Assessing Sweden’s Current Cybersecurity Landscape: Implications of
NATO Membership
Nike Henriks
, Isak Lexert
, Jakob Bergquist Dahn
and Simon Hacks
1 a
Department of Computer and System Sciences, Stockholm University, Stockholm, Sweden
Halmstad University, Halmstad, Sweden
Cybersecurity, Sweden, NATO Membership, Cyber Defense, Cyber Threats.
Sweden’s recent NATO membership marks a significant shift in the country’s national security strategy, par-
ticularly concerning cybersecurity. This study has assessed the current cybersecurity landscape in Sweden by
conducting interviews with experts within the public sector and through document analysis. The interviewees
included academics, researchers, and government officials from the municipal level to parliament. The study
concludes how the threat environment has evolved following Sweden’s NATO membership. The study has
identified key cyber threats facing Sweden, primarily from state-sponsored actors such as Advanced Persis-
tent Threat (APT) groups and cybercriminal organizations targeting critical infrastructure. The study has also
found disparities in cybersecurity preparedness between Sweden’s military and civilian sectors. The study em-
phasizes the need to strengthen civilian cybersecurity to reach a similar preparedness as the military to adapt
to NATO’s requirements and standards.
The geopolitical landscape has shifted since Russia
annexed Crimea in 2014, an event that not only in-
volved traditional military actions but also sophisti-
cated cyber-attacks (Gunawan and Pane, 2024). This
hybrid warfare strategy highlighted the vulnerabilities
of digital infrastructure (Lika et al., 2018). The full-
scale invasion of Ukraine by Russia in 2022 has fur-
ther underlined the importance for Western countries
to improve their cyber defenses (Bran, 2024).
In an increasingly digitized world, societies have
become more vulnerable to cyber-attacks, which can
be orchestrated remotely without breaching physi-
cal borders, thus avoiding declaring war (Springer,
2024). The reliance on digital technology for essen-
tial services creates substantial vulnerabilities. Cyber
adversaries can exploit these weaknesses to conduct
espionage, sabotage, and other malicious activities,
destabilize economies, and compromise national se-
curity (Achterberg, 2022).
Sweden has abandoned its neutrality and joined
NATO in response to growing threats from Russia.
This strategic shift aims to enhance Sweden’s security
but also places it in the crosshairs of cyber attackers.
The experiences of Finland, which faced increased
cyber threats following joining NATO (Helin and Hi-
manen, 2023; Orange Cyberdefense, 2023), provide
a relevant parallel, suggesting that Sweden could en-
counter similar challenges.
Given Sweden’s new status as a NATO member, it
is crucial to assess the state of its cybersecurity. Un-
derstanding the potential threat actors and their ca-
pabilities is essential for developing defense strate-
gies (Tzu, 2003). This assessment helps identify gaps
in the existing cybersecurity framework and ensures
that governmental and private sectors are prepared to
counter sophisticated cyber threats. To address this
issue, the research questions posed by this study are:
1. What are the current cybersecurity threats facing
2. How has the threat landscape changed following
its NATO membership?
3. What are the implications of the NATO member-
ship on Swedish cybersecurity?
The rest of the article is structured as follows.
Next, the background provides a historical overview
of Sweden’s cybersecurity evolution and NATO’s role
in the cyber domain. Then, the research methodol-
ogy is presented. The results are subdivided to discuss
the current state of cybersecurity in Sweden, identify
Henriksén, N., Lexert, I., Dahn, J. B. and Hacks, S.
Assessing Sweden’s Current Cybersecurity Landscape: Implications of NATO Membership.
DOI: 10.5220/0013117800003899
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy (ICISSP 2025) - Volume 1, pages 209-216
ISBN: 978-989-758-735-1; ISSN: 2184-4356
Proceedings Copyright © 2025 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
the key threat actors, and analyze how NATO mem-
bership might influence these dynamics. The paper
summarizes the implications of NATO membership
on Sweden’s cybersecurity, highlighting the opportu-
nities and gaps that must be addressed.
2.1 Historical Context of Sweden’s
Sweden’s cybersecurity landscape has evolved signif-
icantly, shaped by historical events and a progressive
approach to technology and national security. As one
of the most digitized countries in the world (European
Commission, 2022), robust cybersecurity strategies
are important. In the 1990s, Sweden began develop-
ing its initial cybersecurity policies, which were pri-
marily reactive and focused on safeguarding govern-
ment and military networks (Zieni
e, 2022). How-
ever, the global surge in cyber threats during the
2000s prompted Sweden to broaden its cybersecu-
rity efforts. Commercial security solutions were in-
troduced to protect customers navigating the internet,
where hackers had discovered numerous new attack
methods (Zieni
e, 2022). A significant milestone
in Sweden’s cybersecurity strategy was the estab-
lishment of the Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency
(MSB) in 2009. MSB and other agencies were
tasked with coordinating and strengthening national
preparedness against various threats, including those
in cyberspace (Wennerstr
om et al., 2015).
The 2010s and the beginning of the 2020s have
been a pivotal time for Sweden’s cybersecurity. In
2016, the Swedish government launched the ”Na-
tional Cybersecurity Strategy, reflecting a compre-
hensive and proactive approach to cybersecurity,
which aimed to enhance national resilience, protect
critical infrastructure, and foster a culture of cy-
bersecurity awareness among citizens and organiza-
tions (Justitiedepartementet, 2017).
The increased need for international cooperation
and the growing threat of cyberattacks led MSB
to survey how effectively Swedish public organi-
zations implement systematic information and cy-
bersecurity practices (Swedish Civil Contingencies
Agency (Myndigheten f
or samh
allsskydd och bered-
skap, MSB), 2023). The survey results indicated that
only 31 % of public organizations met basic require-
ments (Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency (Myn-
digheten f
or samh
allsskydd och beredskap, MSB),
2023). The absence of basic cyber security portrayed
by MSB lays the foundation for a governmental ini-
tiative to develop an updated national strategy, which
is currently an ongoing effort orchestrated by the
Swedish government (Swedish Government, 2024a).
Despite these challenges, Sweden is highly ranked in-
ternationally in the Global Cybersecurity Index 2024
2.2 Cybersecurity in NATO
Recently, NATO has confronted new challenges, in-
cluding hybrid warfare and cybersecurity threats. To
address these issues, NATO has undertaken initiatives
to adapt and modernize its capabilities and enhance its
resilience to emerging threats. At the Warsaw Sum-
mit in 2016, NATO declared cyberspace a military do-
main for the first time, marking the start of extensive
efforts to foster cooperation within the alliance on cy-
ber security (Jacobsen, 2021).
In 2021, during the Brussels Summit, NATO
approved a comprehensive cyber defense policy,
committing to deter, defend against, and ac-
tively counter cyber threats (Swedish Government,
2024b). Allied members also acknowledged the
potential to invoke Article 5 in response to sig-
nificant cyberattacks (Swedish Government, 2024b).
The 2023 Vilnius Summit approved a new con-
cept to amplify NATO’s commitment to deterrence
in cyberspace (North Atlantic Treaty Organization
(NATO), 2024). During the summit, NATO launched
the Virtual Cyber Incident Support Capability (North
Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), 2024), de-
signed to assist efforts in deterring cyberattacks.
NATO operates additional entities within the cy-
ber domain with various functions. These include the
NATO Communications and Information Agency Cy-
ber Security Centre (NCSC) in Belgium, the NATO
Cyberspace Operations Centre in Belgium, focus-
ing on military operations, and the NATO Coop-
erative Cyber defense Centre of Excellence (CCD-
COE), which is dedicated to training, development,
and research in the field of cybersecurity (North At-
lantic Treaty Organization (NATO), 2024). Swe-
den has a history of active and successful participa-
tion in NATO’s cyber defense initiatives, particularly
through the CCDCOE collaborative exercises
2.3 Related Work
Previous research indicated that Finland’s ascension
into NATO brought about more cybersecurity oppor-
tunities, even as it identified the cyber domain as an
ICISSP 2025 - 11th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
unpredictable environment with potential threats (He-
lin and Himanen, 2023). Building on the compari-
son with Finland, the current study shifted focus to
Sweden, aiming to assess the impact of its entry into
NATO on Swedish cybersecurity.
Joe Burton investigated NATO’s strategic chal-
lenges concerning cyber defense capabilities and
emphasized how the alliance should address these
threats (Burton, 2015). Burton’s research underscored
the significant unity within NATO on key cybersecu-
rity issues. Nevertheless, Burton’s study did not delve
into the specific threat landscape concerning individ-
ual member states or how national cybersecurity ef-
forts aligned with NATO’s broader structures. By ad-
dressing these gaps through interviews with experts
in Swedish cybersecurity, our study aims to generate
valuable insights into the implications of NATO mem-
bership for Sweden’s cybersecurity.
Further research had documented trends of con-
tradictory cyberattacks and hybrid warfare targeting
NATO and EU member states (Poptchev, 2020). This
study also analyzed the conceptual frameworks and
policy guidelines of NATO, the European Union, and
the United States, highlighting that transatlantic co-
operation in the cyber domain was crucial for the se-
curity and stability of involved nations. Our work
echoes these findings, emphasizing Sweden’s expe-
riences upon joining NATO. Another study (L
e and
Pernik, 2024) asserted that the EU and NATO shared
a common threat landscape and should address these
challenges through joint exercises and collaborative
efforts. However, their research did not examine the
role of third-party nations. By navigating the com-
plex cybersecurity frameworks of both NATO and the
EU, our work aims to conclude Sweden’s cybersecu-
rity posture following its NATO membership.
To assess Sweden’s cybersecurity threats in light of
its recent NATO membership, this study employs a
qualitative research methodology involving indepen-
dent investigations by two researcher groups. Each
group planned and conducted their interviews inde-
pendently to minimize bias and enhance the validity
of the findings. The results presented later in this
study are the consolidated and validated outcomes de-
rived from both independent investigations.
3.1 Data Collection
The first research group utilized a qualitative ethno-
graphic approach (Hammersley and Atkinson, 1992),
Table 1: Participants of Research Group 1.
ID Organization Professional Role
1.1 Academia and Se-
curity Authority
PhD Student, Offi-
1.2 Security Authority Officer
1.3 Academia Professor
1.4 Academia Postdoc, Cyber
Security Consult
1.5 Academia Postdoc
1.6 Academia PhD Student
1.7 Security Authority Anonym
1.8 Private Company Cyber Security
Table 2: Participants of Research Group 2.
ID Organization Professional Role
2.1 Local Government
Cyber Security
2.2 Municipality Cyber Security
2.3 Municipality Head of Software
2.4 Parliament Politician
2.5 Academia Postdoc
2.6 Government Cyber Security
Political Advisor
focusing on semi-structured interviews with cyberse-
curity experts from various sectors. Each interview
lasted 60 to 90 minutes and was conducted in April or
May 2024. The second research group also adopted
a qualitative approach. The interviews conducted by
this group also ranged from 60 to 90 minutes and were
conducted in March or April 2024
3.2 Participants
The participants for both sets of interviews were se-
lected based on their expertise and roles in cyberse-
curity. The groups interviewed eight, respectively,
six experts, ensuring a diverse representation of per-
spectives and experiences. The participants were con-
nected throughout their intensive network. However,
we cannot go into more detail about the organizations
included due to secrecy issues. The details of the par-
ticipants are summarized in the tables 1 and 2.
3.3 Data Analysis
Both groups employed thematic analysis (Braun and
Clarke, 2006) to interpret the data from their inter-
All interview questions can be found at https://shorturl.
Assessing Sweden’s Current Cybersecurity Landscape: Implications of NATO Membership
views. This involved coding the interview transcripts
to identify recurring themes and patterns related to
cybersecurity threats and NATO membership, using
mind maps and a systematic categorization of themes
that allowed for a structured and detailed analysis.
To ensure the findings’ robustness, the two sets
of results were compared and validated against each
other. Any discrepancies were discussed between the
two groups guided by the senior authors and resolved
through a consensus process. The independent nature
of the research groups, combined with the rigorous
data collection and analysis methods, provides a high
confidence level in the validity and reliability of the
study’s findings. The subsequent sections will present
the consolidated results, highlighting the key themes
and insights from the interviews.
4.1 Current State
The Swedish government has delegated the responsi-
bility for national cybersecurity to the Swedish Na-
tional defense Radio Establishment (FRA) alongside
the Swedish Armed Forces, MSB, and the Swedish
Security Service (S
APO), which together have estab-
lished a National Cybersecurity Center (NCSC) (Na-
tional Cyber Security Centre (NCSC), 2024). This
center collaborates with the Swedish Post and Tele-
com Authority (PTS), the Swedish Police Author-
ity, and the Swedish defense Materiel Administration
(FMV). The primary mission of NCSC is to coordi-
nate efforts against cyberattacks and other IT inci-
dents, promote communication regarding vulnerabil-
ities and risks, and serve as a national platform for
information exchange with private and public stake-
holders in the cybersecurity domain (National Cy-
ber Security Centre (NCSC), 2024). In addition
to the NCSC, there is also the Swedish Computer
Emergency Response Team (CERT-SE), which serves
as Sweden’s national computer security incident re-
sponse team (CSIRT) (Swedish Government, 2024a).
Their main task is to manage and prevent IT security
incidents, covering both the public and private sec-
tors, focusing on critical societal functions (CERT-
SE, 2024). CERT-SE collaborates with the NCSC
and is crucial in sharing information regarding current
vulnerabilities and threats, which can prevent attacks
on Swedish entities (CERT-SE, 2024).
Another critical factor to consider in the current
state of Swedish cyber defense is the concept of to-
tal defense. As interview participant 2.4 states:
is important for Sweden as a nation to understand
that it is not solely the Swedish Armed Forces who
becomes a member in NATO, it is the society as
a whole and therefore every organization must take
their responsibility for cybersecurity. Each civil de-
fense organization must consider its role and whether
it is prepared for it. This is important consider-
ing the results from MSB’s study “Infos
which shows that almost 7 out of 10 public or-
ganizations in Sweden do not reach level 1 on a
scale of 0 through 4 (Swedish Civil Contingencies
Agency (Myndigheten f
or samh
allsskydd och bered-
skap, MSB), 2023). The results indicate a gap be-
tween military defense and civil defense in the current
state of preparedness regarding joining NATO.
When considering the current state of Swedish cy-
bersecurity, one must also consider NATO’s cyber ca-
pabilities since they directly impact national cyberse-
curity. Beyond cyber concepts and policies, NATO
operates several entities within the cyber domain that
could serve alongside Swedish cyber capabilities if
needed. However, the new context of being a member
of NATO does not come without expectations. Article
3 in the NATO treaty expects allied members to fulfill
the “Seven Baseline Requirements,” which is focused
on providing a resilient society and covers cyber se-
curity (North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO),
1949). This could challenge Swedish Cyber Security
since organizations must adapt to NATO standards.
4.2 Threat Landscape and Threat
Our interviewees indicate that numerous countries
can conduct cyberattacks. This includes attacks that
can be categorized as armed attacks—actions permis-
sible within peacetime and not subject to laws of war.
Thus, it remains crucial to underscore the importance
of preparatory information gathering conducted by
entities during periods of peace (Swedish Civil Con-
tingencies Agency (Myndigheten f
or samh
och beredskap, MSB), 2020).
In a report on cyber threats against Sweden, RISE
highlighted that the greatest threat is believed to come
from other states, particularly in light of the dete-
riorating security situation and the expanding threat
landscape. This is mainly due to the means and re-
sources available to state-supported actors, which can
have severe consequences and cause significant dam-
age. These attacks not only target critical infrastruc-
ture but can also harm Sweden’s reputation both inter-
nationally and domestically. Such impacts can lead to
akkollen is an initiative by MSB to help organi-
zations improve their information security practices.
ICISSP 2025 - 11th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
public concern and diminished confidence in Swedish
authorities, the government, and societal division (Re-
search Institutes of Sweden (RISE), 2022).
Even though the threat landscape, resources, and
the number of threat actors are increasing, ”...Swe-
den ranks second, after Denmark, as the most cyber-
secure country to live in. (Liljeberg and Oksanen,
2022). Nevertheless, it is highlighted that Sweden’s
security situation has evolved and worsened. More-
over, Swedish citizens are, according to our partici-
pants, generally naive and need more security aware-
ness despite being informed about the current global
situation. This lack of security awareness and how
individuals manage information can significantly im-
pact security facets and overall defense.
Our results indicate that cyber threats and attacks
have increased, which interview participant 1.6 em-
phasizes: ”the threats and attacks will increase. We
are now part of an alliance where members share
and store data and information. and thereby gain-
ing greater access to information. Considering that
Sweden is one of the world’s most digitized coun-
tries, it is natural for cyberattacks to increase along-
side digitization. Among these, technical intelligence
gathering within the cyber domain seriously threat-
ens Swedish interests, including intelligence collec-
tion by foreign powers. In this context, it has be-
come a trend in the cyber sphere to identify, map,
and exploit system vulnerabilities to access critical
information stored digitally. These cyber intrusions
can impact and restrict Sweden’s political maneuver-
ability, posing a severe threat to the Armed Forces
and the country as a whole (Swedish Armed Forces
orsvarsmakten), 2024). However, while member-
ship may expand the threat landscape, it also enhances
cyber security, notably since cyberspace is recognized
as an operational domain within NATO. Interview
participant 2.4 emphasized this enhanced cybersecu-
rity: “[...] but it also affects us in that we have better
protection against it [cyber threats], as it falls under
one of NATO’s operational domains. It is paradoxical
that in terms of security politics, [...] the threat level
is increasing, but at the same time, it has also become
more secure.
The most prominent threat actors consist of ad-
vanced, state-sponsored groups, known as Advanced
Persistent Threat (APT) groups, as well as crimi-
nal actors and networks. In its 2022 annual review,
the Swedish Military Intelligence and Security Ser-
vice (MUST) substantiates that cyber threat actors
are predominantly associated with foreign state enti-
ties or are motivated by financial incentives. MUST
also underscores the increasing sophistication and
success of cybercriminal activities (Swedish Armed
Forces (F
orsvarsmakten), 2023). APT groups pos-
sess substantial resources and technical expertise, fre-
quently conducting attacks with targeted objectives
such as espionage, sabotage, or the exfiltration of
sensitive information. MUST’s annual report and
our participants emphasize the advanced and sophisti-
cated cyber capabilities and threats from foreign pow-
ers, particularly the prominent and well-resourced
actors Russia and China. In contrast, criminal ac-
tors are predominantly motivated by financial gain.
This cyber threat category is increasingly prevalent,
driven by a profitable business model for ransomware
alongside activities motivated by extortion and sabo-
tage (Swedish Armed Forces (F
orsvarsmakten), 2023;
Swedish Armed Forces (F
orsvarsmakten), 2024).
Our interviews highlight significant concerns
about the accessibility and leakage of personal in-
formation, notably the potential exposure of medi-
cal data of Swedish citizens. This includes sensi-
tive information such as medical prescriptions, health
records, mental health statuses, and other confidential
data that could be misappropriated. Such information
could then be utilized as a substantial tool for extor-
tion, particularly by state-sponsored actors, targeting
individuals across different sectors of society.
4.3 Indication for Sweden’s
4.3.1 The Distinction Between Cyber Defense
and Cybersecurity
According to participants 2.4 and 2.6, there is a dis-
tinction between cyber defense and cybersecurity in
Sweden. Cyber defense is the responsibility of the
Swedish armed forces, including both offensive and
defensive operations in the cyber domain. Each plays
a distinct role within the national security framework.
Participant 2.6 further stated that this distinction is as
pronounced within NATO: “In NATO, the umbrella
term ‘cyber defense’ is used to cover several differ-
ent areas, including resilience, offensive capabilities,
political dialogue, and the protection of the alliance’s
networks. The participant expressed concern that this
terminology might lose important nuances, especially
compared to the Swedish context, where cyber de-
fense and cybersecurity are often viewed as separate
yet complementary areas.
In contrast, cybersecurity protects Sweden’s civil-
ian digital infrastructure, covering governmental, in-
dustrial, and public networks. Participant 1.2 explains
the importance of distinguishing between civilian and
military cyber defense, referring to it as a relatively
new concept. The participant also emphasizes that
Assessing Sweden’s Current Cybersecurity Landscape: Implications of NATO Membership
the development of cyber defense will continue to
evolve for a long time. While the military’s cyber de-
fense is well-developed, the civilian sector faces chal-
lenges, particularly in coordinating cybersecurity ef-
forts across various agencies and sectors. This dis-
tinction is crucial in light of Sweden’s recent NATO
membership, which introduces new threats and neces-
sitates further development of civilian cybersecurity
measures to align with NATO standards.
4.3.2 Sweden’s Cyber Defense Capabilities
Within NATO
Sweden’s cyber defense, managed by the Armed
Forces, has been developed through years of close
cooperation and joint exercises with NATO (Swedish
Government, 2024c). This collaboration has allowed
the Swedish military to align its cyber defense prac-
tices with the alliance’s, ensuring compatible oper-
ations, tactics, and communication protocols. As a
result, Sweden’s military cyber units are prepared to
integrate into NATO’s cyber defense framework. As
a member of the alliance, Sweden will benefit from
shared resources, expertise, and technical capabili-
ties to strengthen its cyber defense. Interview par-
ticipant 1.1 emphasizes that “if something impacts a
NATO country, NATO has cyber defense capabilities
that can be rapidly deployed to provide on-site assis-
tance. This concrete situation could happen if Swe-
den faced issues that affected its defense or critical
societal functions. Member states will be even bet-
ter equipped to respond to and manage various cy-
ber threats by accessing a broader and more diver-
sified pool of resources and expertise. Additionally,
MUST assesses that a Swedish and Finnish NATO
membership enhances the conditions for military de-
fense across all Nordic and Baltic countries (Swedish
Armed Forces (F
orsvarsmakten), 2023).
Sweden’s transition into full NATO membership
will not require significant changes in its military
cyber defense structure. The interoperability be-
tween Sweden’s cyber defense forces and NATO has
been established through collaborations, proving the
Swedish Armed Forces are experienced in NATO’s
operational standards in contradiction to civil cyber
security. This readiness enables Sweden to contribute
to collective defense initiatives.
4.3.3 Challenges for Civil Cybersecurity
Post-NATO Membership
The civilian cybersecurity sector in Sweden faces
significant challenges following NATO membership.
Unlike the military sector, which has been actively
involved in international defense collaborations, the
civilian side lacks the same level of experience and
preparedness. This is particularly evident in the di-
verse cybersecurity maturity levels among civil-sector
organizations. Interview participant 2.3 emphasized
that “public sector organizations might have to meet
higher cybersecurity standards than private ones to
join NATO, due to their roles in national security or
critical services”. According to Participant 2.1, some
agencies have implemented cybersecurity measures,
while others, especially at the municipal level, are still
working to establish basic security protocols.
Another challenge pointed out by Participant 2.1
is the dependency on directives and guidelines from
higher government levels, which has led to delays in
the implementation of cybersecurity measures within
the civilian sector. Public sector organizations await
further instructions on adapting to the new security
demands imposed by NATO membership due to the
nature of public administration management (Partici-
pant 2.6). Interviews with public sector officials (par-
ticipants 2.1, 2.2, and 2.3) reveal that few organiza-
tions are actively aligning their cybersecurity strate-
gies with the requirements of NATO membership.
To meet these challenges, there is a need for a
more comprehensive national cybersecurity strategy
that can be uniformly applied across all civilian sec-
tors, according to Participant 2.1. Participant 2.6 ac-
knowledged that this is currently being worked on.
This could include improving incident response ca-
pabilities and establishing better coordination mecha-
nisms between public sector entities. However, neces-
sary cybersecurity improvements are not consistently
implemented across the public sector. Some agencies
have started to review their cybersecurity protocols
and are considering necessary adaptations, but these
efforts are not widespread across the sector.
4.4 Discussion
Sweden encounters an increasingly complex and dy-
namic landscape of cybersecurity threats. This shift is
attributed to several factors, most notably the global
increase in cyber threats driven by digitalization, im-
pacting the threat landscape in Sweden. The cyber-
security threat in Sweden has also been significantly
influenced by the more challenging security environ-
ment and the growing threat landscape both interna-
tionally and domestically. In light of these circum-
stances, it is plausible that the most significant threat
originates from other states, which possess substantial
resources to carry out significant attacks. Given the
challenging security situation, these targeted cyberat-
tacks could affect critical infrastructure and have far-
reaching consequences on Sweden’s reputation and
ICISSP 2025 - 11th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
citizens. Such incidents could severely damage Swe-
den’s international and domestic reputation, which,
in turn, could profoundly impact the public, leading
to widespread concern, diminished trust, and societal
fragmentation within Sweden.
Despite Sweden’s high ranking as a cyber-secure
country, its citizens have poor security awareness, af-
fecting other aspects of its security. The primary
threat within Sweden stems from advanced, state-
sponsored groups and cybercriminal groups with
varying motives. Another significant threat is gath-
ering technical intelligence within the cyber domain,
which poses a considerable risk to Swedish interests,
mainly through foreign espionage—primarily from
Russia and China. Identifying and exploiting sys-
tem vulnerabilities to access critical digital informa-
tion undermines Sweden’s political maneuverability
and threatens the security of its Armed Forces.
When Finland joined NATO, an increased fre-
quency of cyberattacks by politically motivated ac-
tors against the country was observed, which can be
linked to its membership. A clear trend is the height-
ened frequency and complexity of these cyber threats,
which increases the vulnerability of organizations that
do not adhere to the necessary cybersecurity standards
and measures. A significant difference might be that
Sweden is now part of an alliance where data and in-
formation are stored and shared among its members,
thereby gaining greater access to valuable informa-
tion. This information could become an appealing
target for groups such as APT actors. This, in turn,
means that the threat level has, in a sense, increased.
However, by joining NATO, Sweden has gained a dif-
ferent type of protection and may be considered more
secure due to its membership. As Participant 2.4 ex-
pressed, there has been something of a ”countercycli-
cal escalation” in these challenging times of security
politics, which, through the membership, can be sum-
marized as an increase in the threat level, but also a
heightened sense of security.
The change and increase in cyber threats against
Finland have captured Sweden’s attention, suggesting
that Sweden could face similar challenges and thus
serve as a reference point for assessing how the threat
landscape might evolve following its NATO member-
ship. Although NATO membership is still recent for
Sweden, the country will closely monitor the develop-
ment of cyber threats and attacks over the long term.
As a full member of NATO, the national cyber-
security landscape changes. Sweden must align its
security strategy with NATO’s security framework
while maintaining digital sovereignty. The results in-
dicate a discrepancy between military cyber defense
and cybersecurity strategies within public entities. It
is reasonable to assume that the discrepancy between
military cyber defense and civilian cybersecurity is
due to differences in historical experience working
within NATO structures, with the former having sig-
nificantly more history with NATO. However, the dis-
crepancy within public entities is more ambiguous
and likely more multifaceted. Part of it could be ex-
plained by complex requirements in various directives
and frameworks organizations must adhere to.
These directives and frameworks could contribute
to a better understanding of which measures need
to be prioritized and implemented for fundamental
cybersecurity, thereby reducing the discrepancy be-
tween organizations. Despite this, most public enti-
ties need more basic cybersecurity. However, NATO
membership can create conditions to strengthen na-
tional unity and reduce the discrepancy by, on a po-
litical level, setting clearer requirements for which
cybersecurity-related components must be in place.
Another perspective is how the Swedish total de-
fense and public-private partnerships can enhance
national cybersecurity. As Sweden integrates into
NATO’s cybersecurity framework, collaboration be-
tween public entities and private sector companies be-
comes increasingly crucial. Private companies may
possess advanced technological capabilities and inno-
vative solutions that complement public sector prac-
tices. By fostering strong partnerships, Sweden could
leverage the expertise and resources of the private sec-
tor to address cybersecurity gaps and enhance overall
resilience. Additionally, these partnerships can facili-
tate sharing threat intelligence and best cybersecurity
practices, ensuring a more coordinated and compre-
hensive approach to national cybersecurity. This col-
laborative approach can help close the gap between
military and civilian cybersecurity.
This study aimed to investigate the current cyberse-
curity landscape in Sweden within the context of its
NATO membership, focusing on three principal re-
search questions: (1) What are the current cyberse-
curity threats facing Sweden? (2) How has the threat
landscape evolved following Sweden’s NATO mem-
bership? (3) What are the implications of NATO
membership for Swedish cybersecurity?
(1) the research identified several threats, includ-
ing state-sponsored cyberattacks on critical infras-
tructure, ransomware incidents, and increased disin-
formation campaigns. Additionally, vulnerabilities in
outdated systems were highlighted as a notable risk.
(2) Sweden’s NATO membership has transformed
Assessing Sweden’s Current Cybersecurity Landscape: Implications of NATO Membership
the threat landscape, making Sweden a more promi-
nent target for cyberattacks. This transformation is
primarily attributed to enhanced data sharing within
NATO, which introduces new risks and potential ad-
vantages. State-sponsored actors, particularly from
nations such as Russia and China, pose significant
risks by targeting Sweden’s critical infrastructure and
exploiting vulnerabilities in its digital defense.
(3) the findings suggest that NATO membership
brings benefits and obstacles to Sweden’s cyberse-
curity posture. While Sweden’s military cyber de-
fense capabilities are well-positioned to integrate into
NATO frameworks, the civilian sector faces consid-
erable difficulties, particularly at local and municipal
levels. The integration into NATO has emphasized the
need for updated cybersecurity strategies to address
deficiencies within the civilian sector.
This study focused on the public sector; there-
fore, future research should explore how these impli-
cations and security measures affect individuals per-
sonally. Another potential area could involve investi-
gating how future collaborations might be conducted
and how to enhance civilian cybersecurity to keep
pace with military cyber defense. Additionally, mon-
itoring the evolution of cyber threats and their future
trajectory within the context of NATO is important.
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ICISSP 2025 - 11th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy