to other domain-specific classification tasks, cross-
domain experiments, and diverse dataset characteris-
tics will be important for generalizing these results.
Future research should extend beyond the current
scope by exploring several promising avenues. First,
including Vision Transformer (ViT) models, or fine-
tuning large pretrained models (Abou Baker et al.,
2024) would provide insight into how newer archi-
tectural paradigms perform in transfer learning sce-
narios. Second, developing more advanced hyperpa-
rameter optimization techniques could further refine
model selection strategies. Third, expanding the di-
versity of datasets to include more domain-specific
and cross-domain challenges would test the general-
izability of our findings. In addition, exploring the in-
teraction between transferability metrics and emerg-
ing techniques such as few-shot learning could pro-
vide new approaches for efficient machine learning
model adaptation.
In conclusion, effective transferability metrics
must balance speed and accuracy to identify appro-
priate pretrained models without extensive finetuning.
This research contributes to a deeper understanding of
transferability in deep learning, providing a founda-
tion for broader evaluations and practical guidance in
waste classification and beyond.
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State of North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany, within
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Rethinking Model Selection Beyond ImageNet Accuracy for Waste Classification