CyLLM-DAP: Cybersecurity Domain-Adaptive Pre-Training
Framework of Large Language Models
Khang Mai, Razvan Beuran and Naoya Inoue
Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (JAIST), Ishikawa, Japan
Large Language Models (LLMs), Domain-Adaptive Pre-Training, Cybersecurity-Specific LLMs, MITRE
Att&CK, LLM4Security.
Recently, powerful open-source models LLMs, such as Llama 3, have become alternatives to commercial
ones, especially in sensitive or regulated industries. In cybersecurity, most LLM utilization relies on custom
fine-tuning or post-training methods, such as prompt engineering. Although domain-adaptive pre-training has
been proven to improve the model’s performance in the specialized domain, it is less used in cybersecurity due
to the cumbersome implementation effort. This paper introduces CyLLM-DAP, a framework for expediting
the domain specialization process of LLMs in cybersecurity by simplifying data collecting, preprocessing,
and pre-training stages in low-resource settings. We demonstrate how CyLLM-DAP can be utilized to col-
lect, process data, and develop cybersecurity-specific LLMs (CyLLMs) based on state-of-the-art open-source
models (Llama 3 and Mistral v0.3). The effectiveness of domain-adaptive pre-training is confirmed via two
experiments for text classification and Q&A tasks. Our evaluation results show that, when compared with gen-
eral base or instruct models, injecting the LLMs with cybersecurity knowledge allows the models to generally
perform better in every fine-tuning epoch for the text classification task; and brings a performance gain of up
to 4.75% for the Q&A task (comparable to domain-adaptive pre-training in other domains). The framework,
the generated CyLLMs, and the data are publicly available for use in cybersecurity applications.
Large Language Models (LLMs) are transformer-
based models (Vaswani et al., 2017) with billions of
parameters, enabling extraordinary language under-
standing capabilities. Central to their development
is the pre-training phase, where these models are ex-
posed to vast amounts of unstructured text. This criti-
cal step infuses the models with extensive knowledge,
allowing them to understand and generate human-
like text effectively. The outcome of this pre-training
process is the creation of base or foundation LLMs.
The foundation models can be further fine-tuned for
language problem-solving (e.g., text classification,
Q&A, summarization, etc.), often with significantly
fewer data and computer resources. The result of such
fine-tuning process is the instruct LLMs.
Commercial LLMs ( e.g., OpenAI’s GPTs (Brown
et al., 2020)) are general-purpose instruct models with
strong task-solving capacity. However, commercial
LLMs may involve data transmission to third-party
servers, raising privacy and security concerns in sen-
sitive industries and businesses. More recently, high-
tech companies (e.g., Meta, Mistral) have published
highly capable open-source LLMs that are compet-
General LLMs
General fine-tuning
Custom fine-
tuned models
base models
engineering + RAG
Figure 1: Main methods for utilizing LLMs in downstream
itive with commercial LLMs. With a high level of
customization and data transparency, developing pri-
vate LLMs based on these open-source models has
become a new trend.
Users can choose to utilize three main methods to
utilize open-source LLMs, as shown in Figure 1.
1. Domain-Adaptive Pre-Training (as shown by
Mai, K., Beuran, R. and Inoue, N.
CyLLM-DAP: Cybersecurity Domain-Adaptive Pre-Training Framework of Large Language Models.
DOI: 10.5220/0013094800003899
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy (ICISSP 2025) - Volume 2, pages 24-35
ISBN: 978-989-758-735-1; ISSN: 2184-4356
Proceedings Copyright © 2025 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
the blue box and dashed lines in Figure 1): To
optimize the model’s performance in a particular
domain, users can employ domain-adaptive pre-
training of the base models on unstructured text
from the relevant knowledge domain. Domain-
adaptive pre-training is a type of unsupervised
training because the training data does not come
with explicit annotations or labels. This approach
results in domain-specific base models.
2. Custom Fine-Tuning (presented with orange box
and lines in Figure 1): Custom fine-tuning uti-
lizes annotated (supervised) datasets to adapt the
model’s capabilities for more effective perfor-
mance in specific tasks. Custom fine-tuning can
be implemented for general and domain-specific
models, resulting in custom fine-tuned models.
3. Prompt Engineering (shown with red ellipse and
dotted lines in Figure 1): Users design questions
in a specific format (prompts) to interact with
fine-tuned (instruct) LLMs. To ensure that LLMs
are provided with the correct context, Retrieval-
Augmented Generation (RAG) can be used to re-
trieve relevant documents for the question and in-
corporate these documents into the prompt.
In the figure presented, domain-adaptive pre-
training, custom fine-tuning, and prompt engineering
with RAG are not mutually exclusive. They can be
combined to improve the LLM-based application’s
overall performance.
LLMs have been utilized in various cybersecu-
rity sub-domains, marking a new branch of cyber-
security research, namely LLM for cybersecurity
(LLM4Security) (Zhang et al., 2024). However, the
domain specialization of LLMs in cybersecurity is
usually under-discussed for different reasons. First,
the cybersecurity domain is enormous and diverse,
with vague boundaries from other domains. This pre-
vents an instant solution from being able to collect
and preprocess the data. To the best of our knowl-
edge, no cybersecurity datasets are big enough for di-
rect use in the LLM domain specialization. Second,
the cost of implementing a solution to collect and pre-
process data is significant when compared with the
cost of RAG or fine-tuning.
This paper introduces a simple but effective
framework based on domain-adaptive pre-training,
named CyLLM-DAP, to ease the cybersecurity spe-
cialization process of LLMs. Using the framework,
cybersecurity-specific LLMs (termed CyLLMs) are
created by exposing two open-source LLMs (Llama
3 and Mistral v0.3) with 30 GB of cybersecurity
text from heterogeneous sources. These CyLLMs are
evaluated in two experiments, showing their capacity
to improve fine-tuning effectiveness when compared
to baseline LLMs. In our GitHub repository
, we dis-
cuss the usage of the published framework, models,
and training data. Note that we are actively updating
the framework and related assets.
The remainder of the paper is structured as fol-
lows. In Section 2, we present background concepts
together with relevant works. Section 3 describes
in detail the framework architecture and implementa-
tion. We then discuss the use of the proposed frame-
work for cybersecurity specialization of LLM in Sec-
tion 4. The experiment to evaluate the CyLLMs is
mentioned in Section 5. The paper ends with a con-
clusion and references.
In this section, we first introduce large language mod-
els (LLMs) and the backbone architecture used in
most LLMs: transformers. We then present the con-
cept of domain-adaptive pre-training. Finally, we dis-
cuss how LLMs are used in the cybersecurity domain.
2.1 Large Language Models
In 2017, Google researchers introduced transform-
ers (Vaswani et al., 2017) with a multi-head atten-
tion mechanism, marking a new era in deep learning
(DL) research. The unique attention mechanism al-
lows transformers to capture dependencies and pat-
terns in the input parallelly. Additionally, the effec-
tiveness of transformers is based on transfer learn-
ing, in which models reuse knowledge they have al-
ready acquired and apply it to a new but related prob-
lem. For example, pre-training with textual finan-
cial data can improve the model’s performance in
solving finance-related problems. There are gener-
ally three main transformer architectures: sequence-
to-sequence (encoder-decoder) models, decoder-only
models, and encoder-only models. We mainly discuss
decoder-only and encoder-only models, which are the
most successful transformer-based architectures.
Encoder-only models, such as BERT (Devlin
et al., 2019), work as an embedding module, taking
the input sequence and output its representative vec-
tor. When adapting to downstream tasks, different
types of layers, such as the softmax layer for classifi-
cation tasks, are added on top of the encoder models
to generate suitable answers (e.g., class labels).
Decoder-only models (GPT models) focus solely
on the decoder component of the original transformer
CyLLM-DAP: Cybersecurity Domain-Adaptive Pre-Training Framework of Large Language Models
architecture. These GPT models (Radford et al.,
2018) come in different sizes, ranging from millions
to billions of parameters. GPT models with billions
of parameters focusing on language understanding are
called Large Language Models (LLMs).
The next token prediction is a core mechanism
used in training LLMs. In this mechanism, the model
learns to predict the next word (or token) in a se-
quence based on the context provided by the preced-
ing words. In the training phase, when a sequence of
k tokens (s
, s
, ..., s
) is inputted, the model learns to
maximize the probability
, s
, ..., s
with Θ is the model’s parameters. The model’s pa-
rameters are then updated, allowing it to minimize the
prediction error between its output token and the ex-
pected one. This process iterates over vast amounts
of text data, allowing the model to learn natural lan-
guage’s statistical properties and patterns.
The recent rise in popularity of open-source lan-
guage model frameworks, as opposed to commercial
ones like GPT-4, is attributed to their long-term ad-
vantages. Open-source frameworks offer greater cus-
tomization, allowing users to adjust model parame-
ters completely or partially to suit their training re-
quirements. They also enable users to train mod-
els from scratch for experimentation or personal use.
Furthermore, the increasing availability of cheaper
and higher-performance computers makes training
and hosting models in production more cost-effective.
Privacy concerns also drive the preference for open-
source frameworks, as companies and organizations
aim to maintain control over their data. Recently,
the Llama series (Touvron et al., 2023) and Mis-
tral series (Jiang et al., 2023) are among the best
open-source LLMs, comparable in performance with
closed-source LLMs, such as GPT4.
2.2 Domain-Adaptive Pre-Training
The published LLMs are originally designed for
general-purpose problem-solving. They struggle to
perform well when tasked with understanding spe-
cialized knowledge domains. This is because LLMs
are fundamentally statistical models that learn pat-
terns from text data after exposure to extensive
amounts of text. The insufficient expertise domain
data in the pre-training stage reduces LLM’s perfor-
mance in the target domain.
Domain-adaptive pre-training, or continual pre-
training, is an advanced technique to customize a
general-purpose language model for a specific do-
main by continuing its training using the domain’s
data. This process aims to improve the model’s per-
formance in a particular field without starting from
scratch. As shown in the survey (Ling et al., 2023)
regarding the LLM domain specialization, this tech-
nique has been extensively applied in various domains
(e.g., finance, law) to improve the LLM performance
in such domains. For example, Wu et al. (Wu et al.,
2023) develop PMC-LLaMa by pre-training the base
model (Llama 2) with biomedical papers and books
and subsequently fine-tuning for following instruc-
tions in the medical domain. In the evaluation of
this research, domain-adaptive pre-training allows the
model to reach 2.94% of the performance gain.
In cybersecurity, domain-adaptive pre-training is
not a new concept. Before the era of LLMs, we
already have various cybersecurity-specific encoder-
only models, such as SecureBERT (Aghaei et al.,
2023), CyBERT (Ranade et al., 2021) and Cy-
SecBERT (Bayer et al., 2024). To our knowledge,
no public framework currently supports this domain-
adaptive pre-training task for LLMs in cybersecurity.
Table 1 shows the advancements of CyLLM-DAP
over similar frameworks/models for the cybersecurity
domain specialization pre-training process.
2.3 LLM Applications in Cybersecurity
Text data is a redundant and important source of infor-
mation in many domains. In cybersecurity, text data
can be obtained from Cyber Threat Intelligence (CTI)
reports, emails, system logs, network design, security
guidelines, etc. Text analysis and generation are un-
avoidable tasks in many cybersecurity solutions. At
the simplest level, generating a summary report to ex-
plain the system’s output is beneficial.
LLMs have been utilized in cybersecurity for dif-
ferent purposes. For example, LLMs can be used
in various scenarios and training roles in cyberse-
curity training and education. Greco et al. (Greco
et al., 2024) presents various promising strategies uti-
lizing LLMs for PETA (Phishing Education, Training,
and Awareness). LocalIntel (Mitra et al., 2024) is a
LLM-based framework for generating organizational
threat intelligence. Moreover, LLM can also be used
for software vulnerability detection (Ferrag et al.,
2024), malware dynamic analysis (Yan et al., 2023),
hardware security and policy generation (Tarek et al.,
2024), etc.
In a recent study (Zhang et al., 2023), various
methods in the field are compared for addressing po-
tential vulnerabilities in software systems. The study
demonstrates that the use of transformers with pre-
trained knowledge outperformed traditional machine-
learning methods in the context of software vulnera-
bility repair. Moreover, after pre-training these mod-
els on extensive codebase data, there is a notable 9.4%
ICISSP 2025 - 11th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
Table 1: Comparision between CyLMM-DAP and other domain-adaptive frameworks/models in cybersecurity.
Model Type
Filtering and
SecureBert encoder-only
CyBERT encoder-only
CySecBert encoder-only
CyLLM-DAP decoder-only
increase in accuracy. The authors suggest that pre-
training the models with knowledge closely aligned
with the target downstream task is a promising ap-
proach for enhancing their performance.
In a comprehensive survey conducted by Zhang et
al. (Zhang et al., 2024) on the use of LLMs in cyberse-
curity, more than 180 projects across over ten down-
stream tasks are analyzed. The survey explicitly ref-
erenced only one paper (Jiang et al., 2024) that inte-
grated domain-adaptive pre-training into the proposed
approach for binary code analysis. This highlights
the current lack of discussion on domain-adaptive pre-
training for LLMs in cybersecurity applications.
This section presents the general architecture of
CyLLM-DAP. As shown in Figure 2, the framework
contains six main components to support the domain-
adaptive process in cybersecurity, including:
1. Data Collection: To collect data from different
2. Relevance Filtering: To filter out irrelevant doc-
uments from the dataset.
3. Quality Filtering: To ensure the quality of the
data, various methods can be utilized to filter out
bad documents from the dataset.
4. Data Anonymization: To protect individuals’
private and sensitive information.
5. Data Deduplication: To ensure the uniqueness of
each document.
6. Training: To provide training scripts for the
domain-adaptive pre-training process.
The framework provides a high level of customization
by following object-oriented programming. To work
with the framework, users can choose a default work-
flow or create a personal workflow of components to
meet their needs. In addition to this, they can also im-
plement their own components, using the inheritance
mechanism in object-oriented programming.
Note that not all of the framework’s components
are implemented from scratch by us. In such compo-
nents, we reuse the best effort from other researchers
and developers. We clearly mention this information
when providing more details for each component in
the following sections.
3.1 Data Collection
To ensure the generability of LLMs, training data
should be collected from multiple data sources. The
diversity of data exposes the model to a wide range
of language patterns, ensuring fairness in the lan-
guage capacity of the models across different scenar-
ios. Different data sources are currently supported by
CyLLM-DAP, including:
1. Web Data: Web data is text data obtained from
web pages. This is the most common and re-
dundant type of data. The Common Crawl
dataset (Patel, 2020) is a web dataset that is
crawled from the internet. The Common Crawl
organization maintains this dataset by conduct-
ing regular scrawls, which started in 2007. Cur-
rently, Common Crawl is the biggest dataset with
hundreds of TiB of data, spanning over billions
of web pages. When working with this type of
dataset, users can choose to work with the HTML
representation (WARC format) or plain text (WET
format) extracted from those web pages.
Our framework supports the data collection using
both of the mentioned data formats. However,
the text extraction mechanism originally imple-
mented by Common Crawl to create WET data is
not optimal, as discussed in (Li et al., 2024). In-
stead, we use the trafilatura Python library (Bar-
baresi, 2021) to extract high-quality text from the
raw HTML data (WARC format).
2. Academic Papers: Academic papers are another
great source of data, providing high-quality text
written by researchers. Currently, S2OCR (Lo
et al., 2020) is the largest dataset of English aca-
demic papers that are well-established and main-
tained. Any papers contained inside S2OCR have
already been transformed from different data for-
mats (e.g., PDF, latex source code) into a user-
friendly data type. Besides metadata such as cor-
pus ID, the paper content is annotated with labels
for easy extraction of titles, abstracts, and para-
CyLLM-DAP: Cybersecurity Domain-Adaptive Pre-Training Framework of Large Language Models
Relevance Filtering
Data Anonymization
Data Deduplication
Data Collection
Quality Filtering
(a) Framework components.
(b) Example workflow.
Figure 2: CyLLM-DAP’s components and example workflow in practical use.
graphs. Currently, CyLLM-DAP only supports
this dataset for collecting academic papers.
3. Hugging Face Hub: Hugging Face (HF) (De-
langue, 2024) is a famous machine-learning
framework containing open-source libraries and
tools for developing and deploying advanced nat-
ural language processing (NLP) models. In addi-
tion, the HF hub is a platform where researchers
and developers can share or access a significant
number of developed models and datasets. There-
fore, the hub is an important data source in terms
of redundancy, diversity, and data quality. In
CyLLM-DAP, we currently support the data col-
lection from Wikipedia and RedPajama (Togeth-
erAI, 2023). Users can quickly adapt the frame-
work for other datasets hosted in the HF hub.
4. Books: Books are another high-quality source of
data that should be included when pre-training
LLMs. While CyLLM-DAP currently supports
the download of books from online sources, users
should take care of the copyright problems when
downloading them.
5. Code: Pre-training LLMs with code data has been
proven effective for downstream tasks relevant to
programming code. Code data can be collected
from online code hosting or question-and-answer
platforms (e.g., GitHub, StackOverflow).
CyLLM-DAP implements various collectors to
support data collection from the mentioned sources
and transform them into text-based data. Note that
data collectors in CyLLM-DAP are implemented in
streamlined modes to avoid downloading all the raw
data into local storage. For this reason, collectors
come with simple forms of relevance filters (discussed
in 3.2.1) to remove irrelevant documents on the fly.
3.2 Data Filtering
In this section, we discuss two main components of
CyLLM-DAP for data filtering: relevance filtering
and quality filtering. Generally, a data filter will take
a document as an input and output a boolean value
indicating if the document meets some predefined re-
quirements. Data filters can be used as part of the
data collectors for preliminary filtering or as separate
modules in the workflow.
3.2.1 Relevance Filtering
When preparing data for LLM’s domain specializa-
tion, it is crucial to determine the relevance of data
elements, such as documents, to the target knowledge
domain. Depending on the characteristics of the target
domain, different strategies can be recruited appropri-
ately. For relevance filtering in the cybersecurity do-
main, as briefly mentioned earlier, the following char-
acteristics should be considered:
1. Vague Domain Boundary: The cybersecurity do-
main does not have a clear boundary separating
itself from other domains. Computer systems
are deployed in many domains to automate their
operations with high accuracy. However, these
computer-based solutions also come with risks
and cybersecurity challenges. To effectively ad-
dress cybersecurity issues in such systems, it is
necessary to have cross-domain knowledge. For
instance, preventing online fraud in the internet
banking system requires a combination of cyber-
security and financial expertise.
2. Broad and Diversity: Cybersecurity encompasses
various sub-domains, including hardware secu-
rity, software security, data security, and code
security. The specificity of these sub-domains
ICISSP 2025 - 11th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
varies, with some being quite broad, like CTI,
and others containing more specialized or niche
knowledge. For example, Generative AI Security
is a special cybersecurity sub-domain, pertaining
to security issues within generative AI-based tools
and solutions, such as LLMs.
In CyLLM-DAP, there are two main methods used
for relevance filtering, as follows.
Keyword-Based Relevance Filtering. The
keyword-based approach begins with a list of cy-
bersecurity keywords, regex, and URL patterns.
CyLLM-DAP currently uses a list of 500 cyberse-
curity keywords (e.g., data security, data safety) and
regex patterns (e.g., CVE). For URL patterns, we
determine a list of 300 cybersecurity newspapers and
blogs (e.g., Note that these
lists are being updated frequently.
The keywords and patterns used in CyLLM-DAP
are enclosed in filters, each of which has a differ-
ent method for assessing various components (such
as URLs, text, and titles) of the document for rele-
vance filtering. One important advantage of keyword-
based filtering is its running speed and multiprocess-
ing friendliness. Each filter requires little memory to
run the function. For this reason, we recommend us-
ing these keyword-based filters as the preliminary ap-
proach to handling big data sources.
Model-Based Relevance Filtering. In model-
based filtering, language models are used to deter-
mine a document’s relevance to the cybersecurity
domain. A DL model is trained to classify documents
into cybersecurity and non-cybersecurity categories.
For this purpose, an encoder-only model, already pre-
trained in the context of cybersecurity, is fine-tuned
with a labeled dataset. After the fine-tuning, the
model can provide a cybersecurity relevance score
for an input document. With a threshold value of 0.5,
any document with a cybersecurity relevance score
under 0.5 will be removed from the dataset.
3.2.2 Quality Filtering
In LLM development, data quality is one of the most
important factor to ensure the model’s performance.
From different LLM projects, various quality metrics
are invented based on the observation of actual data.
These quality signals/metrics are mostly calculated by
analyzing the text’s statistics, such as the ratio be-
tween the number of sentences starting with bullet
points and other sentences.
In CyLLM-DAP, inspired by other LLM
works (TogetherAI, 2023), we develop functions
for quality metrics and rules. The metrics functions
take a document as input and output relevant metrics
score. Additionally, rules in CyLLM-DAP are
implemented as filters, in which some thresholds
are applied to the document’s quality metrics to
determine if it is a good document. For example, the
mentioned ratio should not exceed 0.7 to indicate a
good document.
While these metrics are proven effective, they are
not universal and should be choose wisely depending
on the target tasks. Beside the list of default metrics
and rules for cybersecurity domain, LLM developers
can design their own functions to meet their needs.
3.3 Data Deduplication
Duplicate entries in training datasets can result in
over-fitting and create a false impression of improved
performance during training. Recent research, as
highlighted in (Lee et al., 2022), underscores the im-
portance of data deduplication, emphasizing its po-
tential to enhance model performance in a more bal-
anced and comprehensive manner. To deduplicate
data in general, we first need to identify duplicates
using similarity search and remove them.
In an exhaustive similarity search, each pair of
documents in the dataset is usually compared to de-
termine their similarity. This mechanism imposes a
too-high time cost and is not suitable for handling
large amounts of data. In CyLLM-DAP, we use a
popular method for efficient similarity search, namely
LSH (Locality Sensitive Hashing) (Dasgupta et al.,
2011). In general, LSH aims to reduce the data di-
mensions while maintaining local distances between
data points. The output of this method is buckets of
similar documents. Subsequently, only the longest
document from each bucket is reserved, while others
are removed from the dataset.
When deduplicating small datasets, the whole pro-
cess can be done in the computer’s RAM. However, a
large amount of intermediate data (e.g., dense hash
signatures) is generated during the run of LSH. For
this reason, CyLLM-DAP splits the deduplicating
process into smaller steps and stores any intermedi-
ate data in local storage. This allows CyLLM-DAP to
work with large datasets.
3.4 Data Anonymization
Data anonymization is a data sanitizing technique that
protects the individual’s privacy or sensitive informa-
tion. In this technique, personally identifiable infor-
mation (PII) is detected and removed (or modified)
from the text before feeding to LLMs. As a result,
CyLLM-DAP: Cybersecurity Domain-Adaptive Pre-Training Framework of Large Language Models
LLMs do not remember personal information, avoid-
ing being gathered by cyber attackers in the inference
CyLLM-DAP utilizes presidio anonymizer (Mi-
crosoft, 2024) developed by Microsoft to implement
its anonymizing function. Currently, only four types
of PII are considered, including email, URL, phone
number, and credit card. More PII will be added
in the future. Additionally, users can create cus-
tomized anonymizing functions and integrate them
into CyLLM-DAP.
3.5 Training
In CyLLM-DAP, we create various scripts that users
can directly use for domain specialization. These
scripts are mostly based on the HuggingFace library
and its code examples. Since HuggingFace provides
leading libraries and tools for working with Machine
Learning and LLM models, using their examples en-
sures a robust yet simple approach to LLM develop-
The provided scripts follow two common LLM
pre-training paradigms, considering the available
computer resources. One is the full pre-training, in
which all model parameters will be alternated dur-
ing the pre-training process. This approach requires
a large amount of GPU RAM with a possibility of
catastrophic forgetting of old knowledge. The other
is to partially update the model’s parameters, which
is more suitable for a low-resource computing envi-
In this section, we discuss the development process of
cybersecurity-specific foundation LLMs (CyLLMs).
Two CyLLM versions (CyLlama3 and CyMistral)
are based on two corresponding open-source LLMs:
Llama-8B-v3 and Mistral-7B-v0.3. We first present
the data preparation process. Then, we discuss the
domain-adaptive pre-training process to specialize the
foundation models in cybersecurity knowledge. Both
of these tasks are implemented using CyLLM-DAP.
Lastly, we examine the impact of domain specializa-
tion through experiments on two distinct downstream
tasks. The whole process is demonstrated in Figure 3,
in which the data preparation and domain-adaptive
pre-training process are discussed in Section 4.1 and
4.2, respectively. Subsequently, the experiment is pre-
sented in Section 5.
4.1 Data Preparation
The training data used in the specialization process
of LLM are collected via CyLLM-DAP using the de-
fault setting. Table 2 shows the data sources which
we collect data from. The data collection process is
conducted over six months (from Jan. to Jun. 2024)
using four computing nodes with high-speed internet.
As we can see in Table 2, there is no code data in-
cluded since we are not focusing on solving code-
related downstream tasks. We plan to include code
data for code-related downstream tasks in our future
Table 2: Cybersecurity text data for domain-adaptive pre-
Size Original Sources
Wikipedia 500 MB
Wikipedia dataset on
HuggingFace hub
Books 200 MB Online book libraries
Web data 26 GB
Common Crawl
Total 30 GB
Using CyLLM-DAP, we apply various data fil-
ters to the dataset to ensure its quality and relevance.
These include:
1. Language filtering: In this dataset, only text writ-
ten in the English language is kept.
2. Relevance filtering: In this step, the preliminary
relevance filters (with keywords and patterns) are
applied during the data collection. Model-based
filtering is also used as a separate module. Re-
garding academic papers, we use the API search
function provided by S2OCR authors to obtain
pertinent documents related to a list of cyberse-
curity keywords.
3. Quality filtering: All the default metrics and rules
implemented by CyLLM-DAP for the cybersecu-
rity domain are used. Note that we also filter out
toxic documents at this step.
4. Deduplication: We apply the deduplication pro-
cess on the dataset to remove duplicated docu-
5. Anonymization: The default anonymization func-
tion of CyLLM-DAP is used.
4.2 Domain-Adaptive Pre-Training
As mentioned in Section 3.2.1, the cybersecurity do-
main does not have a clear boundary with other
ICISSP 2025 - 11th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
Relevance Filtering
Quality Filtering
Cybersecurity Data
Web data
 System message:
 You are a cybersecurityexpert.
 Question:
 What is the malware LoudMiner?
 Answer:
 LoudMiner is a cryptocurrencyminer...
Custom fine-tunedLLMs
Evaluate model's performance
(F1, GLUE score, etc.)
Base LLMs
Figure 3: The development process of CyLLMs with CyLLM-DAP.
knowledge domains. Depending on the application,
solving cybersecurity downstream tasks may require
knowledge from other domains. Specializing the
models in the cybersecurity domain should not cause
knowledge loss in other domains. For this reason, we
avoid fully training the model in which all of their
parameters are updated. Instead, a small amount of
parameters is set to be altered during the continual
pre-training process using LORA (Low-rank Adap-
tation) (Hu et al., 2021). LORA is one of the most
popular methods for working with LLMs, aiming to
enable LLM training in low-resource settings. LORA
works by freezing the model’s weights and introduc-
ing smaller trainable matrices of parameters. By this,
only a few weights are updated to adapt the model
with new information.
Since most model parameters are frozen dur-
ing the domain-adaptive pre-training process, catas-
trophic forgetting is alleviated. This preserves the
model’s pre-trained knowledge relevant to other do-
mains. In LORA training, rank and alpha are two
important hyperparameters controlling the size of the
trainable matrix. We set the rank and alpha hyperpa-
rameters (primary hyperparameters used in LORA) to
be high (64 and 128, respectively) to effectively inject
new knowledge into the models.
The domain-adaptive pre-training process uses
H100 GPU computers, with 123 hours for train-
ing CyLlama3 and 135 hours for CyMistral for one
epoch. Our approach involves utilizing a context
length of 1024 and a batch size of 64 without ap-
plying quantization to the model. Quantization is a
method used to reduce GPU memory consumption
during LLM pre-training by mapping high-precision
values to lower precision. While this approach can ef-
fectively reduce GPU memory usage, it can also im-
pact the quality of the pre-training process. Since our
models can be accommodated within GPU memory
during training with LORA, we opt not to employ
quantization in order to maintain the quality of the
pre-training process.
The result of the domain-adaptive pre-training
process is two cybersecurity-specific foundation
LLMs, namely CyLLMs. These CyLLMs come in
two versions, each based on its respective foundation
model. To elaborate, CyLlama3 is the cybersecurity-
specific model of Llama-8B-v3, while CyMistral3 is
built on Mistral-7B-v0.3. In the following section, we
will carry out experiments on these CyLLMs to assess
their performance on downstream tasks.
In this section, we employ two downstream tasks to
validate the effectiveness of CyLLMs (generated us-
ing CyLLM-DAP) in various cybersecurity applica-
tions, particularly in tasks involving custom datasets.
Several important considerations are as follows:
1. In this evaluation, our focus is not on creating
multi-purpose instruct LLMs that can excel in ev-
ery cybersecurity task. Instead, we conduct two
experiments where relevant models are fine-tuned
2. The evaluation wants to confirm the performance
of these CyLLMs in private and custom datasets.
This is a common use case for open-source LLMs
in the field of cybersecurity. Therefore, utilizing
private datasets that have not been publicly dis-
closed is more appropriate for this purpose.
CyLLM-DAP: Cybersecurity Domain-Adaptive Pre-Training Framework of Large Language Models
Table 3: The list of LLMs involved in the experiments and
the type of training method already applied to them.
Model Group
Group B:
- BaseMistral
- BaseLlama3
Group I:
- InstructMistral
- InstructLlama3
Group C:
- CyMistral
- CyLlama3
As shown in Table 3, there are three groups of LLMs
related to the experiments. Each group contains cor-
responding models from the Llama 3 and Mistral v0.3
LLM families.
Group B includes the base (foundation) models
Llama-3-8B (BaseLlama3) and Mistral-7B-v0.3
(BaseMistral) originating from the company (e.g.,
Meta, Mistral). Base models are developed via
general pre-training.
Group I includes Llama-3-8B-Instruct (InstructL-
lama3) and Mistral-7B-Instruct-v0.3 (Instruct-
Mistral) that the technology company originally
published. These models have undergone both
general pre-training and general fine-tuning.
Group C comprises cybersecurity-specific LLMs
(CyLLMs), namely CyLlama3 and CyMistral.
These are developed based on BaseLlama3 and
BaseMistral, respectively.
To confirm the effectiveness of the domain-
adaptive pre-training, all the models in groups B, I,
and C are custom fine-tuned to solve the task. Af-
ter the fine-tuning process, we calculate and compare
their performances using metrics. The details for each
experiment are presented in the following sections.
5.1 Task 1: Text Classification
This text classification experiment aims to assess
LLM’s ability to generate short responses to iden-
tify the category of a cybersecurity text among many
classes. For this experiment, we create a dataset of
145,000 data samples. Each data sample contains
a text relevant to one cyberattack technique labeled
with its MITRE ATT&CK’s technique ID. MITRE
ATT&CK (Strom et al., 2018) is a globally accessi-
ble knowledge base that provides standardized knowl-
edge to cybersecurity practitioners regarding attack-
ing tactics, techniques, procedures and malicious en-
tities such as attackers, campaigns, and tools. This
task is a multi-class classification with 628 ATT&CK
technique IDs as classes. In general, the dataset gen-
eration has two stages:
Table 4: The task-specific dataset used in the experiment
with examples.
Related Task Example
- System message: You are a cybersecurity
expert. Below is an instruction that describes
a task in the cybersecurity domain, paired with
an input that provides further context. Write
a response that appropriately completes the
- Instruction: You are given a text description
of a procedure example. Identify the MITRE
ATT&CK technique used.
- Input: Siloscape leverages a sophisticated
form of API call concealment...
- Output: Obfuscated Files or Information
& Answering
- System message: You are a helpful cyberse-
curity expert.
- Question: What is the malware LoudMiner?
- Answer: LoudMiner is a cryptocurrency
miner that uses virtualization software to siphon
system resources...
1. Stage 1: We utilize an automatic report analysis
framework, namely RAF-AG (Mai et al., 2025),
to initiate the data-generating process. Using the
framework, the input CTI reports are transformed
into corresponding cyberattack paths. For each at-
tack path, the attacking technique ID of an attack
step, along with its correlated text, is gathered.
2. Stage 2: We use OpenAI GPT 3.5, a powerful
closed-source LLM, for data augmentation, a pro-
cess by which an input text is paraphrased into
various text patterns.
We utilize the Alpaca prompt template (Taori
et al., 2023) to format the data into a single prompt.
Because instruct models (group I) are originally
aligned with different prompt templates during its
general fine-tuning, only B and C models are involved
in this experiment. After the custom fine-tuning, the
models are expected to recognize the most probable
technique ID for the input text.
During fine-tuning, a single A100 40 GB com-
puter is used with LORA (rank of 64 and alpha of
128) and a learning rate of 1e 4. 90% of the dataset
is allocated for fine-tuning, while the remaining por-
tion is reserved for evaluation. Model performance is
documented at the end of each epoch over a span of
ten epochs. During the evaluation phase, we gather
LLM’s responses for all data samples in the evalua-
tion set. Subsequently, we extract technique IDs from
these responses and compare them with the expected
ones to calculate the F1 score.
As we can see from Figure 4, introducing cyber-
security knowledge to the LLMs results in overall
performance improvements compared to the baseline
foundation models (B models) (see values highlighted
ICISSP 2025 - 11th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
1 2 3 4
5 6
7 8 9 10
Training epochs
F1 score
(a) Llama 3 series.
1 2 3 4
5 6
7 8 9 10
Training epochs
F1 score
(b) Mistral v0.3 series.
Figure 4: The performance of C models (CyLLM) and B models (Base models) measured via the F1 score for text classifica-
tion. The performance differences in percentage between C models and B models are shown in red color. Horizontal violet
dashed lines and numbers show the maximum F1 scores in each chart. The left-hand side chart shows the Llama 3 LLM
series, and the right-hand side chart shows the Mistral v0.3 LLM series.
in red). This impact is consistently observed in ev-
ery fine-tuning epoch with Mistral v0.3 models (the
right chart). Conversely, the effectiveness of cyber-
security knowledge varies across epochs for Llama 3
models. This effectiveness becomes more apparent
when the number of epochs exceeds six ( 6). Fur-
thermore, models from the Mistral v0.3 series (shown
in the right chart) demonstrate superior performance,
with a maximum F1 score of 0.969 compared to 0.917
for the Llama 3 series (displayed in the left chart).
5.2 Task 2: Question & Answer
In this experiment, we develop a simple Q&A chatbot
that can accurately respond to user inquiries regarding
CTI, such as the attacking techniques, malware, at-
tackers. The experiment aim to evaluate LLM’s abil-
ity to generate long responses, with a stringent re-
quirement for the LLMs to adhere closely to the ex-
pected answers. This is particularly crucial in situa-
tions where the chatbot needs to provide accurate and
comprehensive information without any fabrication.
We utilize a dataset of 22,000 conversation sam-
ples, encompassing questions and corresponding ex-
pected answers. Additionally, the dataset features a
system message prompting LLM to assume the role
of a cybersecurity expert during the interaction. A
data sample can be seen in Table 4.
All the models in Table 3 are involved in this ex-
periment. They are subsequently fine-tuned with the
dataset to acquire the Q&A capacity. Note that we
employ the default chat templates originally created
by the companies behind each model family. In eval-
uating the text generated by the fine-tuned LLMs, we
take into account the following metrics:
1. GLEU (Google BLEU) score (Wu et al., 2016)
is commonly used to evaluate the performance of
translators by measuring the similarity between
machine-translated text and the expected output.
2. The BERTScore (Zhang et al., 2020) lever-
ages contextual embeddings generated by the
BERT (Devlin et al., 2019) model. This metric is
widely used for assessing the similarity between
texts and is proven to produce results similar to
human evaluations.
3. A high-quality commercial LLM (GPT-4o) will
act as a judge (LLM-as-a-judge) to evaluate the
generated response in terms of Understandabil-
ity (clarity of the response), Relevance (adequacy
and pertinence of the information), Naturalness
(human-like quality of the response), and Hallu-
cination (incorporation of incorrect information).
Table 5 shows the performance of related mod-
els for Q&A fine-tuning regarding six main metrics:
GLEU score, BERTScore, Understandability, Natu-
ralness, Relevance, and Hallucination. Word count is
a sub-metric mainly used for reference. From this ta-
ble, we can observe that:
In general, incorporating cybersecurity knowl-
edge into the models enhances their performance
compared to models equipped only with general
knowledge. CyMistral stands out as the top-
performing model (in Mistral v0.3 series) across
all six metrics, while CyLlama3 outperforms oth-
ers in 4 out of 6 metrics within the Llama 3 mod-
els. When comparing the best with the second-
best model in each series, integrating cyberse-
curity knowledge leads to performance improve-
ments of 4.75% (GLEU score) for the Llama
series, and 3.07% (GLEU score) and 2.85%
(BERTScore) for the Mistral series. These perfor-
CyLLM-DAP: Cybersecurity Domain-Adaptive Pre-Training Framework of Large Language Models
Table 5: The performance of the created LLMs for the Q&A task. The underlined scores show the best models within the
same family (same background color). The bold scores show the best model for specific metrics among all of the involved
models. Unlike other metrics, models with less hallucination score is better.
Model GLEU score BERTScore Understandability Naturalness Relevance Hallucination Average Length
BaseLlama3 0.569 0.718 0.846 0.77 0.618 0.565 115.615
BaseMistral 0.778 0.91 0.957 0.937 0.835 0.119 64.699
InstructLlama3 0.565 0.707 0.828 0.747 0.603 0.592 116.474
InstructMistral 0.781 0.911 0.954 0.934 0.828 0.118 64.01
CyLlama 3 0.596 0.717 0.854 0.762 0.63 0.563 111.943
CyMistral 0.805 0.937 0.959 0.939 0.84 0.103 64.022
mance gains are comparable with those acquired
by injecting domain-specific knowledge in other
domain areas (e.g., medical (Wu et al., 2023)).
Comparing model families, Mistral models gen-
erally outperform Llama 3 counterparts, particu-
larly in terms of the GLEU score. The leading
Mistral model, CyMistral, achieves a GLEU score
of 0.805, whereas the best Llama3 model, CyL-
lama3, scores 0.596. This performance differ-
ence can be attributed to Llama3 models generat-
ing longer responses compared to Mistral models
(as indicated in the word count column). The dis-
crepancy in length between the generated text and
the expected text significantly impacts the com-
putation of the GLEU score, resulting in a lower
output score for Llama 3 models.
It is evident that incorporating cybersecurity
knowledge does not result in a significant per-
formance improvement for the Understandability
and Naturalness metrics. This is primarily be-
cause all the models involved are based on foun-
dational models pre-trained with high-quality text
to generate coherent and natural language. Ad-
ditionally, Llama 3 models cannot capture all the
necessary information present in the expected an-
swer as effectively as the Mistral models (as in-
dicated in the Relevance metric). In terms of the
Hallucination metric, the Llama 3 models tend to
generate supplementary information, which may
be inaccurate, thereby resulting in a high Halluci-
nation score as judged by the LLM.
Generally, LLM judgment is beneficial and trustful
because the findings align with other deterministic
metrics like BERTScore and GLEU score. Further-
more, it can be inferred that domain-adaptive pre-
training for Llama 3 models is not as effective as for
Mistral models. This indicates the need for additional
considerations when utilizing Llama 3 models.
This paper presented CyLLM-DAP, a framework de-
veloped to facilitate essential tasks in the cyberse-
curity specialization process for open-source large
language models. The framework consists of mod-
ules that can be utilized as they are or customized to
gather data and ensure data quality before conducting
domain-adaptive pre-training.
We illustrated the use of CyLLM-DAP for cre-
ating domain-adaptive pre-training or baseline mod-
els during fine-tuning for the text classification
task. Moreover, comparable to domain-adaptive pre-
training in other domains, the LLM’s cybersecurity
specialization can yield important performance im-
provement of up to 4.75% (for Q&A task) when com-
pared with the general base and instruct models.
In our future work, we plan to address this study’s
limitations by incorporating a diversity of model
sizes, families, and data sources. The framework,
models, and cybersecurity data are accessible to the
public and will undergo regular updates to facilitate
the integration of LLMs in the cybersecurity field.
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CyLLM-DAP: Cybersecurity Domain-Adaptive Pre-Training Framework of Large Language Models