Deep Neural Network Based Algorithm for Recognition of Static Signs of
Polish Sign Language
Wiktor Bara
and Piotr Duch
Institute of Applied Computer Science, Lodz University of Technology, Bohdana Stefanowskiego 18, Lodz, Poland
Sign Language Recognition, Deep Learning, Computer Vision.
Developing sign language recognition algorithms is important for promoting accessibility and inclusion for
deaf and hard-of-hearing individuals, improving education, and advancing technological applications in var-
ious fields. This paper presents a novel approach for recognizing static signs of Polish Sign Language using
characteristic points and deep neural networks. As an input to the deep neural network the distances between
every landmark of hands, elbows, and shoulders were used. The study focused on exploring the effectiveness
of using deep learning techniques for sign recognition. The proposed algorithm was evaluated on two publicly
available databases (NUS and LSA16) and achieved higher or comparable accuracy to other algorithms. Ad-
ditionally, it was tested on a collected database of photographs of 24 people. The proposed algorithm achieved
96.45% accuracy, 96.15% recall, and 96.66% precision.
It is estimated that in the world live about 70 million
deaf people, more than 80% of whom live in develop-
ing countries. More than 300 different sign languages
are in use
. For Deaf people, phonetic languages used
in their country are foreign to them. That situation
does not only cause problems in social life but also in
official matters, such as problems with understanding
documents or contracts.
In Poland, Deaf people use Polish Sign Language
(PSL). Currently, the estimated number of PSL users
is approximately 50,000. Despite its significant di-
vergence from spoken Polish, PSL was not officially
recognized as a natural language for many years. In
2011, the Polish Government passed a law on sign
language and other communication methods, which
granted the Deaf community the legal right to request
interpreter services when interacting with public ad-
ministration (Linde-Usiekniewicz et al., 2016).
In this work, we propose a method for recogniz-
ing static signs of Polish Sign Language using im-
age processing. The presented algorithm is an inte-
gral component of our broader research framework,
enabling the identification and classification of PSL
signs. This is an important contribution to the field,
as there are few articles related to recognizing PSL
signs. The approach involves the use of a database
that was collected with the help of both deaf and non-
deaf people, which ensures that the database is rep-
resentative of the diverse range of signing styles and
handshapes that exist in PSL. In the conducted experi-
ments, we used a single color camera situated in front
of the signer. There is no need to wear gloves or to
use special equipment.
Sign languages are natural languages that rely on
hands and body movements, facial expressions, and
gestures rather than voice to communicate. The main
users are Deaf individuals, hearing-impaired people,
or those who are unable to speak due to physical con-
Many hearing people think sign languages are vi-
sual representations of the spoken languages used in
a respective country, with hand movements replacing
vocalization. Another misunderstanding is the belief
that only one universal sign language exists. Both of
them are incorrect. Each sign language has its own
grammar, words, and syntax, which differs from other
languages. Of course, similarities may exist between
nczyk, W. and Duch, P.
Deep Neural Network Based Algorithm for Recognition of Static Signs of Polish Sign Language.
DOI: 10.5220/0013112400003890
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2025) - Volume 3, pages 201-208
ISBN: 978-989-758-737-5; ISSN: 2184-433X
Proceedings Copyright © 2025 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
different sign languages
. Moreover, due to the iso-
lated nature, sign languages have many developed re-
gional variations counted to the same language. It is
similar to the dialects or regional accents in spoken
Signs can be classified into two categories based
on observable features: static and dynamic signs.
Static signs are those in which the hand position does
not change during the duration of the sign. In Pol-
ish Sign Language, static signs are used mainly to de-
scribe alphabet letters and digits. On the other hand,
dynamic signs involve hand position and finger ar-
rangement changes over time. Despite the shape of
fingers, hand trajectory, orientation, and sometimes
the coordinated movement of both hands matter in
those signs.
The paper focuses on recognizing static signs in
Polish Sign Language. Although PSL is one of the
biggest minority languages in Poland, it still remains
under-researched. In 2010, the first academic unit
dedicated to research on PSL grammatical and lexi-
cal properties was established within the University
of Warsaw (Linde-Usiekniewicz et al., 2014).
