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Detailed results of the experiments from Section 5 are
presented in Table 6. For each instance and each op-
tion configuration, we report the objective value of
the best solution found (Obj.), as well as its number
of occurrences in the timeline T (#O), advancements
(#A), deferrals (#D), and late certifications (#LC).
We also report the number of intermediate solutions
found (#S), along with the solving time (Time) to find
the best solution, in seconds. A “*” next to a solving
time value indicates that the instance was optimally
solved before the timeout was reached. For each
instance, Closest/Latest, and Not-Nested/Nested
configuration, we highlight in bold the smallest objec-
tive value and number of occurrences obtained with
the different clock date user options.
ICORES 2025 - 14th International Conference on Operations Research and Enterprise Systems