Document Analysis with LLMs: Assessing Performance, Bias, and
Nondeterminism in Decision Making
Stephen Price
1 a
and Danielle L. Cote
2 b
Department of Computer Science, Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Worcester, MA, U.S.A.
Department of Mechanical and Materials Engineering, Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Worcester, MA 01609, U.S.A.
Natural Language Processing, Large Language Models, Document Analysis, Decision-Making, Bias,
Reproducibility, Nondeterminism.
In recent years, large language models (LLMs) have demonstrated their ability to perform complex tasks such
as data summarization, translation, document analysis, and content generation. However, their reliability and
efficacy in real-world scenarios must be studied. This work presents an experimental evaluation of an LLM
for document analysis and candidate recommendation using a set of resumes. Llama3.1, a state-of-the-art
open-source model, was tested with 30 questions using data from five resumes. On tasks with a direct answer,
Llama3.1 achieved an accuracy of 99.56%. However, on more open-ended and ambiguous questions, perfor-
mance, and reliability decreased, revealing limitations such as bias toward particular experience, primacy bias,
nondeterminism, and sensitivity to question phrasing.
Large language models (LLMs) have gained signif-
icant attention in recent years due to their ability to
process and generate human-like text across a vast
range of topics (Kasneci et al., 2023; Roumeliotis
and Tselikas, 2023). These models have been able
to execute tasks such as data summarization (Laban
et al., 2023), document question-answering (Wang
et al., 2024), and code generation (Gao et al., 2023)
with high levels of accuracy. As a result, these tools
have begun to be implemented in industry to optimize
workflow efficiency (Li et al., 2024b; Acharya et al.,
2023). However, as the capabilities of these models
grow and their potential applications expand, discus-
sions on their viability have grown.
These models are particularly useful in cases of
unstructured data where no specific layout or for-
mat exists, such as a series of documents or reports
(Li et al., 2024a). While capable of producing well-
crafted and convincing arguments, these outputs can
sometimes be unreliable due to hallucinations, where
the model produces factually incorrect, biased, or
nonsensical responses (Azamfirei et al., 2023). In
fields like Talent Acquisition, an automated approach
to analyzing and assessing candidates could save a
significant amount of time and reduce operating costs
(Gopalakrishna et al., 2019; Singh, 2023). However,
an LLM does not have the capabilities to effectively
quantify skills and compare performance to produce a
recommendation. Instead, it relies on linguistic prob-
abilities (Vaswani et al., 2017), creating potentially
biased, unsubstantiated, or poor recommendations.
This work presents an experimental validation of
using an LLM for such tasks, identifying and dis-
cussing the potential challenges and limitations that
must be considered. Using a set of five resumes as
a case study, Llama3.1, a state-of-the-art open-source
model, was tasked with selecting the candidate who
best fit specific criteria. The outputs were then ana-
lyzed to evaluate factors such as accuracy (when pos-
sible), potential biases, and reproducibility. Questions
varied in complexity, ranging from straightforward,
fact-based questions to more open-ended and ambigu-
ous questions that required complex decision-making
skills. While focused on the Talent Acquisition do-
main, these results are transferable towards other in-
dustry applications using LLMs for decision-making
This work offers the following contributions:
An experimental evaluation of LLMs for candi-
date selection in the Talent Acquisition domain
using Llama3.1.
Price, S. and Cote, D. L.
Document Analysis with LLMs: Assessing Performance, Bias, and Nondeterminism in Decision Making.
DOI: 10.5220/0013094300003905
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods (ICPRAM 2025), pages 207-214
ISBN: 978-989-758-730-6; ISSN: 2184-4313
Proceedings Copyright © 2025 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
An analysis of LLM outputs, demonstrating a sig-
nificant drop in performance and reproducibility
as question ambiguity increased.
A quantification of LLM nondeterminism us-
ing Shannon Entropy revealing variability in
A discovery of model bias, including primacy
bias, towards specific qualities or criteria in the
decision-making process.
An evaluation of the impact temperature settings
have on model reproducibility and recommenda-
tion accuracy.
2.1 Large Language Models
Large language models (LLMs) represent a signif-
icant advancement in natural language processing,
leveraging transformer architectures to process and
generate human-like text across a variety of tasks
(Vaswani et al., 2017). This transformer architec-
ture utilizes an attention mechanism that allows mod-
els to consider the entire input sequence when pro-
cessing data, making them particularly good at long,
information-rich, unstructured data (Kenton et al.,
2019). When asked a question, the LLM encodes
the text into a numerical representation to generate re-
sponses (Minaee et al., 2024). For this response, the
model predicts the most probable next token based on
the input and the training data until reaching a stop
condition (Vaswani et al., 2017). Answering ques-
tions using statistical probabilities of language, rather
than querying a database or performing computations,
enables the model to handle a wider range of topics
and adapt to new tasks. However, it is also the primary
reason for hallucinations when the task is too com-
plex, or the required information is not properly rep-
resented in the training data (Azamfirei et al., 2023).
2.2 Model Nondeterminism
Machine learning models, especially deep learning
models, such as LLMs, are inherently nondetermin-
istic, meaning that given a specific state, the resultant
output cannot be predicted (Price and Neamtu, 2022).
As a result, a model’s outputs may differ from run to
run, making it difficult, or impossible, to reproduce
results. While making results less reproducible, this
nondeterminism does offer many advantages. For ex-
ample, stochastic gradient descent enables improved
scalability for large datasets in optimization problems
(Amari, 1993). Nondeterministic parallel comput-
ing can significantly accelerate training and inference
(Price and Neamtu, 2022), and inserted randomness
can improve the likelihood of identifying global max-
imums (Bertsimas and Tsitsiklis, 1993).
In the case of LLMs, the nondeterminism of gen-
erated outputs is governed by a hyperparameter re-
ferred to as temperature (Saha et al., 2024). Ranging
from 0.0 to 1.0, this parameter controls how proba-
bilistic or how creative outputs are. A temperature
of 0.0 will result in fully, or nearly fully, determin-
istic outputs. However, by only selecting the most
probable next token, these outputs can become robotic
and repetitive. Alternatively, a larger temperature can
enable the model to deviate from the most probable
choice, resulting in more human-like and “creative”
outputs (Renze and Guven, 2024).
2.3 Bias in AI-Based Recommendations
As AI-based recommendation systems have been de-
veloped to accelerate and optimize workflows, con-
cerns about bias have also emerged (Wilson and
Caliskan, 2024; Gerszberg, 2024; Huang et al., 2022;
Leavy, 2018). This bias can lead to unfair recommen-
dations/predictions, disproportionately affecting indi-
viduals. In 1979, St George’s Medical School in Lon-
don implemented an algorithm to assist in evaluating
candidates. However, after a few years, there were
growing concerns about the lack of diversity due to
the algorithm. An analysis by the U.K. Commission
for Racial Equality found that candidates were clas-
sified as “Caucasian” or “Non-Caucasian” based on
name and place of birth. Those with a non-Caucasian
name were deducted points in the application pro-
cess. Similarly, women were deducted points purely
by gender (Schwartz, 2019).
More recently, courts in the United States have be-
gun to use AI-based criminal risk assessment (CRA)
models, seeking to evaluate the likelihood of reof-
fending and to inform decisions on bail, sentenc-
ing, and parole (Eckhouse et al., 2019). However,
when trained on historical data with disproportion-
ate representation, these AI models can conflate cor-
relation with causation, perpetuating existing biases
(Hao, 2019). This type of model has been imple-
mented in many places, including Fort Lauderdale,
FL. After multiple years of use, it was discovered that
this model was disproportionately labeling non-white
individuals as high-risk over white individuals with a
similar crime and prior history (Angwin et al., 2016).
Considering these examples, and many others like
them, it is imperative to understand and discuss the
implications of new AI-based systems as they are de-
ICPRAM 2025 - 14th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods
veloped. These systems, when left unchecked, can
perpetuate or worsen societal biases, leading to unfair
potentially harmful outcomes. Applied to candidate
selection with an LLM, it is important to evaluate that
recommendations are made based on objective crite-
ria and free from bias or external factors.
The primary objective of this study was to evaluate
the efficacy of using LLMs as a recommendation tool.
Using resume evaluation as a case study, these results
are directly applicable to the Talent Acquisition do-
main but could be similarly applied to other fields.
3.1 Creating Resumes
For this evaluation, five resumes were created and
given to the LLM for assessment. These resumes
were designed to be similar in work experience and
background, with minor variations to highlight dis-
tinct skill sets, educational paths, and specific roles
within software development. For example, while
two of the candidates, Alex Williams and John Smith,
both have five years of experience, Alex’s work spans
both front-end and back-end software development,
giving him a full-stack developer role, whereas John
specializes solely in back-end software development.
These variations allow for an analysis of how the
LLM evaluates and ranks different aspects of the can-
didates’ profiles, focusing on areas such as special-
ization, leadership experience, and advanced techni-
cal knowledge. An overview of these candidates is
provided below:
Alex Williams: B.S. in Computer Science (CS)
from the University of Washington and ve years
of work experience as a full-stack developer (in-
cluding front-end and back-end).
Emily Brown: B.S. in Information Technology
from DePaul University, three years of experience
as a Software engineer and two years of experi-
ence as a project manager and business analyst.
Jane Doe: B.S. in CS from the University of Cal-
ifornia, Berkeley and five years of experience as a
front-end developer.
John Smith: B.S. in Software Engineering from
the University of Texas Austin and ve years of
experience as a back-end developer.
Sarah Johnson: B.S. in CS from NYU, M.S. in
CS from Columbia, and five years of experience
as a machine learning engineer.
3.2 Creating a Question Base
For this experiment, there were a total of 30 unique
questions asked, broken into two sets. The first
set contained 15 questions with a single answer that
could be answered objectively based on the provided
information. For example, the answer to “Which can-
didate has the most experience with machine learn-
ing?” is Sarah since no other candidates have experi-
ence in machine learning. The purpose of these ques-
tions was to evaluate if, when there is a definitively
correct answer, the model is able to determine this an-
swer accurately, and do so consistently.
The second set of questions was more difficult
to directly answer, such as “Which candidate is the
most adaptable?” For this question, arguments could
be made for all five candidates, requiring the LLM
to make a decision. This set of questions had mul-
tiple purposes. Without a single correct answer, they
provided significant insights into the LLM’s decision-
making process, yielding several key benefits. Most
importantly, they provided insight into how the model
approached ambiguous problems and enabled the
identification of potential biases the model may carry
towards or against specific backgrounds and skill sets.
Additionally, by being more ambiguous and subjec-
tive, these questions provide a better analysis of the
determinism and reproducibility of results. Lastly,
these results are closer to questions that may be asked
in a real-world setting, allowing for a more practical
evaluation of the model’s capabilities and limitations.
3.3 Model Output Post-Processing
The model used here, Llama3.1 8B, similar to many
of the most common LLMs, is a text-to-text model.
As a result, model outputs were unstructured para-
graphs, containing the recommended candidate and
rationale for the decision. However, the style, length,
and clarity of these answers were variable, making
it difficult to use an algorithmic approach such as a
regular expression to post-process these outputs and
extract the recommended candidate. To remedy this,
each output’s recommendation was labeled by hand.
A secondary LLM could have been used to achieve
this, but it was not considered to avoid introducing ad-
ditional bias. Occasionally, the model recommended
multiple candidates instead of just one. If this oc-
curred, but the model followed up with this recom-
mendation by ranking one over the others, then this
individual was labeled as the recommended candi-
date. However, if no distinction was made between
the multiple recommended candidates, it was labeled
as Multi-Vote. Alternatively, if the model made no
Document Analysis with LLMs: Assessing Performance, Bias, and Nondeterminism in Decision Making
recommendation or declined to answer, it was labeled
3.4 Measuring Nondeterminism in
Model Outputs
Any LLM with a temperature larger than 0.0, and
even some models with a temperature of 0.0 are non-
deterministic (Song et al., 2024). However, this non-
determinism is more broadly defined than is desired
for the purposes of this research, which is focused
more on decision-making capabilities than on syntax
or sentence structure. For the purposes of this study,
if a model repeatedly answers a question in unique
ways, but consistently recommends the same candi-
date, this would be regarded as a deterministic deci-
sion. However, if the candidate that is recommended
changes, this would be regarded as a nondeterminis-
tic decision. To evaluate this, each question was asked
30 times to the model. To prevent any contamination
of results, each question, and each iteration of each
equation, was asked to the model independently, en-
suring that any prior questions or their answers did
not influence the next question.
When analyzing results, identifying the presence
of nondeterminism is simple. If the model did not
consistently select the same candidate each time a
question was asked, then the results for that ques-
tion are nondeterministic. Quantifying, ranking, and
comparing this nondeterminism is more difficult. To
achieve this, Shannon Entropy, as outlined in Equa-
tion 1, was implemented (Lin, 1991). While not
specifically designed as a measure of nondetermin-
ism, Shannon Entropy measures the degree of uncer-
tainty in a predictor, which can be used to categorize
randomness. For example, if the model recommends
the same candidate all 30 times, it will have a Shan-
non entropy of 0.0. As the model diverges from rec-
ommending the same candidate 30 times, either by
recommending a new candidate or recommending a
secondary candidate again, the Shannon entropy will
increase, indicating a higher degree of randomness in
H(X) =
) (1)
4.1 Objective Question Results
Evaluating experimental results for questions where
there was an objectively correct answer highlights
LLMs’ ability to process information and perform
document question-answering. Of the 15 questions
with a single correct answer, 14 were consistently an-
swered correctly all 30 times, and for the 15th ques-
tion, the model answered correctly 28 of the 30 times
using default parameter settings. These errors, while
incorrect, were minor errors that can be explained.
For example, when asked who had the most expe-
rience in back-end development, the correct answer
was John, who had five years of experience as a back-
end developer. However, occasionally, the model rec-
ommended Alex, who has five years of experience as
a full-stack developer, which included back-end com-
Processing these results analytically showed that,
of the 450 questions asked with a direct answer, 448
of them were answered correctly, yielding an accu-
racy of 99.56% for document question-answering.
Furthermore, the LLM answered these objective
questions with a mean Shannon entropy of 0.024.
With such a high accuracy and low entropy, these
results highlight that, under the right circumstances
where an answer can be realistically determined,
an LLM is capable of consistently and accurately
performing document question-answering to process
straightforward information. Additionally, these
scores served as a baseline for evaluating the per-
formance of more open-ended and challenging ques-
4.2 Subjective Question Results
While the model consistently chose the same candi-
date with very little entropy for objective questions,
this was not the case for the set of subjective ques-
tions. As shown in Table 1, only 3 of the 15 ques-
tions were consistent in the recommendation of the
same candidate, scoring an entropy of 0.0. The re-
maining 12 questions scored an entropy larger than
every objective question (at least 0.353), resulting in
a mean entropy of 0.917. In two of the questions, the
model even recommended all five applicants at least
once. With no change to the documents provided or
the model architecture, this significant change in con-
sistency and increase in entropy from 0.024 to 0.917
demonstrates how the performance and reliability of
a model are highly dependent on the specific ques-
tion/task asked of the model.
Of these questions, “Which candidate is the best
at handling high-pressure situations?” had the high-
est entropy with 1.911, recommending all five can-
didates at least once and recommending Alex 50%
of the time. As one of the most open-ended ques-
tions that was not particularly related to any candi-
ICPRAM 2025 - 14th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods
Table 1: Shannon Entropy of asking a Llama3.1 8B model
subjective questions 30 times each.
Question Entropy
Which candidate is the most adapt-
Which candidate would be the best at
juggling multiple projects?
Which candidate would be the best
at aligning their work with long-term
business goals?
Which candidate is most likely to drive
business growth?
Which candidate is the best fitted to
lead a team?
Which candidate would be the best at
a client-facing role?
Which candidate would be the best at
conflict resolution?
Which candidate would be the best for
improving company culture?
Which candidate should I hire? 0.922
Which candidate is most likely to con-
sider the ethics of their actions?
Who is the best candidate? 1.280
Which candidate would be the best for
a software engineering role?
Which candidate is most likely to cre-
ate innovative new ideas?
Which candidate is the best at handling
high-pressure situations?
date’s experience, this was not particularly surprising.
However, comparing a similarly difficult and open-
ended question, “Which candidate would be the best
at juggling multiple projects?”, the LLM consistently
recommended only a single candidate. These find-
ings suggest that while the type of question and the
amount of relevant information available are strongly
correlated with the degree of variability in responses,
the underlying reasons for this relationship may not
be fully explainable at this time.
Analyzing these recommendations more broadly,
as shown in Table 2, in addition to being more ran-
dom, these recommendations appeared to show un-
derlying biases in how candidates were chosen. For
example, of the 450 questions in this experiment,
Emily was recommended 183 times (40.7%) and rec-
ommended at least once for 12 of the 15 questions.
By contrast, John was only recommended 13 times
(2.9%) and recommended at least once for only 6 of
the 15 questions. Some of this deviation from candi-
date to candidate could be explained by the specific
questions set, causing a slight bias towards one candi-
date. However, these questions were specifically de-
Table 2: Summary of candidate recommendations for sub-
jective questions using default model parameters. Question
Recs represents the number of questions each candidate was
recommended at least once. Total Recs represents the to-
tal number of recommendations out of 450 subjective ques-
tions. Average Recs indicates the average number of rec-
ommendations per question out of 15 for each candidate.
Percent Recs reflects the percentage of total questions for
which the candidate was recommended. Note: An addi-
tional 28 NA and eight multi-vote.
Alex Emily Jane John Sarah
9 12 8 6 7
115 183 65 13 39
7.6 12.2 4.3 0.9 2.6
25.3% 40.7% 14.4% 2.9% 8.6%
signed not to be geared toward any one candidate.
Comparing the experience of these two candidates,
they had the same level of education and same num-
ber of years of work experience. The primary differ-
ence was that Emily spent the first half of her career
as a project manager before becoming a developer,
whereas John had been a developer for his entire ca-
reer. It is likely that the model identified this manage-
rial experience, or the combination of managerial and
technical experience, and weighed it higher in lieu of
more concrete information, as was the case for the set
of objective questions.
In addition to potential model biases, these results
also highlight how the specific wording of questions
can impact performance. For example, “Which candi-
date should I hire?” and “Who is the best candidate?”,
despite asking a very similar question, had signifi-
cantly different results. When asked “Which candi-
date should I hire?”, the LLM declined to provide a
recommendation 23 of the 30 times, citing ethical rea-
sons or lack of information. In contrast, when asked
who the best candidate was, the model only declined
to answer three times. Parsing the justification of each
answer, it appears that when asked who should be
hired, the model gave more priority to the social and
ethical ramifications of an uninformed decision than
when simply asked to rank them.
4.3 Resume Order Bias Results
If every candidate was recommended evenly, each
candidate would have been recommended approxi-
mately 90 times. Here, Alex and Emily were rec-
ommended 114 and 183 times, respectively, indicat-
ing the possibility of some form of bias. Conducting
Document Analysis with LLMs: Assessing Performance, Bias, and Nondeterminism in Decision Making
an identical experiment, but with the order in which
resumes were input into the model reversed, offers
some insight into this bias. Specifically, by revers-
ing the order, Alex (initially first) and Sarah (initially
last) saw the largest change in the number of recom-
mendations. Alex, who was initially recommended
114 times, was only recommended 69 times after re-
versing, while Sarah, who was initially only recom-
mended 39 times, was recommended 137 times, as
shown in Figure 1. Interestingly, despite reversing the
order, Emily was recommended a similar number of
times (183 compared to 167), supporting conclusions
that the LLM was biased towards a specific compo-
nent of her resume.
Figure 1: Applicant recommendation frequency based on
order of resumes in prompts, highlighting primacy bias.
Note: 450 total questions asked for each order.
With an almost four-fold increase in number of
recommendations for Sarah when presented first in-
stead of last and a significant decrease for Alex, these
results highlight a clear correlation between the order
of presented information and final decisions. In this
case, by weighing information presented first higher
than information presented last, this correlation indi-
cates primacy bias. When considering the viability of
an LLM for decision-making tasks, this primacy bias
is crucial to be aware of because it confirms that fac-
tors other than candidate quality, such as stack order,
are also factored into evaluations.
4.4 Evaluating Impact of Temperature
When generating results, reducing a model’s tempera-
ture to 0.0 fully eliminates randomness in most cases,
or in some cases, nearly fully eliminates randomness
(Ouyang et al., 2023). Here, when the temperature
was set to 0.0, each answer was identical, including
recommendation and semantic structure, revealing a
fully deterministic behavior when temperature was no
longer a factor. The model’s average entropy on de-
creased from 0.02 to 0.0 and 0.91 to 0.0 for objec-
tive and subjective questions, respectively. In con-
Table 3: Number of recommendations per candidate across
15 subjective questions asked 30 times each with a temper-
ature of 0.0 (minimum), 0.8 (default), and 1.0 (maximum).
0.0 0.8 (Default) 1.0
Alex 120 115 101
Emily 180 183 182
Jane 90 65 58
John 0 13 25
Sarah 30 39 45
NA 30 27 33
Multi-Vote 0 8 6
Mean Entropy 0.0 0.92 1.06
trast, raising temperature from the default (0.8) to the
maximum (1.0) increased nondeterminism, resulting
in an increase in mean Shannon entropy from 0.02
to 0.14 and 0.91 to 1.06 for objective and subjective
questions, respectively.
As shown in Table 3, increasing the temperature
had minimal impact on the distribution of recommen-
dations per candidate for subjective questions. The
only observed change was a slight increase in the fre-
quency of less common recommendations, such as
“John, “Sarah, and “No Vote. Removing the tem-
perature resulted in a slightly larger effect, likely due
to the fully deterministic nature of the model, produc-
ing recommendations in sets of 30. Given that only
15 unique questions were analyzed, this sample size
may have been insufficient for a comprehensive anal-
ysis of distribution shifts, especially with determin-
istic behavior. Despite this deterministic behavior,
many of the distributions remained unchanged from
default parameters, with “Alex” varying by only five,
“Emily” by three, “Sarah” by nine, and “No Vote” by
three votes. Analyzing the observed effects of both in-
creasing and removing temperature, as demonstrated
in Table 3, these results validate that the primary im-
pact of temperature tuning is enabling more diverse
outputs beyond the probabilistic answer.
Extending beyond number of recommendations,
temperature also impacted model behavior differently
from question to question, especially for “Who is
the best candidate?” and “Which candidate should I
hire?”. When temperature was increased, the model
declined to make a recommendation ten times instead
of the original three for the “Who is the best candi-
date?” question. Alternatively, the model declined to
answer 23 times, the same as default, for “Which can-
didate should I hire?”. This suggests that there are
many additional factors in how a recommendation is
produced than simply ranking the candidates.
ICPRAM 2025 - 14th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods
This experiment evaluated the efficacy of using an
LLM such as Llama3.1 (Dubey et al., 2024) to pro-
cess data and make recommendations based on a spe-
cific criteria. These results have identified four key ar-
eas of concern regarding using an LLM for decision-
making, particularly in an industry setting. First, un-
less temperature is turned off, potentially worsening
model performance, results are not guaranteed to be
reproducible. Thus, asking a model the same ques-
tion multiple times can result in different recommen-
dations despite no change in model or input. Sec-
ond, LLMs may be biased toward additional factors
beyond the given information. For example, by re-
versing the order in which resumes were given, model
recommendations changed significantly, highlighting
a potential primacy bias where the model was more
likely to recommend the first resume than the last.
Additionally, the model showed a possible bias to-
wards specific qualities or backgrounds. For example,
here, the model frequently recommended candidates
with broader experience over those with deeper expe-
rience. Lastly, these results highlight that an LLM’s
performance is highly dependent on the specific ques-
tion asked. For example, the impact of the previ-
ous challenges was magnified when questions became
more subjective and difficult to answer, or the phras-
ing of a question changed.
Individually, underlying model bias, reproducibil-
ity issues, and dependency on specific question phras-
ing raise questions on the viability of using an LLM
for tasks such selecting a candidate from a set of re-
sumes. However, all three challenges being concur-
rently present suggests that LLMs are not well suited
these types of tasks.
While using an LLM for candidate selection pre-
sented many challenges, these results also highlighted
multiple circumstances where these issues were not
present and an LLM could be used to accelerate work-
flow. Namely, when only using the LLM to summa-
rize and query documents rather than make decisions,
results were significantly improved. On the 15 objec-
tive questions that had a direct answer, the model ex-
hibited an accuracy of 99.56% and was nearly deter-
ministic with an average entropy of 0.02. Eliminating
randomness by setting temperature to 0.0 improved
these results further, scoring an accuracy of 100%
and an entropy of 0.0. Leveraging these capabilities,
LLMs could be used to process documents, searching
for specific qualities to convert unstructured text into
a condensed format, enabling a human to make de-
cisions without the previously mentioned challenges.
However, there are many challenges and limitations
that must be overcome before LLMs can be used for
more subjective and open-ended tasks.
Large language models (LLMs) have demonstrated
capabilities to optimize and improve work-place ef-
ficiency. However, results collected here highlight
the challenges and limitations of using LLMs for
decision-making tasks. When recommending appli-
cants from a set of resumes, the model demonstrated
bias towards specific background experience, bias to-
wards the order resumes were presented, nondeter-
ministic behavior resulting in non-reproducible be-
havior when used in default settings, and varying per-
formance based on question phrasing. Despite these
issues, the model showed promise for specific use
cases, such as tasks involving objective questions with
a single correct answer found in the presented infor-
mation, where an LLM could be used to accelerate
and optimize workflows.
This work outlined the experimental approach to eval-
uate the usage of LLMs for document analysis and
decision-making. Preliminary results have demon-
strated the lack of consistency from iteration to itera-
tion and biases present when making decisions. Mov-
ing forward, this work will be expanded in the follow-
ing ways:
1. Increase the number of objective/subjective ques-
tions asked to better evaluate potential model bias
2. Evaluate more complex decision-making capabil-
ities such as compound questions
3. Introduce additional resumes to better evaluate
model capabilities as the input length grows and
decisions get harder
4. Evaluate and compare results to additional model
architectures and parameter sizes
This study was conducted using Llama3.1 8B, an
open-access model, downloaded on September 10th,
2024. All data, including the complete question
list, generated answers, and necessary code re-
quired to replicate this work, can be found here: Eval
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ICPRAM 2025 - 14th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods