n(3, v(1, r(1) + r(2) + r(4)) :
v(4, r(1) + r(2) + r(4))) ;
n(4, v(2, r(1) + r(2) + r(3)) :
v(3, r(1) + r(2) + r(3)))
Each node knows all possible routes from its neigh-
We tested several possible configurations, with
some malicious nodes. Each time the final config-
uration allowed the nodes to know all the possible
routes. You can find the Maude code as well as dif-
ferent examples at https://github.com/thomasarmel/
qkd dynamic routing protocol/.
Our protocol proposal responds to the problem ad-
dressed in the ETSI QKD standard regarding the
transmission of keys in a QKD network, when all
the KMEs would not be directly linked together via
a quantum link. We freed ourselves from the assump-
tion that “each Trusted Node is securely operated and
managed”, by allowing a minority of nodes on each
routing layer to be compromised by an attacker with-
out compromising confidentiality and authenticity of
the secret. If there is a bottleneck in the network, then
it is still necessary to trust the nodes that constitute
the single point of passage. It is also possible for each
node to adapt the secret sharing threshold accord-
ing to the trust it puts on the nodes of the following
layer. Since Shamir’s Secret Sharing Scheme (SSSS)
is information-theoretic safe, our protocol would re-
tain its safety properties even if the attacker had ac-
cess to quantum computation power.
Our protocol, however, has the disadvantage of in-
creasing the number of messages sent in total, espe-
cially if the trust placed in the KMEs network is low.
In the case where the network becomes too large
for its topology to be known in advance by all nodes,
we then propose an algorithm allowing nodes to dis-
cover on the fly the routes between the node wanting
to transmit the secret and the destination node. We
have also made a formal analysis of the security of
this on-the-fly route discovery algorithm.
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ICISSP 2025 - 11th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy