Investigating the Effectiveness of Zero–Trust Architecture for Satellite
Masrur Masqub Utsash
1 a
, Georgios Kavallieratos
1,2 b
, Konstantinos Antonakopoulos
Sokratis Katsikas
1 c
Department of Information Security and Communication Technology (IIK), Norwegian University of Science and
Technology, Gjøvik, Norway
Department of Technology Systems, University of Oslo, 2007 Kjeller, Norway
Testify SA, Oslo, Norway
Bitrezus PC, Athens, Greece
{firstname.lastname}, {firstname.lastname},
Satellite, Cybersecurity, Zero–Trust Architecture.
The increasing adoption of edge computing platforms poses significant challenges to traditional perimeter-
based security architectures. Zero–Trust architecture has gained traction and is now widely utilized as the
preferred security architecture in critical infrastructures. However, even though the advantages of using such
architecture towards improving the cybersecurity posture of satellites have been analyzed, very little has been
done in demonstrating such advantages by experimenting with an implementation of the architecture. In
this paper, we experimentally investigate the effectiveness of Zero–Trust architecture in improving satellite
cybersecurity by analyzing two critical attacks against satellites. We describe the experimental setup and the
experimentation process, and we present and discuss our findings, that demonstrate that zero-trust architecture
is successful in mitigating attacks that would otherwise disrupt the operations of the satellite.
Satellites are leveraged by several critical sectors to
facilitate the provision of services such as earth ob-
servation, communication, and navigation. As of May
4, 2024, there were 3135 satellites dedicated to com-
munication, 1052 for earth observation, and 154 for
navigation, among others (Ieva, 2024). According to
the satellite tracking website ‘Orbiting Now’ there are
10807 active satellites in various Earth orbits as of
September 24, 2024 (Orbiting now, 2024). The emer-
gence of New Space era, and the confluence of sev-
eral challenges, such as the single point of failure sys-
tems, the highly complex supply chain, and the pro-
longed system life cycle, have exposed a unique vul-
nerability: enormous attack-surface and insufficient
focus on the cybersecurity of satellites (Kavallieratos
and Katsikas, 2023). The intricacies and sensitivity
of satellite operations render them prime targets for
malicious actors. Several attacks in space infrastruc-
ture have been reported in the past few years (Black,
2023; Singh, 2023; Corfield, 2023). These incidents
underscore the urgent need to prioritize satellite cy-
In the face of such evolving cybersecurity land-
scape, the conventional perimeter-based defenses, of-
ten employed in other domains, proves to be inad-
equate for satellites (Syed et al., 2022). This moti-
vates transcending these limitations by introducing a
more robust and adaptive security framework. Zero–
Trust Architecture (ZTA) has gained momentum and
is increasingly emerging as the security architecture
of choice (Rose et al., 2020). This shift is due to
the inherent limitations of perimeter–based security
models, which struggle to adapt to the decentralized
and diverse network landscape of edge computing and
space industry scenarios (Han et al., 2021). As the
space industry increasingly relies on edge computing
platforms, adopting ZTA reflects a strategic response
to the evolving threat landscape, enhancing resilience
against cyber threats and protecting critical assets and
Although several research works have explored
the application of ZTA to secure satellites, its effec-
Utsash, M. M., Kavallieratos, G., Antonakopoulos, K. and Katsikas, S.
Investigating the Effectiveness of Zero–Trust Architecture for Satellite Cybersecurity.
DOI: 10.5220/0013103200003899
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy (ICISSP 2025) - Volume 2, pages 133-140
ISBN: 978-989-758-735-1; ISSN: 2184-4356
Proceedings Copyright © 2025 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
tiveness in doing so has only partially been discussed,
let alone demonstrated. The focus of this work is
to experimentally assess the effectiveness of ZTA in
safeguarding the cybersecurity of a satellite. Given
the critical nature of such infrastructure, it is imprac-
tical to use actual, real-world systems for analyzing
cybersecurity attacks, as this could disrupt regular op-
erations. Consequently, specialists often recommend
employing simulation environments that closely re-
semble real-world scenarios. This approach allows
us to understand the potential impact of cybersecurity
attacks on actual infrastructure while maintaining on-
going operations.
The contributions of this work are as follows:
Propose a ZTA solution for satellite cybersecurity;
A laboratory environment designed to allow the
implementation of and experimentation with the
proposed ZTA solution towards assessing its ef-
fectiveness against selected cyberattacks;
Demonstration of the effect that replay attacks and
malicious software injection attacks have on the
operational capacity of a satellite.
The structure of the remaining of this paper is as
follows; Section 2 discusses related work. Section 3
presents our proposal of a ZTA for satellites and Sec-
tion 4 describes the experimental setup, process and
the effectiveness of the proposed ZTA in satellites.
Section 5 summarizes our conclusions.
There are several approaches in the literature focusing
on the cybersecurity of satellites. Zatti (Zatti, 2020)
analyzed unauthorized operation of satellites, launch-
ers, or ground satellite facilities. Amin et al. (Amin
et al., 2016) identified two main threats to satellite
communications, namely jamming interference and
spoofing attacks. Fowler (Fowler, 2016) discussed
several threats to satellite systems such as unautho-
rized operations, eavesdropping, jamming, hijacking,
and control. Hasan et al. (Hasan and Hasan, 2022)
presented a systematic threat model and security anal-
ysis of a satellite system using the STRIDE technique.
Falco (Falco, 2020) delves into cyber attacks originat-
ing from one satellite and targeting another. Breda et
al. (Breda et al., 2022) focused on the use of artificial
intelligence (AI) in space operations, focusing on vul-
nerabilities such as lack of transparency, vulnerability
in input data, inherent weaknesses in mathematical
procedures, and the potential for exploitation by ad-
versaries. Unal (Unal, 2019) discussed replay attacks
in space infrastructure considering NATO’s space-
based strategic assets. Falco (Falco, 2018) provided
a comprehensive framework for enhancing security
measures in space infrastructure. NASA (Office of
Inspector General, 2021) leveraged the NIST cyberse-
curity framework to define security controls for their
operations. Baker et al. (Baker et al., 2019) discussed
the security benefits of software-defined networking
(SDN) in space communication networks, focusing
on its elastic networking, resource distribution, and
network configurability.
The adoption of Zero-Trust security systems in
the space industry is also gaining momentum (Qui-
quet, 2023) (White and White, 2024). Thangavel et
al. (Thangavel et al., 2022) highlighted the advan-
tages of ZTA in space cybersecurity. Protik (Protik,
2023) proposed an updated standard for secure satel-
lite communications and space data systems based on
Zero-Trust. Khamvilai et al. (Khamvilai and Pak-
mehr, 2023) explored the application of Zero-Trust
across various components of complex cyber-physical
systems. Schalk et al. (Schalk and Brown, 2023)
highlighted the advantages of implementing a ZTA
in space network software bus architectures. Fu et
al. (Fu et al., 2022) introduced an architecture and
scheme for continuous authentication in satellite net-
works. Lowdermilk et al. (Lowdermilk and Sethu-
madhavan, 2021) discussed the importance of min-
imizing trust in satellite processors. Driouch et al.
(Driouch et al., 2023) discussed the challenges and
risks of securing new space missions. Gvozdev et al.
(Gvozdev and Vorobev, 2020) highlighted the advan-
tages of a Zero-Trust Network in a multi-satellite sys-
tem for Earth remote sensing. Based on the above
findings, a research gap on the implementation of a
ZTA solution in a satellite system, towards exploring
its effectiveness in improving the security posture of
the satellite is identified. This paper aspires to con-
tribute towards partially bridging this gap.
The core features of Zero Trust Architecture (ZTA),
as defined by NIST (Rose et al., 2020), include strict
identity verification, least privilege access, micro-
, continuous monitoring, endpoint se-
curity, and automated threat detection.This work uti-
lizes the OpenZiti (Ziti) framework, an open-source
project dedicated to integrating Zero-Trust network-
ing principles into any application seamlessly (Open
resources are segmented into smaller, protected zones
ICISSP 2025 - 11th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
Source Zero Trust Networking, 2023). It offers
a comprehensive toolkit for implementing a Zero-
Trust overlay network
, including controllers, edge
, and fabric routers
. Additionally, Ziti pro-
vides various software development kits (SDKs) to
facilitate the integration of Zero-Trust directly into
applications. It also offers tunneling applications for
granting Zero-Trust access to applications where di-
rect integration is not feasible. As per NIST guide-
lines (Rose et al., 2020), the components within a
ZTA are not always distinct systems. Given the dis-
tinct characteristics of the space system and the ob-
jectives of this work, we have chosen to adopt a hy-
brid approach that combines elements from both the
Device Agent/Gateway Model and the Resource Por-
tal Model. In this setup, the PEP functions as a
singular gateway through which all subject requests
pass, while our assets utilize a device agent to estab-
lish connections with the gateways. This hybrid ap-
proach to ZTA offers a secure method for implement-
ing Zero-Trust in our experimental setup, described in
the next section.
In the experimental setup (Figure 1), the components
in green represent the elements and entities within
the Zero-Trust environment, while the components in
red represent the outsider entities. This facilitates the
clarification of the boundaries of the ZTA and high-
lights the different roles and interactions of each com-
ponent within the experimental setup.
Figure 1: Experimental Setup.
We established a Zero Trust design setup with
multiple computers on the same network. A Kali
Linux computer represents the satellite and runs the
state machine. This machine is the primary target for
ensures the characteristics of zero-trust for every com-
ponent no matter where they are on the network
secures traffic between internal and external systems
by verifying identities and enforcing access controls
securely manages traffic between devices by ensuring
all connections are authenticated and authorized
both the attacker and the security mechanisms. An-
other Kali Linux computer is used to deploy our Zero-
Trust solution enabling the Policy Enforcement Point
(PEP) and acting as the gateway through which all
connections to the satellite must pass, as part of the
ZTA. This machine also houses the policy engine and
the policy administrator, allowing it to control all net-
work traffic as a single gateway point. At the bot-
tom right of the figure, a Windows 11 client is used
by the authorized user as a mission operation termi-
nal. The client is equipped with all necessary agents
and certificates to securely access the satellite within
the Zero-Trust network. A Kali Linux machine is uti-
lized as the attacker due to its extensive pre-installed
penetration testing tools. This simplified, yet compre-
hensive, setup allows us to simulate a space mission
operation center where both legitimate and malicious
activities are executed. This provides a robust envi-
ronment to test the effectiveness of our Zero-Trust de-
4.1 The Zero-Trust Network
Establishing a connection to the satellite is possible
either directly or via a ground station. Accordingly,
our experimental setup involves two distinct scenar-
ios. In the first scenario, we anticipate direct com-
munication between the clients and the satellite. The
second scenario assumes communication between the
clients and the satellite through the ground station.
In this section, we outline the network models for
both scenarios. The configuration of the network is
achieved by leveraging several computer devices run-
ning different operating systems to create an environ-
ment closely resembling real-world conditions.
Figure 2 illustrates the network architecture for
communication with the satellite via the Ziti overlay.
In this setup, a Windows 11 client establishes a con-
nection to the Ziti Controller through the Ziti Desk-
top Edge using a tunneler. Simultaneously, the satel-
lite environment, simulated on a Kali Linux machine,
is connected to the Ziti Controller through another
tunneler. This configuration enables direct commu-
nication between the client and the satellite environ-
ment facilitated by the Ziti overlay network. The in-
ternal communication between these components uti-
lizes the standard TCP protocol.
Figure 3 depicts the network architecture where
clients must communicate with the satellite through
the ground station. In this setup, the Ziti Controller is
deployed at the ground station, facilitating the con-
nection between the clients and the satellite. The
satellite is linked to the ground station through a
dedicated edge router connection (OpenZiti virtual
Investigating the Effectiveness of Zero–Trust Architecture for Satellite Cybersecurity
Figure 2: Client-satellite communication network.
router) assuming that the spacecraft has the capabil-
ity to switch between authorized ground stations. Ad-
ditionally, a public edge router is established to al-
low authorized entities to access the ground station
and communicate with the satellite. This configura-
tion ensures secure and controlled communication be-
tween clients and the satellite via the Ziti overlay net-
work through the ground station. The edge routers are
equipped with Ziti capabilities and are registered as
distinct router entities via the Ziti console. They en-
able connections with the Ziti controller at the ground
station via a tunneler, thereby creating a secure com-
munication channel for all established connections. In
a real-world operational environment with real satel-
lites running in orbit and having ground operations,
the CCSDS (Consultative Committee for Space Data
Systems) Space Packet Protocol
would be used.
Since for this work we use an IP-network of emu-
lated satellites, communications utilize the standard
TCP protocol.
Figure 3: Client-satellite communication network through
ground station.
4.2 Deploying Openziti
The flexibility of the OpenZiti solution has signifi-
cantly facilitated our experiment by providing all the
necessary options to create and maintain the compo-
nents of our chosen ZTA. For this work, a local envi-
ronment is using Kali Linux with 8 vCPU cores and
16GB of RAM.
4.3 Defining the State Machine
A state machine can effectively portray the activities
of a satellite. In our state machine, we have outlined
several states to signify both the operational health
status of the satellite and its mission-related activities.
The state machine initiates at an initial mode and con-
cludes with the de-orbit mode. Each state represents a
specific condition or stage in the satellite’s operation,
and transitions between states occur based on prede-
fined events or conditions. The state machine changes
its state upon receiving valid event commands, other-
wise the satellite disregards the command.
Figure 4: State machine for satellite.
Concerning Fig. 4, we start at the Initial Mode
state, the starting point for our system’s journey. As
the system switches to the Active/Orbit Mode, rep-
resenting regular operational state, like when a satel-
lite is smoothly orbiting Earth, performing its tasks.
However, if something goes wrong, like a glitch or
malfunction, the system enters Error Mode, similar
to when any device malfunctions or displays an er-
ror message. In such cases, the system shifts to
Safe Mode, a protective fallback, shutting down non-
essential functions to maintain stability. For our satel-
lite, this might involve conserving power or reducing
activity. Eventually, when the mission concludes or a
critical problem arises, the system moves into DeOr-
bit Mode, facilitating a graceful exit strategy, like, for
example, concluding the orbit and returning the satel-
lite safely to Earth. In this setup, we assume that the
attacker will primarily target the active/orbit mode, as
this represents the regular state of a satellite.
4.4 Attacks
The Space Attack Research and Tactic Analysis
framework provides information on Tac-
tics, Techniques, and Procedures (TTP) that may be
used to compromise spacecraft. In this work, we con-
ducted further analysis to prioritize risks by employ-
ing a simplified 4x4 risk matrix (Figure 5), compared
to the more detailed approach used by Bailey in the
SPARTA framework
. Further threat and risk descrip-
ICISSP 2025 - 11th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
tions for the risk matrix (Figure 5) can be found in
(Bailey, 2022).
Figure 5: 4x4 risk matrix for ranking cyber threats.
In our analysis, we assigned to each threat a likeli-
hood of occurrence score ranging from 1 to 10. Addi-
tionally, we used an impact score, also ranging from
1 to 10. The likelihood score assessed the probability
of the threat occurring based on factors like histori-
cal trends, system vulnerabilities, and the resources
needed for the attack. The impact score measured
the potential damage the attack could cause, including
operational disruption, financial losses, data breaches,
and overall disruption of space mission. The accor-
dant risk value is estimated based on the formula: Risk
Score = Likelihood score × Impact score. This work
focuses on the most critical attacks as these are iden-
tified in the aforementioned analysis. These are; (1)
Replay of recorded authentic communications traffic
at a later time with the hope that the authorized com-
munications will provide data or some other system
reaction, and (2) Introduction of malicious software
such as a virus, worm, Distributed Denial-Of-Service
(DDOS) agent, rootkit, or Trojan Horse.
4.4.1 Replay Attack
Figure 6: Attack Model: Replay Attack.
We assume a scenario where an attacker intercepts
a genuine command intended to alter a state within the
satellite, as depicted in Figure 6. In this experiment,
we are using tools like Wireshark
and Ettercap
sniffing and capturing original communication pack-
ets. For sending the packet back to the satellite we
are using tcpreplay
. To simulate a replay attack on
a satellite system, we followed a structured approach
as outlined in Figure 7.
Figure 7: Replay attack simulation steps.
Initially, we assume that the Zero-Trust approach
is not yet implemented and the attack is simulated by
trying to capture communication between the satel-
lite (Kali Linux state machine) and the windows client
computer. In the controlled environment, the infras-
tructure for implementing the attack involved setting
up various software tools on our testing machines. In
a real-world scenario, this preparation phase would
also include procuring the necessary hardware com-
ponents, such as antennas and other communication
devices, to target the satellite.
Next, a specific satellite is targeted for the at-
tack, represented by a state machine running on a Kali
Linux computer. The attacker gathers information to
target the satellite, scanning the network to identify
connected components. Using Ettercap, we launch
a man-in-the-middle (MITM) attack, placing the at-
tacker’s computer between the satellite and the client
to capture traffic in real-time. Wireshark is used to in-
tercept and store data packets during communication.
We then modify the captured packets with a Python
script, changing any ’event’ variable to ’error’ and
saving the altered packet. The modified packet is sent
back to the satellite using the rcpreplay command. In
this controlled environment, we capture packets for
10 seconds, ensuring at least one event command is
intercepted and modified before being resent to the
After executing the replay attack, we observed the
following results. Initially, the state machine was
operating in the active/orbit mode. However, upon
launching the replay attack, the state machine tran-
sitioned to the error mode. This experiment demon-
strates that such an attack can effectively compromise
the satellite’s operational state, leading to mission dis-
ruptions. The response to a replay attack can vary de-
pending on the sent command and the current state of
Investigating the Effectiveness of Zero–Trust Architecture for Satellite Cybersecurity
our state machine representing the satellite. Follow-
ing the successful execution of the attack in a non-
ZTA environment, we proceeded to test the same at-
tack within a Zero-Trust environment. The simulation
steps are depicted in Figure 8.
Figure 8: Replay attack simulation steps with Zero-Trust
The initial steps - preparing the infrastructure, tar-
geting the satellite, setting up sniffing tools, and cap-
turing packets - were conducted as before. How-
ever, due to the data encryption inherent in the ZTA,
the captured packets could not be analyzed or modi-
fied. Despite this, we attempted to resend the origi-
nal captured packet to the state machine, to determine
whether it would cause some disruption within the
satellite system. Once again, the ZTA proved its ef-
fectiveness. As the external attacker lacked a specific
agent necessary for communication within the Zero-
Trust environment, the packet could not be delivered
to the state machine. During the attempt to send the
modified packet, the PEP tried to verify the identity of
the attacking computer and could not find any valid
certificate; as a result the PEP disregarded the con-
nection request. As an attacker, we also tried to by-
pass this issue by capturing the communication packet
with the certificate. While trying to replay the com-
munication of the authentication command, the PEP
tried to validate the certificate and could not match
the entity with the already enlisted entities within the
Zero-Trust network, eventually disregarding the con-
nection request. Consequently, no changes occurred
in the state transition, and the state machine remained
in its original state. This result demonstrates the ro-
bustness of ZTA in preventing unauthorized access
and maintaining the integrity of the satellite’s oper-
ational state.
4.4.2 Malicious Software Injection Attack
We assume a scenario where an attacker sends a ma-
licious script to the satellite (Fig. 9). Our primary
objective was to explore the feasibility and relevance
of employing a malicious software injection attack
against a satellite. We aimed to identify an approach
that would not only be impactful but also pertinent to
the unique challenges of securing space systems.
Figure 9: Attack Model: Malicious Software Injection At-
By focusing on this specific type of attack, we
sought to gain insights into both its potential impact
and its practicality within the satellite landscape. We
used an online resource named
. Fake- (Bl
azquez, 2021) is a streamlined tool designed
for generating Linux shared libraries, particularly for
use in library hijacking scenarios. It enables the
creation of empty libraries with embedded payloads,
which can be executed using LD PRELOAD. Though was originally developed for research and
practice purposes for strengthening the security pos-
ture, it could be used in real-life by the attacker to pur-
sue malicious objectives. This tool operates by ana-
lyzing a shared library binary, extracting its functions
and symbols, and subsequently generating another li-
brary that closely resembles the original one. How-
ever, this fabricated library contains a payload spec-
ified by the user. For employing the tool,
we initially analyze the library files using readelf
Readelf is a versatile command-line tool used for dis-
playing detailed information about ELF (Executable
and Linkable Format) files, which are commonly used
for executables, object code, shared libraries, and core
dumps in Unix-based systems. To simulate this at-
tack, we followed the procedure outlined in Figure 10.
Figure 10: Malicious Software Injection attack simulation
Initially, from the attacker’s machine, we sent the script to the Kali Linux computer repre-
senting the satellite. We then analyzed the library
files to identify the most suitable target for the attack.
ICISSP 2025 - 11th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
After selecting the library file, we analyzed the exe-
cutable in order to identify its functionalities and ex-
tract function names, utilizing the readelf command. offers attackers the capability to designate
a specific function as the injection point, where the
payload code will be inserted. The attacker retains
the flexibility to select an appropriate function for in-
jecting their malicious code. The script
offers multiple execution options, including a basic
echo command, running code in a shell environment,
or executing custom shellcode. For our experiment,
we used the echo command to demonstrate the poten-
tial for injecting and executing malicious code. We
selected a target library file and executed the fake- script to duplicate the original library, embed-
ding the malicious code. The script allows for either
overwriting an existing library or creating a duplicate
in a different directory; we chose the latter for greater
control and evasion of detection. We blocked the orig-
inal file path and introduced the path to the malicious
file, ensuring its use during program execution. The
attack was confirmed to be successful by the execu-
tion of the injected echo command, validating its ef-
fectiveness in compromising the satellite system.
In a separate test scenario, the injection of mali-
cious code resulted in the corruption of the executable
file of our state machine. This outcome underscores
the potential real-world risk wherein an attacker could
disable a satellite. After successfully executing the
attack, we proceeded to evaluate the effectiveness of
Zero-Trust in securing the satellite by simulating the
same attack scenario within a Zero-Trust environment
(Figure 11).
Figure 11: Malicious Software Injection attack simulation
with Zero-Trust implemented.
In attempting to execute the same attack within
the Zero-Trust environment, we encountered a signif-
icant barrier at the very first step i.e., when sending
the script to the satellite environment. Since
the attacker’s computer is an external entity within
the Zero-Trust environment and lacks authorization
with a specific agent to communicate with the envi-
ronment, the script could not be delivered to the satel-
lite. During the attempt to send the modified packet,
the PEP tried to verify the identity of the attacker
computer and could not find any valid certificate; as
a result the PEP disregarded the connection request.
To further test the robustness of the Zero-Trust so-
lution, we attempted to bypass this restriction by as-
suming that the script could be sent to the satellite
through an exploited connection via the ground sta-
tion. In this scenario the ground station also refused
the connection of the attacker as the ground station
is also secured within the Zero-Trust environment.
However, due to the micro-segmentation inherent in
the Zero-Trust environment, it was impossible to an-
alyze the existing file system, thus preventing the ex-
ecution of as the target library could not be
defined. Consequently, no modifications were made
to the original library file, and no malicious file was
created. As a result, when the program was executed,
it utilized the original library file, rendering the attack
The increased reliance of everyday, often critical, ser-
vices on satellites brings both enormous benefits, at
the cost of serious cybersecurity risks. In this work
we explored how ZTA can be effectively implemented
to enhance cybersecurity in satellites. We proposed a
ZTA-based solution and developed a controlled envi-
ronment using multiple computers on the same net-
work to simulate a satellite system in order to exper-
imentally assess its effectiveness. We experimentally
demonstrated that the proposed solution constitutes a
robust framework for addressing security challenges
and effectively mitigates two types of critical attacks.
Thus, our approach to ZTA has promising potential
to secure satellites. In future work, we will explore
the implementation of Zero-Trust principles in satel-
lite constellations to ensure comprehensive security
across the entire network and all connected satellites.
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ICISSP 2025 - 11th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy