on it.
Physicians emphasized that in the end they rely on
their own judgement, as stated, for example, by this
emergency care physician describing the use of
patient acuity score:
(INT_3) We use that as a guide, but we don’t rely
on it.
A different concern is expressed by a family
physician, who is also a chief medical informatics
officer (CMIO), regarding AI potentially proposing
case-relevant literature:
(INT_5) And then the, you know, the concerns
about bias as well. Kind of knowing that the data
that the AI is using is unbiased data. You mentioned
the AI looking at the latest literature and presenting
that data to the clinician. There's a lot of junk in the
literature now as you know, there are journals that
are really not going through the peer review
process, so just because it's the latest data doesn't
mean that it's trustworthy. So, you know, I'd have
concerns about bias as well. Those are all
challenges. I'm sure there are others too.
4.2.2 Assessment and Response to Bias
Approaches to addressing bias and inaccuracies in
models were expressed by two professionals, who are
both involved in assessment and implementation of
ML-based tools. Both emphasized working closely
with vendors to understand the parameters of the
black-box models and data they were trained on.
Detecting and addressing bias issues before a tool
is put into clinical use is a major concern of a chief
medical informatics officer, who listed bias as one of
the many evaluation parameters for the ML-based
tools. In this person’s opinion, there is a wide range
of the level of physicians’ awareness of the strengths
and pitfalls of ML-based tools:
(INT_7) Not many people are sort of thinking about
how do we asses for bias? Is the tool safe to use?
All those kinds of things…. And that's my job. And
that’s why we're not implementing a lot of tools
right now that would provide clinical
recommendations, at least.
A more optimistic view on dealing with some
known biases was expressed by this provider:
Algorithmic Bias from the Perspectives of Healthcare Professionals
(INT_2) I think if it's a known bias, that people
know about, you're gonna automatically correct for
A CMIO points out that the significance of
different factors used in model accuracy evaluation
depends on the specific task, for example, age may be
more important than race in some settings:
(INT_7) So with, something for radiology, I'd be
thinking about age because structure is what
radiology looks on, changes with age... But in other
things, you certainly want to make sure that you,
are looking at race and ethnicity a lot
more...depending on the model you're looking at,
you may be particularly cognizant of certain
demographic characteristics that you want to make
sure are included in in the study populations.
Retrospective data evaluation is used to assess the
impact of the distribution shift:
(INT_7) We are more likely to feel comfortable with
the model if we're going to test it on retrospective
data with our population. And see that it performs
well and if there is a plan for repeated validations
going forward, then if there's a proposal to put it in
with our population and just move forward
4.2.3 Technology Adoption
Regarding adoption and use, transparency of the
reasons for presented recommendations as well as the
data used in model training was mentioned as a
desirable factor by many interviewees. For the
proprietary models, vendors do not necessarily
disclose what data their model is trained on right now,
although regulations, such as HTI 1 (US Department
of Health and Human Services 2024), are being put
in place requiring more disclosure:
(INT_7) But going forward, they will have to be a
lot more transparent with sharing a lot of
information, not their entire, sort of, secret sauce,
but a lot of information about their algorithm. But
right now we work very closely with them, try to
gain as much information as possible. But yeah, do
we don't have, we don't have a lot of that
information and so, you know, it's hard.
Doctors and nurses emphasized that an ML-based
clinical decision-making support tool’s
recommendation should be one of the points of
information for them to consider. Many expressed the
need for algorithm’s transparency regarding the basis
for the recommendation. The following quote
describes the sentiment expressed by many
(INT_5) There's always the concern of the black
box, you know, you don't know how the AI is
arriving at these decisions. So transparency is
definitely a limitation. I would love AI to make
suggestions and not make decisions. So like, you
know, I always want to make sure that there's some
human reviewing everything, so you know can't
make it completely automatic.
Our interviewees also expressed many
suggestions regarding the tasks for which they see
AI/ML being useful, but this information is beyond
the scope of this paper.
Recent advancements in AI and ML technologies are
set to revolutionize healthcare and medical practice.
However, the threat that the algorithmic bias inherent
in many ML applications will amplify existing social
biases and cause significant harm to the fair and safe
medical care is real. Algorithmic bias requires
focused attention by all stakeholders: developers of
algorithms and healthcare systems, physicians,
patients, insurance and other payers, and regulatory
institutions. In our study, we conducted an initial
investigation of perceptions of healthcare
professionals regarding algorithmic bias, its sources,
and their intended behaviors in responding to the
algorithmic bias and fairness issues.
Healthcare professionals participating in the study
are well aware of the issues of algorithmic bias, its
relationship to the model design and training data, and
the dangers of proliferating the unfair treatment
through unguarded use of biased models. Those
professionals who have experienced working with or
evaluating ML models for clinical decision making
have experienced dealing with issues of model bias,
distribution shift, imbalanced training data, and non-
transparency of recommendations. The prevailing
attitude of surveyed and interviewed healthcare
personnel, both in patient-facing and administrative
roles, is that algorithmic recommendations should be
treated as a point of information, with the physician’s
judgement applied as the deciding factor. Assessment
of ML models for performance, safety, and fairness is
a major concern for medical informatics officers and
physicians involved in evaluating and implementing
new technology. In assessing the model suitability for
clinical practice, practitioners favor a differentiated
approach to the inclusion of a variety of demographic
HEALTHINF 2025 - 18th International Conference on Health Informatics
and socio-economic factors in the training data. The
differentiation is based on the specific task and
domain of application of the model (e.g. radiology vs
suicide prevention). Regarding the tolerance of bias
and its importance compared to model performance,
practitioners also have a differentiated approach
based on the task. The approach to weighing
performance versus potential bias does not depend on
the importance of the decision (high-impact, fatal
disease prediction, or low impact situation).
Practitioners strongly prefer technology that
exhibits transparency and explainability of decisions,
although they are less concerned with transparency
for high-performing algorithms. In terms of the roles,
administrators are less likely to agree to adopt flawed
or biased algorithms into the practice. Administrators
working on assessing and implementing ML-based
technologies stress dialog with the developers,
especially regarding the population characteristics of
the training data, as a way to achieve satisfactory
transparency, performance and fairness results from
applying the ML models. Healthcare workers
recognize that the different stakeholders have
responsibilities in ensuring fairness and safety in the
use of ML-based tools.
5.1 Implications for Research and
Our study has several implications for both research
and practice related to algorithmic bias. First, based
on the theoretical framework on algorithmic bias
(Kordzadeh & Ghasemaghaei, 2022), our study
explores the relationships between the key constructs
in the framework: algorithmic bias, perceived
fairness, and intended behavioral responses, in the
context of healthcare. Our findings show that
algorithmic bias may have a negative impact on
perceived fairness, which will further affect users’
decisions for accepting or adopting ML algorithms.
Second, using both survey and interview methods, we
have gathered empirical evidence that different
stakeholders have varying opinions toward
algorithmic bias and fairness, which depend on
several factors including the stakeholders’ job roles,
their perspectives, the particular task, and the
technical characteristics of the algorithms and
systems. Third, the findings from this study suggest
that research on algorithmic bias in healthcare should
focus on approaches to developing transparent
solutions and communicating the known uncertainty
in the model recommendations, including threats to
model fairness, in clinical setting. Specifically, given
the prominence of the distribution shift, as a source of
bias, researchers should develop robust
methodologies for assessing the distribution shift, as
well as mitigating or overcoming it. It is important to
study the impact of specific demographic and socio-
economic factors for algorithm fairness for the
specific domains of application, as it was noted by
study participants.
Our findings also suggest that the practice of
algorithmic bias mitigation should take serious
consideration of the particular tasks and contexts, and
that algorithms should be assessed and selected based
on multiple performance criteria and ethical
principles. Sometimes, it is necessary to prioritize
these criteria and principles depending on the specific
applications under study and the perspectives of
stakeholders involved in the development of
healthcare information systems. It is still a long
journey to fully address algorithmic bias and ensure
fairness and equity in healthcare.
5.2 Limitations
Limitations of this study include the small sample of
surveyed and interviewed professionals as well as
their limited geographic diversity. In recruiting for
this initial study, we did not consider the race, nor the
socio-economic status and other demographic
characteristics of the patient population faced by the
participants in their practice. A greater sample size
would have enabled us to also stratify the participants
by the level of knowledge of AI/ML in general.
This research seeks to explore opinions of healthcare
professionals facing rapid advancements of AI and
ML in healthcare and the associated algorithmic bias
and fairness issues. Our future research will extend to
other important healthcare stakeholders. In particular,
it will be an interesting research question to
investigate how patients with different backgrounds,
health conditions, and socioeconomic status view the
prospects of AI in healthcare and the resulting ethical
We thank our study participants for their time and
invaluable input.
Algorithmic Bias from the Perspectives of Healthcare Professionals
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Q1. What is your gender?
Male; Female; Prefer not to answer
Q2. What is your age?
20-29; 30-39; 40-49; 50+
Q3. What is your job role/function (check all that
Clinical (e.g., physician, nurse, surgeon)
Administrative (e.g., director, manager, team
Technical (e.g., radiologist)
Support (e.g., educator, trainer, analyst)
IT (e.g., developer, system engineer)
Other, please specify ___________
Q4. How long have you been working at your hospital
or organization?
Less than one year; 1-2 years; 3-5 years; 6-9 years;
10-15 years; 15+ years
Q5. How long have you been working in the
healthcare sector?
Less than one year; 1-2 years; 3-5 years; 6-9 years;
10-15 years; 15+ years
Q6. Which of the following analytics and machine
learning algorithms are you familiar with (check all
that apply)?
Regression (linear and logistic)
Decision tree
Neural networks
Support vector machine
K-nearest neighbor
Naïve Bayes classifier
Random Forest
Other, please specify __________
Q7. Which will be the primary goal you wish to
achieve with the use of AI (select the most applicable
To improve patient care quality
To increase patient satisfaction
To reduce cost
To reduce errors
To improve the performance of my organization
To conduct research and publish papers
Other, please specify__________
Q8. In general, what is your opinion about using AI
technology in healthcare (check all that apply)?
I think that AI has great potential to help improve
my productivity.
I think that AI has great potential to help improve
healthcare quality and performance.
I think the use of AI in healthcare may pose a
tremendous amount of risks (e.g., misdiagnosis)
onto patients.
I think AI is a threat to healthcare professionals' job
I am concerned that the use of AI may cause
privacy breaches of patient data.
I think the adoption of AI technology may cause
healthcare costs to increase.
Other, please specify___________
In this study, we focus on a subset of AI techniques
that use supervised machine learning algorithms to
make decisions (e.g., disease diagnosis, physician
referrals). In other words, the outcomes of the
algorithms are classification labels (e.g., positive vs.
negative). Without special notice, “algorithms” in the
following statements refer to classification algorithms.
Algorithmic Bias from the Perspectives of Healthcare Professionals
Q9. Please rate how much you agree (or disagree)
with each of the following statements about the
sources of algorithmic bias.
Q9.1 The outcome of an algorithm is likely to be
biased if the training data are biased.
Q9.2 Algorithms trained on data from one hospital
may not necessarily perform well when used in a
different hospital.
Q9.3 The larger the training dataset, the less likely
an algorithm is biased.
Q9.4 Algorithmic bias may result from algorithm
design (e.g., the impurity measure used in decision
Q10. Please rate how much you agree (or disagree)
with each of the following statements about the
fairness of the outcome produced by algorithms.
Q10.1 If an algorithm’s outcome is biased against
certain social groups, it is unfair for those groups.
Q10.2 To mitigate possible algorithmic bias,
individual characteristics (e.g., race, gender, and
age) should be excluded from all healthcare
applications involving machine learning
Q10.3 Depending on the specific problems under
study, such as those assessing risks for certain
diseases (e.g., diabetes), individual characteristics
(e.g., race, gender, and age) can be used in some
applications involving machine learning
Q11. Now imagine that you need to select algorithms
to assist your decision making in your work. Please
rate how much you agree (or disagree) with each of
the following statements regarding how algorithms
should be selected.
Q11.1 Algorithms should be assessed based on
multiple criteria such as performance, possible
bias, fairness, etc.
Q11.2 I would prioritize algorithm performance
and bias differently depending on the specific
Q11.3 In high-impact situations (e.g., fatal disease
prediction), algorithmic bias should not be allowed.
Q11.4 In relatively low-impact situations (e.g.,
patient satisfaction prediction), algorithmic bias
may be tolerated to a certain degree.
Q12. Please rate how much you agree (or disagree)
with each of the following statements regarding
algorithm transparency and explainability.
Q12.1 Algorithm transparency is important for me
to assess algorithmic bias.
Q12.2 If two algorithms perform similarly, I prefer
to use algorithms with high transparency (e.g.,
decision tree) over algorithms with low
transparency (e.g., neural networks).
Q12.3 Algorithmic explainability is important for
me to assess algorithmic bias.
Q12.4 If two algorithms perform similarly, I prefer
to use algorithms with high explainability (e.g.,
decision tree) over algorithms with low
explainability (e.g., neural networks).
Q12.5 If one algorithm performs significantly
better than another algorithm, I prefer to use the one
with high performance even if its transparency or
explainability is worse than the other algorithm.
Q13. Please rate how much you agree (disagree) with
each of the following statements about how you treat
algorithmic bias.
Q13.1 If an algorithm's outcome has errors (e.g.,
false positives and false negatives), I will NOT use
that algorithm to assist my decision making.
Q13.2 If an algorithm's outcome is biased, I will
NOT use that algorithm to assist my decision
Q13.3 If an algorithm's outcome leads to unfair
resource allocation among different social groups,
I will NOT use that algorithm to assist my decision
Q13.4 If the outcome of an algorithm is completely
unbiased but its performance is low, I may still use
the algorithm depending on the problem under
Q13.5 If the outcome of an algorithm is biased but
its performance is high, I may still use the
algorithm depending on the problem under study.
Q13.6 Being aware that algorithms may have errors
and bias, I may still use algorithms but will treat the
outcomes only as recommendations and rely on my
own knowledge and experience to make the final
HEALTHINF 2025 - 18th International Conference on Health Informatics