ML solves various problems in all industries;
however, personal information leakage can occur,
and the damage is significant in the medical and
financial sectors. DP is a technology used for data
protection that can solve information leakage
problems in ML. However, conventional DP
techniques lack prediction accuracy and require
significant time and cost. To address these challenges,
this study proposes a D-DPFS model that combines
the DP technology for privacy protection in ML with
the FS technology for data analysis.
The experiment used four models to compare the
proposed and conventional models' performance, cost,
and security. The performance measures the
classification accuracy of the LR model according to
the change in epsilon, and the cost is compared based
on memory usage and latency. Additionally, to
measure security in detail, we measured classification
performance for general users and users who selected
privacy features.
The D-DPFS model proposed through
experiments guarantees a high classification
performance of 95% for general users and adopts a
method of applying additional DP when general users
select the feature they want to protect, preventing
attackers from stealing personal information, can be
prevented. Therefore, it has been proven that the D-
DPFS method is suitable for protecting user privacy
in ML situations.
In this study, the D-DPFS model was evaluated
only using the BRFSS dataset; however, in future
studies, the model's performance will be verified in
various dataset environments, and the privacy feature
selection algorithm will be specified.
This work is supported by the Ministry of Trade,
Industry and Energy (MOTIE) under Training
Industrial Security Specialist for High-Tech Industry
(RS-2024-00415520) supervised by the Korea
Institute for Advancement of Technology (KIAT),
and the Ministry of Science and ICT (MSIT) under
the ICAN (ICT Challenge and Advanced Network of
HRD) program (IITP-2022-RS-2022-00156310) and
Information Security Core Technology Development
(RS-2024-00437252) supervised by the Institute of
Information & Communication Technology Planning
& Evaluation (IITP).
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