the address field at 90.32%. However, the DT classi-
fier also struggled with fields like state, where it only
reached an accuracy of 79.57%. This variability in
performance indicates that while the Decision Tree
has the capability to learn complex patterns, it may re-
quire further tuning or additional training data to fully
utilize the keystroke dynamics captured.
The analysis reveals significant differences in ac-
curacy among the various input fields, reflecting the
distinct typing behaviors associated with each. For
instance, the high accuracy of the email field under-
scores the reliability of keystroke dynamics in iden-
tifying consistent patterns. Conversely, the lower ac-
curacy for fields such as password and state suggests
greater variability in user behavior, which could com-
plicate the identification process.
Furthermore, the comparative performance of the
classifiers highlights the importance of selecting the
appropriate algorithm for keystroke dynamics. The
DT classifier emerged as the most effective option,
particularly for fields where users tend to type consis-
tently. The SVM’s lower accuracy indicates potential
limitations in its applicability to this specific dataset,
while the MLP’s moderate performance suggests that
further refinement may enhance its capabilities.
Overall, the findings from this experiment empha-
size the necessity of considering both the choice of
features and the classifier used in effectively leverag-
ing keystroke dynamics for user authentication. The
variability in performance across different input fields
and classifiers will inform subsequent experiments,
particularly those exploring feature removal and opti-
mization strategies to improve classification accuracy.
4.3.2 Field Removal Analysis
In the second experiment, we aimed to investigate the
impact of removing individual keystroke fields on the
classification accuracy of distinguishing between gen-
uine and imposter inputs. By comparing the perfor-
mance of each classifier with the combination of all
fields to that with specific one removed, we sought to
identify which field is most critical for accurate clas-
sification and which have a minimal impact.
The accuracy changes in each classifier when spe-
cific fields were removed are summarized in Table 4.
For DT, the removal of certain fields resulted in vary-
ing degrees of accuracy change. Notably, the removal
of the name field led to a decrease of 1.48%, while
omitting the password field resulted in a 0.89% drop.
In contrast, removing the email field, which was one
of the strongest fields, resulted in only a minor in-
crease of 1.48%. This suggests that while email is a
strong predictor, its absence does not drastically hin-
der performance, likely due to the presence of other
contributing fields.
In addition to address, the most significant drop
in accuracy was observed when the state field was re-
moved, resulting in a decrease of 1.18%. This indi-
cates that name input behavior has a substantial in-
fluence on classification. Conversely, the removal of
country field did not lead to any negative impact on
accuracy, which means that compared to other fields,
most people are more familiar and coherent with the
input of national fields, and the information that this
field may provide is not as obvious.
For the SVM classifier, the results were also in-
sightful. The removal of the name field caused a sig-
nificant increase in accuracy by 0.69%, which indi-
cates that the SVM struggled to capture relevant pat-
terns associated with name inputs. Conversely, the
removal of the Zip field resulted in an increase of
0.41%, which is unexpected, suggesting that the SVM
may rely less on this field in its overall classifica-
tion strategy. This contrasts sharply with the Deci-
sion Tree results, highlighting the differences in how
the classifiers utilize specific fields.
The MLP classifier showed a different trend, with
the removal of the name field leading to an increase
in accuracy of 0.69%. The MLP appears to strug-
gle with accurately classifying name inputs, similar
to the behavior observed in the SVM. However, the
MLP’s reliance on the email field showed a decrease
of 0.27%, suggesting that it may not be as reliant on
this particular field as the DT classifier.
Overall, the analysis indicates that different fields
contribute unequally to the classification accuracy
across various classifiers. The DT classifier remains
sensitive to the removal of fields like address and
name, while the SVM and MLP exhibit less sensi-
tivity, demonstrating their different underlying mech-
anisms for handling input data.
These results emphasize the importance of field
selection in keystroke dynamics analysis. fields such
as email and address are shown to be crucial for main-
taining classification accuracy in Decision Tree mod-
els, while the SVM and MLP classifiers display var-
ied reliance on fields, indicating that the optimization
of field sets can lead to improved performance. The
results of this experiment will provide ideas for the
next section of the experiment, aimed at improving
field selection strategies to enhance the efficiency of
keystroke dynamics in user authentication systems.
4.3.3 Optimal Field Selection Using Genetic
In the third experiment, we employed Genetic Algo-
rithm (GA) to identify the optimal combination of in-
put fields that maximizes classification accuracy (Ji
ICISSP 2025 - 11th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy