formance, with balanced accuracy values of 97.83%,
98.45%, and 96.32% for the A. minutum, P. aus-
tralis, and P. fraudulenta, respectively. Despite being
slightly lower than the conventional validation perfor-
mance, it effectively captures temporal trends for gen-
eralization to unseen years.
The proposed study demonstrates the effectiveness of
the majority voting ensemble method for the early de-
tection of harmful algal blooms. By combining the
strength of multiple classifiers, this approach signifi-
cantly enhances prediction accuracy compared to us-
ing individual classifiers. The application of SMOTE
addresses class imbalance problems, further enhanc-
ing the model’s performance. This combination has
been especially helpful in capturing the complexities
of HAB events, as indicated by performance metrics
for the three HAB case studies. Although the results
are promising, the model’s capacity to deal with data
from unobserved future years is still a limitation. This
will be addressed in future works by validating the
model with data from unexplored years and expand-
ing the training datasets to cover various regions and
conditions. This strategy seeks to improve predic-
tion accuracy while mitigating the adverse impacts of
HABs on human health and marine ecosystems.
The second and fourth authors acknowledge that the
research leading to these results received funding
from the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific
Research of Tunisia under grant agreement number
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ICAART 2025 - 17th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence