Multidimensional User Profile Model to Support System
Recommendations in Complex Social Networks: Application to Hashtag
Abir Gorrab, Wala Rebhi, Narjes Bellamine Ben Saoud and Henda Hajjami Ben Ghezala
RIADI Laboratory, National School of Computer Sciences, University of Manouba, 2010, Tunisia
Recommendation Systems, Multidimensional Model, Generic User Profile, Complex Social Network,
Context, Topic Recommendations.
Recommendation systems play a crucial role in providing relevant information through data analysis. One
of the pivotal challenges in the recommendation process is modeling user profiles. However, many existing
models focus on a single aspect to describe users, overlooking other valuable data. In response to this lim-
itation, this paper introduces a comprehensive multidimensional model that captures various dimensions of
a user within their complex social network. This model encompasses demographic, social, behavioral and
homophilic dimensions, with the goal of offering more holistic recommendations tailored to different con-
texts. Towards the end of this article, we introduce a focused application of the multidimensional model. This
specific application revolves around providing hashtag recommendations within the X platform (Twitter plat-
form). This serves as a tangible demonstration of how the proposed model can be applied in a practical context
within a real social network. The main goal is to comprehensively assess the model’s efficacy in generating
recommendations by utilizing a varied set of user-related information. To accomplish this, we introduce and
evaluate a recommendation approach driven by our proposed user profile model, showcasing relevant and no-
table results.
The use of recommender systems (RS) has expanded
dramatically over the last decade, mostly due to their
enormous business value (Deldjoo et al., 2021). In
fact, RS are considered as a helpful tool for helping
the user in cutting the time needs to find personal-
ized products, documents, friends, places and services
(Alhijawi and Kilani, 2020). Thus, RS have become
an important part of the web sites (SKazienko et al.,
2011). In particular, e-commerce sites since they help
people to make decision, what items to buy (Kazienko
and Kolodziejski, 2006), or which movie to watch
(Degemmis et al., 2007). For example, According to
the statistics revealed by Netflix, 75% of the down-
loads and rentals come from their recommendation
service (Deldjoo et al., 2021).
One of the requirements to create a successful and
usable recommender system is to build a detailed user
model (Martijn and Verbert, 2022). This model serves
as a foundation for the system to suggest items effec-
tively or adjust the interface accordingly (Graus and
Ferwerda, 2019).
In this context, many user models have been pro-
posed. For example, in many RS, a user has been rep-
resented by his preferences or his interests. For other
recommendation systems, only his behaviors have
been considered. Furthermore, with the widespread
use of social networks such as Facebook, X (Twitter),
LinkedIn, an enormous amount of information could
be analyzed and considered in the recommendation
process. This is why the user profile model needs
to be further enriched to take into account a greater
amount of information.
Thus, in this paper, we propose a new hybrid mul-
tidimensional user profile model that provides a com-
prehensive representation of a user within his social
network, including all relevant information that can
be used for generating recommendations. The model
considers the social, demographic, behavioral and
homophilic dimensions to ensure a thorough under-
standing of the user’s preferences and interests. Simi-
larly, a model-driven graph-based hashtag recommen-
dation approach is proposed in order to demonstrate
Gorrab, A., Rebhi, W., Ben Saoud, N. B. and Ben Ghezala, H. H.
Multidimensional User Profile Model to Support System Recommendations in Complex Social Networks: Application to Hashtag Recommendations.
DOI: 10.5220/0013118200003890
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2025) - Volume 3, pages 241-248
ISBN: 978-989-758-737-5; ISSN: 2184-433X
Proceedings Copyright © 2025 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
how the proposed model could be utilized in a real-
world context.
The remainder of this article is structured as fol-
lows. Section 2 investigates related works to user pro-
file models devoted to recommendation systems. The
new proposed user profile model for recommendation
support is depicted in section 3. In section 4, we
evaluate the performances of our model by integrat-
ing it in a hashtag recommendation system, proving
the practical usefulness of the contribution via a real
data based example. In the last section, we conclude
and present an outlook on future works.
Various techniques and algorithms have been devel-
oped to build and use user profile models for recom-
mendation systems (Ko et al., 2022).
In this context, the proposed user profile mod-
els could be classified into four categories, notably:
content-based, demographic, collaborative filtering
and contextual models.
To start with, content-based models or behaviour-
based models are widely used in recommender sys-
tems (Middleton and De Roure, 2004; Zhang et al.,
2023). These models rely on the user’s historical be-
havior and preferences, often utilizing a binary classi-
fication model to represent what users find interesting
and uninteresting (Middleton and De Roure, 2004).
By analyzing the content of items that the user has in-
teracted with, these models recommend similar items
that align with their preferences (Jerry et al., 2024).
As for demographic models in recommendation
systems, they rely on user demographic information
such as age, gender, and location. These models
leverage this information to recommend items that are
popular among users with similar demographic char-
acteristics (Tahmasebi et al., 2021). An important as-
pect of demographic models is their role in mitigating
the cold-start problem, a common challenge in rec-
ommendation systems (Safoury and Salah, 2013; Al-
hijawi and Kilani, 2020; Tahmasebi et al., 2021). By
leveraging demographic data, these models improve
the accuracy of user profile modeling, enabling more
precise predictions for cold-start users, even in plat-
forms like Reddit (Sharma et al., 2021).
When it comes to collaborative filtering models or
social models, they are based on the user’s interac-
tions with other users. They recommend items based
on the preferences of users with similar tastes. The
key to the success of personalized recommendation
lies in the correct use of “collective intelligence,” and
one user behaves similarly to some other users (Qian
et al., 2023).
Finally, contextual models take into account the
user’s current context, such as time, location, and
mood, and recommend items that are relevant to the
user’s current situation (Rattanajitbanjong and Ma-
neeroj, 2009; Minsung et al., 2024).
These existing profile models in recommendation
systems, while offering benefits, are not without crit-
icisms. One major criticism is their potential over-
simplification of user preferences, as they often rely
on limited feedback sources that may fail to cap-
ture the intricacies of individual tastes. Furthermore,
the representation of user preferences within pro-
files can be incomplete, overlooking certain dimen-
sions and resulting in less comprehensive recommen-
dations. These models may also neglect the impor-
tance of serendipity and exploration, focusing solely
on personalized recommendations based on past be-
havior. Privacy concerns arise due to the collection
and utilization of user data for profiling purposes. Ad-
ditionally, profile models face challenges in handling
the cold-start problem for new users or items with
limited data. Their limited adaptability to evolving
user preferences further raises concerns. Recogniz-
ing these limitations, researchers should explore hy-
brid or alternative approaches to enhance recommen-
dation accuracy and ensure a more satisfying user ex-
Furthermore, with the emergence of social net-
works today, a vast amount of data can be analyzed
to improve recommendations. In this regard, an indis-
pensable component is a multidimensional profile that
represents users across various dimensions such as so-
cial, demographic, behavioral and homophilic within
a specific context.
This profile will be described in the next section.
In this paper, we aim to propose a new generic mul-
tidimensional user profile model to support recom-
mendations in complex social networks. This model,
given in Figure 1, is:
Generic. Our proposed model is designed to be
generic and applicable across multiple recommen-
dation systems. It can effectively support various
domains, including movies, products, and even
social connections.
Multidimensional. Our model is characterized
by its multidimensional nature as it incorporates
ICAART 2025 - 17th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
various user dimensions, including social, behav-
ioral, and demographic factors. By consider-
ing these diverse aspects, our model can capture
a more comprehensive understanding of users’
preferences and characteristics.
Dynamic. Our model is designed to be dynamic
and adaptable, capable of evolving based on the
specific context and domain it operates in. It
recognizes that user data is not static but rather
evolves over time. As users interact with the
system, their preferences, behaviors, and demo-
graphic information may change or be updated.
Contextual-Based. Due to its generic nature, our
model has the flexibility to support a wide range
of contexts. It can seamlessly adapt and provide
recommendations in various domains and scenar-
ios. Whether it’s recommending movies, books,
music, restaurants, or any other type of item, our
model can handle different contexts effectively.
Figure 1: Proposed multidimensional user profile model.
As illustrated in Figure 1, user is at the core of
the proposed model, and it is crucial to represent
him accurately by considering all relevant informa-
tion which are: Dynamic multilayer social networks,
user’s Profile and recommendation’s Context. These
three classes are outlined below.
3.1 Dynamic Multilayer Social
The first essential aspect to consider in system rec-
ommendations is the users’ environment, which in-
cludes their participation in complex social networks.
Indeed, users are not isolated entities but are intercon-
nected within complex social structures that influence
their preferences and behaviors. Moreover, as the use
of social media has become much more widespread
than before (Roozbahani et al., 2022), a user has been
involved in multiple social networks simultaneously
including popular platforms such as Facebook, Twit-
ter, Instagram, and many others. This phenomenon
has given rise to what is commonly referred to as a
multilayer social network (Li et al., 2023).
Furthermore, a key characteristic of these multi-
layer social networks is their evolution and their con-
tinual change over time (Ceria et al., 2022). This is
why, in our model, we are considering dynamic mul-
tilayer social networks.
Illustratively, Figure 2 captures a segment of a dy-
namic multilayer social network, akin to the structure
found in platforms like Twitter. Within this network,
users cultivate two discernible relationship types: one
layer encapsulates connections formed through the
act of following, and another layer delineates interac-
tions encompassing tweets and retweets. Moreover,
this intricate structure is depicted at two specific in-
stances, labeled as t1 and t2, emphasizing the dy-
namic character of the network and revealing the pro-
gression of relationships and interactions over time.
Figure 2: Twitter as a dynamic multilayer social network.
Within the dynamic multilayered social network,
each user is characterized by a profile. This will be
the subject of the next section.
3.2 User’s Profile
User’s profile includes all necessary knowledge for
effective query evaluation and production of relevant
information tailored to each user (Rebhi et al., 2017a).
It is usually integrated into the system to impart the
user knowledge to the system to enable personalized
adaptations and avoid ”unnecessary” dialogues be-
tween the system and the user (Liu et al., 2009). As
shown in Fig.1 and based on what we have recurrently
found in the literature, a user’s profile could be con-
sidered as a combination of two dimensions: generic
and specific.
Multidimensional User Profile Model to Support System Recommendations in Complex Social Networks: Application to Hashtag
Generic Dimension. Regarding personal informa-
tion, including details such as name, birthday, ad-
dress, nationality, education, profession, and physi-
cal factors like weight, height, and eye color, these
demographic elements collectively contribute to un-
derstanding a user’s context (Beel et al., 2013; Al-
Shamri, 2016; Rebhi et al., 2017a). They aid recom-
mender systems in comprehending individual prefer-
ences, facilitating the delivery of culturally relevant
and suitable recommendations. By integrating such
information, the recommendations become more per-
sonalized, thereby enhancing the likelihood of user
satisfaction and engagement with the platform.
Specific Dimension. Concerns data that is specific
to each layer of the social network. This data could
be social data or behavioral data. As for social data
(Li et al., 2019), it involves structural interactions
within each layer. Much more, the ways in which
users interact with each other within layers. For ex-
ample, friendships on Facebook or links of tweets and
retweets on Twitter. Additionally, these connections
or links between users might exhibit a homophilic di-
mension (Aiello et al., 2012). This means that users
with similar interaction patterns or behaviors tend to
connect more. For instance, the presence of a high
number of common friends between two users indi-
cates a similarity in their social networks, reflecting a
homophilic aspect in their interactions.
