Socially-Guided Machine Learning for
Self-Organised Community Empowerment
Asimina Mertzani
and Jeremy Pitt
Electrical and Electronic Engineering Dept., Imperial College London, London, U.K.
{asimina.mertzani20, j.pitt}
Human-Computer Interaction, Power-Sensitive Design, Generative AI, Self-Governance, Innovation.
Two key features of self-organising socio-technical systems are, firstly, the interaction of humans with AI,and
secondly, the collective determination of social arrangements. However, this presents the risk of an inequitable
distribution of power: either by translating or reinforcing existing power asymmetries directly into digital sys-
tems, unintended concession of power by human to computational, or arrogation of power by using AI as a
proxy. In this paper, based on a definition of empowerment, we implement a socially-guided machine-learning
system which integrates multi-agent system, generative AI and user-centred visualisation. The system is eval-
uated through proof-of-concept demonstrations showing how it could assist users in understanding the impact
of social arrangements and so empower communities with choice, control and innovation. The significance of
this work is to show how, through the synergy of human expertise, generative AI and (multi-)agent-based sim-
ulations, it might be possible to enhance human creativity to imagine original social arrangements, visualise
their impact on community empowerment, and maintain an equitable distribution of power.
The essence of community empowerment is that
those affected by mutually-agreed, and voluntarily-
complied with, social arrangements (rules, proce-
dures, structures, etc.) should participate in the selec-
tion, modification and application of those arrange-
ments. However, humans, in general, have limited ex-
perience of and expertise in the practise of determina-
tion on issues of public interest. Also, there are intri-
cate interplays between community experience, social
arrangement and task complexity (Rychwalska et al.,
2021). Those in combination with the increasing hy-
bridisation (i.e. communities involving seamless in-
teractions between humans and AI) (Sarkadi, 2024)
might produce either of two possible outcomes. The
transition could be harmonious, and productive, even
if in unexpected ways (Metz, 2016), or it might be
harmful to individuals or damaging to the social fab-
ric in intended or unintended ways (Robbins, 2019).
For example, the role of technology in repro-
ducing a kind of feudalism has been observed (e.g.
(Zarkadakis, 2020)). This ‘techno-feudalism’ can be
attributed, in part, to an inequitable distribution of
power. This distribution may be a product of an inad-
vertent concession by “dumbing down” in the face of
a supposedly superior intelligence (Robbins, 2022).
However, it could also be a deliberate arrogation of
power by using AI as a proxy for reproducing, re-
inforcing and amplifying extant power imbalances in
socio-technical systems (Lewis et al., 2021).
This paper aims to avoid such harmful outcomes,
while also providing beneficial ones, by offering a
novel tool for effective self-governance through the
co-production between humans and AI. This applies
the socially-guided machine learning methodology
(SGML) (Thomaz and Breazeal, 2006) to combine
codified social knowledge and human expertise with
Generative AI (GenAI) and multi-agent simulation
(MAS) in a system for opportunistic self-organisation
of innovative social arrangements for community em-
powerment. This derives from the use of GenAI
for unexpected linkage of diverse knowledge (Metz,
2016), and MAS for unexpected emergence of pro-
social behaviours (Mertzani et al., 2022).
Accordingly, this paper is structured as follows.
Section 2 elaborates on the background and motiva-
tion, with respect to power and empowerment, col-
lective deliberation, and SGML. Section 3 gives an
overview of the system for community empower-
ment; while Section 4 details the system implemen-
Mertzani, A. and Pitt, J.
Socially-Guided Machine Learning for Self-Organised Community Empowerment.
DOI: 10.5220/0013081900003890
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2025) - Volume 2, pages 24-35
ISBN: 978-989-758-737-5; ISSN: 2184-433X
Proceedings Copyright © 2025 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
tation. This is evaluated through proof-of-concept
demonstrations in Section 5 showing how the system
could assist users in understanding the impact of so-
cial arrangements and so empower communities with
choice, control and innovation. After a comparative
discussion of related and further work in Section 6,
we conclude in Section 7 with the contributions to
interoceptive awareness and power-sensitive design,
through which it might be possible enhance human
creativity to imagine original social arrangements,
visualise their impact on community empowerment,
and maintain an equitable distribution of power.
2.1 Motivational Example
Open-plan offices are environments where multiple
individuals share a common space, while the produc-
tivity of those individuals can be affected by the be-
haviour of others. Previous work has proposed the
use of an anonymous online system for flagging vio-
lations of the social norms to restore human relation-
ships and improve co-working conditions (Santos and
Pitt, 2014). This was implemented in an “affective
conditioning system” which combined elements of
normative, affective, and adaptive computing to sup-
port self-regulation of a co-working space. Some ex-
periments showed that psychological theories of for-
giveness could be used to restore a homeostatic equi-
librium after a normative violation, but was also de-
pendent on pre-existing pro-social relationships.
With the further development of Internet of Things
(IOT) and AI, the ambient environment of an open-
plan office has become a socio-technical situation, in
which humans and AI co-exist. This means that hu-
mans and AI interact to make decisions relevant to the
self-governance of the co-working space. Such deci-
sions affect the social arrangements (SAs) which aim
to satisfy the individual preferences of the humans
while considering the requirements of the technical
system (e.g. minimised energy consumption). Differ-
ent SAs might be agreed based on the characteristics
of the individuals, the capabilities of the technology,
and the nature as well as the conditions of the envi-
ronment in which the space is situated.
In a simple scenario, humans might agree on a
fixed set of rules concerning the behaviour of the indi-
viduals and the operation of technology. For instance,
they might agree to have their phones on silent and
do not have meetings in the shared space to decrease
noise levels, and to set the temperature equal to the
average preferred temperature of the individuals shar-
ing the space, and the air-conditioning (A/C) should
be turned on from nine to five. Accordingly, the air-
conditioning system would be set on the fixed temper-
ature operating during the agreed times, while people
would put their phones on silent by the time they get
in and book a meeting room for having meetings.
However, individuals might realise that the agreed
temperature should be adjusted to the seasonal vari-
ations, so they might propose a new rule, that is the
change of temperature every month. It might then be
observed that the air-conditioning is on while nobody
is in the office. This might result in a new SA that
detects motion in the space and turning on or off the
A/C as appropriate. Later, they might realise that not
all the people are concurrently in the space. Conse-
quently, they might propose another SA that considers
the preferences of the humans present at one time.
Overall, though, this scenario demonstrates that
there is a transition underway, as physical spaces
are increasingly saturated with sensors, and devices,
which can exhibit some form of intelligence. More-
over, the interaction between human intelligence and
this computational intelligence is dynamic rather than
static, focuses on peer deliberation rather than query-
answer, and involves co-production rather than provi-
sion. These features impact on issues of power, em-
powerment, and the self-determination of SAs.
2.2 Power and Empowerment
The previous section grounded the problem in a sce-
nario in which humans and AI co-exist in the same en-
vironment, highlighting the need for innovating social
arrangements for empowering communities to self-
determine their self-organisation. The primary mo-
tivation for this work is to achieve an equitable distri-
bution of power in contemporary socio-technical sys-
tems. However, to assess equity, we need to define the
‘measurable’ form(s) of power and empowerment.
Using modal logic, a formal characterisation of in-
stitutionalised power was given in (Jones and Sergot,
1996). This formalised the idea that an agent, occu-
pying a designated role in an institution, could create
facts of conventional significance by the performance
of specific acts (e.g. a speech act), which “counted-
as” if the institution itself had done it. The equi-
table distribution of institutionalised power among the
agents in a MAS, was a key feature of a framework for
procedural justice specified in (Pitt et al., 2013).
This characterisation of “power” is precise and
even countable, but it is too narrow in the context
of general SAs. However, the terms power and em-
powerment have been studied and defined in many
Socially-Guided Machine Learning for Self-Organised Community Empowerment
contexts, and not without contention (Adams, 2008).
Summarily, there are many different aspects, includ-
ing: sovereign power, interpreted as the monopoly
on violence, information and charisma (Graeber and
Wengrow, 2021); constitutional power, relating to the
creation and framing of SAs and defining citizen-
ship; economic power, as the accumulation of scarce
resources and the leverage that provides; and even
raw compute power machine learning algorithms
are computationally intensive, and democratising this
technology is currently infeasible.
For the purposes of this paper, we focus on two
other aspects of power. The first aspect is a subjective
measurement of individual empowerment, whereby
‘intelligent’ and ‘reflective’ components in a socio-
technical system have the cognitive capacity to repre-
sent and reason with respect to five cognitive dimen-
sions of individual empowerment (referred as cogni-
tive DoEs)(Wach et al., 2016).These dimensions are
each individual’s sense of self-determination itself,
and an awareness of their competence in, influence
on, knowledge of, and meaning of this process, as
specified in (Mertzani and Pitt, 2024).
The second aspect is an objective measurement of
collective empowerment, referred to herein as com-
munity health. This is assessed by the following six
properties of community health: inclusivity, trans-
parency, diversity, equality, accountability and satis-
faction (as a form of interactional justice, i.e. how
well individuals feel they have been treated).
2.3 Empowerment of Deliberation
“Social arrangements”, informally introduced in
(Graeber and Wengrow, 2021), is an umbrella term
for any type of socially-constructed rule-based sys-
tem mutually agreed by members of a group, to vol-
untarily regulate their behaviour and hold themselves
accountable to one another. In this paper, we identify
SAs as the structures, rules and processes used in a
community to self-organise its empowerment, includ-
ing its polity (i.e. relationships to external actors).
For example, an SA focused on improving the
cognitive dimension of knowledge could be “Organ-
ise a monthly discussion panel related to democratic
decision-making”. In a human community the extent
of their knowledge could be determined (e.g. by sur-
vey) before and after introducing this SA, although it
might also have an effect on other dimensions.
However, this raises two questions: firstly, from
where do new SAs originate; and secondly, how can
the effect of an SA be evaluated? Ideally, the an-
swer to the first question would be endogenous: it
would come from within the community itself. In
practice, given people’s limited experience and exper-
tise in such matters, some guidance is likely to prove
necessary. We propose that this task is very well-
suited to GenAI, in part because the models would
have been trained on large volumes of data from a va-
riety of sources, but also, as previously mentioned,
because of GenAI’s capacity to find unexpected link-
ages in data, which can inspire human creativity and
innovation. Moreover, although the use of GenAI is
of contention, it has been shown to support human
creativity and brainstorming (Bouschery et al., 2023;
Memmert and Tavanapour, 2023).
The answer to the second question lies in mod-
elling and simulation. With a good model of the com-
munity, we could better understand the effect of the
SA. For this purpose, MAS are an appropriate tool:
we can design and implement a MAS that, to the ex-
tent that it reliably models the community, can be an-
imated and used to evaluate the effect of an SA on the
community through local interactions and social in-
fluence. As previously mentioned, a key feature is the
emergence of unexpected pro-social behaviours.
2.4 Socially-Guided Machine Learning
In a variation of the model-view-controller pattern,
we use a MAS model, a visualisation of the empow-
erment of the agents, and two controllers: the human
user and GenAI, as illustrated in Figure 1. Either
the human user or the GenAI can recommend alter-
native SAs: the effect of these new SAs is simulated
in the MAS, and the impact on community empower-
ment is visualised for human ‘consumption’. The co-
production of SAs between aims to confine the weak-
nesses of GenAI (e.g. biases, hallucinations), while
benefit from its strengths to support human creativity.
Interactive Interface
Figure 1: Socially-Guided Machine Learning.
Hence, using Socially-Guided Machine Learning
(SGML) methodology (Thomaz and Breazeal, 2006),
we iterate first through a phase in which we run the
MAS and visualise its final state to the user, and sec-
ond a phase in which the user evaluates that state
and proposes a change (with or without consulting
GenAI). This change is applied to the system and
leads to the next iteration.
As a result, because this is essentially a non-
deterministic cybernetic system whose outputs are its
own inputs, what happens to the community is more
ICAART 2025 - 17th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
significant in determining its final state than the start-
ing conditions. Resetting (or bootstrapping) the sys-
tem allows exploration of multiple different iterations
of proposed SAs, enabling evaluation of compara-
tive performance and long-term impact with differ-
ent combinations of GenAI and MAS behaviour, as
well as the opportunity for potentially unbounded co-
production of new SAs.
3.1 System Interface
The interface of the system aims to facilitate the in-
teraction between the user, GenAI, and MAS. Specif-
ically, it supports the following user activities:
input of the SAs they want to test in the MAS
get inspiration of new SAs by querying the GenAI
access the results of applying an SA to the MAS
through visualisations (e.g. graphs)
Specifically, an indicative example of visualisation,
enabling the users access the effects of the iterative
application of an SA to the MAS is shown in Figure 2.
These spider plots show the extend in which each cog-
nitive DoE and community health property is fulfilled,
ranging from 0% to 100%. This interface is suitable
for being accessed via a web browser, while running
in a remote server, according to a client-server model,
however the current version of it is hosted locally.
Figure 2: Example Visualisation.
3.2 Operational Cycle
The control flow of the system is described in Algo-
rithm 1 and in Figure 4. The modules specified are
analysed in the next Section. The text in green corre-
sponds to user input, text in blue is a displayed output,
and text in red is a module call. The operational cy-
cle starts with initialisation of the MAS, initialisation
of the interaction with the GenAI API, and an initial
simulation run of the MAS for a predefined number of
rounds m, for which no SA is proposed or used. After
the completion of the first epoch, dimensions of the
empowerment and community health properties are
displayed by the visualiser.
Algorithm 1: Control Flow.
1: Let t = 0, epochs = 0, rounds = 0, reset = false
2: System Initialiser. (Section 4.2)
3: for rounds = m do
4: Baseline Scenario Executor. (Section 4.4)
5: Parameter Collector.
6: rounds = rounds + 1, t = t + 1.
7: end for
8: Visualisation Visualiser (Section 4.11)
9: rounds = 0, epochs = epochs + 1
10: while t < T and not(reset) do
11: Input1 Ask if need for change of SA.
12: if Input1 ̸= No then
13: Need Detector. (Section 4.5)
14: Output1 Need from Need Detector.
15: if Input1 == Human then
16: Input2 Input of SA from User.
17: else if Input1 == GenAI then
18: GenAI Messenger. (Section 4.6)
19: Output2 SA from GenAI Messenger.
20: Input2 Ask for validation or modification.
21: end if
22: SA Analyser. (Section 4.7)
23: t
= t.
24: end if
25: for rounds = m do
26: Baseline Scenario Executor. (Section 4.4)
27: SA Effect Calculator. (Section 4.8)
28: DoE Calculator. (Section 4.9)
29: Opinion Formation Executor. (Section 4.10)
30: Parameter Collector.
31: t = t +1, rounds = rounds + 1.
32: end for
33: Output3 Informative Message from SA Effect
34: Visualisation Visualiser (Section 4.11)
35: epochs = epochs + 1, rounds = 0.
36: Input3 reset = User decides to bootstrap.
37: end while
The Program queries the user if s/he wants to
change the SA, and replying in the affirmative, s/he
has also to decide if the new SA should be user- or
GenAI-generated. The system determines and dis-
plays what parameter is under-valued, and either asks
the user to input a new SA or queries the GenAI; in
the latter case, the user can accept or modify GenAI’s
answer. In either case, the outcome is a new SA; if
the user did not want to change the SA, the ‘new’ SA
in the next epoch is the same as the old SA.
The new SA is applied in another epoch of the
MAS, and its effects after each round are stored in
memory. After the completion of the epoch (m rounds
of the MAS), the impact of the SA in each cognitive
DoE and community health property are presented to
the user by the visualiser.
Finally, the user is asked to consider bootstrapping
the system, in which case the next cycle will start
from the initialisation stage, or if not, to proceed to
the next epoch, which then returns control to the orig-
inal change query. Resetting the system to its original
starting conditions, and re-running, enables the user,
and the system, to learn what SA, and what order of
SAs, have what impact in which situations.
Socially-Guided Machine Learning for Self-Organised Community Empowerment
3.3 Illustrative Walkthrough
Figure 3 provides an illustrative walkthrough of the
system operation: on the left, the visualisation of em-
powerment and community health; and on the right,
the user-system dialogue.
In the first ‘row’, the user chooses to input his/her
own SA; the system recommends an SA to improve
the knowledge DoE, and the user inputs a new SA. In
the second ‘row’, the user chooses to query GenAI;
the system recommends an SA to improve the influ-
ence DoE, and queries GenAI accordingly. The an-
swer produced can be accepted or modified (in this
case it is accepted). In the third row, the user de-
cides to stick with the current SA. In each case, the
impact of the SA on the MAS is computed and new
level of empowerment, in terms of cognitive DoEs
and community health properties, is demonstrated by
the change in shape of the spider plots.
Figure 3: Illustrative Visualisation and Dialogue.
This section summarises the system’s implementa-
tion, giving a detailed specification of each module,
and describing their information processing.
4.1 System Architecture
The Program is composed of ten modules:
the System Initialiser, which instatiates the MAS
and the independent parameters.
the MAS Simulator, which generates the MAS;
the Baseline Scenario Executor, which runs the
MAS for an epoch (m rounds) without any SA;
the Need Detector, which evaluates the state of the
MAS and determines the need for empowerment;
the GenAI Messenger, which sends and receives
prompts by GenAI API;
System Initialiser
Baseline Scenario Executor
SA Effect Calculator
DoE Effect Calculator
Parameter Collector
in MAS
User observes the graphs
with the effects of SA
Need Detector
GenAI Messenger
User modifies or keeps
generated SA
User inputs if there is a
need for change of SA
User inputs if they want to use their
own SA or co-create it with GenAI
No Change
User observes the estimated need
User observes the generated SA
Baseline Scenario Executor
Parameter Collector
in MAS
Opinion Formation Executor
User observes the graphs
with the effects of SA
User inputs if they consider appropriate
bootstapping the sytem or not
User inputs an SA
Figure 4: System’s Architecture.
the SA Analyser, which extracts the information
from the GenAI response or the input from the
user, and maps it to DoEs;
the SA Effect Calculator, which grounds an SA to
the current round;
the DoE Calculator, which calculates the cogni-
tive DoEs and community health properties for
the current round;
the Opinion Formation Executor, in which agents
interact and compute the updated cognitive DoEs
and community health properties; and
the Visualiser, which shows the empowerment af-
ter the iterative application of the new SA.
The way the modules process information is as
follows. System Initialiser assigns values to the pa-
rameters according to the inputs of the user. MAS
simulator generates the MAS according to the inputs
from the Initialiser and outputs an instance of itself
(e.g. a MAS comprising x agents etc.). Baseline Sce-
nario Executor receives the MAS instance and calcu-
lates agents’ cognitive DoEs for m rounds without us-
ing any SA. For instance, for each agent a in round r,
it calculates each cognitive DoE i, which would corre-
spond to cd
= y (base is used to differentiate the
baseline value of the DoE from the one after adding
the contribution from the SA) aggregates them, and
forms the corresponding CD
= Y .
Need Detector receives CD
and computes the
need, e.g. need
= influence. This together with the
known SAs are the inputs of the GenAI Messenger,
ICAART 2025 - 17th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
which interacts with GenAI API and outputs a new
SA, e.g. ‘Foster a culture of open communication’.
The new SA is sent to the SA Analyser, which outputs
a bonus vector corresponding to the mapping of SAs
to DoEs, e.g. bonus =[self-determination:1, compe-
tence:0, influence:2, etc.,]. SA Effect Calculator ini-
tialises the distribution of the effectiveness of an SA
over time and outputs the current effectiveness, for in-
stance effectiveness of SA i in round r is e f
Furthermore, the outputs of the Baseline Scenario
Executor, the SA Analyser, and the SA Effect Calcu-
lator become the inputs to the DoE Calculator which
calculates the agents’ current DoEs. For instance,
for the given scenario, its output would correspond
to cd
= Z and CH
= W . The agents’ cognitive
DoEs are sent to the Opinion Formation Calculator
who lets agents’ interact and choose to use their cd
or neighbours cd
cognitive DoEs and form their
final cd
i,a, f
. As such, the output of that module be-
comes the aggregate value of the agents’ cognitive
and together with the CH
are sent to
the Visualiser which outputs a graph similar to that
of Figure 2. For brevity, when we refer to the DoEs of
all the agents we omit a and i. Overall, the modules
are summarised in Table 1, while the system’s archi-
tecture is given by Figure 4.
Table 1: Modules and Experimental Parameters.
Name Input Output
System Initialiser independent parameters Instantiated independent parameters
MAS Simulator Instantiated independent parameters MAS instance
Baseline Scenario Executor MAS instance cd
Need Detector CD
GenAI Messenger need
, KB new SA
SA Analyser new SA bonus
SA Effect Calculator Gamma params., t
, t e f
DoE Calculator cd
, bonus,e f
, CH
Opinion Formation Executor cd
, SN,cr,sc CD
Visualiser CD
, CH
Graphs (e.g. Fig2)
Independent and Exp. Determined parameters
Symbol Description In/ExD Value
N number of agents In 100
T,m maximum duration in epochs and rounds in an epoch In 50,25
initial knowledge base of SAs In
cgmax,dev max fixed agents’ cognitive DoE and allowed deviation ExD 10,-
d, d agents’ cognitive DoE allowed deviation interval ExD [1,1]
k, θ, loc shape, scale and time shift of Gamma distr. ExD 5, 10, -
time shift fixed and random part ExD 1,-
lower/upper bounds of time shift random part ExD [-5,5]
mul PDF multiplier of Gamma ExD -
mult. fixed and random parts ExD 50,-
lower/upper bounds of mult. random part ExD [-25,25]
max. reinforcement to a DoE ExD 10
τ critical health message threshold ExD 45
c reinforcement of credence/confidence in a round ExD 0.01
, sc
initial credence of agent a in n/self-confidence of a ExD 0.5,0.5
4.2 System Initialiser
The initialisation of the system includes the instatia-
tion of the MAS and the definition of the experimen-
tal parameters. Table 1 gives an overview of the in-
dependent and experimentally determined parameters
and presents the values assigned to them in the exper-
iments below.
4.3 MAS Definition
The MAS corresponds to a self-organising institution
comprising N agents, having a knowledge base KB,
a list with the five cognitive DoEs CD (where CD
is the collective value of them in time t), and one
having the collective DoE (corresponding to commu-
nity health properties). Each agent a is initialised
with a fixed individual value for each cognitive DoE
(randomly elected from the interval [0,cgmax],
where cgmax is an experimentally determined param-
eter) and in each round this value can deviate from
the fixed by a random value dev from the interval
[d, d], d > 0, e.g. cd
= cd
+ dev. This is to gen-
erate some agents being ‘experts’, i.e. having higher
cognitive DoEs and consequently being more empow-
ered. Also, each agent a has a social network, and has
credence cr
to each of their neighbours n, but also
self-confidence sc
, and agents are initialised to have
equal self-confidence and credence to all neighbours.
Also, Table 2 provides an example of KB.
4.4 Baseline Scenario Executor
In the baseline, no SAs known,so the agents itera-
tively form their cd
and the total value of each
DoE i is given by Equation 1:
cgmax N
100 (1)
where N is the number of agents, and cd
is agent’s
a value of each cognitive DoE i in round r. How-
ever, the collective DoEs are zero in the baseline, i.e.
= 0. This is to reflect the lack of community
health when there is no knowledge about SAs.
4.5 Need Detector
Need Detector senses the MAS and detects the current
need in terms of SAs. Therefore, it constitutes an in-
ternal mechanism of interoceptive awareness (Pitt and
Nowak, 2014) developed in the MAS, which com-
pares the cognitive DoEs and highlights a ‘threat to
the body politic’. Specifically, it receives the past cog-
nitive DoEs, it calculates the rate of change of each
, and outputs the need
which corresponds to
the cognitive DoE i that has the greatest negative rate
of change in the current epoch t, given by Equation 2:
= argmax
4.6 GenAI Messenger
The GenAI Messenger receives the current need need
and the KB, and composes a message in which it spec-
Socially-Guided Machine Learning for Self-Organised Community Empowerment
ifies the need and the known SAs for that need (i.e. the
corresponding row in the KB-Table). For instance, if
the need is ‘self-determination’ and the KB is that of
Table 2 an indicative interaction between the system
and the API is:
Message: “The population needs a social ar-
rangement to improve the individuals’ cognitive di-
mension of self-determination, and already knows
the following: ‘Promote active engagement’. Can
you give another one?”
Response: “Empower individuals to have a voice
and take ownership in shaping their communities.
The message is sent to the GPT-4o mini API (OpenAI,
2024) and the reply corresponds to the new SA, which
is shown to the user for modification or approval.
4.7 SA Analyser
The SA Analyser receives the input from the user or
the (user-modified or not) response from GenAI, ei-
ther of which corresponds to a new SA, and outputs
a vector, named bonus, with the expected impact of a
new SA to the eleven DoEs. To convert the SA to a
vector, we define a vocabulary comprising terms (e.g.
words and phrases) that are mapped to DoEs. So, each
time a new SA is given, it is analysed, as described
below, and the terms in it are used to define the rein-
forcement, which is then specified in the bonus vector.
Table 2: Example KB and Part of Vocabulary.
Cognitive DoE SAs
Self-determination Promote active engagement.
Competence Empowerment through education and support.
Promoting self-advocacy and decision-making skills.
Influence Foster a culture of open communication.
Knowledge -
Meaning Encourage civic education and run several assessments
Conduct surveys to gather input and address any discrepancies.
Part of Vocabulary
Term S-D C Infl K M Incl D A Eq T
Active Participation Y N N N N N N N N N
Open Communication N N Y N N Y N N N Y
Ownership Y N N N Y N Y Y N N
An indicative vocabulary is given by Table 2 and
the full vocabulary is available here. The first column
presents the terms, and the other columns correspond
to the eleven DoEs, where the letter ‘Y’ denotes that
the term affects the DoE while ‘N’ shows that it does
not. The steps are the following:
1. the bonus vector assigns a zero to each DoE
2. the punctuation marks of the new SA are removed
and the text is converted to lowercase
3. the SA is parsed and the analyser is looking for
key-terms that are included in the vocabulary
4. if a keyword is detected, then the analyser looks
for ‘Y’ in the vocabulary and increases the value
of that DoE in the bonus.
For instance, if the new SA suggests to ‘Foster a cul-
ture of open communication, collaboration, critical
thinking, and ethical behaviour to engage individuals
in meaningful contributions to collective knowledge,
and decision-making’, then the bonus would be:
bonus = [self-determination: 3, competence: 2, influence:
3, knowledge: 3, meaning: 4, inclusivity: 3, transparency:
2, diversity: 0, equality: 1, accountability: 1]
4.8 SA Effect Calculator
By analogy to a community in which humans need
time to process and engage with changes, the sys-
tem is designed so that each time a new SA is ap-
plied in the MAS, the population requires some sys-
tem time to understand it, engage with it and derive
the benefits, as discussed in (Kahneman, 2011). Also,
after some time, the population or the environment
might change, and that SA might not be relevant any-
more. So, we set the effectiveness of an SA to follow
a Gamma distribution, as this is also used to model
the waiting time for a drug to reach its maximum ef-
fect in the body. Moreover, since different SAs re-
quire a different amount of time to be accepted, and
others might be more or less effective, we generate a
new Gamma distribution for each new SA, with the
following properties.
The shape k and the scale θ of the Gamma dis-
tribution of each SA are experimentally determined
parameters. Moreover, the distribution is shifted on
time by loc, which is a parameter having a fixed
and a random loc
D which is sampled from
a uniform distribution defined in the [loc
, loc
interval, and is equal to loc = loc
+ loc
, where
, loc
), and loc
, loc
are experimental parameters. Also, to make
the probability density function (PDF) of the Gamma
distribution to take values from minus one to one, in
the specified interval, its value is multiplied by mul
which has a fixed mul
and a random mul
D defined
similarly with the DoEs of the shift.
As such, this module takes as input the experimen-
tal parameters k, θ, loc, loc
, loc
, mul, mul
and mul
, the current t and the number of rounds
since the SA application t
, and calculates the effec-
tiveness e f
of SA i in time t. This is equal to
the value of the probability density function (PDF) of
Gamma at the current time t minus the time that the
new SA was first applied t
, multiplied by mul, and
shifted by loc, given by Equation 3:
= mul f (t t
;k, θ) + loc (3)
ICAART 2025 - 17th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
This module has an additional control developing a
second layer of interoceptive awareness (in the human
computer interaction), on top of the one developed in
the Need Detector (in the MAS). This calculates the
gradient of the distribution of the effectiveness on the
current time instance after the application of the SA
(t t
) and makes the user aware of whether it has
reached its maximum effectiveness (negative gradi-
ent) or not (positive gradient).
So, depending on the sign of ef
the mes-
sages ‘Maximum effectiveness has been reached’ and
‘Wait more for maximum effectiveness’ are shown to
the user. Furthermore, if the SA has reached maxi-
mum effectiveness and any of the DoEs is lower than
a threshold τ, a warning message saying ‘Community
is disempowered, consider a change!’ is shown.
4.9 DoE Calculator
With input the baseline cognitive DoEs, the bonus for
the SA i, and its effectiveness e f
, the DoE Calculator
outputs the agents’ DoEs. The value of an agent’s a
cognitive DoEs are cd
, the populations’ cognitive
equals the average of cd
,a A, and the
collective DoEs are CH
, given by:
bonus e f
, CH
bonus e f
where bonus is the bonus of the current SA and
is an experimental parameter that gives the
maximum bonus that an SA can cause to a DoE.
4.10 Opinion Formation Executor
The Opinion Formation Executor is responsible for
the interaction of the agents and the formation of their
final opinion in terms of cognitive DoEs. In particu-
lar, agents interact with their social network and they
can choose to use their own cognitive DoEs or to ask a
neighbour. This is to make MAS simulate a commu-
nity, in which agents interact and can choose to use
their own opinion or ask a source to optimise their de-
cision making, as described in (Nowak et al., 2019).
As such, an agent a has their cd
and selects one
of the most credited neighbours n for their cd
sponding to cd
). Based on cr
and sc
, a uses the
own or asked cognitive DoEs in their final cd
a, f
, given
by Equation 4, while the population’s final cognitive
DoEs CD correspond to their mean:
a, f
, if cr
, if cr
< sc
Then, a updates the credence to n and self-confidence
based on whether the average value of ns cognitive
DoEs is greater than as. The amount of the reinforce-
ment of those per round is defined by an experimen-
tally determined parameter called c, and the credence
reinforcement is given by Equation 5, while the oppo-
site applies for the self-confidence:
(1 + c), if
(1 c), otherwise
Note that the opinion formation affects only the
agents’ cognitive DoEs and not the community health
properties. This is because agents individually can
optimise their cognitive capacity, but the community
health is an emergent property that is the outcome of
cognitive empowerment and well-being. Therefore, it
cannot be optimised by simply asking a source.
4.11 Visualiser
After running the MAS for m rounds, the system has
to inform the user regarding the effects of an SA to
it. Therefore, the Visualiser receives the DoEs and
generates some informative graphs. An indicative ex-
amples is that given by Figure 2.
The system developed is non-deterministic, implying
that the sequence of events is more significant than
the starting conditions, so different order of inputs,
can result in different outputs. However, this section
gives proof of concept examples which demonstrate
the development of interoceptive awareness, the va-
riety of SA effects, and the role of the user and the
emergence of expertise through bootstrapping.
The MAS defined for that experimentation has
the minimum amount of characteristics to showcase
that it can be relevant to multiple different applica-
tions. Specifically, it comprises N agents initialised
with randomised values of DoEs forming a Klem-
Eguiluz social network, which resembles real-life net-
works (Prettejohn et al., 2011), and the values of the
other related parameters are given by Table 1. A more
elaborate definition of the MAS in a specific context
would increase the leverage of the users.
5.1 Interoceptive Awareness
To facilitate the empowerment of communities
through the self-determination of SAs, the system is
designed to have mechanisms that inform the users
Socially-Guided Machine Learning for Self-Organised Community Empowerment
and enable them develop interoceptive awareness
with respect to the system’s health (second level in-
teroceptive awareness mechanism).
Figure 5 showcases this property of the system,
where the user initially identifies the need for change
and uses GenAI (first grey box). The SA proposed is
‘establish clear communication channels, utilize col-
laborative tools, encourage knowledge sharing and
collaboration, and regularly review and update knowl-
edge repositories’, and is approved. This progres-
sively results in increased empowerment, mainly in
terms of knowledge, influence, diversity, inclusivity,
transparency, and satisfaction. However, after some
epochs, the SA is not effective anymore resulting in
decreasing the DoEs, shown in the spider plots. This
is observed by the system which displays a warning
(highlighted in red in the Figure).
Increasing Empowerment
Decreasing Empowerment
Increasing Empowerment
Figure 5: User’s Interoceptive Awareness.
Accordingly, the user proposes a change using
GenAI, and the new SA is ‘Promote active civic en-
gagement, and civic participation, and provide op-
portunities for meaningful and equal participation in
decision-making. which is approved and results in
increasing DoEs. Therefore, the system owns a mech-
anism of self-healing which is achieved through the
effective user-computer interaction. Specifically, the
system makes the user aware of the need, the user
acknowledges that and triggers a change, and that
change is applied to the system and enable its recov-
ery from a state of disempowerment.
5.2 Variety of SA Effects
As discussed above, different SAs result in different
outcomes in terms of DoEs. The upper part of Figure
6 shows the DoEs in the baseline compared to those
when applying two different SAs, which are ‘Estab-
lish clear communication channels, utilise collabora-
tive tools, and regularly update and share information
among team members. during round 600, and ‘Con-
duct regular surveys or feedback sessions to gather
input and address any discrepancies’ during 800.
Comparison of
Effects of SAs
and Baseline
Variety of SAs’ Effects and Human
Figure 6: Variety of SAs and Human Carelessness.
Additionally, the lower part of Figure 6 shows the
effect of the following SAs:
Regularly review practices against core values and en-
courage open communication for dissent.
Promote inclusive and transparent decision-making to
empower individuals to actively participate in shaping
their communities.
Foster a culture of inclusivity, transparency, critical
thinking, and accountability.
Establish clear communication channels, utilize collab-
orative tools, and encourage knowledge sharing.
Notice that different SAs address different needs and
therefore result in new DoEs, while all outperform the
baseline. For example, the first SA increases mainly
meaning, diversity and inclusivity, while the fourth in-
creases influence, knowledge, and transparency. This
highlights how proposed SAs should be based on the
need of the system, which is also the reason why the
system detects the need and uses that to optimise its
decision-making with respect to SAs.
ICAART 2025 - 17th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
5.3 Importance of Human Commitment
Focusing on the role of the user, the right side of the
second row of Figure 6 provides an example of in-
teraction in which the user is indifferent, and there-
fore cannot benefit from the system’s suggestions. In
particular, despite the user opting to make a change,
their input is irrelevant (e.g.,“I do not know”). In the
next epochs, although the DoEs are decreased the user
does not intervene, e.g. they do not trigger a change
as highlighted in red boxes in the Figure (e.g. “no”).
Overall, the carelessness of the user and their indiffer-
ence to the warnings results in individual and collec-
tive disempowerment (reflected by low DoEs).
Figure 7: Human Impatience.
Another aspect for the effective operation of the
system is that the user is patient. Figure 7 shows a
scenario in which the user consecutively asks GenAI
to propose a new SA, and they do not wait for this to
be effective. Specifically, the AI generated SAs are
the following:
Encourage individuals to engage in shaping their
communities through inclusive decision-making
Support people to share perspectives, listen ac-
tively, seek evidence-based solutions, and uphold
ethical principles;
Promote self-advocacy and decision-making.
Although the SAs can be beneficial for the system, its
impact does not become apparent due to the user’s im-
patience (reflected by quick changes from SA to SA).
This way the population in MAS does not manage to
engage with the new SA, remaining disempowered.
Therefore, it is critical that the user follows the sug-
gestions of the system (i.e. message ‘Wait more for
maximum effectiveness’) and waits till the effects of
the change become measurable.
5.4 Opinion Formation in MAS
As discussed in the Opinion Formation Executor,
agents can decide to ask a source (a neighbouring
agent from the social network having higher cogni-
tive DoEs). Therefore, this highlights the emergence
of expertise and specifically shows how agents learn
to distinguish the ‘experts’ and seek for their opinion
(corresponding to cognitive DoEs).
This emergent property can be observed in Fig-
ure 8, where the first column shows the amount of
the agents using their own (red) and their neighbours
(blue) cognitive DoEs to form their final cognitive
DoE, and the second row shows the population’s cog-
nitive DoEs where they are using their own (red) com-
pared to the ones that they finally select (blue). There-
fore, the first graph shows that agents in the MAS
learn to use their credited sources’ cognitive DoEs,
fact that results in higher cognitive DoEs reflected by
the graph in the second row. As such, it becomes ev-
ident that not only they ask their neighbours, but also
identify the experts, and overall optimise their com-
munity’ cognitive capacity leading to empowerment.
Selected Cognitive
Cognitive DoEs
Own vs Final
Figure 8: Effect of Social Influence in Cognitive DoEs.
6.1 Related Work
Our work contributes to initiatives for support-
ing localised self-governance, evidence-based law-
making and enactment, and effective human-AI co-
production. This section discusses how it builds on
those attempts and combines them to offer a mecha-
nism that combines MAS, GenAI, and human users
to support community empowerment.
In the field of political science, (Manville and
Ober, 2019)have called for a new “release” of democ-
Socially-Guided Machine Learning for Self-Organised Community Empowerment
racy, Democracy 4.0. They propose new architectures
of engagement, which includes not just more direct
participation and less “representative” approaches to
decision-making, but also channelling democratic en-
ergy and initiative into smaller scale, but more per-
sonally meaningful, forms of self-governance (cf.
(Bookchin, 2004)). This system complements their
call by providing a technology that could support this
localised self-governance by making accessible cause
and effect relations to the users.
In the domain of legal drafting, it is observed that
“traditional drafting methodologies produce laws that
do not work” (Seidman and Seidman, 2009). This
failure is attributed, in part, to the focus of legislative
scholarship, in the study of power, being on the pro-
cess of compromise between legislators on detailed
provisions before enactment. The four-step ILTAM
methodology is intended to assist law-makers en-
act evidence-based legislation that works as intended.
With our system, we are not only transferring power
from legislators to those affected by legislation, but
also providing evidence (using MAS) of the impact
of new SAs on the extent of that empowerment.
There is awareness of the need for a better un-
derstanding of human-AI co-production (Thomaz and
Breazeal, 2006), and hybrid systems integrating ma-
chine learning and machine reasoning (Kierner et al.,
2023). Our work contributes to both initiatives, in
the former by allowing the human and AI to work in
tandem on the selection and recommendation of new
SAs, and in the latter by enabling GenAI and MAS to
work in tandem on the application and effect of SAs.
This system also admits a potential for brainstorm-
ing and enrichment of human knowledge through re-
peated exploration of different event sequences being
applied to the same starting conditions.
6.2 Further Work
Although substantive results have been demonstrated
as a proof of concept, this system is at present a work
in progress, and there is a number of limitations to
overcome and improvements to be made in further re-
search and development. These include:
in the SA Analyser, we need a substantive user
survey to establish a stronger correlation between
keywords and the DoEs;
in the MAS, a method for mapping the features
and characteristics of a community to the MAS is
in the Need Detector, we need to develop a more
complex mechanism for interoceptive awareness
that takes into consideration multiple parameters;
in the Visualiser, although some text entry (of SA)
is required, we should upgrade the text-based dia-
logue to improve the UX;
generally, considering groups of users or experts
could improve the system’s effectiveness, while
further exploration on issues of model misalign-
ment, scale, and change on human behaviour due
to the interaction with the system is needed; and
overall, we aim to package the system as a plug-in
for PlatformOcean (Pitt et al., 2021) and evaluate
performance in field trials.
Following these developments, we would aim to de-
ploy and evaluate the system in a file trial, with sev-
eral possible applications, for example in deliberative
assembles for public policy, or co-housing for local
communal policy formation.
This paper has identified an inequitable distribution
of power as a fundamental challenge for the devel-
opment of socio-technical systems. Accordingly, it
has developed a system that helps people design their
communities better, using a model of equitable soci-
ety as a guide. This system, enables users to visualise
the extent of community empowerment in cognitive
and collective dimensions, and through a synthesis
of GenAI, MAS and self-organisation, to explore and
evaluate the impact of new SAs on their empower-
ment. While each individual module executes a rela-
tively simple process (and will be enhanced in further
work), the collective assembly of them forms an end-
to-end functional system which displays a rich variety
of behaviours and demonstrates the proof of concept.
The primary contributions are threefold. Firstly,
it implements anan innovative system for the self-
organisation of social arrangements and the visualisa-
tion of community empowerment. Secondly, it offers
a demonstration of power-sensitive design (Mertzani
and Pitt, 2024), an instance of value-sensitive design
in which the qualitative human values being targeted
are power and empowerment. Thirdly, it provides
a demonstration of institutional interoceptive aware-
ness as a community detects and responds to a situa-
tion that is affecting their empowerment.
The significance of this work is that it proposes a
multi-component system which combines human so-
cial knowledge and expertise, with the creative capac-
ity of GenAI, stemming from the unexpected linkage
of diverse knowledge, and the capability to observe
emergence of agent-based simulations in MAS. The
system assists humans to think out-of-the-box and
ICAART 2025 - 17th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
envision future trajectories of alternative solutions,
which enables them to effectively self-determine their
social arrangements and maintain an equitable distri-
bution of power. This ‘tool’ could support deliber-
ative assemblies, such as humans sharing an office,
or stakeholders of a co-housing project, to shape their
social arrangements such that they improve their lives.
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Socially-Guided Machine Learning for Self-Organised Community Empowerment