However, Ohigashi et al. propose a detection
method that focuses on the principle of the construc-
tion method of fake QR codes (Ohigashi et al., 2021).
Dynamic fake QR codes have the same characteristics
as static fake QR codes. Thus, The countermeasure
methods in Reference (Ohigashi et al., 2021) work ef-
fectively. Dynamic fake QR codes require the irradia-
tion of a laser. Therefore, an effective countermeasure
can be achieved by adding atmospheric effects to the
laser beam. Specifically, it is considered effective to
install air conditioning, etc.
In this study, we proposed a method to generate a fake
QR code that can lead to a malicious site at arbitrary
timing by irradiating a laser beam onto a QR code.
Specifically, we considered that certain modules are
treated as bright areas when they are read by a cam-
era with laser irradiation. In addition, a study was
conducted on faking from long distances using laser
irradiation. Calculations showed the relationship of
the emission position to focus on the QR code. Sub-
sequently, experiments were conducted to confirm the
operation of QR code fake by laser irradiation at 10,
20, 30, 40, and 50 meters. In this experimental en-
vironment, the URL before the fake operation was
occasionally loaded at a distance of 50 or 100 me-
ters. The cause is owing to be that the air-conditioning
system was in operation. The air conditioning sys-
tem was centrally controlled and could not be shut
down for the experiments. The air conditioning may
have caused fluctuations in the atmosphere, making
it difficult for the laser beam to continue irradiating
the target module. Future experiments conducted over
longer distances, such as 1 km, will require more pre-
cise laser irradiation. It is necessary to study the ef-
fect of long-distance laser irradiation, which is sub-
ject to strong atmospheric fluctuations, on the fake
operation. Furthermore, we confirmed that the results
change with the angle of the reading, even at the same
laser power. In future work, we will study the change
of the inducing site with the angle of the reading rel-
ative to the laser irradiation.
This work was supported in part by the JSPS KAK-
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ICISSP 2025 - 11th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy