On realistic instances, the MIP approach finds the
optimal solution in less than 7 seconds, which makes
it an interesting choice for a real-life planning con-
text. In addition, it is easier to improve and maintain,
while it can take into consideration a wider range of
constraints. It is thus easier to build on this approach
to solve variants of the FRHACP and its extension.
The MIP approach is also guaranteed to return an op-
timal solution (given its approximations), while the
DP methods are only heuristics for this problem. We
believe that greater variance in fuel, electricity and
schedule costs could lead to greater cost differences
between the approaches.
In this paper, we introduced an extended version
of the FRHACP incorporating additional constraints
and soft schedule requirements. To solve both the
FRHACP and its extension, we proposed a MIP ap-
proach. Through a comparative analysis involving a
benchmark of 10 realistic instances, we compared the
MIP approach against an updated DP approach ini-
tially introduced in previous work for the FRHACP.
Our findings consistently demonstrated that the MIP
approach yields superior solutions than DP, both
with and without gradient descent post-treatment,
achieving average cost reductions of 145$ (1.7%) and
377$ (4.3%), respectively. However, we showed that
it also requires a longer solving time compared to
the DP approach. Furthermore, our analysis revealed
that the MIP approach exhibits significantly lower
scalability than its counterpart, thus each method has
its advantages and limitations. Directions for future
work include performing a sensitivity analysis on the
impact of the different parameters, as well as consid-
ering a variable aircraft speed.
This work received financial support from the Con-
sortium for Research and Innovation in Aerospace in
Quebec (CRIAQ) and the Mitacs Accelerate program.
The authors would like to thank the many members of
the Thales project team for their feedback on the prob-
lem definition and for the prototype implementation,
especially Vanessa Simard for her contribution on the
benchmark creation methodology.
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ICORES 2025 - 14th International Conference on Operations Research and Enterprise Systems