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tigating mission-based DSS literature, we proposed
a novel resilience-oriented IHMM architecture using
AI-based approaches for enhanced fault detection and
mission success. IAs in small satellites are primarily
responsible for health management and mission suc-
cess, relying on lightweight, onboard-executable al-
gorithms. Key measures to enhance DSS resilience
include onboard health management, cluster-based
mission planning, and self-recovery mechanisms. A
preliminary analysis with one-time and continuous
friction faults on the reaction wheel validated our ar-
chitecture. The system efficiently addressed these
faults using proactive adjustments and centralised
decision-making, preventing reaction wheel satura-
tion and maintaining stability. Future work will in-
volve implementing and validating the architecture
in a simulated constellation space environment to
demonstrate its effectiveness.
This work has been supported by the SmartSat CRC,
whose activities are funded by the Australian Govern-
ment’s CRC Program. We also acknowledge the col-
laborative contributions of the research team (James
Barr, Travis Bessell) from Saab Australia.
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Intelligent Health & Mission Management Architecture for Autonomous and Resilient Distributed Space Systems