To Be or Not to Be (in the EU): Measurement of Discrepancies Presented
in Cookie Paywalls
Andreas Stenwreth
1, a
, Simon T
1, b
and Victor Morel
2 c
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden
Chalmers University of Technology and University of Gothenburg, Gothenburg, Sweden
{andstenw, simonta, morelv}
Cookie Banners, Cookie Paywalls, Pay-or-Okay, GDPR, Web Measurements.
Cookie paywalls allow visitors to access the content of a website only after making a choice between paying a
fee (paying option) or accepting tracking (cookie option). The practice has been studied in previous research
in regard to its prevalence and legal standing, but the effects of the clients’ device and geographic location
remain unexplored. To address these questions, this study explores the effects of three factors: 1) the clients’
browser, 2) the device type (desktop or mobile), and 3) the geographic location on the presence and behavior
of cookie paywalls and the handling of users’ data. Using an automatic crawler on our dataset composed
of 804 websites that present a cookie paywall, we observed that the presence of a cookie paywall was most
affected by the geographic location of the user. We further showed that both the behavior of a cookie paywall
and the processing of user data are impacted by all three factors, but no patterns of significance could be found.
Finally, an additional type of paywall was discovered on 11% of the studied websites, coined the “double
paywall”, which consists of a cookie paywall complemented by another paywall once tracking is accepted.
Cookie paywalls, sometimes denoted “pay-or-okay
banner”, allow visitors to access the content of a web-
site only after making a choice between paying a fee
or accepting tracking. This practice has recently trig-
gered interest from regulators, resulting in Meta being
charged for breaching the Digital Markets Act (Eu-
ropean Commission, 2024) after introducing a pay-
or-okay model on Facebook and Instagram. As this
model is put under review, data is needed to give a
thorough basis for regulators and legislative decision-
making. However, previous studies have been lim-
ited in scope in regard to the plurality of browsers and
environments (e.g. desktop or mobile) (Morel et al.,
2023; Rasaii et al., 2023) despite observations that the
browser may affect the presence of a paywall on a
website (Morel et al., 2022). This paper therefore ad-
dresses the following research questions by studying
the effect of the factors browser, device type and geo-
graphic location: 1) How is the prevalence of cookie
paywalls affected by the studied factors? 2) Do the
Authors with equal contribution and importance.
factors affect how much of a website can be accessed
before a cookie paywall appears? 3) Do the factors
affect how and by whom user data is processed?
When studying the pay-or-okay model, we dis-
covered a new type of paywall, the “double paywall”.
The double paywall initially presents a cookie pay-
wall, which is later complemented by an additional
paywall after tracking (often performed via the use
of cookies) has been accepted. We contacted a le-
gal scholar, who argued for the need for quantitative
insights regarding the adoption of this practice to pro-
vide a valuable basis for further legal examination. As
a result, this paper also studies the question: 4) How
widespread is the occurrence of double paywalls?
To answer these questions, we develop a crawler
to extract data from 804 websites using 26 combina-
tions of browser, operating system and geographic lo-
cation. The main contributions of this paper can be
summarized as follows: (1) We provide the largest
dataset of cookie paywalls to date. (2) We found that
the geographic location of the user has an impact on
whether a cookie paywall is presented. (3) We in-
troduce the first dataset of double paywalls (93 web-
sites). This data has already been presented during a
hearing to the European Commission in July 2024.
Stenwreth, A., Täng, S. and Morel, V.
To Be or Not to Be (in the EU): Measurement of Discrepancies Presented in Cookie Paywalls.
DOI: 10.5220/0013107800003899
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy (ICISSP 2025) - Volume 1, pages 183-190
ISBN: 978-989-758-735-1; ISSN: 2184-4356
Proceedings Copyright © 2025 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
This section describes the relevant legal notions in EU
law, the actors and the technical standard central to
our analysis, and the related work.
2.1 Legal Landscape
In the EU, two main data protection laws, namely the
General Data Privacy Regulation (GDPR) (European
Parliament and Council of the European Union, 2016)
and the ePrivacy Directive (ePD) (European Parlia-
ment and Council of the European Union, 2002), reg-
ulate the processing, storing, and management of per-
sonal data (for the GDPR), and of cookies more pre-
cisely (for the ePD). In this context, personal data
is “any information relating to an identified or iden-
tifiable natural person”, and because a significant
amount of data on the web is considered personal data
(typically, data stored in web cookies), organizations
collecting such data (i.e. controllers) must abide by
the requirements laid out in these texts. They notably
require that controllers choose a legal basis (i.e. a
legally valid high-level reason), such as the consent of
the user or the legitimate interest of the organization
(GDPR Recital 36), and a specific purpose (EDPB,
2020, Parag. 121) for the processing of personal data.
When using cookies for the intention of tracking or
targeted advertising, the GDPR and ePD state that
user consent is the only applicable legal basis (Euro-
pean Parliament and Council of the European Union,
2002, Art. 5(3)) and users must be notified of any
tracking and be able to act, opt out, or leave before
any tracking is initiated (Article 6).
2.2 Transparency and Consent
The Transparency and Consent Framework (TCF),
created by the Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB),
is an industry standard and tool designed to cre-
ate a standardized experience when making privacy
choices on websites (IAB Europe, 2023b). The stan-
dard specifies eleven purposes for data processing that
can rely on one or both legal bases of consent and le-
gitimate interest (depending on whether the purpose
relates to targeted advertising or not). The elicita-
tion of consent and the communication of the pur-
poses and legal bases for data processing is imple-
mented through consent notices, such as cookie ban-
ners, commonly provided by Consent Management
Platforms (CMPs).
CMPs provide functions including presenting a
consent banner to ask for user consent and logging the
provided response of a user (IAB Europe, 2024). Af-
ter consent is given,
the CMP regulates the activation
of cookies and other technologies based on the given
consent in line with the EU data protection regula-
tions. Additionally, CMPs package user preferences
in a standardized payload called the Transparency and
Consent String (TC String).
A TC String is an encoded HTTP-transferable
string that enables communication of transparency
and consent information (IAB Tech Lab, 2023). The
TC String contains information such as the number
of vendors to which data is conveyed based on user
consent or legitimate interest, as well as the purposes
for which consent and legitimate interest are used as
a basis for data processing. The information is passed
to all relevant parties including the data subject, the
publisher, and the vendors. A TC String is stored in
the user’s web browser as either a persistent cookie or
as an entry in the browser’s local storage.
Together with presenting a consent banner,
many CMPs also provide integration with cross-site
subscription-based models provided by companies
called Subscription Management Platforms (SMPs)
such as Content Pass GmbH (Content Pass GmbH,
2024a) and Traffective GmbH (Traffective GmbH,
2024a) –, as a way of offering additional revenue
streams for websites. These SMPs provide the option
of paying a monthly fee to gain access to all partnered
websites without personalized advertisement (Pfau,
2.3 Related Work
The first study to investigate the privacy impacts
of paywalls was conducted by (Papadopoulos et al.,
2020) in which paywalls were categorized based on
the restrictions put on the user. However, cookie pay-
walls were first studied by (Morel et al., 2022) who
manually identified and found cookie paywalls on 13
out of the 2800 websites they studied. The detection
process was later automated by (Morel et al., 2023)
and (Rasaii et al., 2023) by employing a web crawler
using the Mozilla Firefox web browser. Neither of the
studies considered the use of different browsers nor
examined the role of mobile devices. (Morel et al.,
2023) found 431 websites using cookie paywalls, all
of which used the TCF, and (Rasaii et al., 2023) found
280 websites. Both studies used language-based ap-
proaches to identify whether a website uses a cookie
paywall, leveraging paywall-related keywords.
Note that for legitimate interest, no affirmative action
is expected, only informing users is required.
ICISSP 2025 - 11th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
We present here how we designed the web crawler
used to collect data from 804 websites in June 2024.
The crawler is built using Selenium (Software Free-
dom Conservancy, 2024) and Appium (OpenJS Foun-
dation, 2023) to allow the use of desktop and mobile
browsers to search websites for cookie and double
paywalls and collect and analyze TC Strings. It lever-
ages natural text processing and HTML IDs and class
names commonly used by cookie paywalls to detect
cookie and double paywalls. Moreover, the crawler
is configurable using three factors, the geographic lo-
cation, operating system and browser, to allow for the
comparison of website behavior between different de-
vice setups.
3.1 Factors and Dataset
We use two geographic locations, Gothenburg in
Sweden and New York in the USA, covering both a
location covered by the GDPR and ePD (Gothenburg)
and one that is not (New York). The Swedish loca-
tion was accessed directly and the USA location was
set up using a VPN service. Moreover, we use ve
operating systems: Windows, macOS, Linux, An-
droid, and iOS, as well as the top four most used web
browsers: Google Chrome, Safari, Microsoft Edge,
and Mozilla Firefox (StatCounter, 2023). These com-
bine into 26 different configurations of the crawler.
The dataset consists of the 431 websites found to
be using cookie paywalls by (Morel et al., 2023), the
280 websites found by (Rasaii et al., 2023), plus an
additional 441 and 215 websites listed on the web-
pages of the only two SMPs known to the authors
at the time of the study, (Content
Pass GmbH, 2024b) and (Traffective
GmbH, 2024b). After cleaning the dataset of dupli-
cates and websites that did not present cookie pay-
walls, these combine into a final dataset of 804 web-
3.2 Exploratory Phase
We conducted pilot crawls throughout the start of the
study to create a set of HTML IDs and class names
used for the detection of cookie paywalls as well as a
corpus of syntagms
related to cookie paywalls. Dur-
ing these crawls, we also found different implemen-
tations of cookie paywalls where a user has to inter-
act with the website (move the mouse or scroll) for a
Sets of words with a sequential relationship.
paywall to appear, or two-tiered cookie paywalls that
present themselves as normal cookie banners until the
user declines cookies. These findings were later used
in the design of the automated detection approach of
the full-scale crawler.
3.3 Cookie Paywall Detection Approach
To accommodate for the different types of implemen-
tations of cookie paywalls, the detection algorithm is
run several times, with one action performed between
each run. A website gets flagged as not using a cookie
paywall only if moving the mouse, scrolling, and try-
ing to click a reject button did not result in any cookie
paywall being detected.
To find web elements related to cookie paywalls,
the detection algorithm searches for HTML IDs and
class names associated with cookie paywalls. It does
this by parsing the Document Object Model (DOM)
representation of a website.
Elements found to relate to cookie paywalls are
first searched for text confirming the presence of a
cookie paywall using the corpus of syntagms. Two
syntagms are, in general, considered sufficient to
identify a cookie paywall due to the two-choice nature
of a cookie paywall, containing a payment option and
a cookie option. If any of the syntagm combinations
are found, the website is flagged as using a cookie
paywall. If no cookie paywall is found in the searched
elements, the text in the entire DOM is searched using
the same approach.
Due to the infeasibility of a manual verification
on the entire dataset, we measured the accuracy of
the cookie paywall detection by manually inspecting
a random subset of 10% of the collected data. We
found that the crawler produced false negatives for
six cookie paywalls (three websites in two configu-
rations). Thus, the crawler has an accuracy and recall
of 99.7% and precision of 100%.
3.4 TC String Collection and Analysis
When a cookie paywall is found, the crawler retrieves
the TC String at two separate instances: before and
after all cookies are accepted. The TC string is col-
lected primarily by leveraging the TCF API or alter-
natively, if the TCF API is unavailable, by searching
the browser’s cookie and local storage.
If found, the TC String is collected and decoded
using the website (IAB Tech Lab, 2024).
Using this decoder, the program extracts the purposes
for data processing and the number of vendors to
which data is conveyed based on both consent and le-
gitimate interest.
To Be or Not to Be (in the EU): Measurement of Discrepancies Presented in Cookie Paywalls
Figure 1: Number of cookie paywalls detected for each combination of the studied factors.
3.5 Double Paywall Detection Approach
After accepting cookies, the website can be interacted
with and traversed in order to search for additional
paywalls. When exploring the dataset, these paywalls
were only found on “premium” parts of websites,
such as subscription-only articles, often indicated by
some “premium icon” with a descriptive class name,
such as premium-icon. If no elements with premium
indicators are found, the crawler searches for any ar-
ticle, and as a last resort, any link that does not lead
off the website.
The detection of additional paywalls is done
heuristically in an ad hoc fashion by searching the
webpage for visible elements that either have a class
name or ID indicating the presence of a paywall, for
example paywall or paid-barrier. If such an element
is found, the crawler takes a screenshot of the element
and saves the URL for manual inspection. If no po-
tential paywalls are found on a webpage, the crawler
returns to the previous page and searches again up to
three times.
To verify the accuracy of the double paywall de-
tection approach, the screenshots taken by the crawler
and the collected URLs were manually inspected.
The crawler identified 104 websites as presenting a
double paywall, 93 of which had an actual double
paywall, resulting in an accuracy of 88%.
This chapter presents the data collected from the web-
sites in the dataset, see Section 3.1. The data was
collected using the 26 possible configurations of the
crawler, that is, combinations of browser, operating
system and geographic location. Further details can
be found in the full version of the paper.
4.1 Prevalence of Cookie Paywalls
Figure 1 presents the number of cookie paywalls de-
tected in each of the configurations. The highest num-
ber of cookie paywalls found in any configuration was
795, using Firefox on Android from the Swedish van-
tage point, and the lowest was 514 when using Edge
on Linux from the USA. On average, 780 cookie pay-
walls were detected for each configuration in Sweden,
and 581 for the configurations in the USA. Addition-
ally, the number of detected cookie paywalls in Swe-
den was higher than that of the USA across all con-
figurations of the crawler.
When considering the CMPs used by the web-
sites, it was found that the CMP Traffective GmbH
was overrepresented among the websites presenting a
cookie paywall in Sweden but not in the USA. This
CMP was used by approximately 70% of these web-
sites for all browser and operating system combina-
tions, except when using Android. When using an
Android device, the CMP Traffective GmbH was the
second most prevalent CMP at 21% after Sourcepoint
Technologies Inc at 23%.
4.2 Actions Required to Display a
Cookie Paywall
Cookie paywalls were detected by the crawler on 800
websites and produced complete data for 380 web-
sites, that is, a cookie paywall was found in every
combination of the studied factors. The vast major-
ICISSP 2025 - 11th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
ity of these 380 websites (approximately 99.3%) pre-
sented a cookie paywall immediately after entering
the website, regardless of the browser, operating sys-
tem and geographic location. Very few websites re-
quired the user to move the mouse (0.64%) and even
fewer (0.06%) required the user to scroll. Across all
combinations, only 17 websites showed any kind of
discrepancy in what action was required between dif-
ferent configurations of the crawler, and each of these
websites displayed the cookie paywall immediately in
at least one configuration. No website required the
user to scroll or move the mouse in all configurations.
4.3 Processing of User Data Conveyed
Through the TC String
The crawler produced complete data (a valid TC
String was collected in every configuration) for 238
websites before accepting cookies and 335 websites
after accepting cookies. The following results are de-
rived from data collected on these 238 and 335 web-
4.3.1 Number of Vendors
The number of websites that showed any discrepan-
cies in the number of registered vendors after accept-
ing cookies were 124 and 23 for consent and legiti-
mate interest, respectively. Before accepting cookies,
no websites showed any discrepancies in the number
of vendors using consent, and 16 websites showed
discrepancies for vendors using legitimate interest.
The mean number of vendors for consent after
accepting cookies for all websites was 280.23 when
aggregating over all combinations of factors. When
comparing this value with the aggregated number of
vendors for each studied factor, the largest deviation
from the total mean was no more than 0.20%, that is,
0.57 vendors. For legitimate interest, the largest devi-
ation from its total mean of 37.55 vendors was 0.34%,
i.e. 0.13 vendors.
The difference was also small on a per-website ba-
sis where the max difference between two combina-
tions for a given website was 26 vendors
for consent
after acceptance and the average max difference was
Found on the website with 806 vendors on Fire-
1.21 with a standard deviation of 2.53. More detailed
information can be found in Table 1.
4.3.2 Purposes for Data Processing
No website registered any purposes based on consent
before cookies were accepted. After cookies were
accepted, only one website registered different pur-
poses based on consent depending on the configura-
tion used on the crawler. On this website, fewer pur-
poses were registered for all combinations involving
Firefox. For legitimate interest, 16 and 37 websites
differed between configurations before and after ac-
cepting cookies, respectively. In all cases where some
discrepancy was found, the difference consisted of a
varying number of purposes registered. When access-
ing these websites from Sweden, the average number
of purposes registered was slightly lower than when
accessing from the USA both before and after con-
senting to cookies (0.860 and 0.873 before, 2.945 and
3.144 after).
It was further found that 20 websites used legiti-
mate interest as a basis to select or create a profile for
personalized ads or content when accessed from the
USA, whereas no websites did this from the Swedish
vantage point. When including the websites where
complete data could not be obtained, this number in-
creases to 39. All of these websites used consentman- as their CMP.
4.4 Prevalence of Double Paywalls
We found 93 websites
that presented a double pay-
wall. Out of these, 73 websites were classified as
news websites according to Cyren’s URL Category
Checker (Cyren, 2024), followed by the categories
Computers & Technology and Business. Furthermore,
68 websites were hosted in Germany and all double
paywalls were hosted in EU countries.
fox on Windows from the USA and 780 on Chrome on
Linux from Sweden.
Table 1: Statistics over the max difference in the number of vendors on a per-website basis.
Legal Basis
Maximal Mean Standard
Accepted Max Diff Max Diff Deviation
Consent 0 0 0
Legitimate Interest 3 0.12 0.43
Consent 26 1.21 2.53
Legitimate Interest 6 0.30 0.88
To Be or Not to Be (in the EU): Measurement of Discrepancies Presented in Cookie Paywalls
This section discusses the results presented in Sec-
tion 4 followed by limitations of the study and sug-
gestions for future work.
5.1 Prevalence of Cookie Paywalls
Out of the studied factors, the geographic loca-
tion has the largest impact on whether a web-
site presents a cookie paywall or not. For all
combinations of browser and operating system, fewer
cookie paywalls were detected when accessing web-
sites from the USA than when accessing them from
Sweden. It was found that, in all but two combi-
nations, the majority of websites showing this type
of behavior used the CMP Traffective GmbH. Thus,
the CMP presents a pattern of almost systematically
choosing whether to present a cookie paywall based
on the geographic location of the user. However, six
websites using this CMP did not exhibit this behavior
in any of the combinations, indicating the presence
of other, possibly website-related, factors. Addition-
ally, the CMP was only used by 20% of the websites
displaying this behavior on the two combinations us-
ing Android, which would suggest that the choice of
browser and operating system is also of some impor-
The type of device (mobile or desktop) access-
ing a website does not appear to be directly corre-
lated to the prevalence of cookie paywalls. There
were larger differences in the number of detected
cookie paywalls between the two mobile devices than
the difference between the iOS device and any of the
desktop operating systems. However, using Android
as the operating system, especially in the USA, re-
sulted in more cookie paywalls being encountered.
Thus, the role of the operating system seems to be of
greater importance than the type of device used. Fur-
thermore, the operating system seems to play a big-
ger role when accessing websites from the USA than
when accessing them from Sweden.
In general, the choice of web browser does not
seem to impact the prevalence of cookie paywalls
on its own. In the majority of cases, fewer cookie
paywalls were encountered when using Firefox com-
pared to the other browsers, but the average number of
cookie paywalls did not differ by more than 25 web-
sites. However, the combination Firefox on Win-
dows from Sweden produced an outlier. This com-
bination presented 78 fewer cookie paywalls than the
second lowest encounter rate in Sweden, and only one
more cookie paywall than the highest encounter rate
in the USA. The reason for this outlier is unknown but
may partly be a result of the CMP Sourcepoint Tech-
nologies, as this CMP was used by approximately
67% of the websites with no cookie paywall in this
To summarize: The prevalence of cookie paywalls
was most affected by the geographic location used to
access them, with more cookie paywalls being dis-
played from the Swedish vantage point than the USA.
The browser had little effect on the number of cookie
paywalls encountered, one combination of all three
factors produced an outlier. The device type did not
seem to directly correlate to the prevalence of cookie
paywalls, but the operating system of the device did.
5.2 Actions Required to Display a
Cookie Paywall
The vast majority of cookie paywalls appeared
immediately, and few websites required that the
crawler moved the mouse before the cookie pay-
wall was displayed. Only 17 websites, approxi-
mately 4% of the websites with complete data, dis-
played differences in the required action when ac-
cessed using different configurations of the crawler.
This small number of websites showing any kind of
discrepancy makes it infeasible to determine if these
differences depend on the studied factors or inconsis-
tencies in the behavior of the crawler, network latency
or some other factor. Consequently, it is plausible that
these discrepancies are website specific rather than a
result of the different configurations used.
To summarize: 99.3% of displayed cookie pay-
walls appeared immediately, and only 17 websites re-
quired any type of action for the cookie paywall to
appear. Due to the low number of websites displaying
discrepancies, the individual effect of the studied fac-
tors remains unclear and the possibility that this was
a website-specific behavior cannot be ruled out.
5.3 Processing of User Data Conveyed
Through the TC String
The analysis of the number of vendors and purposes
for the different legal bases was solely conducted
on websites that provided this information for every
combination. This choice enabled the creation of
comparable results between configurations, but may
also have led to potential patterns existing in the en-
tire dataset being missed.
Discrepancies in the number of vendors be-
tween different combinations of browser, operat-
ing system and geographic location were found,
but the differences were too small to make any
ICISSP 2025 - 11th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
concrete connection to a specific factor. On a per-
website basis, some differences were discovered be-
tween the combinations of the studied factors, but
these differences were, in general, small. Further-
more, no combination of factors deviated significantly
from the total mean, with the largest deviation being
0.34%. These deviations were a result of a small sub-
set of websites that on average differed by one vendor.
The number of registered purposes varied be-
tween different combinations of the studied fac-
tors, but too few websites showed any discrepan-
cies to distinguish a pattern. Less than 12% (at most
37 websites) showed some kind of discrepancy be-
tween different configurations for user consent and
legitimate interest, both before and after accepting
cookies. More purposes were registered when ac-
cessed from the USA than from Sweden, but due
to the low number of websites presenting any type
of discrepancy, this cannot be attributed to a greater
When accessed from the USA, 39 websites used
legitimate interest as a basis to select or create a
profile for personalized ads and content, but no
websites did so when accessed from the Swedish
vantage point. The use of this legal basis for these
purposes is prohibited in the current version of the
TCF framework (TCF v2.2) after a decision by the
Belgian Data Protection Authority in 2022 (IAB Eu-
rope, 2023a). This indicates that websites using con- as its CMP may, based on the geo-
graphic location, disregard the rules of the IAB Eu-
rope TCF and change how the collected user data is
To summarize: Discrepancies were found in the
number of vendors user data was shared with, and
the purposes for which these vendors processed data,
but the differences were small and were only found on
a subset of the websites. On these websites, a slight
tendency for more purposes was displayed when ac-
cessed from the USA.
5.4 Prevalence of Double Paywalls
Approximately 11.6% of websites used a double
paywall, of which 73% were hosted in Germany.
The majority of websites using a double paywall
(78%) were categorized as news websites, including
several large news sites such as,
and This is significantly higher than the pro-
portion of news sites among websites using cookie
paywalls found in previous research (Morel et al.,
2023). A possible explanation could be that this prac-
tice lends itself well to news websites, as it may allow
a website to entice users to subscribe to the newspa-
per through providing a subset of its content, whilst
still being able to monetize this audience through tar-
geted advertising. However, the predominance of
news websites may instead partially be an effect of
a bias in the methodology. The detection of double
paywalls was automated, using a limited number of
indicators that an additional paywall was used. Thus,
extending the set of indicators could provide a less bi-
ased search and potentially a wider variety of website
To summarize: The use of double paywalls is
fairly widespread, with 93 websites using one. The
majority of these were classified as news websites and
found in Germany.
5.5 Limitations
Our study provides insight into what discrepancies
can be found in cookie paywalls between different
browsers, operating systems and geographic loca-
tions. However, it is important to consider certain
limitations: first, an automated approach was used to
collect data for the analysis of the study. A subset
of this data was manually examined to provide a de-
gree of confidence for the conclusions, but this man-
ual verification might not guarantee complete accu-
racy for all the collected data. Second, websites have
previously been proven to be able to detect Selenium-
driven web browsers and consequently alter their be-
havior (Cassel et al., 2022). It has also been shown
that websites may deliver different content to detected
web bots than to normal users (Jonker et al., 2019).
Because of this, the crawler may not fully represent
the regular website behavior of an actual user. Fi-
nally, the data for this study was collected over sev-
eral weeks. Thus, there exists a possibility that some
websites would have changed their behavior during
the time of the data collection.
5.6 Future Work
Future studies may want to use a larger set of geo-
graphic locations and a wider range of browsers on
common operating systems to cover more combina-
tions of factors and get a more fine-grained overview.
Another continuation of this study would be to ex-
plore not only the presence of cookie paywalls, but
also what, if anything, replaces a cookie paywall on
a website if it appears in some configurations but not
in others. Additionally, a comparison of the tracking
conducted by such websites could provide an under-
standing of how the collection of consent affects how
user data is collected and used.
To Be or Not to Be (in the EU): Measurement of Discrepancies Presented in Cookie Paywalls
We presented in this paper the first study on the ef-
fects of the web browser, device type and geographic
location on the presence and behavior of cookie pay-
walls, and their handling of users’ data. We built an
automated crawler to collect data from 804 websites
with confirmed cookie paywalls. Using this data, we
showed that all factors affected cookie paywalls to
some degree the location being the most impactful
, and that changing the combination of the factors pre-
dominantly affected the presence of the cookie pay-
wall. Finally, we produced the first dataset of a new
type of paywall coined double paywall.
This work was partially supported by the Wallen-
berg AI, Autonomous Systems and Software Program
(WASP) funded by the Knut and Alice Wallenberg
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ICISSP 2025 - 11th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy