teria scheduling an appointment as soon as possible
and ensuring fair workload distribution among the fa-
cility resources.
Our experimental findings highlight the efficiency
of the proposed constraint model, effectively solv-
ing instances of varying complexity within minimal
computational time. Furthermore, the model demon-
strated exceptional performance in optimizing the
schedule and distributing the workload among re-
sources, further highlighting the efficacy of the pro-
posed approach.
Future work includes extending our model to ac-
commodate the scheduling of sequences of interde-
pendent medical appointments. This extension is par-
ticularly critical for managing treatment plans for pa-
tients with complex conditions. There are additional
objectives such as finding appointment sequences
with certain dependencies, like orders and spacing be-
tween the individual appointments. Last but not least,
we plan to incorporate patient preferences for each
appointment within the sequence, such as prioritizing
specific dates, times and physicians.
The authors would like to thank the anonymous re-
viewers for their valuable and constructive feedback,
which significantly contributed to improving this
work. This research was supported by the German
Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action
(BMWK) as part of the programme ’ZIM - Zentrales
Innovationsprogramm Mittelstand’ (’Central Innova-
tion Programme for small and medium-sized enter-
prises’) (FKZ: 16KN093238).
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Artificial Intelligence in Medicine AIME’ 07.
Constraint-Based Optimization for Scheduling Medical Appointments