does not give enough data based on its privacy policy.
The retention time (see Arts. 13 and 15) is typically
not given in the privacy policies. As outlined by (Mo-
han et al., 2019), the GDPR is vague in its interpreta-
tion of deletions (for example, concerning timeliness
and deletion method). We notice the results in the
DSARes, as visualized in Figure 1 (see Section 5).
The EU’s GDPR grants individuals rights to access
their data and have its usage explained in an elec-
tronic and understandable form. This paper provides
the first qualitative in-depth analysis of the requests
and responses from major online services by analyz-
ing their current data subject access requests and re-
sponses, comparing 2018 and 2023, and comparing
their privacy policies. Overall, the data subject access
process is satisfactory for nearly all services, but the
amount of data varies greatly between the different
services. Also, regarding the accessibility and under-
standability of responses, we experienced large differ-
ences between the services. Further, comparing the
responses from 2018 and 2023 revealed that Amazon
and Apple did not provide all the data in their earlier
responses. Finally, vague information made mapping
the responses with the privacy policies impossible.
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Table 3 describes the path to the request and the re-
quest itself, while Table 4 contains the notification,
download, and data (without date and time).
ICISSP 2025 - 11th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy