ity of solitons is currently under investigation.
We have investigated the existence and stability of
quiescent gap solitons within a system of coupled
Bragg gratings where one core has cubic-quintic non-
linearity and the other core is linear. In addition, we
have considered a phase shift between the gratings to
explore the dynamics of BG solitons in the system.
By examining the linear spectrum of the system, we
have identified the bandgap region where the station-
ary gap solitons exist. Numerical methods have been
employed to determine the soliton solutions which re-
veals the existence of two distinct families of Bragg
solitons, categorized as Type 1 and Type 2. We have
performed numerical analysis to assess the stability
within each family of solitons and observed stable and
unstable propagation for both types. In the absence
of the phase shift, Type 2 solitons are generally un-
stable. Our findings indicate that the presence of a
higher phase shift between the gratings expands the
overall stability for Type 1 solitons and leads to the
formation of stable Type 2 solitons.
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