and assess their potential impact on human beings.
However, the analysis is not always definitive due to
the evolving nature of scientific knowledge, making
the use of up-to-date databases critically important.
Various tools have been introduced in the litera-
ture to annotate VCF files, with ANNOVAR being
one of the most widely used. Despite its popular-
ity, ANNOVAR has certain limitations regarding the
range of databases it supports. In this paper, we
propose VCFAnnotator to address these limitations.
It facilitates the use of external databases, automati-
cally preparing them for compatibility with ANNO-
VAR, and includes a scraping feature to detect up-
dated databases.
This study marks an initial step towards devel-
oping an automated system for streamlining vari-
ous tasks in genetic research processes. As future
work, we aim to enable researchers to selectively re-
annotate specific entries of the VCF file based on pre-
defined criteria and to facilitate comparisons between
these new annotations and previous ones. Addition-
ally, we aim to explore steps required for VCFAnnota-
tor ’s certification for diagnostic use (Bombarda et al.,
2022; Bombarda et al., 2021).
This work was funded by PNRR - ANTHEM (Ad-
vaNced Technologies for Human-centrEd Medicine)
- Grant PNC0000003 – CUP: B53C22006700001 -
Spoke 1 - Pilot 1.4. We would like to thank Fabio As-
solari and Simone Ronzoni for the preliminary work
that they did for this project during their B.Sc. theses.
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A Flexible and Open-Source Tool for Genetic Variant Annotation