For further experiments, 27 static signs from Pol-
ish Sign Language were selected, including only the
static characters from the manual alphabet, along with
numbers and some simple words.
2.1 Sign Language Recognition
Several methodologies are used in sign language
recognition, with the three primary approaches being
sensor-based, vision-based, and hybrid methods.
The sensor-based approach is mainly based on
special equipment, such as accelerometers (Fatmi
et al., 2019), surface electromyography (sEMG) sen-
sors (Jiang et al., 2017), gloves (Wen et al., 2021),
or even Kinect (Raghuveera et al., 2020). The recog-
nition of the signs is a two-step process. In the first
step, the signal from the sensor is captured, and in
the second step, the data are processed using different
Vision-based methods use cameras to capture in-
formation about specific signs. Compared to the
sensor-based techniques, this approach is less de-
manding. A user requires only a camera, which can
be found in many daily-used devices like computers
or smartphones. However, the main limitations of us-
ing only the cameras are sensitivity to the different
lighting or lack of depth perception. Sometimes the
multiple cameras approach is used (Erol et al., 2007).
The hybrid approach combines both previous sys-
tems. The input data are collected from multiple sen-
sors, like leap motion and camera (ElBadawy et al.,
In the vision-based approach, one of the most pop-
ular methods is based on convolutional neural net-
works (CNN) in various architectures. The CNN
trained to recognize 200 different signs of Indian Sign
Language achieved an 88.98% recognition rate (Rao
et al., 2018). Another approach used DenseNet121 ar-
chitecture, achieving 80% accuracy on a dataset com-
prising 24 static signs of the American Sign Language
alphabet (Kołodziej et al., 2022).
Several studies have utilized classic CNN archi-
tectures with features extraction and classification
parts, processing either RGB or grayscale images
(Jeny et al., 2021; Eid and Schwenker, 2023). Some
of these approaches have also used depth maps (Kang
et al., 2015) or RGB-D data (Elboushaki et al., 2020).
In other research, architectures combining detection
and recognition like You Only Look Once architec-
ture (Daniels et al., 2021; Sarma et al., 2021) and Sin-
gle Shot Detector architectures (Rastgoo et al., 2020b;
Rastgoo et al., 2020a) have been explored.
More recent advances include attention mecha-
nism (Bhaumik et al., 2023) or Vision Transformers
(Tan et al., 2023). Another vision-based approach in-
volves a multi-step process. Key characteristic points
and skeletal structures are first extracted from images,
followed by sign recognition using classifiers (Jiang
et al., 2021; Bajaj and Malhotra, 2022).
2.2 Polish Sign Language Recognition
PSL is relatively understudied compared to other sign
languages like American Sign Language or British
Sign Language.Specifically, only a few articles de-
scribe algorithms for recognizing signs of PSL, high-
lighting the need for further research in this domain.
One of the first approaches to recognizing isolated
PSL words was based on analyzing images captured
from the canonical stereo system. This method uti-
lized information on the hand position and its 3D
position relative to the face. The study employed a
database of 101 words signed by two individuals (Ka-
puscinski and Wysocki, 2005).
Another approach utilized image analysis for PSL
word recognition through a graph-based representa-
tion of hand posture. In this method, the hand was
detected using a Gaussian distribution model of skin
colour and morphological operations. The contour
of the hand was then extracted to construct a graph
for recognition. The method achieves an accuracy of
94.3% (Flasi
nski and My
nski, 2010).
ICAART 2025 - 17th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Another works explores also the recognition of se-
quences of PSL letters. One of the proposed approach
used input from Kinect, which was analyzed with hid-
den Markov models to classify postures correspond-
ing to specific letters by analyzing their transitions,
yielding a recognition accuracy of 75.2%. The exper-
iments were conducted with a database comprising
three individuals and 20 sequences (Warchoł et al.,
Additionally, for the PSL letter recognition, a pro-
totype of a glove employing textronic elements was
proposed, achieving an accuracy of 86.5% (Korze-
niewska et al., 2022).
Three crucial problems must be addressed when eval-
uating sign language recognition methods.
The first issue concerns the division of data into
training and testing sets. Neural networks can eas-
ily adapt to the shape and proportions of the hands
presented in the training. The dataset should be parti-
tioned based on individuals rather than the number of
images to ensure reliable testing. This means that im-
ages of individuals present in the training set should
not appear in the testing set.
The second problem is related to capturing the
spatial positioning of the hands in relation to the
signer and their surroundings, which is crucial for
many words in sign languages. CNNs also need ex-
tensive labelled data to achieve the best performance.
Obtaining a database that is large enough to contain
diverse PSL signs is difficult due to the limited avail-
ability of data, expert labelling requirements, and in-
dividual differences among users in signing styles.
PSL signs exhibit significant intra-class variations,
where different individuals may show the same sign
in distinct ways due to personal preferences. CNNs
perform better on tasks that are characterized by rel-
atively stable and consistent visual patterns intr-
aclass variations might greatly impact their perfor-
mance. A promising approach may involve using
characteristic points and skeleton structures or CNN-
like architectures combined with these features.
The third challenge is that the limited of available
Deaf individuals for dataset collection is limited. A
diversity of hand shapes is essential for good gener-
alization of the problem, but only a few PSL users
are willing to help collect the dataset. Additionally,
variations and differences in signs between PSL users
further complicate the task.
3.1 Database
No PSL sign database fulfilled the conditions required
for this study. Many sign language databases only
contain images of hands, which do not allow for eval-
uating the hand’s position relative to the signer and
do not reflect typical Deaf communication. As a re-
sult, a new database was self-collected. However, this
dataset will not be publicly available due to the lack
of participant consent.
It is important to note that the dataset mostly con-
tains photos of hearing individuals. Since hearing in-
dividuals were generally unfamiliar with PSL, they
were conducted by someone who knew the signs.
This approach was adopted to try to solve the third
problem - data scarcity and diversity. Using hearing
individuals presents an advantage, as their availabil-
ity is almost unlimited, making it easier to collect a
proper amount of data.
Each individual was photographed on three dif-
ferent backgrounds. For each background, 27 pho-
tos were taken - one for each sign. In the summary,
81 images. The subjects were visible from at least the
knees to the top of the head, and both hands were fully
visible. Images where all critical hand points were not
detected were excluded from the dataset.
The database contains photos of 24 people 3
Deaf and 21 hearing. Images of Deaf individuals were
extracted from videos filmed with the help of the Pol-
ish Deaf Association in Lodz. The images were cat-
egorized into 27 groups, each corresponding to one
specific word. Augmentation techniques applied to
the images were:
Mirror reflection (signs used in the research were
"hand invariant"),
Resizing hearing individuals’s photos to 80%,
60%, 40%, and 20% of the original size,
Framing Deaf individuals’ images to the same 4:3
proportions as those of hearing participants
Rotating each image by 1 or 2 degrees, both
clockwise and counterclockwise.
Images of Deaf individuals were extracted from
video, which has a lower resolution compared to the
photos of hearing participants. Therefore, further re-
sizing them was avoided to maintain data quality. The
final database contained 90549 images. However, af-
ter excluding images where not every key point was
detected, 77933 photos were used for training and
Deep Neural Network Based Algorithm for Recognition of Static Signs of Polish Sign Language
3.2 Algorithm Description
The proposed algorithm comprises several stages. Ini-
tially, characteristic points of the human posture are
detected, after which those relevant to the approach
are selected. Distances between the selected points
are calculated and normalized. These distances are
the input to the neural network, which outputs infor-
mation about recognized sign (Figure 1).
The first stage of the algorithm involves detecting
key body landmarks. For this purpose, the Holistic
MediaPipe Solution
is used, which detects 75 land-
marks—33 pose landmarks and 21 hand landmarks
for each hand). Therefore, from the 75 detected land-
marks, 46 are selected for further processing: 42 rep-
resenting hand poses and 4 representing the positions
of the shoulders and elbows.
Following this, 1035 Euclidean distances between
each point, based on their x and y coordinates, are
computed and normalized using the following equa-
value value
value - currently scaled value,
- maximum value in a column to which
belongs scaled value,
- minimum value in a column to which
belongs scaled value.
It is worth noting that using distances between key
hand and body points in sign language recognition
has not been previously presented in the literature re-
viewed by the authors.
3.3 Neural Network Architecture
A deep neural network (DNN) was used to recognize
the selected signs. The input to the network consists
of the distances between the characteristic points.
The optimal architecture, learning rate, and optimizer
were selected using grid search algorithm. In the re-
sult proposed model comprises six fully connected
layers with 1035, 512, 256, 128, 64, and 27 neurons,
respectively. Each layer, except the final one, utilizes
the LeakyReLU activation function, while the output
layer uses the softmax function. Categorical cross-
entropy is used as a loss function, and Adamax is used
as an optimizer with a learning rate of 1e-4. The neu-
ral network was trained for 1000 epochs. This number
of epochs was chosen because the algorithm initially
learned quickly, reaching approximately 90% accu-
racy. However, the model appeared to struggle with
Table 1: Performance of the proposed pipeline and selected
approaches from the literature on the NUS dataset.
Model Accuracy
(Eid and Schwenker, 2023) 93.5%
(Tan et al., 2021) 96.75%
(Bhaumik et al., 2023) 97.78%
Our 97.87%
(Tan et al., 2023) 99.85%
the details of the signs. Prolonged training allows the
model to focus on details, leading to improved perfor-
The research was divided into three parts. The first
part focused on finding the best architecture and hy-
perparameters, which provided the foundation for the
next experiments. The second part involved compar-
ing the proposed algorithm with other approaches.
Lastly, a detailed analysis of the results on the col-
lected dataset was conducted.
4.1 Comparing with Other Approaches
To better demonstrate the effectiveness of the pro-
posed approach, the algorithm was evaluated on pub-
licly available datasets and compared with models de-
scribed in the literature.
4.1.1 Results on NUS Hand Posture Dataset
The NUS hand posture dataset was used to better
compare with other approaches. This dataset includes
images of 10 different hand shapes captured from 40
individuals. Each hand shape was captured five times
for every subject, resulting in 200 images per class
and a total of 2000 images in the dataset. The dataset
does not provide user independence.
Due to the relatively small sample size, the batch
size was reduced to 512 for training. The model
was evaluated using 5-fold cross-validation. The
model achieved 97.47%, 97.97%, 97.97%, 98.73%
and 97.22% accuracy across the folds, with an aver-
age of 97.87%. A comparison with other approaches
on this dataset is presented in Table 1.
The proposed model demonstrates excellent per-
formance compared to other models. While the model
presented in (Tan et al., 2023) achieves significantly
better accuracy, it utilizes Vision Transformer archi-
tecture. The Transformer model has 86 million pa-
rameters, which is more than nine times the number of
parameters in the proposed pipeline. This large num-
ICAART 2025 - 17th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Figure 1: Diagram of the algorithm for the recognition of static signs in Polish Sign Language.
ber of parameters may make the Transformer model
unsuitable for mobile devices.
4.1.2 Results on LSA16 Dataset
The LSA16 dataset contains images of 16 hand
shapes taken from 10 subjects, with each hand shape
performed five times, resulting in a total of 800 im-
ages. This dataset ensure user-independence. Sev-
eral models were evaluated in (Quiroga et al., 2017),
from which citation is provided. The authors focused
only on the right hand for recognition; thus, for a
fair comparison, only distances between characteris-
tic points detected on the right hand were utilized.
The batch size was reduced to 128 due to the lim-
ited number of samples. The model was tested using
5-fold cross-validation, with each testing pair com-
prising one male and one female subject. In (Quiroga
et al., 2017) 100 runs of stratified randomized sub-
sampling cross-validation were conducted. However,
it is important to note that some runs may not guar-
antee user independence, making the task easier in
that paper compared to the current approach. The
proposed model achieved 97.64%, 98.39%, 96.06%,
94.78% and 94.44% accuracy, which is 96.26% on
average. Comparison with other approaches on this
dataset is shown in Table 2.
Table 2: Performance of the proposed pipeline and selected
models on LSA16 dataset.
Model Accuracy
(Szegedy et al., 2015)
ResNet (He et al., 2016) 93.49%
(Springenberg et al., 2014)
LeNet (LeCun et al., 1998) 95.78%
(Simonyan and Zisserman, 2014)
Our 96.26%
4.2 The Detailed Analyze of Result on
Collected Dataset
The proposed algorithm was evaluated in two dif-
ferent scenarios: performance for "known" and "un-
known" hands. Three metrics were used for evalu-
ation: accuracy, recall, and precision. These met-
rics help evaluate the performance of a neural net-
work in classification tasks, as they provide insights
into different aspects of the network’s performance
and help identify areas where the network can be im-
proved. Additionally, a confusion matrix was pre-
sented to provide more detailed information about the
algorithm’s behaviour and classification outcomes.
4.2.1 Model Performance for "known" Hand
The first experiment focus on comparing the per-
formance of the proposed algorithm tested on the
"known" and "unknown" hands. Two models with
the same architecture and learning rate (1e-4) were
trained for 100 epochs. The first model, tested on
"known" hands, was trained using the entire dataset
and randomly split into training and testing groups.
The training group contained 61383 images, while the
remaining images were used for testing. It is the same
distribution as in the "unknown" hand scenario. In the
second model, the data were split according to the in-
dividuals performing the signs, ensuring that the indi-
viduals in the training set were distinct from those in
the testing set.
The model tested on "known" hands achieved
97.35% accuracy, 96.82% recall, and 97.98% preci-
sion. In contrast, the model tested on "unknown"
hands produced results of 94.64% accuracy, 93.60%
recall, and 95.51% precision. The results highlight
the impact of using different individuals’ images in
the training and testing set. Using the same "hands"
for training and testing can lead to an increase in per-
formance of nearly three percentage points.
4.2.2 Test with only Deaf’s Images and Hearing
Due to different methods of photo collection, it is im-
portant to evaluate the model’s performance on im-
ages of Deaf individuals separately from those of
hearing individuals. For the Deaf participants’ im-
ages, the model achieved 78.96% accuracy, 78.10%
recall and 79.71% precision. In contrast, for the hear-
ing participants’ images, the model achieved 96.95%
Deep Neural Network Based Algorithm for Recognition of Static Signs of Polish Sign Language
Table 3: Confusion matrix fragment which shows results for signs which are the most likely to be mistaken. "0$o" is a label
of sign which means "0" or "o".
0$o 3 4 5 a ja n s t ty
0$o 664 0 0 0 0 0 0 78 13 0
3 0 558 1 0 0 0 55 0 0 0
4 0 18 465 31 0 0 0 5 65 2
5 0 2 58 519 0 0 0 2 10 0
a 0 0 0 0 587 0 0 0 0 0
ja 0 0 0 0 0 501 0 0 0 0
n 0 59 3 0 0 0 537 0 0 20
s 57 0 0 0 1 0 0 550 23 0
t 55 0 0 0 0 0 0 21 558 0
ty 43 0 0 0 83 62 0 0 0 491
accuracy, 96.66% recall and 97.14% precision. The
observed differences in results are caused by variabil-
ity in the Deaf individuals’ photos, which were ex-
tracted as frames from videos. This led to situations
where the subjects were not centred in the frame, un-
like the individuals in the training set. Additionally,
sometimes the Deaf people were seated, which was
not presented in training data. This highlights a lim-
itation of the current model, which can probably be
overcome by adding more varied data in the training
4.2.3 Confusion Matrix
A confusion matrix was generated to analyze the re-
sults better. Based on the analysis of this matrix, it
can be noticed that the model struggles with certain
signs. A fragment of the confusion matrix showing
the most interesting cases is presented in Table 3.
It can be seen that the algorithm has the most dif-
ficulty with the following groups of signs: “0$o”, “s”,
“t” and "ty" (you in Polish) "3" and "n", "4" and "5",
"a" and "ty", and "ja" (I in Polish) and "ty". It is
caused by the similarity of these signs and the lack
of depth information in the photos.
The model has problems with differentiating be-
tween signs “0$o”, “s”, “t” and "ty". These signs are
shown in Figure 2. Although the algorithm correctly
recognizes the actual signs in most cases, it makes er-
rors in about 10% of them. The confusion between
the first three signs occurs because they only differ
in the position of the index finger’s tip relative to the
thumb. Mistakes between "0$o" and "ty" are probably
caused by a lack of depth.
Another common error is between signs “3” and
“n”. The algorithm makes mistakes in about 10%.
The signs have an almost identical hand shape; in the
sign “3”, the fingers are apart from each other, while
in the sign “n” they are joined together.
An unusual situation arises between signs "4"
and "5". These signs differ by only one finger; in
"4", the person shows 4 fingers, and in "5", shows
five fingers. Occasionally, during testing, individuals
present an alternative hand shape for "4" that was not
present in the training set. During training, the num-
ber "4" is represented without the little finger, while
some examples in the test set represent it without the
thumb.Despite this, the model performs well on "4"
and "5".
The confusion between the signs "a" and "ty" and
the signs "ja" and "ty" is mainly due to a lack of
depth information, even though these signs are visu-
ally quite different. These signs involve a clenched
hand and differ primarily in orientation.
Based on this, it can be concluded that the model
has the most difficulty with signs that differ only in
distances between fingers and when the signs are vi-
sually similar in situations where depth information is
In the paper, we presented a method for recognizing
static signs in Polish Sign Language. The proposed
method is based on image processing and does not re-
quire any specialized equipment but can be used with
a simple camera. The deep neural network recognizes
presented signs based on the detected hands’ land-
marks. We used our dataset, containing signs pre-
sented by Deaf people, for whom it is the primary
means of communication with the world, and by peo-
ple not experienced with PSL. For the experiments,
27 signs were selected and presented by 24 individu-
als. The proposed method achieved high recognition
rates, comparable to the best results in the literature.
Our algorithm was further tested against other ap-
proaches using two publicly available datasets: NUS
ICAART 2025 - 17th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Figure 2: Respectively sign "0$o", sign "s", sign "t" and sign "ty".
and LSA16. The comparison results show that our
solution performs similarly or better than those pre-
sented in the literature. Notably, our model has sig-
nificantly fewer parameters than proposed in articles,
making it more suitable for deployment on mobile de-
Sign language recognition is a challenging topic.
Even recognizing simple PSL signs from pictures is
difficult. However, this research presents the first step
in developing a proper translator for sign languages.
Sign languages typically construct sentences through
simultaneous combinations of signs, not just sequen-
tial gestures. Furthermore, the complexity of sign
language interpretation also includes the relative posi-
tioning of the hands and spatial configurations. Future
work will explore using recursive networks or trans-
formers to recognize sequences of movements that
form signs.
The results obtained from the proposed algorithm
serve as a foundation for the subsequent phase of
our research, which focused on the recognition of
dynamic gestures. Ultimately, we aim to use dy-
namic gesture recognition for an algorithm designed
to translate between PSL and spoken Polish.
Data collection was conducted following informed
consent procedures, with access to the data restricted
solely to the authors. Third-party access is limited
to files containing coordinates and distances, while
anonymity of individuals involved in the data collec-
tion is maintained after contact with the authors. The
images generated or analyzed during this study are
not publicly available to ensure the protection of per-
sonal data.
This work was financed by the Lodz University of
Technology, Faculty of Electrical, Electronic, Com-
puter and Control Engineering as a part of statutory
activity (project no. 501/2-24-1-2).
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