posed CAMMA model we highlighted that multi-task
learning is useful for improving generalization and
reduce overfitting for models developed for solving
the MVQA task. Through the performed experiments
on the OVQA and MVQA datasets it was empirically
proven, in response to RQ2, that embedding addi-
tional information into the model through the use of
multiple classification heads is beneficial for improv-
ing the model performance. In what concerns RQ3,
the experimental results highlighted that using addi-
tional tasks lead to a significant improvement in the
model accuracy compared to the single-task model.
In this paper we presented CAMMA, a cascading multi-
task architecture created for Medical Visual Question
answering that obtained state-of-the-art results on the
OVQA dataset. In our experimental set-up, multi-
task learning showed its prowess in the MVQA task
leading to improved performance and reduced over-
fitting. Although our choice of tasks is limited to
the categories for which we have annotations in the
OVQA and VQA-Med 2019 datasets, embedding ad-
ditional information into the model through the use of
multiple classification heads is a useful technique that
allows us to deal with data scarcity. A clear constant
we observe, however, is that for this task, a cascaded
approach results in increased performance suggesting
that answer classification is enhanced by knowledge
regarding question type and answer type.
Although we achieved impressive results, the
complexity of the problem allows for further improve-
ments. A future work would be to use task weights as
hyperparameters, in order to allow the model to learn
the best balance between the tasks. Additionally, we
may consider and experiment on new tasks which
could be added to the framework in order to mea-
sure their impact on the proposed approach. Since
extra classification task annotations are not available,
a self-supervised candidate such as image or question
reconstruction could be a interesting approach.
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