A Pattern-Based Approach to Name and Address Parsing with
Active Learning
Onais Khan Mohammed, Khizer Syed, John Talburt, Adeeba Tarannum,
Abdul Kareem Khan Kashif, Salman Khan, Najmudin Syed and Syed Yaser Mehdi
Department of Information Quality, University of Arkansas at Little Rock,
2801 S. University Ave., Little Rock, AR, U.S.A.
Keywords: Address Parsing, Active Learning, Data Standardization, Entity Resolution, Pattern Recognition, Knowledge
Graphs, Tokenization, US Postal Standards, Machine Learning Models in Parsing, Semantic Data Integration.
Abstract: Processing population data often requires parsing demographic items into a standard set of fields to achieve
metadata alignment. This paper describes a novel approach based on token pattern mappings augmented by
active learning. Input strings are tokenized and a token mask is created by replacing each token with a single-
character code indicating the token’s potential function in the input string. A user-created mapping then directs
each token represented in the mask to its correct functional category. Testing has shown the system to be as
accurate as, and in some cases, more accurate than comparable parsing systems. The primary advantage of
this approach over other systems is that it allows a user to easily add a new mapping when an input does not
conform to any previously encoded mappings instead of having to reprogram system parsing rules or retrain
a supervised parsing machine learning model.
Many systems designed to process multiple sources
of the same information require each source to define
the same attributes for essential parts of the record
(Mohammed, Mahmood, 2022). This is especially
true when improving the quality of record linkage,
entity resolution, and data integration processes. For
example, one source may have a single field
containing the entire postal address of a person or
business whereas another source may separate the
street address from the city name and yet another even
may have separate fields for the components of the
street address such as street number and street name.
When different sources define attributes in different
ways, the process to standardize the attributes is
called metadata alignment. The most common
approach to standardization of attributes is to parse
(decompose) less structured attributes into the same
set of fundamental components (Elhamifar, E.,
Sapiro, G., Yang, A., & Sasrty, S. S., 2013). For
population (name and address) data these
fundamental components, while not universally
standardized, are generally well understood. These
components may vary by region or country, however.
at its core, the US Address Data Preparation Function
is designed to take an unstructured address string and
break it down into a series of meaningful components.
This includes identifying and separating the street
address, city, state, and postal code. These
components are then stored in a structured format,
allowing them to be easily retrieved and used in
various applications.
The use of HiPER indices, Boolean rules, and
scoring rules is one of the key benefits of the US
Address Data Preparation Function. HiPER indices
are used to search and retrieve data from large data
sets and are essential for high-performance data
processing applications. Boolean rules are used to
determine the validity of data, and scoring rules are
used to determine the relevance of data. (M.
Mohammed, 2021) These features allow for the
efficient processing of large amounts of data and
ensure that only accurate and relevant data is used in
applications. In addition to the US Address Data
Preparation Function, there are other data preparation
functions that require the definition of new XML
elements in the Entities Script. These functions are
designed to perform specific tasks, such as removing
duplicates, reformatting data, and transforming data
into a standardized format.
Mohammed, O. K., Syed, K., Talburt, J., Tarannum, A., Kashif, A. K. K., Khan, S., Syed, N. and Mehdi, S. Y.
A Pattern-Based Approach to Name and Address Parsing with Active Learning.
DOI: 10.5220/0013077500003890
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2025) - Volume 3, pages 70-77
ISBN: 978-989-758-737-5; ISSN: 2184-433X
Proceedings Copyright © 2025 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
In the context of record linkage, address parsing is a
critical step due to the ubiquity of address fields in
databases (Churches, T, 2002) This process involves
segmenting raw addresses into semantic fields, which
is essential for identifying records referring to the
same entity across different data collections. The
main challenge in address parsing arises from the
variability and inconsistency in address formats,
including differences in field orders and the presence
of errors. (Sorokine, A., Kaufman, 2002) The
evaluation of address parsing accuracy is focused on
the correct assignment of each element of an address
string into its appropriate field, with individual fields
like 'Street' being assessed separately. Traditional
rule-based parsing methods often struggle with the
complexity of real-world addresses, leading to a
growing preference for flexible, learning-based
approaches, such as machine learning models
(Elhamifar, 2013). Overall, effective address parsing
is crucial for ensuring high-quality data in record
linkage, especially given the diverse and imperfect
nature of address data encountered in various real-
world scenarios. Dictionary-based address parsing
uses the concept of string matching, where input
address strings are compared against a pre-compiled
dictionary containing known addresses or key address
components. This method is straightforward,
involving matching segments of an address with
dictionary entries to accurately identify and classify
address components.
The effectiveness of rule-based approaches is
particularly pronounced with standard and well-
known address formats. Rule-based address parsing
adopts a structured approach, utilizing predefined
rules reflective of common address formats and
components. This method focuses on developing
techniques based on the unique traits of address
components and their organizational structure.
Parsing algorithms under this approach are designed
to recognize and interpret various address elements,
understanding their hierarchical and syntactical
relationships. This method’s flexibility allows it to
adapt to a variety of address structures, including
complex and non-standard formats. However, it
requires a detailed understanding of address
formatting rules and can be more complex to
The system has two major components, the
automated parsing system, and a manual exception
handling system. In the method described here, the
system assumes that the input comprises only name
and address words and that the name words precede
the address words. The automated parsing system has
three major sub-components. The first component
reads the name and address input, parses it into
tokens, removes some punctuation, uppercases the
tokens, then creates a token mask by assigning each
token a character based on a small lookup table of
clue words.
Figure 1: Flow Diagram of the name and address parsing
using active learning.
2.1 Parsing Module
Note some punctuation, especially commas and
hyphens, are kept as important pattern clues. If a
token is not found in the lookup table it is classified
as either a “W” token type if it starts with a letter, or
an “N” token type if it starts with a digit. Based on an
analysis of the mask, the system divides the input
tokens into two groups, name tokens and address
tokens. The second sub-component processes the
name tokens. In this step, the name tokens are used to
generate a name token mask using a different clue
word table. The name clues identify tokens
commonly associated with the five name word
categories including prefix titles such as “MR” and
“MRS”, common given and family name,
generational suffixes, and suffix titles such as “PHD”
and “CPA”. As before, tokens not found are assigned
either “W” token type or “N” token type. If the
resulting name mask is found, then each token is
mapped to its appropriate name word category.
It is important to note that the token mappings are
created by domain experts, not automatically
assigned by token type. The expert can interpret the
overall meaning of the mask’s pattern. For example,
the token “JUNIOR” is tagged in the name clue table
by its most likely use as a generation suffix token, a
type “J” token. However, it could also occur as a
given name.
For example, assume thatJOHN is in the table
as a common given name of “G” token type, and that
A Pattern-Based Approach to Name and Address Parsing with Active Learning
“DOE” is not in the table. The name “JOHN DOE,
JUNIOR” would generate the mask “GW,J” which
would be mapped by the domain expert as “G” to the
given name attribute, “DOE” to the surname attribute,
and “J’ to the generational suffix attribute. On the
other hand, the name “JUNIOR DOE” while
generating the mask “JW” would be mapped by the
domain expert as “JUNIOR” to the given name
attribute and “DOE” to the surname attribute despite
“J” indicating a generational suffix.
The third sub-component processes the address
tokens following a similar scheme. This component
has a separate address-specific clue word table. In
addition, there are currently 6 address token types
used to identify 15 address word categories as shown
in Table 1. So, for example the “D” token type
identifies a directional token such as “N” for north
and “SE” for southeast.
However, the token identified as type “D” may be
used as a predicational address attribute, e.g., “N
OAK ST” or a post directional address attribute, e.g.,
“E ST NORTH”. These examples again illustrate the
need for pattern interpretation of the mask by a
domain expert.
In the street address “N OAK ST”, the “N” token
is identified as a “D” type token and would be mapped
to the predicational attribute. However, in “E ST
NORTH”, both the “E” token and the “NORTH”
token would be identified as “D” type tokens, the “E”
token would be mapped to the street name attribute,
and the token “NORTH” would be mapped to the post
directional attribute.
For both the name parsing and the address parsing
to successfully complete, the token mask generated
by the lookup table process must be found in a
knowledge base of previously created mask
mappings. If either the name mask or address mask is
not found, then the parsing operation fails for that
input and the input and mask are both written to an
exceptions file that is the input to the Exception
Processing System, This mask mapping entry is then
inserted into the mask-mapping knowledge base so
that thereafter, any input generating the same mask
will be automatically processed by the automated
parsing system when a match for a token is not found
in the pre-defined dictionary of masks. This step is
important because not all addresses will conform to
the standard format used in the dictionary, and some
addresses may contain non-standard or ambiguous
components that cannot be matched to a specific
address field.
(i) Searching for a Match:
When a token is generated and the corresponding
mask does not match any of the pre-defined masks in
the dictionary, the program will search for a match by
comparing the token to a list of common address
components. This list may include common street
names, city names, and state abbreviations it also uses
the Levenshtein similarity scores to to find the closest
match for example Junior and ‘Junir’ wherein we
have a missing ‘o’ can help us achieve a robust
mechanism to assign token which is the epitome of
(ii) Assigning to an Exception:
If a match is still not found after searching the list of
common components, the program will assign the
token to an exception. This is a catch-all category that
represents any component of the address that cannot
be matched to a specific field. Examples of
exceptions may include apartment or suite numbers,
building names, or unusual address formats.
(iii) Adding the Exception to the US Address:
Once the token has been assigned to an exception, the
program will add it to the US address components as
a separate field. This allows the exception to be
included in the final output, even if it cannot be
matched to a specific address field.
The fifth step of the program involves adding the
address tokens that were generated in the second step
to the US address components. This step builds on the
previous steps by combining the cleaned and
tokenized address components with the assigned
address fields to create a complete US address.
(i) Assigning Tokens to Address Fields:
Based on the comparison of masks in the third step,
the program assigns each token to a specific address
field, such as the street name, city, state, and zip code.
This creates a set of address fields, where each field
corresponds to a specific component of the address.
(ii) Adding Address Tokens to the Address Fields:
Once the tokens have been assigned to the address
fields, the program then adds these tokens to the
appropriate address field in the US address
components. For example, if the token "Main" was
assigned to the street name field, the program would
add "Main" to the street name component in the US
(iii) Building the Complete US Address:
Once all tokens have been added to the appropriate
address fields, the program can then combine these
components to create a complete US address. This
involves concatenating the address components in the
correct order, and separating them with the
appropriate punctuation, such as commas and spaces.
ICAART 2025 - 17th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
2.2 Annotated Dataset
We have tested our program by giving inputs like
attention line addresses, individual addresses,
highway addresses, university addresses, P.O. Box
addresses, Puerto Rico addresses and individual
names and generated truth files respectively. The
focus of our program is to generate as much of Mask
to Dictionaries, and that too by ensuring Data Quality.
A truth file is a reference file that contains known or
verified names and addresses. The parser uses this file
to compare the input name or address to the known or
verified names and addresses, helping to identify and
correct errors in the input data.
Table 1: An example of address parsing using active
Pos Token Code Dictionaries
1 123-1/2 N USAD
3 OA
9 AR
10 72203-4352 N USAD
Parsing Puerto Rico addresses presented
significant challenges, particularly due to the
inclusion of Spanish street names, suffixes, and
regional dialects. For example, interpreting street
names like 'Callejón' or suffixes such as 'Esq.'
(Esquina, meaning corner) proved to be particularly
difficult. The complexity of these language-specific
elements often led to errors in address processing.
However, by employing active learning
techniques alongside a non-exhaustive token table
populated with contextual clue words, we were able
to overcome these obstacles. This method
significantly improved our ability to accurately parse
and process these complex addresses, demonstrating
the effectiveness of our approach.
The approach of tokenizing addresses and
mapping tokens to specific categories like
in Table 1 plays a vital role in standardizing and
systematizing the parsing process. In this
methodology, once a token pattern has been identified
and mapped, the same pattern can be automatically
recognized and categorized in future inputs without
requiring manual intervention each time. This
capability is particularly advantageous in applications
that deal with large volumes of address data, ensuring
consistency and efficiency
Table 2: An example of name parsing using active learning.
Pos Token Code Dictionaries
For instance, when the pattern "123-1/2 N OAK
4352" is first processed, it involves manual or semi-
automated categorization where each segment of the
address is assigned a specific dictionary based on its
identified role (numeric, directional, word, etc.).
After this initial classification, the system stores these
mappings in a knowledge base.
When a new address comes in that matches a
previously encountered pattern, such as another entry
starting with a similar structured numeric street
number followed by a directional indicator, the
system automatically applies the same categorization
rules. It recognizes that "123-1/2" should be classified
under USAD_SNO and "N" under USAD_SPR, and
so forth, based on the stored mappings. This pattern
recognition not only accelerates the parsing process
but also enhances accuracy by applying proven rules
to new data.
In the provided example for name parsing in Table
2, the tokenization process for a personal name "Dr.
John Tablurt Jr. IQCP" involves breaking down the
name into discrete elements and categorizing each
part using a specific code linked to a predefined
dictionary. The sequence starts with "DR," positioned
as the first token and categorized under the code 'P'
for PREFIX_TITLE, recognizing titles or honorifics.
Following this, 'JOHN,' the first or given name, is
assigned the code 'G' and classified under
FIRST_NAME, which is vital for personal
identification. 'TABLURT' functions as the surname
or last name, coded as 'L' and categorized under
SURNAME, playing a key role in family
identification. 'JR,' a generational suffix that indicates
lineage, is given the code 'J' and falls under
representing a professional or academic qualification,
is coded as 'Q' and grouped under SUFFIX_TITLE.
Now, consider a scenario where the last name is
missing. The address parser, using context clues and
the code 'Q,' can intelligently determine that 'IQCP'
A Pattern-Based Approach to Name and Address Parsing with Active Learning
should not be interpreted as a last name but rather as
a suffix title. This structured categorization is
essential for accurately processing and analyzing
each name component for various administrative and
data management purposes.
Table 3: Comparison of Active Learning and USaddress
Performance on Puerto Rican Address Parsing.
Component Active Learning USAddress
1000 1000
Street Name PONCE DE LEON Avenida Ponce
de Leon
Street Suffix AVENIDA N/A
5 5
City Name SAN JUAN San Juan
State Name PR PR
Zip Code 907 907
We have conducted a comparison between the results
of an active learning approach and the usaddress
Python library, which employs a rule-based method
to parse U.S. addresses. This comparison highlights
the effectiveness of active learning, particularly in
handling complex addresses such as those found in
Puerto Rico.
The active learning method demonstrated superior
performance by accurately parsing each component
of the address, including the differentiation between
the street name, suffix, and occupancy type. For
example, while the usaddress library struggled to
parse certain elements like the street suffix
("AVENIDA"), the active learning model correctly
identified and categorized it.
This is particularly important in addresses from
Puerto Rico, where non-standard formats and Spanish
language elements often pose challenges for rule-
based parsers.
Table 4: Precision and Recall metrics: Active Learning Vs
Rule-Based System.
Rule -
USAD_SNO 0.9914 0.9167 1 0.6
USAD_SPR 0.9231 0 1 0
USAD_SNM 0.9854 0.6329 1 0.2924
USAD_SFX 0.985 0.6912 1 0.3672
USAD_CTY 0.9931 0.5165 0.9797 0.5639
USAD_STA 0.9932 0.7748 1 0.5911
USAD_ZIP 0.9968 0.8341 0.9968 0.5981
USAD_ORG 1 0 0.9796 0
USAD_MGN 1 0 1 0
USAD_HNO 1 0.7123 0.9859 0.7324
USAD_ANM 1 1 0.9892 0.0114
USAD_MDG 1 0 1 0
USAD_HNM 1 0.7692 1 1
USAD_SPT 0.9231 0 1 0
USAD_RNM 0.98 0.96 1 0.9796
USAD_BNO 1 1 0.9864 0.9592
USAD_ANO 1 0.44 0.9892 0.1264
USAD_RNO 0.9804 0.875 1 0.98
0.9934 0.4755 - -
0.9934 0.7586 0.9934 0.4755
0.9935 0.6046 0.9934 0.4755
In this evaluation, we compare the performance of
two approaches—Active Learning and a Rule-Based
System—across various address components, as
defined by the USAD Conversion Dictionary. This
dictionary maps human-readable address parts to
standardized USAD codes, including components
like street number (USAD_SNO), city
(USAD_CTY), and organization (USAD_ORG).
Active Learning demonstrated significantly better
performance across all metrics. For instance, it
achieved near-perfect precision, recall, and F1-score
for street numbers (USAD_SNO), with values of
0.9914, 1.0000, and 0.9957, respectively. In contrast,
the Rule-Based System struggled with a precision of
0.9167 and a recall of 0.6000, resulting in an F1-score
ICAART 2025 - 17th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
of 0.7253. This indicates that the rule-based approach
could not adequately capture the variations in street
numbers, likely due to rigid or incomplete rule
For pre-directionals (USAD_SPR), the
discrepancy was even more pronounced. The Active
Learning model managed a perfect recall and a
precision of 0.9231, leading to an F1-score of 0.9600.
Meanwhile, the Rule-Based System completely failed
in this category, with all metrics at zero, suggesting a
lack of adequate rules for recognizing pre
directionals. The street name (USAD_SNM)
component also showed a clear advantage for Active
Learning, with an F1-score of 0.9926 compared to
0.4000 for the Rule-Based System. The latter’s
performance was hindered by a low recall of 0.2924
and a precision of 0.6329, indicating that it could
neither consistently identify nor correctly label street
Similarly, in identifying city names
(USAD_CTY), the Active Learning approach
exhibited high precision and recall, achieving a F1-
score of 0.9863. The Rule-Based System lagged
significantly, with metrics indicating a much lower
accuracy in parsing this component. Overall, the
Active Learning method
In this paper, we have presented a method for address
parsing that employs an active learning approach,
particularly effective for handling complex cases
such as Puerto Rican addresses. It is important to
clarify that our use of "active learning" refers to an
interactive, user-driven process rather than a machine
learning-based approach. Our system is primarily
dictionary-based, relying on a robust set of predefined
rules and dictionaries to parse addresses. What sets
our approach apart is the integration of user feedback
to handle exceptions and edge cases. When the
system encounters an address that doesn’t fit the
existing rules, it prompts the user to provide
feedback. This feedback is used to refine the rules and
update the dictionaries, allowing the system to adapt
to new or unusual address formats.
Rather than employing complex machine learning
algorithms, our system uses simple distance metrics
to identify potential matches and discrepancies within
the address components. The feedback loop is crucial
here—by continually refining the parsing rules based
on user input, the system becomes more accurate over
time, even without the use of machine learning. This
iterative process enables the system to handle a wide
variety of address formats, including those that
deviate from standard patterns, making it both
flexible and reliable.
Active learning offers significant advantages over
traditional machine learning models, particularly in
scenarios that require the flexibility to make
incremental improvements without the need to
overhaul the entire dataset or system rules. This
characteristic is especially beneficial in parsing
systems, like those used for processing names and
addresses, where variability and exceptions are
common. In traditional deterministic or machine
learning models, if an error is identified, addressing
this error typically requires retraining the model or
revising the entire rule set. This process can be time-
consuming and resource-intensive, as it may involve
recalibrating the model parameters or rewriting rules
based on the new data.
Moreover, such adjustments risk affecting the
performance on other parts of the dataset that were
previously correct, a phenomenon known as the
"stability-plasticity dilemma." In contrast, active
learning allows for more targeted interventions.
When an error is detected in active learning systems,
only the specific part of the system—such as a
particular mask or dictionary entry associated with
the error—needs to be adjusted. This is done by either
updating the existing entries or adding new ones to
the dictionary to handle the exception. This selective
updating preserves the integrity and accuracy of the
other parts of the system, ensuring that previous
learning and correct mappings are not disturbed by
changes made to address new or outlier cases.
This method enhances the system's adaptability
and efficiency, enabling it to improve continuously as
it processes new information without requiring
comprehensive retraining or global rule adjustments.
Such a model is not only more scalable but also more
maintainable, as it allows for fine-grained
improvements that directly address specific issues or
adapt to new types of data encountered in operational
environments. Active learning thus provides a
practical approach in dynamic settings where data can
change frequently, or new patterns emerge over time,
making it a superior choice for applications that
benefit from ongoing learning and adaptation without
the need for frequent, broad-scale modifications.
A Pattern-Based Approach to Name and Address Parsing with Active Learning
Table 5: Address Parsing Improvements with Active
Learning vs. Rule-Based System.
Use Case Input
Active Learning
Parsing Result
Puerto Rican
Juan Ponce
de León, Apt
3C, San
Juan, PR
Struggles with
stName vs.
parses apt.
"Avenida Juan
Ponce de León" as
the street name
and accurately
parses "Apt 3C."
Puerto Rican
Address with
"123 Calle
de la Rosa
Oeste, Apt
PR 00966"
(West) as part
of the street
name instead
of a
identifies "Calle
de la Rosa" as the
street name and
"Oeste" as the
directional suffix,
accurately parsing
"Apt 2B."
and Post-
"123 North
East Street
Drive, Little
Rock, AR
Will classify
"North" as the
only pre-
and "East
Street" as the
street name,
failing to
"Street" as a
identifies "North
East" as a
combined pre-
("NE"), "Street" as
a suffix, and
"Drive" as a post-
"456 West
Street Plaza,
Chicago, IL
Struggles to
Street" and
leading to
identifies "West
Market Street" as
the street name
and "Plaza" as the
Puerto Rican
Address with
"789 Calle
Piso 4,
Oficina 12,
Old San
Juan, PR
parse "Piso 4"
(Floor 4) and
"Oficina 12"
(Office 12),
merging these
with other
identifies "Calle
San Francisco" as
the street name,
and correctly
parses "Piso 4"
and "Oficina 12"
as distinct
This research was partially supported by the
Department of Commerce US Census Cooperative
Agreement CB21RMD0160002. We express our
profound gratitude to Dr. John R. Talburt, the Project
Coordinator. His invaluable guidance and support
have been instrumental in the progression and success
of this project. We also extend our thanks to Syed
Yaser Mehdi for his comprehensive research on the
literature review which has significantly enriched our
understanding and findings. We are deeply grateful to
the University of Arkansas at Little Rock for
providing us with the necessary resources and an
inspiring platform to conduct our research. Their
commitment to fostering an environment of academic
excellence and innovation has been crucial to our
work. Additionally, we would like to acknowledge
the US Census Bureau for sponsoring this project.
Their collaboration and the data provided have been
pivotal in shaping the research outcomes. This project
not only benefited from the contributions mentioned
above but also reflected the collaborative spirit and
the shared goal of advancing knowledge in the field
of Information Quality.
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Conference on Computational Science and
Computational Intelligence (CSCI), Las Vegas,
NV, USA, 2021, pp. 305-307, doi:
A Pattern-Based Approach to Name and Address Parsing with Active Learning