Qualitative In-Depth Analysis of GDPR Data Subject Access Requests
and Responses from Major Online Services
Daniela P
1 a
and Nils Gruschka
2 b
University of the Bundeswehr Munich, Research Institute CODE, Munich, Germany
Department of Informatics, University of Oslo, Oslo, Norway
GDPR, Data Protection, Data Subject Access Request.
The European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) grants European users the right to access their
data processed and stored by organizations. Although the GDPR contains requirements for data processing
organizations (e. g., understandable data provided within a month), it leaves much flexibility. In-depth research
on how online services handle data subject access request is sparse. Specifically, it is unclear whether online
services comply with the individual GDPR requirements, if the privacy policies and the data subject access
responses are coherent, and how the responses change over time. To answer these questions, we perform a
qualitative structured review of the processes and data exports of significant online services to (1) analyze the
data received in 2023 in detail, (2) compare the data exports with the privacy policies, and (3) compare the
data exports from November 2018 and November 2023. The study concludes that the quality of data subject
access responses varies among the analyzed services, and none fulfills all requirements completely.
The modern world has become data-centric and dom-
inated by large enterprises that provide digital ser-
vices and collect large amounts of personal data. Fol-
lowing this, data has become a commodity exploited
and traded for commercial advantage, giving behav-
ioral insights for advertisements. To re-balance the
power over personal data, the European Union’s (EU)
General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) (Euro-
pean Parliament, 2016) came into force on May 25,
2018. Among others, the GDPR grants individuals
(i. e., data subjects) rights to access their data and ex-
plain its usage in an electronic and understandable
form. Since then, similar regulations, such as the
California Consumer Privacy Act, have been intro-
duced worldwide. Research has mainly concentrated
on other GDPR-related topics, such as cookie ban-
ners and their effects on ad networks. Research on
data subject access request (DSAReq; short: request)
and data subject access response (DSARes; short: re-
sponse) is still rare. However, research concerning
data subject access with actual account data may pro-
vide insights into their compliance with the GDPR,
among other things. Hence, a qualitative in-depth
analysis of leading online services is essential.
Therefore, we initiated requests at Amazon,
Google, Facebook, Microsoft, LinkedIn, Apple, and
WhatsApp as the leading online services and retrieved
and analyzed the responses. This paper makes the fol-
lowing contributions: a qualitative analysis of the data
request process of leading online services in detail; a
matching of the responses with the corresponding pri-
vacy policies; a comparison of the responses from the
beginning of the GDPR and today. With these con-
tributions, we are addressing the following research
questions: Do the selected online services comply
with the GDPR concerning DSAReq and DSARes?
To what extent do the privacy policies match the data
responses? How do the responses from November
2018 and 2023 differ for the selected online services?
We summarize the background in Section 2 and
contrast the related work with our approach. In Sec-
tion 3, we outline our qualitative method. Section 4
comprises the study of the DSAReq workflows, the
DSARes, a comparison of 2018 and 2023, and an
evaluation of the privacy policies. Based on the re-
sults, we discuss our findings (see Section 5) and con-
clude the paper.
Pöhn, D. and Gruschka, N.
Qualitative In-Depth Analysis of GDPR Data Subject Access Requests and Responses from Major Online Services.
DOI: 10.5220/0013093000003899
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy (ICISSP 2025) - Volume 1, pages 149-156
ISBN: 978-989-758-735-1; ISSN: 2184-4356
Proceedings Copyright © 2025 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
The GDPR is the primary legal framework for data
protection within the European Union, including Nor-
way, Iceland, and Liechtenstein. The regulation de-
fines, among other things, fundamental principles and
definitions, obligations for organizations that process
personal data (“data controllers”), and rights of indi-
viduals whose data is processed (“data subjects”).
The main research topics in the area of GDPR
are tracking, cookies, and consent, dark patterns, and
compliance and enforcement. Fewer approaches ad-
dress the topic of DSAReq and DSARes. (Bowyer
et al., 2022) conducted a user study with ten par-
ticipants, in which each participant filed four to
five data access requests. The authors notice non-
compliance and low-quality responses. Similarly,
(Alizadeh et al., 2020) present a user study with 13
households who request DSARes from their loyalty
program providers. The authors conclude that the re-
sponses should deliver detailed information to prevent
mistrust. DSARes donations by users can be applied
in research (Boeschoten et al., 2021a; Boeschoten
et al., 2022; Boeschoten et al., 2021b; van Driel et al.,
2022). However, the data has to be cleaned from pri-
vate data. (Leschke et al., 2024) introduce a method
to create synthetic DSAR datasets, whereas (Peters
et al., 2023) outline the different variants of DSAReqs
at Instagram. In contrast, (P
ohn et al., 2023) analyze
DSARes concerning conformity, finding differences
in the type of service and request method. (Leschke
et al., 2023) automate performing DSAReqs.
Based on the related work, only a few authors fo-
cus on data subject access requests and responses. A
qualitative in-depth analysis of actively used accounts
related to Art. 5 GDPR is missing. To notice changes
in the DSARes between years and users, comparing
the responses from several years and users could help
shed light on the practices of online services.
We select the big five tech companies for our anal-
ysis: Google, Amazon, Apple, Meta (i. e., Facebook
and WhatsApp), and Microsoft. They are leading in e-
commerce, consumer electronics, online advertising,
online searches, and social media. Consequently, we
assume that they potentially collect a large amount of
data. We also select (LinkedIn, 2024) as a business-
focused social media platform with over 850 million
registered members from over 200 countries. We
utilize two actively used accounts for each service.
The accounts were created and used primarily in Eu-
rope. User A (female) is privacy-concerned with non-
standard operating systems, script blockers, and sim-
ilar, but shares some work-related data and regularly
buys items at Amazon. User B (male) uses standard
devices and no additional measures. They have used
their accounts for several years, as shown in Table 1.
We expect realistic results using these inartificial and
long-lived accounts and can analyze minimization,
retention time, and other requirements. Both users
consented to the analysis. As the DSARes contain
personal identifiable information, the users analyzed
their own data. This procedure is in line with the
ethical boards of the universities. To document the
Table 1: Account creation year for both main users.
Online service User A User B
Amazon 2006 2008
Apple 2007 2015
Facebook 2007 2009
Google 2009 2012
LinkedIn 2012 2009
WhatsApp 2013 2015
DSAReqs, we establish a template based on the re-
sults published by (P
ohn et al., 2023; Leschke et al.,
2024). Next, the data is evaluated. We chose a man-
ual step-by-step process since automatic tools do not
provide the required detail.
In the following, we present the results per online ser-
vice. The summarized results are presented in Ta-
bles 3 and 4 in the Appendix. A comparison between
these online services is being made in Section 5.
4.1 Amazon
The user receives a DSARes with at least 47 folders,
including those for account settings, advertisements,
Alexa, app store, Audible, devices, digital content,
Prime Video, Kindle, notifications, payments, and
retail. One DSARes had 212 folders and 15,906 files.
Receiving an overview of the data might be difficult
without a primary HyperText Markup Language
(HTML) page. We found old email addresses in
several files that the users had changed. At several
locations, such as Amazon-Music or retail (i. e.,
their web store), searches requests (incl. search
terms and timestamps) are stored for the whole
lifetime of the account. The amount of data generally
is high, including old data from 2012 to 2015.
ICISSP 2025 - 11th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
However, the data is, at least in parts, incomplete.
In the second step, we highlight specific files and
folders. The Alexa folder includes audio files and
transcriptions, though the user did not use Alexa but
an early version of a FireTV. The Smart Home folder
contains Alexa voice-enabled devices, including all
smartphones. Devices.Registration contains
all devices multiple times, partly with the wrong
status. Digital.Content.Whispersync lists all
actions and states while reading, such as marked
text, started and stopped reading, reading speed, and
comments. Digital.PrimeVideo.LocationData
consists of various locations the users have been
to. One user with infrequent app usage could find
around 20 entries per day. This implies that Amazon
apps may collect data during non-usage phases.
dateHistory shows all updates of Amazon
apps since 2020, with active debugging status.
Retail.AuthenticationTokens includes authen-
tication records with several old sessions that seem
to be still active. The shopping profile is some-
what amusing for both users (notice that User B is
male), as the shopping profile contains ‘female’ and
‘shoes’. Amazon’s privacy policy provides detailed
information about the data it collects, processes,
stores, and uses without informing users about
the duration or retention. The policy is coherent
with the in-depth analysis. However, the content is
relatively condensed (approximately 4,000 words
in English at the time of the study), so it may not
be easily understandable for non-technical users.
Comparing the folders and files from 2018 and
2023 reveals many changes. Several files were
introduced in 2023, such as Advertising, Audible,
and AccountSettings.PrivacyPreferences.Con
sents. These can partly be derived from changes
in the offered services. However, several files
are newly added that contain data from 2018 and
before, such as Digital.Borrows.2 (data from
2014), Digital-Ordering.2 (data from 2012), and
PrimeVideo.Viewing-History (data from 2014).
In total, we find 44 such new files with old content.
4.2 Apple
The DSAReq from Apple has 3 to 11 ZIP files. These
include about 40 to 75 files in 20 to 40 directories
of up to 5 levels nested. The file formats are well-
suited to automatic processing. However, the read-
ability for humans, especially non-technical persons,
is extremely poor. The received data suggests that
Apple stores only necessary data and retains it for a
reasonable duration. Changes to the account infor-
mation (Apple ID Account Information) or App-
Store transactions (Store Transaction History)
seem to be kept infinitely, but this is probably appro-
priate. Remarkably, certain information, like email
addresses, phone numbers, and credit card numbers,
are shown partly redacted, like j***d**@gmail.com.
Apple’s privacy policy is approximately 4,000 words
long and contains detailed information about the col-
lected data, e. g., account information, devices, and
usage information, which seems to follow our data
analysis. The policy also mentions that Apple re-
ceives data from and shares data with other parties,
but it is phrased very vaguely (“Apple may ...”). Our
DSARes did not include any information regarding
shared data. The retention time is not noted, which
makes a comparison difficult. The main structure of
the responses has not changed from 2018 to 2023.
However, new data has been included in the 2023 ver-
sion. For example, recovery devices and devices with
Apple messaging are added to the folder related to
other data. The AppleID account and device informa-
tion folder includes the latest files Apple ID Device
Information.csv and Data & Privacy Request
History.csv containing data from 2018. Similarly,
the folders Game Center and Information about
Apple Media Services are newly introduced, con-
taining data from, for example, 2011.
4.3 Facebook
If the HTML format is chosen during the request,
the main HTML page is similar to Facebook. The
number of folders depends on conversions and me-
dia uploads, with a minimum of 58 folders for in-
formation about ads, apps and websites, connections,
files, logged information, personal information, pref-
erences, security and login information, and activities.
Information about ads comprises data on advertisers
based on activities or information, though partly not
fitting to the user, a deleted blog page, and connected
websites and apps that were removed in 2018. The
timing (GDPR coming into effect) is also notable, as
the users did not use these online services and apps
then. The logged information contains the location
with postal code and timezone, though not intention-
ally added, and interactions starting in 2013, among
others. We again recognize the location in security
and login information, however, less accurate than
in the location data. Logins, sessions, types of ses-
sions, terminated sessions, geolocation, browser fin-
gerprints, known devices, and browser cookies since
2012 or 2011 are logged. Meta’s privacy policy
concerns Facebook, as well as several other Meta
services that may have additional privacy policies.
Qualitative In-Depth Analysis of GDPR Data Subject Access Requests and Responses from Major Online Services
The overall structure is user-friendly, explaining ev-
ery item, even with videos (around 13,000 words in
English). We notice that Facebook/Meta claims to
log much data, including the name of the network
carrier, language, timezone, mobile number, IP ad-
dress, download speed, network capacity, informa-
tion about nearby devices, WiFi hotspots, and mouse
movements. This could partly not be verified with
our responses. Information about cookies is rather
generic, and the usage of shadow profiles is hinted at.
However, we could not find information related to the
retention time. Many files and folders have been re-
named, while new files, for example, supervision,
files, preferences (*), logged information (*),
and your-problem-reports, have been included.
Both (*) files seem interesting, as these probably were
stored already in 2018.
4.4 Google
The DSARes of Google (excluding the content of
Google Drive and the uploaded YouTube videos) con-
tains approx. 100 files in approx. 75 directories. For
browsing the DSARes, an HTML page is included
that groups the files into approx. 50 categories. All
files contain a short explanation of their content. Like
Apple, the overall impression is that the amount of
data and storage time are appropriate for most cate-
gories. For example, the recent logins (which also
contain IP addresses and user agent information) are
only stored for approx. half a year while the history
of installation and purchases from the Google Play
Store are stored infinitely. Also, activities like search
history or a list of watched YouTube videos are stored
infinitely. This behavior can be configured in the ac-
count dashboards to no storage of activities or dele-
tion after 18 months for instance. Google’s privacy
policy is similar in length to Meta’s (approximately
14,000 words). It is nicely presented with illustra-
tions, videos, and links to the aforementioned dash-
boards for configuring information access and dele-
tion. However, regarding retention duration, the pol-
icy remains rather vague. Comparing the responses
from 2018 and 2023, we notice that several folders
and files have been renamed.
4.5 LinkedIn
The DSARes from LinkedIn consist only of a set of
CSV files. No human-readable data format or nav-
igation help is provided. The number of files de-
pends upon the features used (e. g., job search), but
it is much smaller than the other services discussed
above. After analyzing the content, we found the fol-
lowing noticeable aspects: Per device/browser, only
the last login is stored by LinkedIn and presumably
only for two years. The file Ads clicked contains
a long (up to 300 entries in our cases) list of times-
tamps (from the last two years) and “ad ids”. The
DSARes contains “facts” that the users have not ex-
plicitly provided but have been inferred by LinkedIn,
e. g., gender or date of birth. LinkedIn’s privacy pol-
icy is approximately 6,000 words long, a mean size
compared to the other services analyzed. The policy
is nicely written, with explanations and links to fur-
ther information. Information on the storage of logins
complies with the data found in the DSARes. The
policy does not mention the two years observed for
login information. The comparison of the responses
does not show many changes.
4.6 Microsoft
We observed severe issues with requesting the
data exports. This included finding the request
form, different paths to requests depending on
the account type (private or business), and au-
thentication codes sent via email that never ar-
rived. The one received DSARes consists of the file
ProductAndServiceUsage.csv with date, end-date,
aggregation, app name, and app publisher. Further
data can be requested separately for Skype, OneDrive,
Microsoft 365, and Microsoft Teams. Data about the
account, usage, and additional services, such as email,
is not included. Therefore, we conclude that Mi-
crosoft is not compliant concerning the request’s pos-
sibility and completeness. Microsoft’s privacy policy
is the longest, with around 44,000 words. This can
partly be explained as it includes the policies of var-
ious products. According to the privacy policy, Mi-
crosoft stores data about interactions, such as device
and usage data, interests, content consumption data,
searches and commands, voice data, texts, images,
contacts and relationships, social data, location data,
and other input. However, we could not find that in
the responses. The cookie information seems incom-
plete, as the third-party cookie information contains
only two generic sentences. Furthermore, we noticed
broken links in the policy. Finally, information related
to retention is missing. In 2018, the only data received
was a short extract about the Skype service. No data
about the account or activities was included. How-
ever, the data in 2023 is not much more. Although
OneDrive is not used, it appears twice. However, no
information about emails or other similar information
can be found.
ICISSP 2025 - 11th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
4.7 WhatsApp
The DSARes from WhatsApp contains only six
HTML files (plus an index.html file), making it very
easy to browse the information. The included data is
limited to a minimum. The privacy policy for Whats-
App is rather lengthy (approx. 16,000 words). It lists
detailed data types that are collected and stored. This
includes data types not being part of our DSARes,
e. g., battery level and signal strength. The com-
parison between both responses reveals only a few
changes. The most significant difference is that the
data is now shown in a more user-friendly way by us-
ing HTML. Also, more data on the account registra-
tion is provided.
Based on the results, presented in Section 4 and sum-
marized in Tables 3 and 4 in the Appendix, we com-
pare the online services. Table 2 shows an overview
of the results.
DSAReq and DSARes: DSA requests and re-
sponses were possible at most services, although
utilizing desktop browsers was mandatory within
LinkedIn. We observed several issues at Microsoft
that led to only one DSARes being available.
Completeness: Completeness is never given, as
we cannot proof that the online service has provided
us with all the data. We are only sure that Microsoft
did not provide all the data as, for example, the regis-
tration data is missing.
Correctness: Although we evaluate correctness,
we did not use controlled data (P
ohn et al., 2023;
Leschke et al., 2024), but historical data to receive
realistic results. Thereby, we cannot strictly compare
input and output. However, we found suspicious data
at Amazon (outdated addresses deleted previously)
and Facebook (data about a page that seems to be ac-
tive, although deleted previously).
Understandable: Concerning understandable
data, we rate JSON as machine-readable and HTML
as understandable. WhatsApp, LinkedIn, and Face-
book fulfill this criterion, while Amazon, Apple, and
Microsoft are considered incomprehensible.
Data Minimization: For data minimization, we
rate the historical data found during the analysis that
is detailed in Section 5. We noticed that none of the
online services fulfill all the criteria. Microsoft per-
forms worst (only one fulfilled), while WhatsApp per-
forms best (four fulfilled).
The amount of historical data indicates if a ser-
vice complies with the data minimization and stor-
Table 2: Comparison of the online services based on the
evaluation criteria.
DSAR Com. Cor. Und. Min.
Am. +
Ap. + +
FB + +
Go. + +
LI + +
Mi. +
WA + + + +
DSAR = DSAReq and DSARes, Com. = Completeness,
Cor. = Correctness, Und. = Understandable, Min. = Data minimization.
Am. = Amazon, Ap. = Apple, FB = Facebook, Go = Google,
LI = LinkedIn, Mi. = Microsoft, WA = WhatsApp.
+ = fulfilled, = partly fulfilled or unknown, = not fulfilled.
Figure 1: Data with history data by year and online service.
age limitation principles (see Art. 5 GDPR). The re-
sults of the data until 2020 (note that newer data is
not seen as historical) can be seen in Figure 1. We
have found no historical data from 2010 or before,
though some services were used at that time (see Ta-
ble 1). However, data, like cookies and searches, is
included from 2011 and 2012. Generally, most online
services presented us with more data in 2023 due to
newly launched services. Based on the talk by (Letty
and Nocun, 2018), we were not surprised to find more
data in the DSARes of Amazon that should have been
in the one from 2018. We had the same issue with
Apple. For Facebook, we assume the same.
For the most part, the analyzed privacy policies
are easy to understand and sometimes even include
explanatory videos (see Google and Facebook). How-
ever, they do not provide the details to compare them
stepwise with the DSARes, such as the exact data
type. Microsoft is the only online service that clearly
Qualitative In-Depth Analysis of GDPR Data Subject Access Requests and Responses from Major Online Services
does not give enough data based on its privacy policy.
The retention time (see Arts. 13 and 15) is typically
not given in the privacy policies. As outlined by (Mo-
han et al., 2019), the GDPR is vague in its interpreta-
tion of deletions (for example, concerning timeliness
and deletion method). We notice the results in the
DSARes, as visualized in Figure 1 (see Section 5).
The EU’s GDPR grants individuals rights to access
their data and have its usage explained in an elec-
tronic and understandable form. This paper provides
the first qualitative in-depth analysis of the requests
and responses from major online services by analyz-
ing their current data subject access requests and re-
sponses, comparing 2018 and 2023, and comparing
their privacy policies. Overall, the data subject access
process is satisfactory for nearly all services, but the
amount of data varies greatly between the different
services. Also, regarding the accessibility and under-
standability of responses, we experienced large differ-
ences between the services. Further, comparing the
responses from 2018 and 2023 revealed that Amazon
and Apple did not provide all the data in their earlier
responses. Finally, vague information made mapping
the responses with the privacy policies impossible.
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Boldt, J. (2020). GDPR Reality Check - Claiming
and Investigating Personally Identifiable Data from
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roS&PW), Genoa, Italy, September 7–11, 2020, pages
120–129, New York, NY, USA.
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load Packages (DDPs) to investigate their structure
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Table 3 describes the path to the request and the re-
quest itself, while Table 4 contains the notification,
download, and data (without date and time).
ICISSP 2025 - 11th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
Table 3: Template 1/2 containing data about the path to the request and the request itself.
Categories Amazon Apple Facebook Google LinkedIn Microsoft WhatsApp
(a) Path to request
Starting point Web + App Web + App Web + App Web + App Web + App Web + App App
Steps to request 5 6 7–10 7 5 n 4
Further help required No No No No Partly Yes No
Observations User-friendly Easier in
User-friendly Easier in browser Not possible
within the app
Not intuitive User-friendly
(b) Request
Form of request Form Form Form Form Button Multiple Button
Authentication for
request (*)
L + 2FA L + 2FA L L + Pwd L + MFA L + MFA L
Selection options Categories Categories Categories and
Categories, file
type, frequency
& destination
none services none
Observations User-friendly User-friendly User-friendly User-friendly User-friendly Partly not
(*) L: Logged into account; 2FA: Second-factor authentication; MFA: Multi-factor authentication (at least 3 authentication factors);
Pwd: Additional password.
Qualitative In-Depth Analysis of GDPR Data Subject Access Requests and Responses from Major Online Services
Table 4: Template 2/2 containing data about the notification and data.
Categories Amazon Apple Facebook Google LinkedIn Microsoft WhatsApp
(c) Notification and download
Form of information
about data
Email Email Email/In-App Email Email Download In-App
Time between
request and data
<3 days <1 week <3 days <1 day <2 days <5 min <3 days
Steps to data 4 5 3 4 4 1 2
Authentication for
data (*)
L + 2FA L + 2FA L L + Pwd L + MFA L L
Observations User-friendly User-friendly Email might
be sent
User-friendly User-friendly Not intuitive User-friendly
(d) Data
Data formats CSV, EML,
JPG, PNG, atom, DIC,
Data type Machine-
Both Both Machine-
None Both
Folders/Categories 212 24 296 133 1 0 14
Number of files 15906 51 616 5414 33 1 5
Observations not complete
(*) L: Logged into account; 2FA: Second-factor authentication; MFA: Multi-factor authentication (at least 3 authentication factors);
Pwd: Additional password.
ICISSP 2025 - 11th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy