Virtual Dynamic Keyboard for Communication in Intensive Care
Louisa Spahl
and Andreas Schrader
Institute of Telematics, University of L
ubeck, Germany
Active Communication, Intensive Care, Novel Interaction Devices, HCI, Virtual Keyboard.
Effective communication is of great importance for intensive care patients in the weaning process to express
their needs adequately. To support this process, the ACTIVATE patient application was developed, providing
a selection of typically used texts via a novel interaction device BIRDY, intended to be used in bed. However,
there are situations where patients would like to express more. Since the traditional layout of a static keyboard
does not fit well with BIRDY gestures, we developed a virtual dynamic keyboard with letter prediction and
minimal input gesture needs. We tested different text corpora and forecasting models, implemented a prototype
based on the best candidate, and performed a preliminary user evaluation. The new virtual dynamic keyboard
is shown to be superior compared to static layouts.
In Germany, 2,131,216 people were admitted to in-
tensive care units in 2017 and about 20% of them had
to be ventilated (Destatis, 2018). Natural language
communication with ventilated patients is usually dif-
ficult or impossible with relatives and hospital staff
and intensifies stress in patients (Kordts et al., 2018).
The breathing tube enters the patient’s windpipe via
the mouth or nose. It lies between the vocal cords
and prevents them from moving so that no sound can
be produced. Traditional methods, e.g., using writing
tablets, are cumbersome and error-prone, and cause a
high level of frustration. The presence of care staff is
also a prerequisite.
has developed a
special patient application for communication in in-
tensive care units. With the help of a ball-shaped
interaction device BIRDY, an application can be op-
erated independently by patients and realize syn-
chronous as well as asynchronous communication.
The ACTIVATE patient application has a repertoire of
typical sentences and actions for cognitively impaired
patients. But even if most communication needs are
covered in this way, the number of sentences is natu-
rally limited. The application therefore also offers a
virtual keyboard so that any text can be formulated by
cognitively fit patients.
Due to the special situation of one-handed use in
bed with limited mobility, BIRDY only supports a
limited set of gestures, and leads to a cumbersome
and time-consuming text entry process.
We therefore developed a dynamic keyboard for
this special usage context to significantly speed up
input and reduce patient frustration. The letters are
dynamically rearranged after each input to minimize
the number of gestures required. Three probability
models are compared for this purpose: The stochas-
tic Markov model (Jurafsky and Martin, 2023), the
LSTM (Long Short-Term Memory) model (Hochre-
iter and Schmidhuber, 1997), and the Deep Learning
Transformer model (Vaswani et al., 2017). Suitable
text corpora are identified for training. For the evalua-
tion of effectiveness of letter prediction and efficiency
of implementation, we performed machine simulation
to identify the best combination of corpora and model,
which was then integrated into the ACTIVATE ap-
plication and evaluated in a mixed-method laboratory
study with test persons.
The paper is structured as follows. Chapter 2
provides an introduction to the ACTIVATE project.
Chapter 3 describes comparable work, divided into
models and dynamic keyboards. This is followed in
Chapter 4 by a description of the prototype with con-
ception, corpora, user interface, and implementation.
The evaluation results are presented in chapter 5. The
last chapter summarizes the results, and gives an out-
look on further planned work.
Spahl, L. and Schrader, A.
Virtual Dynamic Keyboard for Communication in Intensive Care.
DOI: 10.5220/0013099500003911
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 18th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies (BIOSTEC 2025) - Volume 2: HEALTHINF, pages 41-52
ISBN: 978-989-758-731-3; ISSN: 2184-4305
Proceedings Copyright © 2025 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
The ACTIVATE project, funded by the German Fed-
eral Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF),
consists of several applications designed to enable
communication between patients in intensive care and
hospital staff during the weaning process (weaning
from mechanical ventilation). Initially, only essen-
tial information about the current day (date, time,
weather) or location (hospital, city, nursing staff) is
given, more complex information about the therapy,
physical needs or pain is added in later phases.
Figure 1: ACTIVATE bed-side patient application con-
trolled via a ball-shaped novel interaction device.
The ACTIVATE system consists of (Kordts et al.,
2018) (Figure 1):
an in-bed patient application (GUI)
a novel interaction device BIRDY
a related mobile app for care staff
Since the application is to be operated lying in bed
and the patient’s hands are impaired by infusion tubes
or swelling (e.g., from medication), conventional in-
put devices are not well suited. BIRDY (Ball-shaped
Interactive Rehabilitation Device) was therefore de-
veloped as a novel interactive device (Kordts et al.,
2018). BIRDY contains sensors and actuators and
has also been designed so that it can be used directly
on the patient’s body and supports cleanical disinfec-
tion. It has a rough surface to prevent slipping, is
light enough (99 g) to be operated without effort, and
has a size that can be easily grasped by one hand. A
charging station at the patient’s bedside can charge
two devices wirelessly at the same time. When ly-
ing down, the movement of the patient’s arms is re-
stricted. BIRDY is therefore operated with one hand
and only supports three gestures: left, right and select
(press) (Kopetz et al., 2019). The sensor values are
sent via Bluetooth to a single-board computer, which
interprets the gestures and forwards them to a PC at
the end of the bed, which in turn controls the user in-
terface of the patient application. Messages are also
sent to the staff app.
Typical texts of intensive care context have been
identified in workshops and made available in the ap-
plication via predefined selection fields (Figure 1).
The actions in the ACTIVATE patient application are
arranged in a circle to work well with the limited in-
teractions of BIRDY. A virtual keyboard QWERTY
format (German version of the QWERTY layout) is
also provided for entering any text
First, we provide an overview of models for letter pre-
diction and then present comparable approaches for
virtual keyboards from literature.
3.1 Models
Neural networks have become increasingly popular in
recent years. For Natural Language Processing prob-
lems, there are now various architectures, like Long-
short term memory (LSTM) (Hochreiter and Schmid-
huber, 1997), Transformer (Vaswani et al., 2017), or
GPT-4 (Generative Pretrained Transformer) (OpenAI,
2023). All architectures have pros and cons (e.g., dis-
appearing gradients, only possible on small text cor-
pora, only trained in English), and the best approach
must be found for the given problem.
(Verwimp et al., 2017) developed an LSTM that
combines word and character embedding with repre-
sentations of the word or character as a number vec-
tors, respectively. In this approach, both the vector
representation of the word as well as that of the indi-
vidual characters are passed to the LSTM as input. A
maximum number of characters is set. The total size
of the embedding is kept constant, which is why the
word embedding shrinks and is partially replaced by
character embeddings, which reduces the number of
parameters and thus the size and complexity of the
model. Characters consist of a smaller vocabulary
than words, which is reflected in a smaller embedding
matrix. This special LSTM performs better than the
comparable word-level model.
(Mangal et al., 2019) investigated the speed of
LSTM, GRU (Gated Recurrent Unit) and bidirec-
tional RNN. They used the script of a TV series to
generate letters. They also implemented the models
with different numbers of layers. All three GRU mod-
els required the least time per iteration of individual
batches, closely followed by the LSTMs.
(Shakhovska et al., 2021) compared Markov
chain, LSTM, and a hybrid variant based on a group
of Ukrainian poems. The Markov chain required the
least training time and delivered the best results.
HEALTHINF 2025 - 18th International Conference on Health Informatics
Another word prediction network can be found in
the Google Gboard. (Hard et al., 2018) trained a Cou-
pled Input and Forget Gate (CIFG) network (Greff
et al., 2015) for this purpose, a variant of the LSTM
that predicts words in the virtual keyboard on the
smartphone. A network is trained on the server, and
fine-tuned user-specifically on the smartphone. The
reason for this federated learning method is to im-
prove data protection.
(Suliman and Leith, 2023) questioned the concept
of federated learning and investigated whether it leads
to increased data protection. They came to the re-
sult that sentence input can be reconstructed from the
weights with a high degree of accuracy.
All works deal with the generation of words. Sci-
entific papers on models for generating individual let-
ters could not be found. In addition, the models men-
tioned were adapted according to their respective ar-
eas of application. This ranges from the creation of
television manuscripts to the generation of texts in
Ukrainian. For the use in intensive care context no
scientific work could be found.
3.2 Virtual Dynamic Keyboards
A virtual dynamic keyboard CanAssist for people
with disabilities was published in 2020
. The focus
was on text input for the existing eye-tracking sys-
tem. The letters were initially based on a dictionary
approach, but later on a statistical model.
(Pouplin et al., 2014) developed a virtual dynamic
keyboard for people with functional tetraplegia to ac-
celerate the speed of text input. They used either a
pointer mounted on the head as an input device, or
a scanning system that scans all relevant positions
on the keyboard one after the other, and the person
only needs a switch to confirm the selection. This de-
pended on the person’s motor skills.
The software SibyLetter was used to predict the
next letters using 5-grams and then restructure the
keyboard accordingly (Schadle, 2004) (Wandmacher
et al., 2008). One corpus used was the newspaper “Le
Monde” with more than 100 million words. (Pouplin
et al., 2014) found that the speed of text input does
not increase with the virtual dynamic keyboard in a
one-month test with participants.
(Ljubic et al., 2014) described a dynamic key-
board with a modified form of input. Tilting move-
ments of a smartphone (right, left, up, and down)
leads to the selection of certain areas on the screen.
They compared the input speed for three types: (1)
One letter is highlighted on the standard keyboard,
(2) four letters are highlighted simultaneously and
re-arranged when selected, and (3) the keyboard is
halved after each selection until only four letters re-
main. All forms are based initially on the QWERTY
keyboard. The third input form was the fastest, but
showing only parts of keyboards might confuse users.
(Wojcik et al., 2018) describe a different keyboard
layout for people with motor impairments. The five
vowels (a, e, i, o, u) are arranged in a circle. All con-
sonants are not visibly located between these vowels
in alphabetical order (for example, b, c, and d are lo-
cated between a and e). They conducted a user study
with 20 users. Each user was asked to write 10 words
with their finger and 10 words with their fist using
a virtual dynamic keyboard projected onto a touch-
sensitive mat (touchpad). Finger input was faster on
average, both for vowels and consonants.
(Kristensson and M
ullners, 2021) evaluated that
the best word prediction is for a word length of six
with three letters already entered.
(Agarwal et al., 2011) described a dynamic key-
board used for the secure input of passwords, without
spyware being able to intercept the keystrokes. In this
implementation, the letters on the virtual keyboard are
randomly shuffled (without probability prediction).
A patent by (Griffin, 2013) describes a keyboard
with word predictions in which the words lie on the
same key as the next word to be entered. Visual high-
lighting is also described, such as displaying the let-
ter key in a larger size or a different color or gener-
ally display the key or the letter back-lit, underlined,
bolded, and/or italicized.
None of the works listed here used an input device
comparable to BIRDY with only three interaction op-
tions. The most similar are the four tilting movements
described in (Ljubic et al., 2014) and the scanning
system described in (Pouplin et al., 2014). The input
option is relevant for the design of the user interface
in order to optimize text input. The most similar user
interfaces compared to the circular menu of the ACTI-
VATE patient application are those of CanAssist and
(Wojcik et al., 2018).
However, the input devices are different and the
applications are adapted to them. (Pouplin et al.,
2014) found no improvement in the speed of the dy-
namic keyboard. However, the test subjects used this
keyboard less frequently than the familiar standard
keyboard. This leads to the conclusion that the pro-
cess may need a certain amount of practice and famil-
iarization time to get used to.
Virtual Dynamic Keyboard for Communication in Intensive Care
For designing a useful dynamic keyboard, the most
probable next letters or words must be determined on
the basis of the previous inputs and then arranged at a
short distance to the current position.
For this, we compared different probability mod-
els and implemented the most successful model as a
prototype dynamic keyboard inside the ACTIVATE
user interface.
4.1 Concept
Extensive user surveys and workshops were already
carried out for the existing static ACTIVATE key-
board during the analysis phase of the project (Kordts
et al., 2018). Some of the requirements set out there
can also be adopted for the design of the dynamic
keyboard. For example, the system should be able to
be used independently as possible without help. Tu-
torials could provide assistance. The system should
be fault-tolerant and function automatically in order
to save care staff time. Unnecessary acoustic or vi-
sual disturbances should be avoided. The components
should be implemented interchangeably. Data com-
munication to a backend server should always be en-
crypted, user privacy should be protected as much as
possible, and the system should also be configurable
by staff.
Additional functional and non-functional require-
ments were also identified, which relate to the spe-
cific aspects of the dynamic arrangement of textual
elements on an interface.
At least four of the next most probable letters
should be determined and displayed in the immedi-
ate vicinity to the right and left of the cursor. These
should be clearly highlighted graphically. The system
should be based on the design of the ACTIVATE ap-
plication to prevent patients from getting used to it.
The display of the letters or words should be large
enough to be easily recognized from a distance of 2m
from the head of the bed. The backend should dis-
play the most likely next letters as well as words. The
keyboard should be able to respond correctly to in-
put via BIRDY. Other input devices should not be ex-
cluded. The voice output should be supported by a
corresponding read-aloud symbol. The existing tech-
nical implementation can be used for this purpose.
The next letters/words can only be output for the
German language. The system should make it possi-
ble to conduct hospital-specific conversations. Mod-
els should provide a result in less than a second. The
system may use the Internet and the models do not
have to be local on the device.
4.2 Corpora
The application is initially focused on German hos-
pitals, and therefore only German-language cor-
pora were considered, since foreign-language corpora
would not generate meaningful probabilities.
The specific use case of communication in the in-
tensive care units requires the support of typical sen-
tences in this environment. However, for the design
of the ACTIVATE application, the main communica-
tion needs of the patients have already been recorded
in numerous workshops and expert panels and made
available in the application by selection in circular
menus for various categories (e.g., “Ich bin durstig” (I
am thirsty) or ”Ich habe Schmerzen” (I am in pain)).
The keyboard should therefore support expressions
that are not yet covered by the existing system. These
can be conversations with doctors, nursing staff or
relatives. It is assumed that patients will not have
in-depth medical conversations directly after waking
up during the weaning process, and specific medical
terms may be irrelevant. It should also be noted that
medical corpora are extremely rare, are usually only
available in English and/or contain specific medical
terms without conversational context.
Corpus 1: SdeWaC The SdeWaC corpus
is an
extension of the deWaC corpus of the WaCky initia-
tive (Baroni et al., 2009). It is available free of charge
and contains more than 1.2 billion words from various
web sources. Only texts with the mime type text/html
and a size of 5 to 200 KB were retained.
Linguistically irrelevant texts such as warn-
ing messages or copyright declarations were also
deleted. The remaining texts were cleaned of HTML
and Javascript code, and duplicates (Baroni et al.,
2009). Format “One sentence per line” was se-
lected. An example is <year = “2007”><source
= ”10475”><error = ”0”>Mehr als 7,100 Arbeit-
nehmer sind Datenbank-Spezialisten. When process-
ing the corpus for this application, the meta data, such
as <year>, <source> and <error> were deleted.
Corpus 2: GGPONC The GGPONC text corpus
is a specialist medical corpus. It was created in collab-
oration between the Hasso Plattner Institute for Dig-
ital Engineering gGmbH and the Friedrich Schiller
University in Jena (Borchert et al., 2020). The corpus
contains medical language based on the oncological
S3 guidelines. An example sentence from the cor-
pus is: ”Tabakkonsum ist ein wesentlicher Risikofak-
tor f
ur die Entwicklung des Mundh
(Tobacco consumption is a significant risk factor for
the development of oral cavity carcinoma.)
HEALTHINF 2025 - 18th International Conference on Health Informatics
Corpus 3: Gutenberg-De The Gutenberg-DE
contains texts from the Gutenberg-De project.
A very small selection of copyright-free books was
made as a comparative corpus.
Die Frau von dreißig Jahren by Honor
e de Balzac
translated by Hedwig Lachmann
Student und Alkohol by Dr. Leopold Loewenfeld
Das Haus by Lou Andreas-Salom
Eiszeit und Klimawandel by Wilhelm B
The texts were chosen at random, but care was
taken to use modern language and spelling. Due to the
conditions of the German Copyright Act (UrhG, §64),
the texts are at least 70 years old. This means that the
new rules following the spelling reform of 1996 have
not been taken into account. As a result, the probabili-
ties of outdated special characters such as “ß” (instead
of “ss”) differ from current texts.
All three corpora were cleaned up: uppercase let-
ters are converted to lowercase, and all characters that
are not a-z
uß, digits 0-9, or space are removed.
The above example results in ”mehr als 7 100 arbeit-
nehmer sind datenbank spezialisten”. The semantic
meaning may change as a result of the filtering. For
the statistical interpretation in the dynamic keyboard,
however, the semantic distortion is irrelevant, as spe-
cial characters are not supported anyhow.
4.3 User Interface
Based on the functional requirements, there are sev-
eral options for keyboard design.
The original idea of arranging the letters in a circle
(Fig. 2) was ruled out during the design process. The
circular menu in the ACTIVATE patient application
includes a limited set of elements for close communi-
cation and information display. A circular keyboard
could appear overloaded with a total of 30 letter keys,
the space bar, and additional function keys (such as
Back and Delete) and exceeds the screen size.
t e
b l
v p
ß n
m s
Ich möchte
etwas Anderes
Haben Sie eine Z
Figure 2: Circular design layout of the dynamic keyboard.
Left: dedicated words on keys. Right: Grouping of letters.
Alternatively, only a limited number of letter keys
could be displayed, which would mean that not all
words could be written. A possible solution could use
multiple letters per key as in CanAssist (Fig. 2). How-
ever, it requires at least two actions per letter, because
first the group must be selected, and then the letter
must be selected after redistributing the letters con-
tained to a new circle.
Most people are familiar with a line-shaped key-
board. When entering words with the BIRDY input
device, it does not matter whether the letters are ar-
ranged in a circle or lines, as BIRDY does not support
up and down movements to switch between lines.
Figure 3: Linear design layout of the dynamic keyboard.
Letters and characters as well as action keys are
displayed in lines, just like on a traditional computer
keyboard. A left movement from the first letter of the
first line enables a jump to the last letter of the last
line and vice versa by a right movement. A keyboard
that is arranged in lines therefore has the same func-
tionality as a circular keyboard but can be displayed
more clearly on a screen.
The size of the letters has been adopted from the
static keyboard. The currently most likely letter is dis-
played larger and with a dark background in the mid-
dle. The next most likely letters are placed to the right
and left around it, and can therefore be reached with
just a few gestures.
All 30 letters ’a-z
uß’ must be displayed so that
all conceivable texts can be entered. The less likely a
letter is, the further away it is positioned. In Fig. 3
these are the letters ’ß’ at the top left and ’x’ at the
bottom right. There is also a delete button on the far
left. The distance should not play a major role in ev-
eryday use, as the correctness of the input is of sec-
ondary importance. At the right end there is a space,
the symbol for starting the read-aloud function, and a
back button.
In a circular keyboard, it would still be conceiv-
able to display complete words on keys, either by
omitting or by grouping letters (Fig. 2). In a line-
shaped keyboard, only four options remain:
1. directly after the next n most probable letters on
the keyboard
2. at the end after the least probable letters
3. at a different position, e.g., at the top or bottom
4. next to its first letter
Virtual Dynamic Keyboard for Communication in Intensive Care
With all four options, the keyboard may look too
cluttered for the patient. In option 1, a visual break is
made and words or letters would change in a loose se-
quence. In option 2, the path to the words is probably
so long that it would not be worthwhile for patients to
navigate to them, especially for short words. Option 3
has a similar problem to option 2, but could be a better
alternative. Option 4, like option 1, also has the prob-
lem of a visual break. With each option, the keyboard
appears cluttered with additional words, and we have
decided against using complete words.
4.4 Implementation
The dynamic keyboard was implemented as a client-
server architecture with Docker containers.
The Markov model and the LSTM are trained on
the server. The Transformer model is a pre-trained ex-
ternal model that is accessed via an external interface.
For the probability models, we only use 30 lowercase
letters (a-z
oß), 10 digits and the space character,
i.e. a total of 41 characters. This means that the char-
acter set is significantly smaller than the word set of
the German language, and the training of the models
requires considerably less time and memory.
The Markov chain is a stochastic process that is
trained quickly (in a few hours), and can answer
queries quickly. For this purpose, a histogram of N-
grams is determined for the respective corpus (using
the ngrams() function of the Python nltk9 package
We have implemented bigrams (N=2) and trigrams
(N=3) for this purpose. The calculation is aborted as
soon as saturation occurs, i.e. the probabilities of the
N-grams no longer change or change only slightly. If
certain trigram combinations did not occur in the se-
lected corpus, the letters were nevertheless assigned
to keys, but with a low probability. After estimation,
the dictionary is stored in a document database (Mon-
) to avoid re-training in subsequent calls.
The Transformer-based language model GPT
from the company OpenAI has been widely known
since ChatGPT
at the latest. We used a pre-trained
GPT2 network benjamin/gerpt2-large (Minixhofer,
2020) based on German texts. The network com-
pletes a partial sentence with several words, often
even an entire paragraph. Minixhofer uses the Au-
toModelForCausalLM model. The number of gen-
erated words can be set in the model using the
max new tokens parameter (we tested the values 1,
2 and 10). For the dynamic keyboard, the network’s
return was adapted so that only individual letters are
used. Transformer nets are not deterministic. To gen-
erate a letter probability from the sentence prediction,
the network was called several times.
The LSTM was implemented based on the Py-
Torch Tutorial
, which supports both word and letter
predictions. Despite the relatively high-performance
computer (GPU: NVIDIA RTX 3090 with 24 giga-
bytes of RAM, CPU: AMD Ryzon 9 5950X with
128 gigabytes of RAM) and splitting the corpus of
more than 5 GByte into files of 180-360 MByte, the
computing time for the training based on the cleaned
SdeWaC corpus took several months. Due to the rela-
tive similarity of the trigrams based on the Gutenberg-
DE corpus, further training was only carried out with
this data. The corpus has a size of 8,778 lines and a
total of 166,416 words and slightly more than 1 mil-
lion letters, and the training could be completed in a
few hours. The trained LSTM was persisted in a zip
The server was implemented in Python (version
3.10) and offers a RESTful API with five endpoints,
which accesses the respective pre-trained data:
give next letter using Transformer
give next letter using Markov chain bigram
give next letter using Markov chain trigram
give next letter using LSTM
write log file
In addition, code for the software-side evaluation
of the predictions based on test data sets has also been
implemented on the server.
The graphical user interface (client) is imple-
mented as an extension of the ACTIVATE patient
application with the help of the technologies used
there (HTML, CSS, vanilla JavaScript and JavaScript
framework Vue.js (Kopetz et al., 2021)). The client
is based on the vue-keyboard package
and asks the
server for a list of the next probable letters. The list
returned by the server is transformed so that the prob-
abilities of the letters decrease from the middle to the
ends of the list. The elements of the transformed list
are then distributed to three rows of keys on the virtual
We performed several steps of comparison and tests
to evaluate our prototype implementation. First, we
HEALTHINF 2025 - 18th International Conference on Health Informatics
compared the theoretical minimum of steps for the
different corpora to identify the ideal training data set.
Second, we compared the models to identify the best
forecasting system. Third, we performed a user test
to evaluate human interaction.
5.1 Corpora Comparison
In an online survey conducted beforehand, partici-
pants were asked to write down texts they could imag-
ine themselves saying as a patient in a weaning pro-
cess. 361 example sentences from 74 participants
were cleaned from redundancy and special characters
resulting in a test set of 257 sentences used to com-
pare with the three other different corpora introduced
above. The Markov model with trigrams is used for
the comparison. The next step is to check whether a
specialist medical corpus, a high-quality literary text
or a corpus collected from the Internet can change the
results and further reduce the number of steps. This
refers to movements to the right or left on the key-
board. The average number of steps calculated across
all test sentences when using trigrams can be seen in
Table 1. In one case, the average number is lower than
one. This is based on cases, where the predicted letter
placed in the middle is correct, and therefore, no steps
had to be performed.
Table 1: Average number of steps (left, right - pressing ig-
nored) when using trigrams across all test sets.
Korpus Number of steps
SdeWaC 1.59594697
GGPONC 1.95818220
Gutenberg-De 1.59026818
Example sentences 0.95412386
The difference between the SdeWaC and the med-
ical corpus is relatively large. The medical corpus
is similarly poor with trigrams as the normal corpus
with bigrams. The selected medical corpus contains
specialized medical text on carcinomas based on the
oncological S3 guidelines. Words such as laryngeal
carcinoma, screening, genotyping, cytology, etc. are
not rare words in the corpus. However, these words
are probably not used by people in the weaning pro-
cess. Otherwise, they would already be available as
standard text in the ACTIVATE patient application.
The example sentences from the survey also mainly
contain everyday language. The medical terms used
in the survey are weaning process, ventilator, treat-
ment, pain and healing process. The last three terms
(or a modified form of these) are probably more com-
monly used normally in everyday language. For these
reasons, the SdeWaC corpus fits the use case better.
Nevertheless, it should be mentioned that the sen-
tences from the survey are only a snapshot, and the
sentences may still differ from those from the real sit-
uation in the weaning process.
The average number of steps in the SdeWaC and
Gutenberg-De corpora are very similar. The corpora
have no textual overlap. The SdeWaC contains both
fictional and non-fictional texts. Although some texts
are informative texts from news and vacation desti-
nation websites, they are not recognizable specialist
literature websites like the texts in the GGPONC cor-
pus. The Gutenberg-De corpus is based on fictional
texts (stories, novels). The non-fictional texts there-
fore resemble the fictional Gutenberg texts with lit-
tle technical language in terms of N-gram distribu-
tion. In the SdeWaC corpus, some technical terms
from medicine can be found, but this is the exception.
Therefore, SdeWac and GGPONC have different let-
ter probabilities, and SdeWaC and Gutenberg-De cor-
pus have similar numbers of steps. The average num-
ber of steps and the step frequency distribution are
best for the test sets.
5.2 Model Evaluation
In the following, we present comparison results of let-
ter forecast performance of each model.
5.2.1 Markov
The developed system is tested with sample sentences
from the survey. The best input scenario is assumed
for both the standard keyboard and the dynamic key-
board, i.e. simulating a user without errors, and not
using back keys. With the standard keyboard the start
position is at letter ’1’, with the dynamic keyboard the
initial setup is starting with letter ’d’ in the middle.
As expected, the standard keyboard is very inef-
ficient. The average number of steps per letter tested
with the example sentences is 13.83 for the standard
keyboard, 2.07 for the Markov model bigram and 1.6
for the Markov model trigram (see Fig. 4) For both
the bigram and the trigram, the probability that the
next letter is 0 steps or one step away is higher than
50%. With the standard keyboard it is very arbitrary
and the probabilities from 0 to 13 steps add up to more
than 50%.
The measured time difference of the system time
before and after the function call is 0.03 seconds on
average (rounded), well below the maximum accept-
able delay between input and feedback of 500 ms
specified by (Wolff et al., 2011). The bi- and trigrams
for the Markov model were created from the SdeWaC
corpus and stored in the database in a Docker con-
Virtual Dynamic Keyboard for Communication in Intensive Care
Figure 4: Probability of steps based on trigrams for dynamic (top, SdeWaC-corpus) versus static keyboard (bottom).
5.2.2 Transformer
The pre-trained GPT2 network is designed to gen-
erate several words up to sentences and paragraphs.
For this work, however, the network should predict
the next best possible letters. If no context is given
to the network, but it is to generate further words
with a small number of given letters, special char-
acters are often returned. These are initially irrele-
vant for the dynamic keyboard. With the parameters
bad words ids and max new tokens and the context
sentence, ”Ich liege im Krankenhaus und werde beat-
met. Jetzt m
ochte ich mit dem Arzt kommunizieren.“
(I’m in hospital and being ventilated. Now I want
to communicate with the doctor.) which was added
before each example sentence, acceptable sentences
could be generated. The first generated letter is cho-
sen as one of the likely next letters. To generate more
than one letter, the same sentence must be given to
the model multiple times (iteration). After each pre-
dicted letter, the iteration counter decreases by one. If
the same letter is predicted multiple times, its prob-
ability increases, but the number of different letters
remains the same. To prevent an endless loop, the
maximum number of iterations is set to 20. With 30
letters in the german alphabet and one space char-
acter, the most distant letter is 15 steps away from
the pointer (focus in the middle). This is half of the
possible characters (a-z
uß and space). The average
number of steps for a sentence is 6.09 (rounded) for
the transformer without context and 6.06 (rounded)
for the transformer with context. The step frequency
distribution for the transformer does not show a uni-
form decrease in probability like the Markov model
trigram, as it is not based on a probability distribu-
tion but learned letter patterns. Additionally, we limit
generation to the ten most probable next letters to re-
duce processing time, resulting in a maximum of five
steps. If the results are compared with context and
without context, it can be seen that steps zero and one
are 2% more likely with context. From six steps at
the latest, all remaining characters that were not gen-
erated by the transformer are added with no particu-
lar order. This means that a high probability of steps
greater than ve is possible, but can change with each
The average processing time required is 17.84 sec-
onds for the Transformer with context and 16.51 sec-
onds without the specified hospital context. The times
measured for the Transformer exceed the maximum
feedback value specified by (Wolff et al., 2011) by
far. Times for using the GUI would add to this.
5.2.3 LSTM
The evaluation of the LSTM resulted in an average
of 5.84 (rounded) steps for one sentence. One step is
the most frequent, followed by two and five steps. The
distribution does not resemble the bi- or trigram distri-
bution of the Markov model. Unlike the Transformer,
no special characters are generated because the train-
ing corpus does not contain them. The LSTM only
generates a maximum of the next ten possible letters.
All other existing letters in the alphabet (n=21) are
appended to the list of generated letters. This means
that all letters can still be entered using the keyboard.
Ten generated letters on the keyboard means that a
maximum of five steps are required to reach them.
HEALTHINF 2025 - 18th International Conference on Health Informatics
The step frequency distribution of the LSTM
shows that the sum of the probabilities for zero to five
steps is 57.98%, which is more than half of all step
probabilities (steps 0-15). However, the result of the
LSTM is still worse than that of the Markov model
(bi- and trigram). With the bigram, the first two steps
(0,1,2) already have a probability of 71.4% and with
the trigrams even 80.03%. The measured processing
time is 1.33 seconds (rounded). The response time
is significantly better than the transformer network’s,
but still too high to be acceptable.
Since the transformer model was rather slow and
created a lot of special characters that have to be fil-
tered, and the LSTM model provided lower predic-
tion quality, we decided to integrate the determinis-
tic Markov model into the dynamic keyboard applica-
5.3 User Evaluation
In the laboratory test described above, perfect users
without any time spent on the gestures and without
errors in selecting the correct letters, were simulated.
For the usability test of the user interface and its use
by real people, we also conducted an initial labora-
tory study with test subjects. The aim was to test the
effectiveness of the new design in comparison with
the static keyboard, as well as the perception of the
changing letters on the keyboard among participants.
The qualitative study uses a mix of methods that
includes observing the interactions of the test sub-
jects, in particular their movements within the appli-
cation, as well as a structured questionnaire afterward.
The semi-randomized study took place in our lab-
oratory, where a hospital-like (intensive care) envi-
ronment was created. The ACTIVATE application
and BIRDY were provided at a hospital bedside. The
inclination of the head section and the positioning of
the screen were adapted to real conditions in the in-
tensive care unit. The test person lies in bed and holds
BIRDY in his hand while it lies on the bed.
Voluntary test subjects (n=9) were recruited for
the study from among the students and employees of
our university using a survey in our learning manage-
ment system. Upon request, student participants re-
ceived test points for the 30-minute test.
Inclusion criteria included a minimum age of 18
years and German language skills. Participants with
physical impairments of arms and legs, dyslexia, vi-
sual impairment or blindness, mental impairments,
and other illnesses that could impair the successful
completion of the task (e.g., epilepsy) were excluded.
After the purpose of the study has been explained
to the subjects and presented to them in writing, they
signed a declaration of consent and a data protection
declaration. The test person then lies down in the hos-
pital bed and is given BIRDY in the hand. BIRDY
is first calibrated with the help of the study staff. In
particular, the magnetometer to determine the Earth’s
reference system is affected by constant interference
and must be adjusted. The accelerometer and the gy-
roscope are less affected.
The system was briefly explained to the test per-
son and the basics are shown. This was followed by
the sentence input. To familiarize themselves with
the system, the test subjects select three sentences
provided by the ACTIVATE system: “Wann kommt
meine Familie?” (“When is my family coming?”),
”Was ist passiert?” (“What happened?”), and ”Durst”
(‘Thirst’) via the patient application.
Three further sentences were selected from the re-
sults of the survey, to avoid long input sequences:
“danke” (“thank you”), “wer sind sie” (“who are
you”), and ”ich liebe euch” (“I love you”). Please
note, that the sentences are not following correct Ger-
man grammar and spelling, since the keyboard does
not provide capital letters. This is obviously of minor
importance in the context of intensive care communi-
cation. The sentences are entered by the test subjects
using both the dynamic and the standard keyboard.
In the background, the program measures the sys-
tem time and records the number of BIRDY actions
(step to the right, left, and confirmation by push ges-
ture). After successful completion, the test subjects
fill out a questionnaire. The questionnaire is pseudo-
anonymous and does not ask for any personal data.
Participants can indicate wishes for further functions
or additional characters.
Nine test subjects registered for and participated
in the laboratory study. The age of participations was
between 21 and 36 years, the average was 26.5 years.
Six of the test subjects felt they belonged to the female
gender, and three test subjects to the male gender. All
test subjects successfully completed the first task of
entering sentences with the ACTIVATE patient appli-
cation. This task was intended to familiarize them
with the system and the input device and is not dis-
cussed further here. In the second task, the test sub-
jects were asked to enter sentences using the dynamic
keyboard. This task was also successfully completed
by all participants.
In the third task, entering three sentences using
the standard keyboard, two test subjects had technical
difficulties with the BIRDY input device, so that this
could not be completed. For this reason, we decided
to discontinue the respective tests. This affected the
sentences ”wer sind sie” und ”ich liebe euch” for two
test subjects.
Virtual Dynamic Keyboard for Communication in Intensive Care
In the step evaluation, the steps were counted from
opening the respective keypad to starting the pronun-
ciation via the corresponding symbol. With the dy-
namic keyboard, the symbol was always 16 steps (15
right and 1 pressing movement) away from the last in-
put, because the pointer (highlighted letter) is always
in the center of the dynamic keyboard (see above).
The distance to the symbol on the standard keyboard
depends on the input of the last letter. It should also
be noted here that the test person can take a step to
the left from the first keyboard symbol at the top left
(number 1) to land at “Zur
uck” (Back) at the bottom
right (3). The steps taken per participant, sentence and
keyboard are compared with the best possible steps.
For the standard keyboard in particular, a movement
from top left to bottom right and vice versa was con-
sidered if this path was the shorter one.
5.3.1 Results: Number of Steps
The shortest path for the first sentence “danke”, from
opening the dynamic keyboard to the start of the out-
put requires 27 steps. Of these, 11 steps were required
to type the word/phrase and 16 steps to reach and acti-
vate the symbol. Three out of nine test subjects man-
aged it in 27 steps, three were slightly worse (+2, +4,
+6 steps) and three needed significantly more steps.
For the second sentence “wer sind sie”, a mini-
mum of 36 (20+16) steps were required to enter the
text without errors. Four test subjects managed this.
Two were slightly above this (+2 steps) and three test
subjects needed more steps to enter the text. The third
sentence to be entered, “ich liebe euch”, required a
minimum of 57 (41+16) steps. One test person made
it, four were slightly above that (+2, +4) and four
missed the target by a long way. For two of the last
group, the problem was with the input device, which
no longer responded as desired. These were the test
subjects who dropped out later.
None of the nine test subjects managed to enter
all sentences correctly using the dynamic keyboard
without errors. This confirms that it is important to
conduct a laboratory test with people to evaluate the
system instead of just using software to calculate the
smallest steps.
With the standard keyboard, no test person man-
aged to enter one of the three sentences with the
minimum steps. These were 74+16=90 for “danke”,
155+16=171 for “wer sind sie” and 221+18=239 for
”ich liebe euch” (the second summand is the path to
the read-aloud symbol). As already mentioned, the
steps to the symbol depend on the previous letter. In
the first two sentences, by chance, there are also 16
steps (from the letter ’e’) and for the last sentence, it
is 18 steps (starting from ’h’). Only one test subject
managed to get close to the best possible number of
steps. This person managed 97 instead of 90 steps in
the first set and 244 instead of 239 steps in the last set.
Two test subjects dropped out during the last two sets,
leaving only 7 relevant test subjects at the end,
Consequently, the dynamic keyboard offered the
test subjects considerable added value in terms of
compared to the standard keyboard. The dynamic
keyboard requires fewer steps per sentence.
5.3.2 Results: Required Time
The evaluation of the required time is somewhat more
complex, as there is no minimum reference time.
For different reasons, each person takes a different
amount of time to enter text into the keyboards.
In total, with the dynamic keyboard, it was pos-
sible to enter all 27 text entries. 15 sentences could
be entered in less than one minute. The first two sen-
tences in particular (“danke”, “wer sind sie”) required
a shorter input time. With the standard keyboard, only
two entries could be entered in under a minute. When
calculating the average duration, the two test subjects
who aborted were not taken into account. The previ-
ous sentences already reflect the difficulties with the
BIRDY input device. The two test subjects waited in
between, hoping that BIRDY would recover after a
waiting period. The result can be seen in table 2.
Table 2: Average time needed to input the sentences once
with the dynamic keyboard and once with the standard key-
board (N=7).
Time format mm:ss,ms
Sentences Dynamic Standard
danke 00:42,096 01:21,347
wer sind sie 00:40,601 03:12,840
ich liebe euch 00:58,927 03:08,014
The small sample size does not allow a quantita-
tively significant statement to be made. Nevertheless,
it can be seen that typing with the dynamic keyboard
is faster in all cases than with the standard keyboard.
5.3.3 Results: Questionary
A questionnaire with seven questions was presented
to the subjects after the tests. All test subjects were
comfortable with the dynamic keyboard and would
continue to use it instead of the standard keyboard.
Only one person had already used a different dynamic
keyboard before, for all others it was new.
Six out of nine test subjects would like to see more
characters on the keyboard. Numbers were mentioned
in particular, periods, commas, question and exclama-
HEALTHINF 2025 - 18th International Conference on Health Informatics
tion marks. positioning of additional characters were
preferred dynamically (n=3), statically at the edge of
the keyboard (n=2), or dynamically only at the poten-
tial end of a sentence (n=1).
It was also suggested that a number written in full
could be automatically converted into a sequence of
digits. But there is no added value in this case. The
text entered would only be shortened, which is irrel-
evant for pronunciation. There would only be an ad-
vantage if the input of a number is recognized early.
Especially it could perhaps be an advantage with long
Eight out of nine test subjects see an additional
benefit when using the dynamic keyboard compared
to the ACTIVATE patient application. The reasons
were similar for most of them. They stated that more
individualized utterances were possible, and less cog-
nitive effort or less concentration would be required.
All of them saw an additional benefit of the dynamic
keyboard compared to the existing standard keyboard.
The dynamic keyboard is faster to type (provided the
word is recognized correctly) and more intuitive.
Vertical movements by BIRDY were desired. This
presumably related to the standard keyboard, as the
letters of the laboratory test sentences on the dynamic
keyboard were almost always on the same line (with
the exception of the read-aloud symbol). Vertical
movements were ruled out in the design of the device
in user studies as not comfortable for the position in
An idea was described to have another input de-
vice that takes over the function of the space bar, the
delete key, and the pronunciation function. Although
this could speed up input, it would lead to confu-
sion for patients. The input device would have to be
used in parallel with BIRDY in the other hand and the
patient would have to memorize which input device
is responsible for device is responsible for what and
which gestures exist if they are different.
Suggestions were also made to predict and display
words or to be able to memorize words and sentences.
Predicting words and integrating them into the key-
board has already been implemented in variants of
the prototype. In this case, a fixed number of words
was dynamically added to the keyboard, depending on
where the initial letter of the word was located. This
is similar to the patent application by (Griffin, 2013).
This work focuses on the development and evalua-
tion of a dynamic virtual keyboard for intensive care
units. Integrated into the ACTIVATE project’s com-
munication system, the keyboard uses the BIRDY in-
put device, designed for circular menus with sim-
ple left, right, and pressure gestures. For traditional
keyboard layouts, this control is cumbersome and re-
quires many movements.
The dynamic keyboard uses statistical models to
predict letters based on previous input, dynamically
rearranging their positions to minimize interactions.
Three models were implemented: Markov, LSTM,
and Transformer. The Markov model with trigrams
proved most efficient, averaging 1.6 steps per letter
compared to 13.83 for a standard keyboard. In a lab-
oratory evaluation, users typed 73% faster with the
dynamic keyboard and preferred it over the standard
The design of the GUI layout was not the focus.
And although graphic cues like highlighting letters
as well as optional voice output are already provided,
user-friendliness can further be optimized through an
ISO-compliant standard UCX process. Especially, an
integrated tutorial system would be beneficial for be-
Continuous model adaptation could enable user-
specific customization. While it may be straight-
forward to simply adjust the Markov-Model based on
the patient typing history over time and support real-
time adaptation, it may even degrade prediction qual-
ity due to patients’ errors in typing. Since manual cor-
rection is not a realistic option, another speech model
for automatic syntax correction would be required.
But most patients will not type much text anyhow,
therefore the potential advantage is limited.
Larger user tests are planned to confirm results,
with a future clinical study to determine effectiveness
for real patients.
The authors would like to express their gratitude to
ACTIVATE research team members Boerge Kordts
and Jan Kopetz for supporting the integration of our
results into the ACTIVATE system architecture and
for very helpful concept discussions.
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HEALTHINF 2025 - 18th International Conference on Health Informatics