Meanwhile, OPFsemble excelled in predicting risk
using estimated decays and showed statistical equiva-
lence to VE in other tasks despite using fewer models
due to pruning. Additionally, OPFsemble consistently
outperformed stacking regarding balanced accuracy
and executed faster in all cases. The proposed vari-
ant, C-OPFsemble, delivered results comparable to or
slightly better than O-OPFsemble across experiments
while maintaining a similar execution speed.
Regardless, the estimates of internal decay proved
unreliable for practical use in estimating tree risk, re-
sulting in lower balanced accuracies. Enhancing the
quality of these estimates is crucial to effectively de-
ploying the proposed method in real-world scenarios.
Future research will focus on refining the strategy by:
i) incorporating additional attributes, which could en-
hance tree representation and help models identify
new patterns related to internal trunk decay; and ii)
adding new samples to address data imbalances and
improve class representation, as current models tend
to learn more from the majority class (low decay).
This study was financed, in part, by the S
ao Paulo Re-
search Foundation (FAPESP), Brasil, under process
numbers #2022/16562-7 and #2023/12830-0, and by
the Coordenac¸
ao de Aperfeic¸oamento de Pessoal de
ıvel Superior - Brasil (CAPES). The authors also ac-
knowledge support from the FUNDUNESP/Petrobras
grant 3070/2019. Lastly, the authors thank IPT for
providing the urban tree data used in this study.
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