practical implementation, offering valuable lessons
for policymakers and CI operators, particularly in
similar-sized nations or regions navigating similar cy-
bersecurity landscapes.
The study’s validity depends on accurate data col-
lection, but the subjective nature of thematic analy-
sis introduces the possibility of interpretation bias.
Despite using techniques like member checking, the
findings may be influenced by participants’ articula-
tion and the researcher’s interpretation. Participants
received copies of their transcripts for validation.
Interpretation subjectivity challenges qualitative
research reliability. Efforts were made to ensure that
the inherent subjectivity of qualitative analysis hin-
ders accurate translations but perfect consistency. The
study’s findings, limited by sample size and partic-
ipant demographics, may not be broadly applicable.
Replicating interview conditions precisely is difficult
due to the dynamic nature of human interactions. Ex-
tending results to diverse populations should be done
cautiously, recognizing these limitations for future re-
Future research could expand into more detailed
analysis by studying an entire strategy implementa-
tion process within a selected organization, identify-
ing internal challenges more precisely through inter-
views or questionnaires at various hierarchical levels.
Another valuable area of research would be to inves-
tigate national cybersecurity agencies in more detail
to identify national coordination problems. Replicat-
ing similar research in other European countries could
reveal common challenges and potentially offer new
solutions for foreign organizations or governments to
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ICISSP 2025 - 11th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy