Evaluating Keystroke Dynamics Performance in e-Commerce
Xiaofei Wang
1 a
, Andy Meneely
2 b
and Daqing Hou
2 c
Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering, Clarkson University, Potsdam, NY, U.S.A.
Department of Software Engineering, Rochester Institute of Technology, Rochester, NY, U.S.A.
wangx4@clarkson.edu, {andy.meneely, daqing.hou}@rit.edu
Keystroke Dynamics, Dataset, Behavioral Biometrics, Optimization Algorithm, e-Commerce.
The traditional username and password authentication mechanisms are vulnerable to various attacks, such as
brute force, rainbow tables, and password theft. Multi-factor authentication is becoming the standard practice
across the software industry, and keystroke dynamics can be a useful way to augment existing authentica-
tion mechanisms. This paper introduces a keystroke dynamics-based system implemented using the Django
framework to collect and analyze keystroke data across three e-Commerce web services: air ticketing, online
shopping, and car rental systems. Our system asked users to type their own information and also type several
other users’ information, using common and service-specific input fields. We collected data from 62 partici-
pants where each contributes 10 records for each service as both genuine and imposter users. Through detailed
feature extraction and machine learning-based analysis with three binary classifiers, we evaluate the efficacy
of keystroke dynamics in distinguishing genuine from imposter users. Our results indicate that different input
fields have differentiated effects on verifying users, and appropriate field selection strategies can improve the
performance of classification methods.
The security of online systems has become a crit-
ical concern in today’s digital landscape. Tradi-
tional authentication mechanisms rely heavily on
knowledge-based factors such as usernames and pass-
words. However, these methods are increasingly vul-
nerable to a wide range of attacks, including phish-
ing, brute force, theft, and rainbow tables. The
widespread use of weak, reused, or easily guessable
passwords continues to undermine user authentica-
tion. To mitigate the risks associated with passwords,
web services have introduced secondary authentica-
tion mechanisms, such as security questions or one-
time passcodes (OTPs). While these methods add an
extra layer of security, they too have limitations, as
they can be bypassed through social engineering or
other forms of attack.Furthermore, these methods de-
grade usability by requiring additional steps in the au-
thentication process, creating friction for the end user.
Keystroke dynamics, a form of behavioral bio-
metrics, has emerged as a promising methodology
for enhancing user authentication. Unlike traditional
knowledge-based or token-based methods, keystroke
dynamics relies on each user’s unique typing patterns.
This modality leverages each individual’s typing fea-
tures such as the time interval between consecutive
key presses, key hold times, and other timing-based
characteristics. Since the typing behavior tends to
be distinct, keystroke dynamics offers the potential
for continuous authentication that is more resistant
to conventional attacks. Keystroke dynamics is also
non-intrusive, as it can be captured passively in the
background without requiring additional hardware or
user input (Wahab et al., 2023).
The goal of this work is to improve the user au-
thentication experience by collecting keystroke dy-
namics data in realistic scenarios. We chose eCom-
merce as a common scenario that many people regu-
larly engage with, such as typing sensitive informa-
tion, such as usernames, passwords, phone numbers,
and credit card details. We developed a keystroke
dynamics-based system in Python’s Django frame-
work. We designed three web services: an air ticket
service system, an online shopping system, and a car
rental service system. Each of these systems contains
common input fields, such as username, password,
and phone number, as well as service-specific fields,
such as car license plate and credit card number. We
Wang, X., Meneely, A. and Hou, D.
Evaluating Keystroke Dynamics Performance in e-Commerce.
DOI: 10.5220/0013103700003899
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy (ICISSP 2025) - Volume 1, pages 167-175
ISBN: 978-989-758-735-1; ISSN: 2184-4356
Proceedings Copyright © 2025 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
investigated a dual input scenario where users provide
both their own genuine information and imposter in-
formation, enabling a comparison of keystroke pat-
terns between authentic and false inputs.
The key innovation of this system lies in its ability
to capture and analyze keystroke data across multiple
services and multiple input types, allowing us to ex-
plore how well keystroke dynamics can differentiate
between genuine inputs, where users input their own
data, and imposter inputs, where users input the data
of another person. Our contributions are:
a keystroke data collection system that captures
keystroke dynamics across three different web
services, each with common and service-specific
input fields.
a comprehensive field-level analysis to assess the
effectiveness of keystroke dynamics in distin-
guishing authentic from imposter inputs, identi-
fying which input fields (e.g., usernames, email
addresses, credit card numbers) are most effective
for this purpose.
Table 1: Public keystroke Datasets.
Dataset Users Pub.
(Dowland and Fur-
nell, 2004)
35 2004 Yes
(Gunetti and Picardi,
205 2005 Yes
(Killourhy and Max-
ion, 2009)
51 2009 No
(Messerman et al.,
55 2011 Yes
(Monaco et al., 2012) 30 2012 No
(Ahmed and Traore,
53 2013 Yes
(Vural et al., 2014) 39 2014 No
(Sun et al., 2016) 148 2016 No
Our Dataset 62 2024 Yes
In the field of keystroke dynamics research, several
datasets have provided valuable insights into under-
standing user typing behavior.
The Torino dataset (Gunetti and Picardi, 2005)
was collected in Italian. Participants were required
to open an HTML form in a browser and freely in-
put content they felt comfortable with. Each ses-
sion generated approximately 800 keystrokes, total-
ing 400,000 keystrokes recorded from 40 participants.
Additionally, 165 participants contributed data from
only one session, primarily for simulating imposter
attacks, which provides a significant perspective on
the security aspects of keystroke dynamics. Although
this dataset captures individual typing habits in a nat-
ural environment, the limitation of recording only key
press times without release times restricts the calcu-
lation of dwell times for individual keys, thereby hin-
dering a deeper analysis of keystroke features.
In contrast, the Clarkson dataset was collected un-
der laboratory conditions, involving 39 participants
(Vural et al., 2014). Each participant completed two
sessions, tasked with answering survey questions de-
signed around their areas of interest to ensure fluid-
ity and naturalness in their responses. This dataset
recorded a total of 840,000 keystrokes, providing a
rich array of free text samples. However, while the
diversity and richness of the data are high due to the
controlled environment, the limitations of the labora-
tory setting may compromise the authenticity of par-
ticipant performance, thus affecting the external va-
lidity of the data.
The Buffalo dataset includes keystroke data from
148 participants, characterized by a mix of fixed
text and free text input (Sun et al., 2016). Partici-
pants typed in a laboratory setting using four different
types of keyboards, generating a total of 2.14 million
keystrokes. This dataset explores the impact of key-
board type on keystroke dynamics, adding complexity
to the experiments. However, the fixed text compo-
nent may, to some extent, limit the breadth and depth
of free text analysis.
The study (Killourhy and Maxion, 2009) focused
on fixed password entry, utilizing a database contain-
ing 20,400 samples collected from 51 participants in-
putting the same fixed password, “.tie5Roanl. Each
participant contributed 400 samples. While the study
reported that the Scaled Manhattan, Nearest Neigh-
bor (Mahalanobis), and Outlier Count algorithms per-
formed best, with an error rate (EER) ranging from
9.6% to 10.2%, the use of a fixed password may not
accurately reflect user behavior when entering their
actual passwords.
In comparison to the datasets in Table 1, the
Django dataset employed in this study was collected
through online deployment, allowing participants to
access the collection interface via a URL link. This
approach enabled participants to input data in their
most familiar environment, enhancing the authentic-
ity of the data. Furthermore, participants could freely
decide their own input as well as mimic others’ in-
puts, which is crucial for distinguishing between gen-
uine and imposter inputs. Once recorded, the data
was sent back to a server for centralized storage. This
dataset includes 62 participants and a total of 1.3M
ICISSP 2025 - 11th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
keystrokes. Such a collection method ensures data
authenticity and diversity, more accurately reflecting
users’ true typing habits. In summary, while ex-
isting datasets have provided important insights into
keystroke dynamics, ours, by simulating real-life sce-
narios, advances a deeper analysis of keystroke dy-
namics in the common e-Commerce scenarios.
3.1 System Architecture
The system consists of three primary components: the
front-end for keystroke data collection, the Django
back-end for processing and storing the data, and
the database for managing user information and
keystroke records. The architecture is designed
to handle both desktop and mobile environments,
though the primary focus of this work is on desktop
interactions. The three simulated web services used
for data collection include:
1. Air Ticket Service System: A web interface where
users enter personal information (e.g., name,
email) to book airline tickets.
2. Online Shopping System: A shopping cart system
where users provide their shipping address, pay-
ment information, and contact details to complete
a purchase.
3. Car Rental Service System: A rental booking sys-
tem where users input their driver’s license num-
ber, car preferences, and payment details.
Each service contains a mix of shared input fields
and service-specific input fields. This combination al-
lows for a rich dataset that covers both common and
context-specific inputs.
3.2 Keystroke Data Collection
The collection of keystroke dynamics is achieved us-
ing JavaScript embedded within the HTML forms of
each web service. As users interact with the input
fields, JavaScript captures the Keydown events, when
a key is pressed down; and Keyup, when a key is re-
leased. For each key event, a timestamp is recorded,
which allows for the extraction of various keystroke
dynamics features. The data captured during these
events is transmitted asynchronously (via AJAX) to
the Django back-end, where it is processed and stored
for further analysis.
To ensure robust data collection, users are asked
to interact with the three web services multiple times,
Table 2: Input Fields in the three web services.
Field Air
Confirm Email
Phone Number
Gender × ×
Birthdate × ×
Card Holder ×
Card Number ×
Card Expiration ×
Security Code ×
Driver License × ×
License Expira-
× ×
Issuing Authority × ×
both entering their own information (authentic input)
and impersonating other users by entering data re-
trieved from the database (imposter input). This sim-
ulates a real-world scenario where an attacker might
attempt to impersonate a legitimate user by entering
known credentials, but with subtle differences in typ-
ing behavior.
3.3 Keystroke Features
Once the raw keystroke data is captured, several key
timing features are extracted to characterize the user’s
typing behavior:
H (Dwell Time): The time a key is held down,
measured from the moment the key is pressed
(keydown event) to the moment the same key is
released (keyup event). This is a key feature in
keystroke dynamics as different users tend to have
unique key hold times.
PP (Key Press Interval): The time between two
successive key presses, which captures the typing
rhythm, and can vary significantly between users.
PR (Flight Time): The time between releasing one
key and pressing the next. This interval is often
influenced by the cognitive and physical charac-
teristics of the typist, providing a distinguishing
Evaluating Keystroke Dynamics Performance in e-Commerce
These keystroke features are extracted for each in-
dividual input field across all web services, allowing
us to analyze the typing patterns associated with dif-
ferent types of information (e.g., username, password,
phone number). The extracted features are stored in
CSV format, with each CSV file corresponding to a
specific input field. This granular approach enables
a detailed comparison of keystroke dynamics across
different types of input.
3.4 Backend Data Processing
Once the raw keystroke data is transmitted from the
front-end, the Django back-end processes it for stor-
age and further analysis. The key steps in this process
are as follows:
1. Data Reception: The keystroke data, including
the timestamps of each keydown and keyup event, is
sent via AJAX to Django’s view functions, where it is
immediately recorded.
2. Feature Extraction: The raw timestamps are
processed to compute the dwell time (H), key press
interval (PP), and flight time (PR) for each key event.
The extracted features are then organized by input
field and stored in separate CSV files for each user
3. Data Storage: The CSV files are saved in a
structured format within the Django framework, with
metadata including the user ID, session type (authen-
tic or imposter), and timestamp. This structure allows
for easy retrieval and analysis of the data during the
model training phase.
3.5 Handling Imposter Data
A unique aspect of the system design is the inclusion
of imposter scenarios, where users are asked to input
data belonging to another user. This creates two dis-
tinct input data for each user: 1. Authentic Input Data
where users input their own personal information. and
2. Imposter Input Data where users input information
from another user.
The system tracks these two types of inputs and
stores the corresponding keystroke dynamics for later
comparison. By analyzing the differences between
the authentic and imposter input patterns, the sys-
tem aims to uncover which fields (e.g., phone num-
ber, email, credit card) exhibit the most significant
variations, helping to identify potential attack vectors
where imposter might be detectable.
3.6 System Workflow
The system operates as follows:
1. User Interaction: The user interacts with the three
web services, either entering their own informa-
tion or impersonating another user.
2. Keystroke Data Collection: JavaScript captures
the keystroke events (keydown and keyup) and
sends them to the Django server.
3. Feature Extraction: The Django server computes
key features such as H (dwell time), PP (press-
press interval), and PR (press-release interval).
4. Data Storage: The extracted features are saved in
CSV files for each input field and session, tagged
with metadata indicating whether the input was
authentic or imposter.
5. Model Training and Prediction: In the next stage
(not covered in this section), machine learning
models are trained on the collected data to distin-
guish between genuine and imposter inputs based
on the keystroke dynamics.
This system design facilitates the collection of de-
tailed keystroke data across multiple input fields and
services, enabling a comprehensive analysis of user
behavior in both normal and imposter scenarios.
In this section, we describe the experimental setup
used for collecting and analyzing the keystroke dy-
namics data, as well as the results from three experi-
ments designed to evaluate the effectiveness of differ-
ent features and feature combinations for distinguish-
ing between genuine and imposter inputs. The exper-
iments were conducted on a dataset that was specifi-
cally designed for this study, and the results are ana-
lyzed to determine which field contribute most signif-
icantly to the classification accuracy.
4.1 Dataset Overview
Each user generated 60 entries for each input field, of
which 30 were authentic inputs (the user’s own infor-
mation), and the other 30 entries were imposter inputs
(keystrokes from five imposter users, 6 entries per im-
poster user). A total of 62 users completed data col-
lection, resulting in a dataset with a total of 1.35M
Most of the participants in this data collection are
concentrated in the 18-40 age group (61), with only
one in the 41-59 age group, and none the 60 and above
group. In terms of gender distribution, male partici-
pants accounted for a large proportion (44), with rel-
ICISSP 2025 - 11th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
atively fewer females (18). Most of the participants
consider their typing skills intermediate (29) or ad-
vanced (28), with only 5 beginners. This result is
consistent with the general trend of having younger
participants with higher typing skills.
The dataset used for this study was collected from
users interacting with three web services: an air ticket
service system, an online shopping system, and a
car rental service system. Each user provided input
for common fields (e.g., username, password, phone
number) as well as service-specific fields Keystroke
dynamics data, including Dwell Time (H), Key Press
Interval (PP), and Flight Time (PR), were captured for
each field using JavaScript.
4.2 Classifiers Used in the Experiments
In this study, we used three different classifiers to
evaluate the effectiveness of various keystroke dy-
namics characteristics to distinguish between genuine
and imposter inputs. The first classifier, the Deci-
sion Tree (DT), builds a predictive model by recur-
sively splitting the dataset based on feature values, ul-
timately creating a structure that can be used to clas-
sify new input instances. The second classifier, the
Support Vector Machine (SVM), works by identifying
an optimal hyperplane that separates the data points
into distinct classes, maximizing the margin between
genuine and imposter inputs. Lastly, the Multilayer
Perceptron (MLP), a type of artificial neural network,
leverages multiple layers of interconnected neurons
to learn complex patterns in the data through iterative
training, making it well-suited for capturing nonlinear
relationships in keystroke dynamics. These three clas-
sifiers were chosen to provide a comprehensive eval-
uation of both simple and complex decision-making
mechanisms in classifying user input behavior. Fur-
thermore, all classifiers were optimized using Grid
Search to determine the best hyperparameters, ensur-
ing optimal performance.
4.3 Experimental Design and Results
To evaluate the effectiveness of keystroke dynamics
for detecting imposter, three experiments were con-
ducted. These experiments aimed to assess the pre-
dictive power of individual keystroke features, iden-
tify the impact of removing specific features, and opti-
mize feature combinations using a genetic algorithm.
4.3.1 Field-Level Analysis
In the first experiment, we aimed to evaluate the ef-
fectiveness of individual field keystroke features in
Table 3: Accuracy of Classifiers on Input Fields.
