Addressing the Ethical Implications of AI Models Developed:
A Case Study of Master’s Degree Dissertations in Data Science for
Industry and Society
Alina Delia C
Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, Babes
-Bolyai University, Kog
alniceanu Street, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Ethical AI, Data Science, Responsible AI, Bias, Transparency, Accountability, Fairness, Explainable AI,
Safety, Data Privacy, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence.
The increase in the development and use of AI models has generated many ethical and societal concerns. In
this paper, we examine the ethical element in several dissertations presented in July and September 2024 by
students enroled in the Data Science for Industry and Society Master’s Degree Programme. We assess the
level of awareness of ethical principles by analysing in these case studies the ethical concerns addressed by
most students, the ethical principles that are mostly neglected, and possible implications for the society. The
findings reveal that data bias is the most addressed concern, while accountability is the most neglected ethical
principle. Some recommendations for possible improvements include the use of ethical AI tools for the design
and assessment of AI models and applications.
The past decade has known an exponential growth of
Artificial Intelligence (AI) based applications. Many
of these, for example public Large Language Models
(LLM), introduce disruptive technologies that chal-
lenge and modify many aspects of life. The activi-
ties involved include teaching and learning, produc-
ing written content such as essays, reports, or news,
and constitute a huge knowledge and decision base
for many users. Despite many disclaimers from the
manufacturers of these tools explaining that erroneous
content might be generated, many users are trustingly
using them in professional and learning contexts. De-
spite being scrutinised, the use of these models in ed-
ucation to produce writing that is creative, cohesive,
and pertinent is deeply explored, emphasising their
role in improving the quality and efficiency of student
work (Kenwright, 2024).
More often than not, for many such applications,
the level of accountability demonstrated by the devel-
oper is often neglected, with the result that the user
has the primary responsibility to use the AI (Vakkuri,
2022). Caution and reluctance are often advised be-
cause the ethical and safety implications are not made
known to the user, who is at high risk. Rather than
spending too much controversial time on whether we
should use and trust these systems or not we might fo-
cus more productively on developing ethical models.
Promoting transparency, agreeing on safety and inclu-
sive guidelines to be enforced, could finally make this
technology serve actual societal needs and improve
life quality (Remian, 2019).
The correct identification of ethical concerns is the
first step in addressing them. For example, some re-
searchers apparently argue that unemployment as a
result of the automation power of AI models is one
of the main ethical implications (Wiesenthal, 2022).
This calls for a shift in mindset and culture, to em-
ploy trustworthy mitigation solutions. Even if these
issues are identified and discussed, few studies offer
recommendations on how to deal with them when de-
signing and developing AI systems (Huriye, 2023).
Moreover, there isn’t always agreement among schol-
ars as to what constitutes best practices for ethical AI
models (Jobin et al., 2019).
The quality of AI is determined by the availabil-
ity and quality of data, and it is where the majority of
problems originate. It is critically important to ensure
that AI systems are trained on a variety of representa-
tive datasets and that bias is rigorously tested in them
(Konidena et al., 2024). Moreover, it has been demon-
strated that AI attacks that utilise gradient-based en-
hancements are possible (Rosenblatt et al., 2023) re-
sulting in falsely highly accurate AI models.
Real-world case studies offer valuable insight into
the successful integration of ethical considerations in
alin, A. D.
Addressing the Ethical Implications of AI Models Developed: A Case Study of Master’s Degree Dissertations in Data Science for Industry and Society.
DOI: 10.5220/0013112000003890
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2025) - Volume 1, pages 279-286
ISBN: 978-989-758-737-5; ISSN: 2184-433X
Proceedings Copyright © 2025 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
AI and Data Science (Tatineni, 2019). Examples in-
clude proactive bias mitigation, transparent decision
making, and community participation. These strate-
gies ensure fair outcomes for diverse user groups, fos-
ter trust, and align ethical considerations with soci-
etal values, thereby fostering a more inclusive and
ethical AI landscape. Some researchers study how
engineering requirements can help businesses han-
dle ethical concerns with AI technologies (Balasub-
ramaniam, 2019), by examining three Finnish firms’
AI ethics guidelines using a multiple-case research
methodology. Accountability, justice, privacy, safety,
security, transparency, and trust were the main topics
of the recommendations. Specific suggestions are cre-
ating multidisciplinary development teams to address
divergent ethical perspectives and prioritising quality
requirements by using AI ethical norms.
The current literature has recognised the follow-
ing major categories of ethical issues: privacy, auton-
omy, anonymity, transparency, security, safety, jus-
tice, and dignity (Tatineni, 2019). These should nor-
mally come on top of software engineering quality
requirements of usability, performance, reliability, se-
curity, safety, maintainability, accuracy, interoperabil-
ity, and reusability (Balasubramaniam, 2019).
The ethical considerations in AI and Data Science
development are crucial for responsible use. Strate-
gies include conducting ethical impact assessments,
developing agile ethical frameworks, and fostering
collaboration between researchers, ethicists, policy-
makers, and industry experts. By understanding the
implications of advanced AI, anticipating future chal-
lenges, and implementing proactive measures, we
can contribute to responsible and beneficial technol-
ogy development. Ethical considerations in AI and
Data Science development are crucial for responsible
use, requiring impact assessments, agile frameworks,
and collaboration among researchers, ethicists, poli-
cymakers, and industry experts.
The aim of this paper is to analyse the existing
level of knowledge and awareness of ethical AI im-
plications among master’s degree students from a spe-
cialised Data Science domain. Several thesis are be-
ing assessed on 4 selected ethical criteria: (1) fair-
ness and bias, (2) safety and security, (3) account-
ability and liability, and (4) transparency and explain-
ability. The analysis will focus on the following re-
search questions (RQ): RQ1: Which ethical principles
for developing AI-based applications are most often
addressed by students?; RQ2: Which ethical princi-
ples for developing AI-based applications are gener-
ally neglected by students?; RQ3: What solutions for
the implementation of ethical AI principles from the
literature could be applied in these case studies?.
2.1 Methodology
In this study, we evaluate the ethical element in sev-
eral dissertation theses presented in July and Septem-
ber 2024 by students enroled in the Data Science
for Industry and Society Master’s Degree Programme
of the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Sci-
ence from Babes
-Bolyai University (UBB) in Cluj-
Napoca. The criteria used in the analysis of these
case studies are: (1) fairness and bias, (2) safety and
security, (3) accountability and liability, and (4) trans-
parency and explainability. All identified concerns are
then assessed as to how they are addressed in the mas-
ter thesis, if at all, by means of: discussion, evaluation
tools utilised, ethical design, and other approaches.
From a number of 12 student papers, we selected
those that involve either the development of an AI
module or the development of an application that uses
pre-trained AI models. Papers that do not have as
scope a specific application addressed to a large pool
or users, but are focused more on research methods,
comparisons, or assessment of AI models have been
excluded. The focus of this study is to assess the
level of awareness and mitigation of ethical issues re-
lated to developing consumer-oriented applications,
and their impact in society.
The selected dissertations are being assessed con-
sidering the four criteria that are derived from both the
related literature, and from ethical AI norms and rec-
ommendations, by international organisations . Sev-
eral concerns specific to each AI model or application
are identified and evaluated if they are addressed in
the paper, in order to examine the ethical AI literacy
among these students and propose several recommen-
dations based on literature.
2.2 Ethical AI Principles
The criteria chosen for this study are based on related
literature (Horv
ath, 2022), (Konidena et al., 2024),
(Nguyen et al., 2023) and in line with the recommen-
dations provided by UNESCO’s ”Ethics of Artificial
Intelligence” (UNESCO, 2024). The 4 chosen crite-
ria are described in Figure 1, reflecting what we are
focusing on in the analysis of the thesis and identifi-
cation of possible concerns.
2.3 Summaries of the Selected Papers
Case Study 1 (CS1): Speed Bump Detection.
(Complete Title: Robust Speed Bump Detection
ICAART 2025 - 17th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Figure 1: The Ethical AI criteria used for assessment.
Based on Data Collected from GPS-Enabled Dash-
cams) (Muntean, 2024). Using predetermined GPS
locations, this dissertation proposes a novel way
for Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) to
gather speed bump data. A labelled dataset is con-
structed with 2351 photos of plastic speed bumps that
are black and yellow, used to train a speed bump de-
tection AI model. The research shows that, while
maintaining a lower False Positive Rate (of 3.4%),
YOLOv8, a cutting-edge object identification model,
can achieve performance levels comparable to the
state of the art.
Case Study 2 (CS2): Dental Issues Identifica-
tion. (Complete Title: Advancements in Dental Care
through Deep Learning) (Moldovan, 2024). In or-
der to detect frequent dental problems (cavities, im-
plants, impacted teeth, and fillings), this study exam-
ines pre-trained ResNet models and custom models
trained with TensorFlow Keras. YOLOv9 and other
YOLO models are tested for real-time processing on
mobile devices. The study showcases the superior
performance of the YOLOv9 model in dental X-ray
processing, demonstrating its potential to expedite pa-
tient sessions and enhance oral health insights with a
mobile application.
Case Study 3 (CS3): News Analysis. (Complete Ti-
tle: Beyond the Headlines: Leveraging AI to Stream-
line News Analysis) (Miclea, 2024). The project’s
goal is to create an intelligent news aggregation and
analysis system that uses artificial intelligence and
natural language processing to automate the task. The
system consists of a sentiment analysis module, data
processing engine, news retrieval module, and user in-
Case Study 4 (CS4): Anime Recommendation.
(Complete Title: Anime recommendation system)
arescu, 2024). This thesis compares the re-
sults of experiments conducted on a small real-world
dataset with the complete MyAnimeList database for
the purpose of designing an application to generate
anime recommendation. Three models were evalu-
ated: NCF,Wide & Deep, and SVD, with the best re-
sult for R
= 0.5473. The authors’ research is a basis
for creating an app for anime recommendations.
Case Study 5 (CS5): Stock Trend Prediction.
(Complete Title: Predicting Romanian stock move-
ment trends: a complex network approach combined
with machine learning) (Holgyes, 2024). This study
concentrates on predicting the Bucharest Stock Ex-
change (BSE) movements. It examines stock price
data using network science principles, deriving spe-
cific features from the network model (centrality mea-
sures and connectivity properties), in order to train
several regression algorithms. The top performance
was achieved using decision tree, which predicts the
following day’s price movements (rise, fall, or stag-
nate) with accuracy of 70% and precision of 50%.
Case Study 6 (CS6): Blood Cell Classification.
(Complete Title: Blood cells classification for Acute
Lymphoblastic Leukemia detection using federated
learning) (Chiorean, 2024). This research investi-
gates the application of federated learning for classi-
fying white blood cells to detect Acute Lymphoblas-
tic Leukemia (ALL). The paper uses Convolutional
Neural Networks (CNNs) and the advancements pro-
vided by MobileNet and ResNet architectures. The
model was able to improve performance up to 90%
for accuracy and 80% for precision. ResNet demon-
strates superior precision and reliability in diagnosing
ALL, while MobileNet excels in performance with a
smaller number of parameters.
Case Study 7 (CS7): Travel Recommendation.
(Complete Title: A Travel Recommendation System
Based on Weather Data and Traveller Profile Using
Machine Learning Algorithms) (Zb
arcea, 2024). This
dissertation aims to assist users in choosing the ideal
Addressing the Ethical Implications of AI Models Developed: A Case Study of Master’s Degree Dissertations in Data Science for Industry
and Society
vacation spot tailored to their individual preferences
and requirements. It introduces a web-based platform
that provides customised recommendations, valuable
insights, and weather-related functionalities. The sys-
tem employs Long Short-Term Memory models for
predicting weather conditions in conjunction with a
deep learning model trained on a dataset of virtual
users with preferences and past travel experiences.
A total of 83 ethical AI concerns have been identified
from these papers. One paper of the seven, namely
CS1, is distinguished as having addressed most of the
safety and security and some of the fairness and bias
related issues (9 issues out of 21), while the others
fail to address ethical concerns in most aspects, as de-
scribed in Figures 2 and 3. Also, CS1 has the most
ethical concerns addressed in total perhaps because
the application domain (automotive) is a popular field
studied worldwide. The percentage of issues identi-
fied per case study and criteria are presented in Fig-
ures 4 and 5, showing that the majority of concerns
are related to fairness and bias, and the fewest are re-
lated to accountability and liability. This is perhaps
because data are the first source of bias in a model.
Although accountability is not less important, it is a
more straightforward issue of responsibility for the
technology and its use.
Figure 2: Number of addressed concerns per criteria for
each case study.
In Table 1 we present in detail several concerns
related to fairness and bias, as they were identified in
Figure 3: Number of concerns for each case study (yes -
addressed, no -not addressed).
Figure 4: Distribution of concerns per criteria .
Figure 5: Distribution of concerns per case study.
each of the 7 dissertations, and if they are addressed
in any way (either just identified, perhaps discussed,
or even mitigated) by the student. A similar analysis
for AI safety and security is performed in Table 2.
Table 3 presents the issues related to accountability
and liability of AI systems, while Table 4 is concerned
with transparency and explainability of the models.
3.1 Discussion
RQ1: Which Ethical Principles for Developing
AI-Based Applications Are Most Often Addressed
by Students?
The master’s degree study programme of the students
whose dissertations we analyse has only one course
dedicated to Ethics and Academic Integrity in Data
Science. The course teaches general legal and ethi-
cal issues of computer science, IP, software licensing
(incl. open source), risks and liabilities, privacy, in-
ternet and cyberspace, computer security (hacking).
There is also some content on ethical AI, such as data
access, use, and collection and ethical aspects of re-
ICAART 2025 - 17th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Table 1: Fairness and bias principle related concerns.
Concerns Addr.
CS1: Speed bumps are less common,
datasets lack images with them
Object detection uncommon aspect ratio. YES
Data collection limited to: Black-Yellow
Speed Bumps, one small area, one camera.
One single annotator bias. YES
The negative class unclearly defined. No
”Superior dataset” unbased claim. No
CS2: Existing annotated dataset split on
train/validate/test with no description to
ensure relevant evaluation.
The classes might be imbalanced or unrep-
resentative for the context.
Model classifies all input as fillings be-
cause it is a predominant class.
Dataset not representative for the entire
population (gender, age etc.)
CS3: Pre-trained tool may contain biases. No
News content might be unfairly interpreted
by sentiment analysis and clustering.
Unsupported statement ”impressive effi-
cacy of AI-generated summaries”.
CS4: Dataset from MyAnimeList website,
with possible user biases (age, region).
Classes of anime genres are not balanced. YES
Some content is never recommended, lead-
ing to some artists never being promoted.
CS5: Training data is not representative
for trading fluctuations (too short).
As a Regulated Market for stock trading,
this tool should be equally available to all.
CS6 : Data distribution on multiple de-
vices can introduce biases, if unbalanced.
Dataset has no patient demographics. No
One class presents fewer samples. YES
Images generated by other miscroscopic
devices might not be used in the model.
CS7: Model trained on synthetic data
might not be representative.
Access to the app by introducing personal. No
Marketing user profiles are biased. No
Popular destinations might become the
only recommendations.
search. These aspects of ethical AI from this course
seem to be well addressed by the students in their
work. In terms of fairness and bias, most students ad-
dress the issues related to unrepresentative data due to
class unbalance, synthetic data, the presence of a pre-
dominant class or an under-represented class in the
dataset. This is specifically acknowledged in 5 of the
7 case studies and is the most predominant, if not the
only aspect related to the principle of fairness and bias
that is popular. Data annotation issues are also ob-
served, as they may introduce a significant level of
subjective interpretation in the data labelling process
if not handled properly. From transparency and ex-
Table 2: Safety and security principle related concerns.
Concerns Addr.
CS1: Lack of speed bump standardisation
(system won’t work in a new region).
Speed bump detection could be used to
softnes suspention rather than lower speed.
A false positive can make the car unneces-
sarily brake, confusing other drivers.
A false negative can lead to dangerous situ-
ations if driver is overreliant on the system.
At what distance are speed bumps detected
(is there enough time to lower speed)?
Most false positives are observed on
drainage ditches, followed by crosswalks,
but also pole shadows or unpaved roads.
Significant false negatives and low recall
suggest speed bump is not detected in time,
leading to dangerous situations.
CS2: Misdiagnose exacerbates illness. No
System unable to diagnose less frequent is-
sues, as it’s trained only on 4 classes.
Diagnose does not replace consultation and
specialised treatment.
CS3: May increase anxiety, agression or
form unbalanced opinions on events.
May introduce false elements in summariz-
ing thus spreading misinformation.
CS4: Might promote aggressive content. No
Might promote inappropriate age-content. No
CS5: Economic decisions are still unpre-
dictable, even with a high model accuracy.
User might have financial losses. No
Artificially create market destabilisation
due to uniform predictions and decisions.
CS6: When can a doctor make safe deci-
sions based on the system input?
A misdiagnosys can be dangerous on the
life of a pacient.
System requires data security for image
upload, diagnoses information.
CS7: System might recommend places
with sudden political conflict (dangerous ).
System might recommend places with sud-
den bad weather or natural calamities.
plainability, the commonly identified concern is over-
fitting (in 2 of the 7 papers). In terms of safety and
security, only CS1 identifies several cases of possible
misuse that can lead to dangerous situations.
As mentioned previously, one of the works (CS1)
has identified a higher number of concerns than oth-
ers. A possible explanation could be the domain of
the paper: automotive, a popular subject of interest
in industry, that has already attracted many ethical
discussions. Given the advanced technology in this
area and the high interest from both industry and re-
search, there are many norms and regulations already
in place, generated by ethical implications of self-
driving car. The effect is that it increases awareness
Addressing the Ethical Implications of AI Models Developed: A Case Study of Master’s Degree Dissertations in Data Science for Industry
and Society
Table 3: Accountability and liability related concerns.
Concerns Addr.
CS1: Software system has quality stan-
dards to be used in automotive indepen-
dently, and there are people accountable to
fulfil them (maintenance, updates etc.).
Responsible party for using the break. YES
Responsible party for a misclassification is
named (software system quality).
CS2: Software system quality standards
assigned to specific people. The person re-
sponsible for a misdiagnosis is specified.
CS3: Software system has quality stan-
dards assigned to specific people. The per-
son responsible for app malfunction (fake
news, discriminating content) is clear.
CS4: The user is responsible for the con-
tent they to watch.
Responsibility for the promotion of biased
or aggressive or racist content and its reper-
cussions is assigned to a party.
CS5: The user is responsible for their own
trading activity and financial losses.
Companies may be affected by the soft-
ware predictions and be sabotaged. The
responsibility in this case is clear and soft-
ware quality ensures no misconduct.
CS6: The system is informing the doc-
tor, there are people responsible when the
system is at fault (medical device).
Software system has quality standards and
people accountable to fulfil them, includ-
ing updates, model maintenance.
CS7: User is responsible for choosing a
place to travel.
The system usage limitations are clear. No
among the users, developers and researchers alike.
This is also perhaps because the safety implications
are more direct and more severe than for other top-
ics. Even so, a long-term approach and analysis of
ethical implications is necessary in all areas where AI
technology is to be frequently used.
In conclusion, most of the students are very famil-
iar with dataset concerns related to dataset containing
unbalanced classes. This is probably because they
study this aspect specifically in the master’s study
programme. Also, they are able to identify more
ethical concerns in the domains which are highly re-
searched and popular in industry.
RQ2: Which Ethical Principles for Developing
AI-Based Applications Are Generally Neglected
by Students?
Many ethical concerns are neglected by students in
their dissertations. In the area of fairness and bias,
there is no concern as to how representative is data
to the population (concerning age, ethnicity, gender,
etc.), what is the dataset used for the pre-trained mod-
Table 4: Transparency and explainability related concerns.
Concerns Addr.
CS1: Model is black box. No
Model is overfitting. No
The user understands the benefits and lim-
itations of the system, how it works, and
how to make decisions based on it.
Human agency is defined at design level. No
CS2: Trains a CNN model - black box. No
Model is overfitting. YES
Human agency is specified from the design
and clear to the user of the app.
Results for each class are presented. No
CS3: The accuracy of tools used is not
mentioned (and it often falls under 50%).
Uses black box models. No
It is clear to the user how the system selects
balanced and comprehensive set of news.
CS4: Black box unexplained. No
User is clear on what they need to do to get
an accurate recommendation.
CS5: The model is a combination of
network analysis/modelling and decision
trees, some decision making explained.
Overfitting is suspected based on results. No
It is clear how the input features are used
in the prediction model.
CS6: Black box unexplained. No
Possible overfitting results. YES
User understands what images can be used. No
CS7: Black box unexplained. No
User is informed on proper app usage. No
els integrated and their biases, or if the data distri-
bution ensures sound evaluation. The resulting soci-
etal implications are drastic: some populations will
not get a correct dental diagnosis, summarised news
content might add more bias and confusion to the user
and influence political developments of a region, sev-
eral young anime artists will never get a chance to get
promoted to the public, the stock market can get even
more destabilised by speculating AI models, the use
of a different microscope for blood cell imaging might
get the wrong diagnosis, and several tourist destina-
tions might get overcrowded while others leave peo-
ple living on tourism without an income. Fairness is
hard to achieve even with the best interests at hand,
but if not considered at all it may play havoc on peo-
ples lives, their income, safety, or well-being.
The safety and security risks, as a consequence of
system misuse, are also neglected. This is not only
related to what an AI model fails to do, but also how
that can be exploited by malevolent parties, or simply
if the system is used in other ways than intended, and
what harm it can do. For example, a false positive
diagnosis for a leukemia patient can be equivalent to
a sentence to death, while a false diagnose of dental
cavity is unlikely to cause a person’s death, even if it
ICAART 2025 - 17th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
may damage a tooth. In this context, identifying the
severity of the risk of a 0.1% error is very important.
The most neglected ethical principle is account-
ability and liability, with only one concern addressed
of the 13 identified. In this regard, the tendency is
to leave the whole responsibility to the user of the AI
model. While in many cases the user has an impor-
tant responsibility of the use of a software system,
totally neglecting the developer’s responsibility is a
huge issue at the moment for the whole software en-
gineering world. If software systems and AI models
are supposed to be of help and support to humans, it
is crucial that they are reliable tools. Thus, develop-
ing systems that we can trust is a responsibility of the
developer to ensure the data used, training process,
and evaluation are properly performed according to
rigorous quality standards. Our AI models can gen-
erate very high accuracy, but they might be no good
if we can not rely on them, or at least guaranteed a
level of quality that makes them a reliable support in
certain scenarios. Otherwise, the risk is that our AI
models are being used as just toys, and not as a trust-
worthy decision support technology, always with high
caution, and as a result they could become more a hin-
drance than a human support.
Responsibility in ethical AI development usually
derives from transparency and explainability. Al-
though some transparency is addressed in the se-
lected case studies, all students completely neglect
the explainability principle in their work. All of the
projects involve black box models, meaning we have
no knowledge whatsoever on how the model makes
its decisions. In consequence, the model might go
wrong at any time, and we would not know why. Not
knowing the reasoning of an AI models means we can
not rely on its ’guesses’. As many explainability tools
have been developed lately, we should encourage their
use among computer science students of master’s de-
gree level, future software developers, and software
engineers designing the AI tools of the future.
RQ3: What Solutions for the Implementation of
Ethical AI Principles from the Literature Could
Be Applied in These Case Studies?
While many of the ethical AI concerns identified
deserve a thorough discussion and consideration
in a multidisciplinary AI, ethical and law context
(Konidena et al., 2024), there are several solutions
presented in the literature.
In Figure 6 we present a collection of some rep-
resentative tools that can be used for ethical AI de-
velopment. Some are inspired from literature (Cum-
ming et al., 2024), but also online resources such as
the Responsible AI Knowledge-base, Git repository
(Alexandra, 2023). However, many researchers con-
sider that true accountability come from transparency
(Jobin et al., 2019) and that these tools are not suf-
ficient to identify subtle and detailed ethical AI con-
cerns (Bubinger and Dinneen, 2024), and we cannot
rely on libraries alone. Ongoing research can help
inform developers about which tools to use best for
their specific contexts (Jeyakumar et al., 2020), while
others militate for developing interpretable AI models
rather then trying (rather unsuccessfully) to explain
black-box models (Rudin, 2019).
Figure 6: Ethical AI tools.
AI tool development often prioritizes building
complex models without considering their industrial
fit. Thus, design should start with the intended user
and use cases, before implementation, and involve
a multi-disciplinary team. Intelligent models should
focus on employing interpretable models where pos-
sible, specially for high risks decision making. Im-
plementing clear AI Ethics principles in curricula for
software quality study is of utmost importance.
3.2 Study Limitations
The number of case studies analysed in this paper is
only seven, and can not be sufficiently representative
for the general pool of computer science students. Re-
searcher bias could also be present in the interpre-
tations and analysis of the ethical aspects of student
dissertations. The study does not aim to perform an
exhaustive analysis of ethical AI knowledge, but an
assessment used as a starting point for improving the
curricula of the master’s degree programme. Future
work would involve a proper at scale study, perhaps
using NLP or LLM - based analysis for automation.
AI applications are crucial for everyday life, but their
frequent use raises ethical concerns about data usage
and potential misuse. It is crucial for developers to
Addressing the Ethical Implications of AI Models Developed: A Case Study of Master’s Degree Dissertations in Data Science for Industry
and Society
build responsibility and understand the significant im-
pact that the AI technology has on society.
This paper analysed 7 master’s degree disserta-
tions in order to assess the level of ethical AI princi-
ples addressed by the students, based on four criteria:
fairness and bias, safety and security, accountability
and liability, and transparency and explainability.
The analysis reveals that the most addressed eth-
ical AI concerns are those related to unbalanced
dataset. Explainability is not addressed at all, most
works presenting black-box models. The most ne-
glected ethical AI principles are those related to ac-
countability and liability, in which it is expected that
the user takes the whole responsibility. Only one of
the 7 papers in the study addresses the safety and se-
curity concerns of the system developed. Several ex-
isting tools for fairness, bias and explainability iden-
tified in literature and online resources are recom-
mended both as a support for identifying ethical con-
cerns as well as for mitigation. Other strong recom-
mendations are developing interpretable models and
the introduction of ethical AI principles in the curric-
ula of computer science master’s degree programme.
The publication of this article was supported by the
2024 Development Fund of the UBB.
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ICAART 2025 - 17th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence