Got Ya!: Sensors for Identity Management Specific Security Situational
Daniela Pöhn
and Heiner Lüken
University of the Bundeswehr Munich, RI CODE, Neubiberg, Germany
Security Situational Awareness, Cyber Situational Awareness, Security, Identity Management, OAuth.
Security situational awareness refers to identifying, mitigating, and preventing digital cyber threats by gath-
ering information to understand the current situation. With awareness, the basis for decisions is present,
particularly in complex situations. However, while logging can track the successful login into a system, it typ-
ically cannot determine if the login was performed by the user assigned to the account. An account takeover,
for example, by a successful phishing attack, can be used as an entry into an organization’s network. All
identities within an organization are managed in an identity management system. Thereby, these systems are
an interesting goal for malicious actors. Even within identity management systems, it is difficult to differen-
tiate legitimate from malicious actions. We propose a security situational awareness approach specifically to
identity management. We focus on protocol-specifics and identity-related sources in a general concept before
providing the example of the protocol OAuth with a proof-of-concept implementation.
The supply chain attack on SolarWinds’ Orion plat-
form (Sterle and Bhunia, 2021) showed that iden-
tity and access management are crucial assets. The
malicious actors took over Microsoft Active Direc-
tory (AD) instances and used the Federation Ser-
vices (FS) extension to access other resources. Se-
curity mechanisms such as single sign-on (SSO) can
be used against the target. According to (Peisert et al.,
2021), the attacker mimicked regular Security Asser-
tion Markup Language (SAML) interactions for their
purposes. However, not only malicious actors may
target AD and SAML, but also other identity manage-
ment (IdM)-related protocols, such as Open Autho-
rization (OAuth) and OpenID Connect (OIDC). De-
tecting symptoms of attempts at an early stage may
speed up the incident response process. This is diffi-
cult, as malicious activities are similar to regular in-
teractions, and traditional security mechanisms may
fail. However, this is not the only problem in this con-
text. The variety of IdM protocols (Pöhn and Hom-
mel, 2023) makes it even harder. Lastly, as we deal
with digital identities, we must include humans.
One potential way to improve the current situation
is the application of security situational awareness tai-
lored to IdM. Security or cyber situational awareness
is an application of situational awareness in the cy-
ber domain to perceive the environment (perception),
understand the current security situation (comprehen-
sion), and project how the situation will evolve (pro-
jection). Security situational awareness should pro-
vide the operators with a decision-making methodol-
ogy in complex and sophisticated systems. Currently,
several aspects in the field are being enhanced. Ac-
cording to (Gutzwiller et al., 2020), humans are often
not included, although they represent critical elements
in this context. As shown above, it is also hard to
differentiate legitimate from malicious user actions.
Therefore, current security situational awareness ap-
proaches have to be adapted to identity management
to include digital identities.
Consequently, we use the following research
questions: What is the general outlook of security sit-
uational awareness that comprises identity manage-
ment? What are suitable sensors and other sources for
IdM-specific security situational awareness? What
are the practical advantages of such an approach?
In order to increase the security of IdM, we pro-
pose (i.) a generic concept of security situational
awareness specifically for IdM. Related to that, we
focus on (ii.) sensors and other sources, as they are
the first step for security situational awareness. We
show (iii.) the advantages of such an approach using
Pöhn, D. and Lüken, H.
Got Ya!: Sensors for Identity Management Specific Security Situational Awareness.
DOI: 10.5220/0013092900003899
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy (ICISSP 2025) - Volume 1, pages 141-148
ISBN: 978-989-758-735-1; ISSN: 2184-4356
Proceedings Copyright © 2025 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
the example of OAuth and discuss the implications.
Therefore, this paper contributes (1) the derivation of
the sensors and other sources related to IdM that are
required for (2) a concept for IdM-specific security
situational awareness and (3) the concept and proof-
of-concept implementation for OAuth.
The remainder of the paper is as follows: We ex-
plain the background on identity management and
situational awareness (see Section 2) and contrast it
with related work (see Section 3). Section 4 proposes
the generic concept for security situational awareness
for IdM before Section 5 describes the example of
OAuth. We summarize and discuss our approach in
Section 6.
2.1 Identity Management
IdM comprises identification, authentication, autho-
rization, and general management of users. In
cross-organizational contexts, federated protocols
like SAML, OAuth, and OIDC may be operated. As
the identity providers can collect more data about
the users in these protocols, self-sovereign identities
(SSI) are currently introduced. The user has self-
sovereign control over their data in a so-called wallet.
OAuth and OIDC, the authentication protocol on top
of OAuth, may be used in the SSI context by apply-
ing additional protocols, summarized as OpenID for
Verifiable Credentials (OpenID Foundation, 2024).
(1) Authorization Request
(3) Authorization Grant
(5) Access Token
Third Party
(2) Authorization Grant
(4) Access Token
(6) User Attributes
Figure 1: Generic workflow of the OAuth protocol.
OAuth 2.0 (Hardt, 2012) is a protocol for autho-
rization, i.e., OAuth permits users to share account
information with third-party services and applications
without providing them the credentials.
In Figure 1, the generic workflow is shown. The
third-party applications request authorization from
the resource owner (i.e., user; step 1). The resource
owner subsequently grants authorization (step 2). The
authorization grant is then forwarded to the authoriza-
tion server (step 3) that provides the third-party appli-
cation with an access token (step 4). The access token
is then forwarded to the resource server (step 5) to
grant access (step 6).
OAuth has specified different protocol flows,
called grants, that enable authorization with varia-
tions of the workflow described above. However,
not all flows are securely usable. The most com-
mon OAuth grant types are authorization code, proof
key for code exchange (PKCE), client credentials,
device code, and refresh token. In contrast, im-
plicit flow and resource owner password credentials
grant are insecure. Furthermore, OAuth-specific at-
tack vectors are known (Fett et al., 2016), including
OAuth access token abuse and theft (Jannett et al.,
2022), cross-site request forgery (Benolli et al., 2021),
path confusion (Innocenti et al., 2023), and generally
misconceptions (Wang et al., 2016). Security best
practices are described in (Lodderstedt et al., 2013).
OAuth 2.1 (Hardt et al., 2024) is an in-progress update
(currently work-in-progress) that consolidates best
practices and established extensions since OAuth 2.0
was published. Related to the grants, the common
variants described above are included in OAuth 2.1.
2.2 Situational Awareness
Situational awareness describes the cognizance of en-
tities in the environment (perception), understanding
their meaning (comprehension), and the projection of
their state in near future (projection) (Endsley, 1988).
Such a situational awareness is especially important
in a military context. According to (Headquarters,
Department of the Army, 2021), “situational under-
standing is the product of applying analysis and judg-
ment to relevant information to determine the rela-
tionships within the situation. After determining the
baseline, anomalies can be identified. These obser-
vations and the understanding of the anomalies in
the context (situation assessment) are relevant for the
projection. The three phases can be adapted for the
cyber domain, speaking of security or cyber situa-
tional awareness. This means that security situational
awareness is part of situational awareness which con-
cerns the cyber environment.
According to (Franke and Brynielsson, 2014), dif-
ferent sensors can be applied, including intrusion de-
tection systems (IDSs), external information, and hu-
man intelligence. (Evesti et al., 2017) propose a tax-
ICISSP 2025 - 11th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
onomy for cybersecurity situational awareness with a
description of the scope, level, viewpoint, and deci-
sion making. Further, the authors divide data gather-
ing into operational (i.e., antivirus, vulnerability scan-
ner, penetration testing, network scanning, password
cracking, firewall, and IDS) and strategic (i.e., asset
listing, risk identification, surveys, incident response
reports, audit findings, policy review, and news re-
view). This lists however also shows that the data
sources may have to be adapted to the network.
Various approaches target security situational aware-
ness. (Husák et al., 2020) provide an overview of
security situational awareness and explain contem-
porary challenges. The authors describe the toolset
perspective through a taxonomy with several entries
in the perception phase. Although most of them,
like scans and log files, are relevant for IdM, other
sensors and sources might be of value in our sce-
nario. Similarly, surveys (Nour et al., 2023; Tian-
field, 2016; Zhang et al., 2023) show several sources
that mainly target networks. (Evesti et al., 2017) in-
clude password cracking. (Rodriguez and Okamura,
2019) propose an approach of cyber situational aware-
ness through social media, security news, and blog
data mining, whereas (Legg and Blackman, 2019)
focus on phishing attacks. Other methods to im-
prove the comprehension phase include netflow vi-
sualization (Yin et al., 2004) and graph-based ap-
proach (Husák et al., 2023). These may be adapt-
able to IdM. Lastly, (Zurowski et al., 2022) provide
an overview of offensive cyber operation automation
tools that mostly focus on network security and, thus,
might not be suitable for our purpose.
So far, no approach focuses on IdM, although dig-
ital identities and IdMS are the target of various at-
tacks and current measures are not enough. When ap-
plying security situational awareness to IdM, the pro-
tocols and their attack characteristics must be consid-
ered. This is currently different in related work. In
addition, other sensors specific to IdM, such as pass-
word leaks, data found in online sources, and the fea-
tures used for risk-based authentication, may be in-
cluded to provide a better picture.
In this section, we describe the general concept with
its layers, entities, and relations. We identify the lay-
ers of internal identity management, external identity,
threat, and detection. Within these layers, we focus on
sensors and other data sources that can be used to fill
the information required for a better picture. Based
on the entities and relations, we identify patterns that
can be applied to recognize anomalies.
4.1 Internal Identity Management
The internal identity management layer encom-
passes all data related to identity management, includ-
ing digital identities and authentication.
Digital Identities. Users, data, applications, and
devices all have an identity that is managed and be-
longs to an organization. To access data, applications,
or devices, the user has to have the required permis-
sions that may be provided to them, for example, due
to roles or attributes. Following this, the management
system can be used as a source of security situational
awareness. The malicious and regular actor patterns
do not differ significantly depending on the attack and
exact system. A honeypot may be applicable for fur-
ther information.
Authentication and Authorization. Before using,
for example, the service, the user has to be authen-
ticated. The most common method is a password.
However, other methods, including biometrics, may
be applied. Depending on the permissions, the ser-
vice decides on the authorization. Additional fea-
tures, such as those applied by risk-based authenti-
cation, may provide additional value for both authen-
tication and authorization. Again, the authentication
methods are crucial for security, whereas unusual pat-
terns may indicate a malicious actor.
Logged Authentication Actions. When a user au-
thenticates and uses a server, log files are written.
Log files related to digital identities and identity man-
agement systems (IdMS) can be found at the system,
IdMS, database, application, web server, and end-user
application (such as an SSI wallet on a smartphone)
level. The exact location depends on the actual ap-
plication. The log files may include identifiers, such
as session-related identifiers (IDs and tokens, among
Got Ya!: Sensors for Identity Management Specific Security Situational Awareness
others), IP addresses, transaction IDs, device finger-
prints and IDs, user IDs, and other identifiable data.
The exact identifiers are subject to log format, log
level, application, and policies, among others. Log
files are an essential source for security situational
awareness. However, identity-related attack patterns
have to be considered.
4.2 External Identity Layer
It is crucial to note that the scope of identity manage-
ment and digital identities extends beyond the internal
organization. The external identity layer plays a sig-
nificant role in this more complex context.
Cross-Organizational Identity Management. As
summarized in Section 2, identity management is of-
ten not limited to a single organization. Different or-
ganizations may form a federation to use resources to-
gether. The identity management model (i.e., isolated,
centralized, federated, or self-sovereign) has implica-
tions on the attack pattern that every organization can
recognize, the impact, and the security incident re-
sponse (SIR) process. Hence, another source for se-
curity situational awareness is the other organizations
within a federation.
Usage of External Services. To make things more
complex, users may use external services that are
not part of a federation. For example, to submit a
manuscript, the researcher creates an account with
their name and work email address at a conference
management software system, such as EasyChair.
In social media, such as X (formerly Twitter) and
LinkedIn, they may provide insights into their work.
They may even reuse their work password, as shown
by (Florencio and Herley, 2007). All these data may
be used for malicious attempts. For example, pass-
word leaks allow malicious actors to stuff the cre-
dentials at other online services with the hope of tak-
ing over more accounts. If work-related data is in-
cluded, these attacks may target the work organiza-
tion. Hence, detecting password leakages is crucial,
and these services, as described by (Li et al., 2019),
should be included in the list of sources for security
situational awareness. If the leak is not detected and
added by typical leak services, it may be used by ma-
licious actors. The sharing of personal information is
even more complex to include. By sharing informa-
tion, potential malicious actors may gather data that
can be used for personalized attempts, such as social
engineering attacks. Email spam filters, human sen-
sors, and open-source intelligence honeypots like so-
cial media accounts may provide further input. Addi-
tionally, it might help to scan the Internet for identity-
related information (Walkow and Pöhn, 2023).
4.3 Threat Layer
(Pöhn and Hommel, 2022) differentiate IdMS, end-
user, and service account in their attack taxonomy
TaxIdMA. This differentiation is applied in the threat
layer. All elements have an identity. Hence, all identi-
ties may become relevant during an attack. The threat
layer describes the exposure of the network with its
systems and users through vulnerabilities that may be
within the software or users.
Users, thereby, mainly refer to end-users.
Nonetheless, IT personnel might be targeted later in
the attack lifecycle. Typically, service accounts that
have a vulnerability, such as a misconfiguration, are
utilized during the attack lifecycle. The IdMS could
be the final goal that can be reached by another vul-
nerability, such as a misconfiguration. Another way is
to use another weakness, such as a common vulnera-
bility enumeration (CVE) for a specific software ver-
sion. Security events can be raised by security moni-
toring or humans.
4.4 Detection Layer
First, we derive the sensors before summarizing them.
Similarly to the threat layer, we use the distinction
between IdMS, end-user, and service account.
End-user. Passwords can be guessed, for example,
by spraying them on other services or brute-force at-
tacks, including credential stuffing. Phishing is one of
the primary initial access vector into an organization’s
network. However, variants of phishing involving so-
cial media, messenger, and other means are increas-
ingly being used.
Other threats may be human-in-the-middle
(MitM), usage of malware, and session hijacking, to
name a few examples. The malicious attackers may
use a different pattern that is defined by the attack
and the means. Relevant features may include the
timing, session, device, IP address, username, and
password. As mentioned above, these may depend
on the actual system and attack. However, protocol
specifics have to be taken into account, as outlined in
Section 2 for the protocol of OAuth.
Service User. Regarding the attack lifecycle, ser-
vice accounts might come next. These may have
vulnerabilities related to software or configuration
that allow the takeover by a malicious actor. In
the next step, the malicious actor may try to find
ICISSP 2025 - 11th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
further vulnerabilities and systems. Following this,
unusual behavior may hint at an attack. Thereby,
we try to recognize anomalies that can be detected
by host-based and network-based intrusion detection
systems (HIDS/NIDS). Further research may improve
the methods.
IdMS. One of the main goals might be the IdMS,
as seen with the SolarWinds’ Orion hack. An IdMS
can be targeted by taking over administration, deacti-
vated, or unused accounts, or using software-related
vulnerabilities. Depending on the IdMS, like AD,
the actions performed by the malicious actor may be
regular. This may increase the difficulty of detect-
ing anomalies. Besides unusual actions, honeypot ac-
counts and networks might be installed. However,
such an approach is still up to future work.
Proposed Sensors and Context Data. Table 1
summarizes the proposed sensors and context infor-
mation. We suggest classical security countermea-
sures or sensors, some adaptations, and additional
sensors. One example of adaptation is a honeypot
applied to identity management to recognize attacks.
Additionally, log file monitoring can help detect at-
Regarding social engineering attacks and suspi-
cious computer behavior, human-as-a-security-sensor
(HaaSS) should be included (see, among others, Sec-
tion 4.2). In addition to the sensor information,
context information is required, according to (Husák
et al., 2021). Context information may include the
location, users (see also the parameters used by risk-
based authentication, which could be added to the log
data), version of the OS, software, services, and vul-
nerabilities (see Section 4.1). Hence, a collection of
this contextual data is needed. Preferably, it should
be maintained constantly. Husák et al. propose the
usage of NetFlow for passive monitoring and Nmap
for active monitoring.
In addition, the network plan, role concept (see
Section 4.1), and other documentation can help to no-
tice undocumented changes.
4.5 Comprehension
Comprehension describes the analysis, which re-
quires methods and characteristics for IdM-related at-
tacks. We outlined typical threats that have their pat-
tern. These may have simple reasons, such as a device
change since the smartphone was lost, or a malicious
actor. These patterns can be observed in, for example,
log files, which are the primary source of security sit-
uational awareness. Different identifiers might be in-
cluded in the log files depending on the actual system
and log level. The minimum characteristics required
to recognize these attacks are summarized in Table 2.
More characteristics may provide a better picture if
acceptable from a privacy perspective.
4.6 Projection
As the focus is on IdM, we again use the IdM-specific
information and the results from the comprehension
phase. An overview of user accounts, their access and
permissions on different systems, and a network plan
help identify the extent of malicious actions. Infor-
mation about previous and possible incidents provides
further input. This can be visualized in dashboards.
As outlined in Section 3, OAuth in its current ver-
sion 2.0 has some security drawbacks that are typ-
ically mitigated by applying the security best prac-
tices. For example, the authlib library has some
inherent security properties enabled by default. In
OAuth 2.1, changes are made to the security archi-
tecture of the framework, among other things (Pöhn
and Hommel, 2023). The grants classified as inse-
cure, the implicit grant and the resource owner pass-
word credentials grant, will be removed entirely from
the framework and will, therefore, no longer be usable
after the switch to version 2.1. We select the implicit
and authorization code grants to see the differences
between an insecure and a more secure grant. In ad-
dition, we use the threats described in (Lodderstedt
et al., 2013) and general threats in web applications.
We first set up a test environment to evaluate our ex-
emplary implementation.
5.1 Test Environment
The test environment consists of a minimal OAuth
setup with an authorization server, a resource server,
and one client (i.e., all relevant entities) for each se-
lected grant. Due to its wide usage, Python is cho-
sen as a programming language in combination with
the Flask framework and authlib library. A MySQL
database is used to store persistent data.
Based on Section 4.4, the requests are logged
in log files using the format of TIMESTAMP -
Source-IP: PORT - Request-Line - Header.
With these data, we should recognize all attacks
in the test environment. Further features might be
added to differentiate malicious from regular actions
in the life environment. We select a rule-based
Got Ya!: Sensors for Identity Management Specific Security Situational Awareness
Table 1: Input for perception as first phase of security situational awareness.
Internal Input Organizational Input External input
Log files Role concept Leak detection
AV systems Policies CERT warnings
Firewalls IdM lifecycles Vulnerability reports
IPS/IDS IdMSecMan Third-party reports
OSINT/IdM honeypot Network plan OSINT/IdM honeypot
NetFlow Security concept Update information
Network analyzer Other documentation Other external data
OSINT framework and HaaSS
Table 2: Overview of selected IdM-related attacks and their minimum characteristics.
Attack Characteristic
Password stuffing Password (hashed), IP address(es)
Wordlist Usernames, failures, IP address(es), maybe known input
Credential stuffing Usernames, IP address(es)
Brute-force attack Usernames, failures, IP address(es)
Session hijacking Different IP address and device/browser fingerprint
Phishing Email, login with different IP address and device/browser fingerprint
MitM Different IP address and reuse of session-related data
Malware Traffic to external IP address(es), unusual behavior
approach as we have limited amount of data. In live
environments, isolation forest and hidden Markov
models might be better suited. The rules are created
based on known attacks, such as the reuse and replay
of tokens, cross-site scripting, and MitM attacks,
while applying OAuth protocol specifics.
In order to automate user actions, i.e., regular and
malicious actions, we use scripts. The malicious re-
quests can be started using this particular script. The
log files are used as input for the anomaly detec-
tion. When malicious requests are recognized by
this anomaly detection, they are then displayed in the
graphical user interface (GUI) for the IT personnel.
5.2 Practical Example
We apply the typical OAuth workflow, as described in
Section 2, in our example.
Creating a Client. As a prerequisite, a client has to
be created. A legitimate user is authenticated and gets
redirected to their user profile. After clicking the ‘cre-
ate client’ button, a client is registered in the user’s
name. The client’s metadata is stored in the MySQL
database. Then, the client can initiate an OAuth grant.
By pressing the ‘Login with OAuth’ button, the URL
is redirected to the server. The request is also logged
in the log file. If the user has no current session, they
are redirected to the login site.
Creating a Session. Next, a session is created.
As soon as the user is authenticated to the server,
the server must agree to client-side access to their
data. When the user has authorized access to
their data through the client application (step 1), an
authorization_code is created by the server and
sent to the client (step 2). The client now creates the
client_code and sends it together with the received
authorization_code as a post request (step 3). The
server then creates a token, stores it in the MySQL
database, and sends it to the client as a header entry
(step 4). The client immediately redirects the user to
the user profile page. The user name and email are
displayed on the user profile. The client itself does
not have access to this data because it is stored in
the server’s database. To obtain this data, the client
must send the previously received access_token to
the server API in the form of a GET request as the
authorization header (step 5).
Detecting an Anomaly. The testing of the OAuth
test environment resulted in the creation of two
tokens: kvGWM72HDhLmatAoIiIxwgUbIhY92elmFs9
DkKKlht for the authorization code grant and
for the implicit grant. Every client’s access to pro-
tected resources results in the creation of a new
token. The server saves all incoming requests. The
anomaly detection application reads the created
ICISSP 2025 - 11th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
log file header_logs.log in a loop. The anomaly
detection application recognizes and displays tokens
used multiple times as anomalies. If the malicious
actor (in the test environment, it is our script) has
gained the token, for example, via a human-in-the-
middle attack, they may reuse it to request access
to resources. If the malicious actor uses the token
of the authorization code grant to request protected
resources, this request results in an anomaly and is
displayed in the security personnel GUI, as shown in
Figure 2. As a second aspect, the user-agent curl
would also result in an anomaly.
Figure 2: Security personnel GUI showing a malicious
OAuth request.
The number of features that can be used for the
rules depends on the information logged. The ac-
curacy also depends on the details and number of
rules used. Furthermore, other sensors add valuable
data, such as leaked passwords on other websites, and
OAuth-specific rules should not be the only source.
As identity and access management are crucial as-
sets that malicious actors target, the security measures
have to adjust and consider the specifications of iden-
tity management and its protocols. We proposed a
generic security situational awareness approach spe-
cific to IdM to improve awareness in this field. Based
on related work, we noticed that risk-based authen-
tication uses several features that can be applied as
sensors. Next, we identified several sensors, other
sources, and attack patterns. Then, we practically
showed the test environment and proof-of-concept
implementation for OAuth.
The proposed concept is the first one specific to
identity management. It comprises various sources
and may provide the security personnel with fur-
ther insights into the security of their infrastructure.
However, as it mainly concentrates on sensors, other
sources, and attack patterns, it is only the first step
towards security situational awareness. As identity
management is directly linked to the handling of per-
sonally identifiable information, we were not allowed
to use a practical example with (pseudonymized) real
world logs. Instead, a test environment for OAuth was
chosen that will be extended in future work. Follow-
ing this, the efficiency of the approach was not evalu-
ated, since the detection was done in real time within
the test environment. To the best of our knowledge,
this is the first IdM-specific approach. By switching
the focus to identities, insights might be gathered, as
shown with the example of OAuth.
However, it is the first step, and the implementa-
tion has to be extended in future work. In addition, we
want to integrate external sensors and evaluate the ap-
proach with actual data. Since identity management
is often cross-organizational, we finally want to inves-
tigate in cross-organizational situational awareness.
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ICISSP 2025 - 11th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy