segmenting tree canopies and trunks in street-view
images. The approach integrated attention mecha-
nisms and joint convolutions with atrous spatial pyra-
mid pooling into the U-Net architecture. Joint con-
volutions enhanced convergence, showing competi-
tive semantic segmentation results while significantly
reducing network parameters compared to baseline
Future studies will be conducted on assembling
larger and richer datasets to capitalize on research in
tree structure segmentation, enhance the model’s ca-
pacity, and further propose a computer-aided method
to aid and accelerate the practices on tree structural
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bers #2013/07375-0, #2014/12236-1, #2019/07665-4,
#2019/18287-0, #2023/10823-6, and #2023/14427-8.
The authors also thank CNPq grants 308529/2021-9
and 400756/2024-2, and Petrobras grant 2023/00466-
This work was jointly supported by the Office of
Naval Research (ONR) with grant No. N62909-24-
1-2012 and by the Air Force Office of Scientific Re-
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VISAPP 2025 - 20th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications