On the Prediction of a Nonstationary Geometric Distribution
Based on Bayes Decision Theory
Daiki Koizumi
Otaru University of Commerce, 3–5–21, Midori, Otaru-city, Hokkaido, 045–8501, Japan
Probability Model, Bayes Decision Theory, Nonstationary Geometric Distribution, Hierarchical Bayesian
Model, Time Series Analysis.
This paper considers a prediction problem with a nonstationary geometric distribution in terms of Bayes de-
cision theory. The proposed nonstationary statistical model contains a single hyperparameter, which is used
to express the nonstationarity of the parameter of the geometric distribution. Furthermore, the proposed pre-
dictive algorithm is based on both the posterior distribution of the nonstationary parameter and the predictive
distribution for data, operating with a Bayesian context. Each predictive estimator satisfies the Bayes optimal-
ity, which guarantees a minimum mean error rate with the proposed nonstationary probability model, a loss
function, and a prior distribution of the parameter in terms of Bayes decision theory. Furthermore, an approxi-
mate maximum l ikelihood estimation method for the hyperparameter based on numerical calculation has been
considered. Finally, the predictive performance of the proposed algorithm has been evaluated in terms of both
the model selection theory and the predictive mean squared error by comparison with the stationary geometric
distribution using real web tr affic data.
The geometric distribution (Johnson and Kotz, 1969)
(Hogg et a l., 2013) is one of significan t discr e te prob-
ability distributions with at least two defin itions. One
is that the probability distribution of the number of
failures before the first success, with the suc cess prob-
ability as the parameter. The other is th at the discrete
probability distribution of the number of Bernoulli tri-
als needed to get one success given the same param-
eter. This paper is based on the former definition.
Some important characteristics of the g e ometric dis-
tribution ar e that it is the discrete version of the expo-
nential distribution; that it has the memoryless prop-
erty; and that it is a special case of the negative bino-
mial distribution. Based on the above definitions and
characteristics of the geometr ic distribution, many ap-
plications have been reported, including quality con -
trol ( Frank C. Kaminsky and Burke, 1992), queu e ing
theory (Winsten , 1959 ), biology (Ewe ns, 2004), ep i-
demiology (O. Diekmann, 2000), co mmunication the-
ory (G.G allager, 1995), computer networks (Bianchi,
2000), and so forth.
In the field of Bayesian statistics (Berger, 1985)
(Bernardo and Smith, 1994), on th e o ther hand, the
parameter estimation or prediction problems often be-
come intracta ble. This is because these problems re-
quire integral calculation s in the denominator of the
Bayes theorem depending on a known prior distribu-
tion o f parameter. However, if the specific distribu-
tion of parameter is assumed to be the prior, com-
plex integral calculations can be avoided. In Bayesian
statistics, th is specific class of prior is called a con-
jugate family (Berger, 1985, pp. 130–132 ) (Bernardo
and Smith, 1994, pp. 265–267). The beta distribution
is the natural conjugate prior of the stationary geomet-
ric distribution (Bernardo and Smith, 1994).
The above results are limited within th e stationary
geometric distribution. If the nonstationary probabil-
ity distributions are assumed, the Bayesian estimation
problems become more difficult and more intractable .
In such cases, there is no gua rantee of the existence
of a natural conjugate prior. In this regard, at least
two nonstationary probability m odels h ave been pro-
posed. One is the Bayesian entropy forecasting (BEF)
model (Souza, 1978) in which the Sha nnon’s entropy
function and Jaynes’ principle of maximum entropy
are applied to the model formulation. The other is re-
ferred to as the Simp le Power Steady Model (SPSM)