Feature DT (%) SVM (%) MLP (%)
Name 87.63 92.07 93.01
Email 91.37 96.24 95.56
Phone Number 84.68 89.25 90.19
Country 85.35 82.39 86.56
Address 90.32 91.67 93.41
City 89.65 90.19 92.88
State 79.57 70.43 81.18
ZIP 85.75 85.62 91.52
Password 83.05 86.01 88.70
Table 4: Accuracy Change (%) After Removing One Field.
Removed field DT SVM MLP
Name -1.48 -0.27 0.69
Email 1.18 -0.41 -0.27
Phone Number 0.27 -1.32 0.00
Country 0.00 0.14 0.14
Address 1.48 0.41 0.27
City 0.59 -0.27 -0.27
State -1.18 0.14 -0.14
Zip -0.74 0.00 0.41
Password -0.89 0.68 -0.41
All fields (baseline) 90.99 98.52 97.85
distinguishing between genuine and imposter inputs.
To achieve this, we employed three different clas-
sifiers: the Decision Tree Classifier (DT), Support
Vector Machines (SVM), and Multi-Layer Perceptron
Classifier (MLP). Each classifier was trained sepa-
rately using data from individual input fields, allow-
ing us to assess how well each field performs.
The results of the classifiers with various input
fields are summarized in Table 3. The MLP con-
sistently demonstrated superior performance across
most fields, achieving the highest accuracy of 95.56%
for the email feature. This indicates that the typ-
ing patterns associated with email input are particu-
larly distinct, likely due to users’ familiarity with their
email addresses. Similarly, the address and name fea-
tures also performed well, with accuracies of 93.41%
and 93.01%, respectively. These findings suggest that
users exhibit stable typing behavior when entering
these common data fields.
In contrast, the SVM classifier exhibited lower
performance across all fields. The highest accuracy
recorded was 91.67% for the address, with other fields
such as state and password showing even lower accu-
racies of 70.43% and 86.01%, respectively. This sug-
gests that the SVM may not capture the nuances of
keystroke dynamics as effectively as the DT classifier,
particularly in more complex input scenarios.
The DT classifier produced moderate results, with
the email field achieving an accuracy of 91.37% and
Evaluating Keystroke Dynamics Performance in e-Commerce
the address field at 90.32%. However, the DT classi-
fier also struggled with fields like state, where it only
reached an accuracy of 79.57%. This variability in
performance indicates that while the Decision Tree
has the capability to learn complex patterns, it may re-
quire further tuning or additional training data to fully
utilize the keystroke dynamics captured.
The analysis reveals significant differences in ac-
curacy among the various input fields, reflecting the
distinct typing behaviors associated with each. For
instance, the high accuracy of the email field under-
scores the reliability of keystroke dynamics in iden-
tifying consistent patterns. Conversely, the lower ac-
curacy for fields such as password and state suggests
greater variability in user behavior, which could com-
plicate the identification process.
Furthermore, the comparative performance of the
classifiers highlights the importance of selecting the
appropriate algorithm for keystroke dynamics. The
DT classifier emerged as the most effective option,
particularly for fields where users tend to type consis-
tently. The SVM’s lower accuracy indicates potential
limitations in its applicability to this specific dataset,
while the MLP’s moderate performance suggests that
further refinement may enhance its capabilities.
Overall, the findings from this experiment empha-
size the necessity of considering both the choice of
features and the classifier used in effectively leverag-
ing keystroke dynamics for user authentication. The
variability in performance across different input fields
and classifiers will inform subsequent experiments,
particularly those exploring feature removal and opti-
mization strategies to improve classification accuracy.
4.3.2 Field Removal Analysis
In the second experiment, we aimed to investigate the
impact of removing individual keystroke fields on the
classification accuracy of distinguishing between gen-
uine and imposter inputs. By comparing the perfor-
mance of each classifier with the combination of all
fields to that with specific one removed, we sought to
identify which field is most critical for accurate clas-
sification and which have a minimal impact.
The accuracy changes in each classifier when spe-
cific fields were removed are summarized in Table 4.
For DT, the removal of certain fields resulted in vary-
ing degrees of accuracy change. Notably, the removal
of the name field led to a decrease of 1.48%, while
omitting the password field resulted in a 0.89% drop.
In contrast, removing the email field, which was one
of the strongest fields, resulted in only a minor in-
crease of 1.48%. This suggests that while email is a
strong predictor, its absence does not drastically hin-
der performance, likely due to the presence of other
contributing fields.
In addition to address, the most significant drop
in accuracy was observed when the state field was re-
moved, resulting in a decrease of 1.18%. This indi-
cates that name input behavior has a substantial in-
fluence on classification. Conversely, the removal of
country field did not lead to any negative impact on
accuracy, which means that compared to other fields,
most people are more familiar and coherent with the
input of national fields, and the information that this
field may provide is not as obvious.
For the SVM classifier, the results were also in-
sightful. The removal of the name field caused a sig-
nificant increase in accuracy by 0.69%, which indi-
cates that the SVM struggled to capture relevant pat-
terns associated with name inputs. Conversely, the
removal of the Zip field resulted in an increase of
0.41%, which is unexpected, suggesting that the SVM
may rely less on this field in its overall classifica-
tion strategy. This contrasts sharply with the Deci-
sion Tree results, highlighting the differences in how
the classifiers utilize specific fields.
The MLP classifier showed a different trend, with
the removal of the name field leading to an increase
in accuracy of 0.69%. The MLP appears to strug-
gle with accurately classifying name inputs, similar
to the behavior observed in the SVM. However, the
MLP’s reliance on the email field showed a decrease
of 0.27%, suggesting that it may not be as reliant on
this particular field as the DT classifier.
Overall, the analysis indicates that different fields
contribute unequally to the classification accuracy
across various classifiers. The DT classifier remains
sensitive to the removal of fields like address and
name, while the SVM and MLP exhibit less sensi-
tivity, demonstrating their different underlying mech-
anisms for handling input data.
These results emphasize the importance of field
selection in keystroke dynamics analysis. fields such
as email and address are shown to be crucial for main-
taining classification accuracy in Decision Tree mod-
els, while the SVM and MLP classifiers display var-
ied reliance on fields, indicating that the optimization
of field sets can lead to improved performance. The
results of this experiment will provide ideas for the
next section of the experiment, aimed at improving
field selection strategies to enhance the efficiency of
keystroke dynamics in user authentication systems.
4.3.3 Optimal Field Selection Using Genetic
In the third experiment, we employed Genetic Algo-
rithm (GA) to identify the optimal combination of in-
put fields that maximizes classification accuracy (Ji
ICISSP 2025 - 11th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
Table 5: Top-5 Field-Combinations (DT).
Name Email Phone Number Country Address City State ZIP Password Accuracy
× × × × × 92.88
× × × × 91.40
× × × × 90.59
× × × × × 90.59
× × × × × 90.43
Table 6: Top-5 Field-Combinations (SVM).
Name Email Phone Number Country Address City State ZIP Password Accuracy
× 99.19
× × 98.92
× × 98.79
× × × 98.66
× × × 97.45
Table 7: Top-5 Field-Combinations (MLP).
Name Email Phone Number Country Address City State ZIP Password Accuracy
× × 98.52
× × 98.38
× × × 97.18
× × × 96.23
et al., 2021). GA are optimization search techniques
inspired by the principles of natural selection and ge-
netics. The fundamental idea is to mimic the evo-
lutionary process in nature, utilizing operations such
as selection, crossover, and mutation to progressively
improve solutions. GA are particularly effective in
solving complex optimization problems, including
field selection, path planning, and various machine
learning applications. The steps of GA include:
1. Initialization of Population: Randomly gener-
ate a set of candidate solutions (individuals), each
represented as a binary array where 1 indicates
field inclusion and 0 indicates exclusion.
2. Fitness Evaluation: Assess the performance of
each individual using a defined fitness function,
which in this study is the classification accuracy.
3. Selection: Select individuals based on their fit-
ness, favoring those with higher fitness scores.
4. Crossover: Perform crossover operations on se-
lected individuals to create new offspring.
5. Mutation: Apply mutations to the offspring with
a certain probability to maintain population diver-
6. Replacement: Replace part of the old population
with new offspring to form the next generation.
7. Iteration: Repeat the above steps until a termi-
nation condition is met (e.g., reaching a specified
number of generations or a fitness threshold).
In this experiment, the parameters for the Genetic
Algorithm are set as follows:
Population Size: 50
Number of Generations: 50
Mutation Rate: 0.05
During the execution of the GA, several individu-
als (feature combinations) were generated, evaluated,
and evolved over multiple generations. Each individ-
ual was represented as a binary array, where a value
of 1 indicates the inclusion of a specific field and a
value of 0 indicates its exclusion. The results of the
genetic algorithm under three classifiers are shown in
Tables 5, 6, 7, indicating the best individuals and their
respective fitness scores (classification accuracy).
For the DT classifier, the top-performing field
combinations predominantly included the Address,
Email, and Country fields, achieving a maximum ac-
curacy of 92.88%. The presence of these fields con-
sistently contributed to better performance, highlight-
ing their importance in decision-making processes
within this algorithm.
In contrast, the SVM classifier demonstrated a
significant improvement in accuracy, with a peak of
99.19%. This classifier consistently utilized a wider
Evaluating Keystroke Dynamics Performance in e-Commerce
range of fields, including Address, City, Email, Coun-
try, and Name. The ability of SVM to leverage these
fields suggests that it may benefit from the enhanced
representation of data provided by these specific at-
tributes, thus improving performance.
The MLP results also indicate high accuracy, with
the best combination reaching 98.52%. Similar to
SVM, MLP favored a combination of multiple fields,
particularly those related to the Address, City, and
Email, while also showing sensitivity to the inclusion
of Phone Number and State.
The field selection results reveal intriguing pat-
terns among the classifiers. Notably DT did not select
any combinations that included the ZIP field, which
may suggest that the geographical granularity pro-
vided by ZIP codes did not enhance the decision-
making process for this particular model. This could
be attributed to DT’s reliance on more categorical and
high-level fields like Address and Country, which ef-
fectively capture the necessary information for classi-
fication without the need for finer detail. In contrast,
both SVM and MLP frequently included the ZIP field
in their top combinations, achieving accuracies of up
to 99.19% and 98.52%, respectively. This indicates
that these classifiers can leverage the additional de-
tail provided by ZIP codes to improve their predic-
tive performance. The inclusion of ZIP in SVM and
MLP may enhance the model’s ability to distinguish
between subtle variations in data, which is particu-
larly useful in complex datasets.
Another noteworthy observation is that SVM con-
sistently excluded the Password field across all se-
lected combinations. This could imply that the Pass-
word attribute did not contribute significantly to the
classification task, possibly due to its highly sensitive
and varied nature, which might not offer relevant pre-
dictive power in this context. Conversely, the MLP
models included the Password field in some combina-
tions, suggesting that it might be beneficial in specific
scenarios, though its contribution was less prominent
compared to other fields.
Overall, the results from this experiment under-
score the effectiveness of the Genetic Algorithm in
optimizing field (field) selection for keystroke dynam-
ics analysis. By identifying the most relevant field, we
can improve the classification accuracy of identifying
genuine and imposter inputs. This experiment also
highlights the importance of careful field selection in
machine learning applications, suggesting that certain
fields provide significant predictive power while oth-
ers may not contribute as effectively to the overall
classification task.
In this study, we explored the application of keystroke
dynamics as a behavioral biometric for distinguishing
between genuine and imposter user inputs across mul-
tiple common e-Commerce web services. Our work
aimed to enhance the security of online systems by
leveraging the unique typing patterns of users, ad-
dressing the critical challenge of ensuring reliable
user authentication.
We developed a comprehensive keystroke data
collection system utilizing the Django framework, en-
abling us to capture and analyze typing behavior in
real-time across three distinct web services: an air
ticket service, an online shopping system, and a car
rental service. Through extensive data collection,
each user provided both authentic and imposter in-
puts, resulting in a balanced dataset that allowed for a
robust analysis of keystroke dynamics.
In the experiment, we explored the differences in
input fields and observed changes in classification ac-
curacy by adding or removing fields. In addition, ge-
netic algorithms are used to find the field combination
set with the highest classification accuracy among all
classical input fields. This is of great help for improv-
ing model performance through field selection in the
future, and also provides a foundation for further re-
search in this field.
This work was supported by NSF Award TI-2122746.
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Evaluating Keystroke Dynamics Performance in e-Commerce