Dynamic-Differential Privacy based on Feature Selection with
Improved Usability and Security
Sun-Jin Lee
, Hye-Yeon Shim
, Jung-Hwa Rye
and Il-Gu Lee
Department of Future Convergence Technology Engineering, Sungshin Women’s University, Seoul, Korea, Republic of
Keywords: Differential Privacy, Feature Selection, Machine Learning, Security, Usability.
Abstract: With the advent of the digital transformation era, the introduction of machine learning (ML) in all industries
has accelerated. ML is highly utilized because it can provide various services, such as prediction and
classification. However, because the data used in the learning process contain personal information,
innumerable people could be harmed if the data are leaked. Differential privacy (DP) techniques have been
studied to improve data security. They are improved by adding noise from the data. However, owing to the
reduced classification performance of legitimate users, they are difficult to apply in areas that require accurate
prediction. This study proposes the dynamic DP based on feature selection (D-DPFS) model. D-DPFS can
improve usability and security by applying DP only to privacy-related features. Experiment results indicate
that D-DPFS increases the prediction accuracy to 96.37% from a usability perspective. Additionally, for users
who have predefined data to prevent information leakage, security was improved by adjusting the number of
features to which DP was applied according to the number of privacy features.
With the development of computing technology,
machine learning (ML) types and utilization have
been diversified. ML has been actively utilized to
address various healthcare-related issues, such as
predicting patient diseases (Uddin et al., 2019; Mohan
et al., 2019), medical treatment for rare diseases, and
classifying positron emission tomography-computed
tomography (PET-CT) images (Garg & Mago, 2021).
The financial sector also uses ML technology to
provide services like credit card fraud detection
(Aleskerov et al., 1997), stock price prediction, and
customized financial product recommendations
(Rundo et al., 2019). ML is recognized as a powerful
tool for analyzing and predicting data and is widely
distributed across all industries. Fortune Business
Insight predicts that the ML market will grow at an
average annual rate of 38.8%, from $15.44 billion in
2021 to $209.91 billion in 2029 (Machine learning
market size, share, growth: Trends [2030] website).
An extensive dataset is required to improve ML
performance in learning and evaluation. However,
this dataset consists of extensive user information and
thus has privacy issues (Kanwal et al., 2021). Medical
or financial datasets are at high risk because once
leaked, they can pose a threat to users or cause
financial damage (Iwendi et al., 2020). Most
countries aware of this problem take measures to
distribute datasets by applying de-identification
technologies. However, it is difficult to fully
anonymize an individual's information, which
reduces the usability of the data.
Differential privacy (DP) algorithms have been
proposed as another method to increase data security
(Kaissis et al., 2020). DP is a technique for protecting
personal information by introducing randomness,
such as by adding noise to data or transforming data
(Lecuyer et al., 2019), which addresses the problem
of information leakage in ML. However, applying DP
is time-consuming, and applying a strong DP to all
features results in a tradeoff problem that improves
security but reduces data usability, which can be
Lee, S.-J., Shim, H.-Y., Rye, J.-H. and Lee, I.-G.
Dynamic-Differential Privacy based on Feature Selection with Improved Usability and Security.
DOI: 10.5220/0013117100003899
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Information Systems Secur ity and Privacy (ICISSP 2025) - Volume 2, pages 141-149
ISBN: 978-989-758-735-1; ISSN: 2184-4356
Proceedings Copyright © 2025 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
measured by prediction accuracy (Ouadrhiri &
Abdelhadi, 2022).
This study proposes a dynamic-differential
privacy based on feature selection (D-DPFS) model
that combines feature selection (FS) and DP. The D-
DPFS model does not apply DP to all features but
only those where privacy is essential, simultaneously
improving usability and security for legitimate users.
Thus, the contributions of this study are as
DP is applied only to privacy-related features
to improve usability and security.
Memory efficiency and latency are improved
through FS.
In addition to predictive performance from
the perspective of general users, it
quantitatively confirms user security in
special situations where personal information
protection is important.
The remainder of this paper is organized as
follows. Section 2 analyzes the contributions and
limitations of previous studies. Section 3 describes
the framework and mechanism of the proposed D-
DPFS. Section 4 describes the environment and
performance indicators that were evaluated, and
Section 5 analyzes the results. Finally, Section 6
concludes the study.
Various studies have been conducted to solve the
tradeoff between accuracy, usability, and privacy
issues in ML. FS is a representative method for
improving accuracy and usability, and DP is a method
to resolve privacy issues.
2.1 Feature Selection
FS is the process of extracting useful information
from the data, which can reduce the complexity of the
model and prevent overfitting by removing
unnecessary features (Khaire & Dhanalakshmi, 2022).
With FS, the time required for the DP application
process can be significantly reduced by selecting the
necessary features before applying the DP and after
applying DP.
Chiew et al. (2019) proposed HEFS, a feature
selection framework for an ML-based phishing
detection system. We demonstrated improved
accuracy using Support Vec-tor Machine (SVM),
Naive Bayes, Random Forest (RF), and several
classifiers when constructing the top-n feature subsets
based on the cumulative distribution function
gradient (CDF-g) algorithm. In addition, an optimal
accuracy of 94.6% was achieved when the IG
methodology was integrated with a random forest
classifier based on entropy. However, in constructing
the basic feature set for the entire feature set, there is
a limitation in that the feature importance cannot be
considered as a chi-square, and information gain and
symmetric uncertainty are selected as filter
Kou et al. (2020) proposed a multi-criteria
decision-making (MCDM) method to overcome the
limitations of small samples and large dimensions in
the text classification process. This methodology
calculates the presence or absence of terms in a
document set using IG and various filter-based
feature selection methods, determines the
contribution of terms according to the calculated ratio,
and shows the prediction accuracy. However, there is
a limit to optimal methodologies that have yet to be
considered other than TOPSIS, VIKOR, GRA,
Weighted sum method (WSM), and PROMOTHEE
Rehman et al. (2020) proposed CbFNN, a new
deep-learning-based method for detecting
microscopic brain tumors and classifying tumor types.
After performing feature extraction with VGG19, a
pre-trained convolution neural network (CNN) model,
the best features were selected based on the entropy
and information gain methodology. The methodology
achieved high accuracies of 98.32, 96.97%, and 92.67
% for the BraTS datasets for 2015, 2017, and 2018,
respectively. However, training a pre-trained model
with extracted tumor images increases the
classification accuracy of tumor-type classification.
Still, it has a limitation in that the time cost is high
because the classification time increases compared to
the pre-trained model trained with the original
magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan.
2.2 Differential Privacy
DP achieves privacy by adding noise. Because
sensitive information can be protected through the
application of DP, the security of the data can be
Liu (2019) proposed a generalized Gaussian (GG)
mechanism that integrates the Laplace and Gaussian
mechanisms, the primary DP methodologies. The
theoretical requirements for the proposed mechanism
to reach DP at prespecified privacy parameters were
explored. The prediction accuracy and statistical
usefulness of the Laplace, Gaussian-pDP, and
Gaussian-aDP methodologies were compared to the
changes in epsilon and delta values. However, since
ICISSP 2025 - 11th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
the range of epsilon values on the abscissa axis is
limited from 0.5 to 2, it is difficult to check the
changing trend according to the epsilon value. In
addition, there is a limitation in that there is bias
owing to noise and disturbed results caused by
integrating the two mechanisms.
Xue et al. (2022) proposed Acies, a method for
indirectly controlling information leakage in training
data by perturbing the adaptive feature selection. This
methodology has a higher recognition rate than
conventional models, even with the same epsilon
value. In addition, the time consumption and RAM
cost were analyzed simultaneously to identify
optimization points and improve memory usage.
However, it does not specify which feature selection
method was applied in the Acies methodology, and it
shows limitations in that the accuracy performance is
not measured. In addition, the proposed method can
slow down a reconstruction attack, which is an attack
that can occur at the edge but has a limitation in that
it does not provide a complete solution.
Desfontaines et al. (2019) proposed a method to
realistically model an attacker's uncertainty in a DP
application situation and provide mathematical proof.
By defining an attacker with partial knowledge as a
passive or active attacker, a method for quantifying
privacy guarantees in a realistic home situation was
demonstrated. However, in the DP application
process, the privacy parameter epsilon value was
considered, whereas the delta value, which indicates
the probability of information leakage by mistake,
was not considered.
2.3 Differential Privacy and Feature
In this section, the DP framework with feature
selection is reviewed.
Alishahi et al. (2022) proposed a local DP (LDP)-
FS framework that applies an FS using LDP. This
concept satisfies differential privacy in a local setting
to eliminate the need for a trusted third party.
Through experiments, it was shown that irrelevant
features could be selected in a data-protected situation
by identifying factors such as the size of the dataset
and the number of features that affect LDP-FS
performance. However, because the characteristics
targeted in this thesis are independent variables,
applying this methodology to diverse environments is
Zhang et al. (2020) proposed removing data
correlations, increasing data usability, and protecting
data by applying DP and feature selection techniques.
DP-based FS was performed by adding Laplace noise
according to feature importance and then performing
normalization. However, it takes a long time to
perform feature selection because the feature set with
the highest accuracy is found after reviewing all the
features. In addition, there is a limitation in that only
data usability indicators exist, and data privacy-
related performance indicators do not.
Conventional studies have not resolved the DP
applications' tradeoff relationship between utility and
privacy. Security is improved because sensitive
information can be protected through DP; however,
actual data utilization decreases as epsilons (noise)
are added. DP is in the limelight because it protects
sensitive information; however, owing to this tradeoff
relationship, only a limited range of high epsilon is
applied, and the technology is being used (Wilson et
al., 2019). The proposed methodology compensates
for the decrease in utility due to the DP application by
applying DP after performing feature selection
considering privacy to compensate for these
In this study, a D-DPFS model is proposed to prevent
attackers from acquiring information from legitimate
users while ensuring the classification performance of
legitimate users. The proposed framework is
illustrated in Fig. 1.
The D-DPFS comprises a feature selection
module, a differential privacy module, a privacy
feature selector, and a data processing module. In the
feature selection module, IG, a representative FS
technique, is used to select features of high
importance from the dataset input for data processing.
The privacy feature selector selects the privacy
feature the user wants to protect. Finally, the DP
algorithm is applied to the chosen features through
the privacy feature selector and feature selection
modules in the differential privacy module. At this
time, it is assumed that the user corresponds to a
legitimate user requesting data analysis for the D-
DPFS. Users can also select several privacy-
enhancing features for enhanced security.
Dynamic-Differential Privacy based on Feature Selection with Improved Usability and Security
Figure 1: Structure of D-DPFS.
The flowchart of D-DPFS is shown in Fig. 2.
Figure 2: Flowchart of D-DPFS.
When a user requests classification for a specific
dataset, D-DPFS identifies privacy-related features
for protection in the dataset used for classification and
data preprocessing. At this time, privacy-related
features are for primary security and refers to a
feature to which DP is applied by default even
without the user setting it. Representative examples
include gender and phone number. Subsequently, in
Phase 2, two types of different feature selection are
performed. The first type of feature selection was
performed to select features for the classification
requested by the user, and then the second type of
feature selection was performed to select features for
privacy-related features. In the second type of feature
selection, the user may select 𝑝 personal information
related features. Among the feature selection results
for the class requested by the user, the feature
selection results for each 𝑝 privacy feature are
obtained. Then, the feature corresponding to the
intersection of one feature out of p and the feature
selection result for the class requested by the user is
obtained. When 𝑝 intersections are created, find the
union of the 𝑝 intersections. The method of finding
the union of intersections for each privacy feature is
as shown in Fig. 3.
Figure 3: Feature selection method applying DP in D-
DP is then applied according to the epsilon value
set by the user in advance. Finally, in Phase 4, the user
class classification dataset with DP is trained and
evaluated, and the final result is delivered to the user.
When the class the user wants to classify is called
and the privacy feature additionally defined by the
user is defined as 𝑃
, the privacy feature to which
differential privacy will be applied is as shown in
equation (1). 𝑃 can be obtained by adding up all the
features corresponding to the intersection between 𝑃
and the remaining 𝑃
The Laplace mechanism ( ) for applying
differential privacy is given by equation (2). Noise is
generated through Laplace Distribution based on
scale 𝑏 . 𝑏 is the variance of distribution, and in
differential privacy it follows 𝑏=
(Dwork & Roth,
2013). Epsilon 𝜀 is a privacy parameter. The
sensitivity ∆𝑓 represents the effect that a change in a
dataset can have on query results. 𝑥 is the dataset.
𝑒𝑥𝑝 −
Mutual information gain is used to select features
that have a significant impact on classification among
features, and weights are defined based on this.
Assume 𝑓
∈𝑃 and 0<𝐼𝐺
≤1. At this
time, the reason 0<𝐼𝐺
≤1 is because
the classification method used in D-DPFS is binary
ICISSP 2025 - 11th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
classification, and when multiple classification is
used, the entropy value can increase up to .
The weight formula can be expressed as equation
(3), where 𝑛(𝑃) means the number of privacy
features. The weight 𝜔 is multiplied by the
information gain value of 𝑓
, and the impact of each
privacy feature on classification accuracy can be
The objective function of D-DPFS can be
constructed according to equations (1) to (3), which
is the same as equation (4).
=min (
DP is applied only to the features corresponding
to 𝑛(𝑃) among the total 𝑁 pieces of data, and at this
time, a weight 𝜔 is added. Specifically, the higher the
𝜔 value, the greater the impact on classification
performance and the lower the accuracy. Additionally,
the Laplace function
for DP application is
defined, and the
𝑘 and values are adjusted in D-
DPFS. In other words, the objective function
improves accuracy by minimizing the overall value
(applying DP only to some features). Then, security
is maximized by applying DP to features related to
the 𝑘 privacy features.
4.1 Experimental Datasets and
To evaluate the performance of the D-DPFS, the
Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS)
dataset (
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
website), which includes users’ personal information,
was used. The BRFSS dataset was created as a
collaboarative project between all US states and the
Centers for Disease Control. It collects information
on health abnormalities and disease states related to
human mortality, disease, and disability. The BRFSS
dataset has 279 features, ranging from race and sex to
disease information such as blood pressure, diabetes,
and obesity. In this experiment, the user predicts the
likelihood of heart disease, and the personal
information characteristics to be protected are
assumed to be race when 𝑝=1 and race and age when
Logistic regression (LR) is a model that improves
classification performance by predicting data with a
value between 0 and 1 using a sigmoid function and
classifying it with a high probability based on
probability. The LR model is primarily used for
classification and prediction in medicine and
communication. A multiclass LR model
(Logisticregression website) was used for learning
and evaluation.
The mutual-information gain package
(Mutual_info_classif website) provided by Sklearn
was used as the FS algorithm. Additionally, the FS
rate was fixed at 5%. For the DP algorithm, the
Laplace mechanism in Diffprivlib (IBM website;
Holohan et al., 2019) developed by IBM was used to
verify the experiment.
4.2 Comparison Models
To objectively verify the performance of D-DPFS,
four comparative models were selected. These
models are listed in Table 1.
Table 1: Types of comparison models.
Model name Feature
(Speiser et
al., 2019)
FS (Sneha
& Gangil
DP (Liu,
Static DP
(Zhang et
al., 2020)
Static DP
(Our Model)
The non-DPFS model (Speiser et al., 2019) refers
to a general ML classifier to which neither DP nor FS
is applied. The FS model (Sneha &
Gangil, 2019) only
performs feature selection and does not apply DP. It
has the advantage of fast performance but is limited
in that it cannot protect users' personal information.
The DP model (Liu, 2019) applies differential privacy
to all the features. When DP is used for all features,
security is improved. Still, legitimate users' usability
Dynamic-Differential Privacy based on Feature Selection with Improved Usability and Security
is also reduced, and applying DP to all features takes
time. The Static-Differential Privacy based on
Feature Selection (S-DPFS) model (Zhang et al.,
2020) applies DP only to features selected through
feature selection. Although the range of features to
which DP is applied is reduced, the required time is
also reduced; however, noise is added to all the
features used, limiting usability.
The proposed D-DPFS model takes longer than
the FS model for the two feature selections. However,
it can optimize memory usage through FS and is the
most improved model in terms of security and
usability through dynamic DP applications.
4.3 Evaluation Metrics
Four evaluation indicators were selected from
performance, cost, and security perspectives to
compare the proposed and conventional models. The
classification accuracy of the LR model according to
the change in epsilon ( 𝜀 ) was used to measure
performance. Epsilon refers to privacy parameters
that can be controlled to balance the accuracy of the
analysis of data with security. In this experiment, ε-
differential privacy was used to implement the pure
DP algorithm (Aitsam, 2022). The epsilon was tested
in 0.0001, 0.01, 1, 100, and 10,000 environments, and
the accuracy was measured using equation (5).
𝑁𝑢𝑚𝑏𝑒𝑟 𝑜𝑓 𝑑𝑎𝑡𝑎 𝑎𝑐𝑐𝑢𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑙𝑦 𝑝𝑟𝑒𝑑𝑖𝑐𝑡𝑒𝑑
𝑇𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑛𝑢𝑚𝑏𝑒𝑟𝑜𝑓 𝑑𝑎𝑡𝑎
× 100
Memory usage and latency were used to compare
the performance of the proposed and conventional
models in terms of cost. Memory usage was measured
using a memory profiler (Memory-profiler website).
Memory Profiler is a Python memory measurement
package based on psutil that monitors the memory
consumption of processes. Latency measures the time
spent executing each model using a time module.
In addition, this study proposes a new
methodology for measuring security. A previous DP
study used the epsilon value as a security index (Xue
et al., 2022). However, security can be abstractly
confirmed by using the epsilon value, but it is difficult
to confirm with quantitative values. Therefore, to
clearly understand the security of the proposed model,
classification performance was measured from the
perspective of general users and general users for
whom security is important. Legitimate users identify
information with standard labels, and in environments
where security is important, several privacy features
are selected and delivered to the system, providing
strong security for the features.
Experiments were conducted regarding the
classification accuracy from the perspective of
legitimate users and the classification accuracy of the
proposed model according to the number of privacy
features, latency, and memory usage.
5.1 Classification Accuracy of
Legitimate User
The classification accuracy was measured using four
comparatives and the proposed models. Fig. 4 shows
the classification accuracy of each model according
to the increase in epsilon.
Figure 4: Classification accuracy in each model.
The non-DPFS, FS, and proposed models all
showed 95–96% accuracy regardless of epsilon
changes. The classification accuracy of the S-DPFS
model was at least 15% and up to 95%, showing up
to 80% lower performance than the other methods
owing to changes in epsilon. Even the DP-only
models showed at least 55% accuracy, higher
performance than S-DPFS, but up to 40% lower
accuracy than the proposed method.
The proposed D-DPFS model applies DP only to
privacy-related features to classify legitimate users.
Therefore, unlike the S-DPFS model with 5% feature
selection DP, it can have the same high performance
as the non-DPFS and FS models, regardless of epsilon.
ICISSP 2025 - 11th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
5.2 Classification Accuracy According
to Number of Privacy Features
Fig. 5 shows the classification accuracy results of
general users and users with defined privacy features.
Among the BRFSS datasets, it is assumed that
general users (n(p)=0) classify heart diseases within
the BRFSS dataset by setting them as labels. If the
privacy feature was selected (n(p)>0), FS between the
privacy feature and the heart disease label was
applied, then the intersection was selected as the
target for DP application, p intersection sets were
created, and DP was applied by combining them.
Figure 5: Accuracy according to 𝑛
In the situation where 𝑛(𝑝) = 0, no additional
security experiments related to the privacy feature
were conducted, so only DP for the pre-set security
column was applied. At 𝑛(𝑝) =1, features are
applied to both the intersection of the FS results for
race and the FS results for general classification
labels, resulting in a 1.15 times reduction in
classification accuracy compared to 𝑛(𝑝)=0 .
However, it has improved accuracy compared to the
S-DPFS model, which applies DP to all features of FS.
Even in the case of 𝑛(𝑝) =2, it is lower than 𝑛(𝑝) =
0, but shows improved accuracy than the S-DPFS
model. In other words, using D-DPFS can increase
user usability compared to S-DPFS while effectively
protecting features linked to privacy.
5.3 Classification Accuracy According
to Number of Privacy Features
Fig. 6 shows the average latency and memory usage
measured by repeating the classification of the
comparative model and the proposed model 1,000
times. Data preprocessing was not included at this
time because it was performed in all models.
Regarding latency, non-DPFS without going on
had the lowest, followed by the FS, S-DPFS, D-DPFS,
and DP models. The latency of the proposed model
was approximately 26 s, which is approximately 36 s
lower than that of the DP model, which had the
highest latency of 62 s. Compared to S-DPFS, a
model that performs both FS and DP, there was a
slight difference of approximately 6 s, approximately
24 s higher than that of non-DPFS, which has the
minimum latency.
Therefore, it is significant that the proposed
model has less latency than when DP is applied to all
data and does not differ significantly from S-DPFS.
Other non-DPFSs with a latency of 2 s or FSs with a
latency of 15 s have a small latency; however, unlike
the proposed model, DP does not exist, and thus
privacy cannot be maintained. Therefore, among the
methods that can protect privacy, the proposed model
has a great advantage while increasing the time
required. It also improves usability while protecting
the privacy features of general users as much as
Figure 6: Training latency and memory usages in each
Regarding memory usage, the DP model had a
significant memory usage of ap-proximately 1,035
MB compared to the other methods, and most other
methods had a memory usage of less than 50 MB. The
proposed D-DPFS used approximately 9 MB of
memory, which was 1,026 MB lower than the DP
model and 5 MB less memory than the S-DPFS
method, which performs FS and DP. In addition, the
proposed model showed lower memory usage than
the other methods, except for the FS single method,
and had a slight difference of approximately 3 MB
from the FS method.
Therefore, we experimentally showed that the
proposed model can achieve high performance with
lower memory usage than other methods.
Dynamic-Differential Privacy based on Feature Selection with Improved Usability and Security
ML solves various problems in all industries;
however, personal information leakage can occur,
and the damage is significant in the medical and
financial sectors. DP is a technology used for data
protection that can solve information leakage
problems in ML. However, conventional DP
techniques lack prediction accuracy and require
significant time and cost. To address these challenges,
this study proposes a D-DPFS model that combines
the DP technology for privacy protection in ML with
the FS technology for data analysis.
The experiment used four models to compare the
proposed and conventional models' performance, cost,
and security. The performance measures the
classification accuracy of the LR model according to
the change in epsilon, and the cost is compared based
on memory usage and latency. Additionally, to
measure security in detail, we measured classification
performance for general users and users who selected
privacy features.
The D-DPFS model proposed through
experiments guarantees a high classification
performance of 95% for general users and adopts a
method of applying additional DP when general users
select the feature they want to protect, preventing
attackers from stealing personal information, can be
prevented. Therefore, it has been proven that the D-
DPFS method is suitable for protecting user privacy
in ML situations.
In this study, the D-DPFS model was evaluated
only using the BRFSS dataset; however, in future
studies, the model's performance will be verified in
various dataset environments, and the privacy feature
selection algorithm will be specified.
This work is supported by the Ministry of Trade,
Industry and Energy (MOTIE) under Training
Industrial Security Specialist for High-Tech Industry
(RS-2024-00415520) supervised by the Korea
Institute for Advancement of Technology (KIAT),
and the Ministry of Science and ICT (MSIT) under
the ICAN (ICT Challenge and Advanced Network of
HRD) program (IITP-2022-RS-2022-00156310) and
Information Security Core Technology Development
(RS-2024-00437252) supervised by the Institute of
Information & Communication Technology Planning
& Evaluation (IITP).
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