and channel analysis for EEG-based driver fatigue de-
tection. We also implemented different feature ex-
traction methods from different disciplines (such as
speech processing problems), which are not com-
monly used in EEG processing, and they returned
comparable results to what was currently available
in the literature. These unconventional approaches
yielded results that were comparable to existing meth-
ods in the field, demonstrating their potential to en-
hance EEG analysis without adding significant com-
putational or financial overhead.
This work broadens the scope of feature extraction
in EEG studies by incorporating diverse methodolo-
gies, while maintaining a focus on practical and cost-
effective solutions. To further extend this research, a
key focus for future work could be the development of
real-time applications based on these findings. These
real-time systems could provide instant feedback to
drivers, improving road safety by mitigating the risk
of fatigue-induced accidents. Additionally, some of
the available features and extraction methods were
preliminarily excluded from the scope of this paper
due to their high computational cost and low impact
on performance. However, conducting more compre-
hensive studies to evaluate the viability of these meth-
ods in various EEG applications could prove benefi-
cial for the literature.
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