build responsibility and understand the significant im-
pact that the AI technology has on society.
This paper analysed 7 master’s degree disserta-
tions in order to assess the level of ethical AI princi-
ples addressed by the students, based on four criteria:
fairness and bias, safety and security, accountability
and liability, and transparency and explainability.
The analysis reveals that the most addressed eth-
ical AI concerns are those related to unbalanced
dataset. Explainability is not addressed at all, most
works presenting black-box models. The most ne-
glected ethical AI principles are those related to ac-
countability and liability, in which it is expected that
the user takes the whole responsibility. Only one of
the 7 papers in the study addresses the safety and se-
curity concerns of the system developed. Several ex-
isting tools for fairness, bias and explainability iden-
tified in literature and online resources are recom-
mended both as a support for identifying ethical con-
cerns as well as for mitigation. Other strong recom-
mendations are developing interpretable models and
the introduction of ethical AI principles in the curric-
ula of computer science master’s degree programme.
The publication of this article was supported by the
2024 Development Fund of the UBB.
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ICAART 2025 - 17th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence