However, the issue of robustness and generalization
ability to handle OOD entities deserves further in-
vestigation. Here we provide two examples for two
classification tasks, where the models fail to general-
ize well to OOD samples. We propose robust train-
ing techniques where we introduce OOD entities dur-
ing fitting, and train multi-task models. We find that
the performance with OOD examples increases. Fu-
ture directions include examining other OOD scenar-
ios and making comparisons with different adversar-
ial training settings.
The authors were supported by the
UNKP-23-4 New
National Excellence Program of the Ministry for Cul-
ture and Innovation from the source of the National
Research, Development and Innovation fund. Both
authors contributed equally. GP was also supported
by Project no TKP2021-NVA-09, implemented with
the support provided by the Ministry of Culture and
Innovation of Hungary from the National Research,
Development and Innovation Fund, financed under
the TKP2021-NVA funding scheme.
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Towards More Robust Transcription Factor Binding Site Classifiers Using Out-of-Distribution Data