For the behavioral dimension (Dhelim et al.,
2022), it pertains to the patterns of actions and ac-
tivities undertaken by users within each layer of the
network. This dimension involves the analysis of user
behavior and activities to comprehend and model how
individuals navigate, communicate, and engage with
others on the social network. Furthermore, the key
aspect of the behavioral dimension is content. The
content encompasses two significant aspects:
Posting Content. Understanding the type and fre-
quency of content that users post, such as status
updates, photos, videos, or links, offers insights
into their interests and preferences.
Reactions to Content. Assessing how users re-
spond to various types of content, including their
emotional reactions, aids in gauging the impact of
content on the community.
Moreover, the behavioral dimension can incorpo-
rate homophilic elements, with the number of com-
mon posts between two users serving as an exemplary
illustration of such a dimension. Homophily denotes
the inclination of individuals to connect with others
who share similarities with them in certain aspects. In
the context of social networks, this similarity is man-
ifested in their behavioral patterns. For instance:
Number of Common Posts. Users frequently post-
ing about similar topics or sharing common in-
terests may exhibit a higher number of common
posts, indicating a homophilic dimension. This
suggests that these users engage with and ex-
press similar content, reinforcing the idea that
they share commonalities.
Shared Interests: Analyzing the types of content
that users engage with or post about can unveil
shared interests. Users with a significant overlap
in the topics they post about or the content they in-
teract with demonstrate a homophilic connection
based on shared interests.
Similar Posting Patterns. Examining the timing,
frequency, and style of posts can unveil similar-
ities in posting behavior. Users with compara-
ble posting patterns are likely to have homophilic
connections, aligning their behaviors in the way
they contribute to the social network.
This user’s profile is always linked to a context in
which the recommendation process is executed.
3.3 Recommendation’s Context
The term ”context” lacks a singular definition, given
its diverse applications across various fields (Casillo
et al., 2023). Considering the expansive nature of the
concept (Zimmermann et al., 2007), multiple defini-
tions have been proposed.
From the array of context definitions, we embrace
one of the most widely accepted and formalized con-
cepts (Zainol and Nakata, 2010), as articulated by
(Dey, 2001): ”context is any information that can be
used to characterize the situation of an entity. An en-
tity, in this context, refers to a person, place, or object
considered relevant to the interaction between a user
and an application, including both the user and the ap-
plications themselves. In the realm of recommenda-
tion systems, a situation is akin to the snapshot of the
multilayer social network at a specific moment. Con-
sequently, the recommendation context encompasses
any information pertaining to this situation that holds
relevance for the recommendation process.
To structure our multidimensional model, we draw
upon the generic context model proposed by (Zainol
and Nakata, 2010), incorporating three distinct con-
text categories: Extrinsic Context, Interface Context,
and Intrinsic Context. These categories correspond to
the triggering elements of the recommendation pro-
cess, addressing the ”who” question through user pro-
file attributes (Intrinsic Context), the ”why” question
via recommendation needs (Interface Context), and
the ”where” question concerning the environment it-
self (Extrinsic Context) (Zainol and Nakata, 2010).
ICAART 2025 - 17th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
To evaluate the proposed multidimensional user pro-
file model, our objective in this section is to introduce
an application for hashtag recommendation. To ac-
complish this, we furnish information about the uti-
lized data, the recommendation approach employed,
and the resulting outcomes.
4.1 Data Set Description
To validate the proposed modeling approach, we used
a set of data collected from X social network (for-
merly Twitter) (Danisch et al., 2014). From this data
set, we extracted a significant sample of 20000 tweets
corresponding to 1000 users. We have thus obtained a
set of tweets, including the user identifier, tweet iden-
tifier, tweet body (list of hashtags in the tweet), the
timestamp at which the tweet was issued, and whether
the tweet is a response to another tweet or not. We
note that these tweets and retweets are fully formed of
hashtags. We chose users with different social char-
acteristics (i.e. a different number of tweets, retweets,
followers and hashtags). We process to data cleaning
by eliminating stop words and short hashtags (com-
posed of less then 3 characters). Thus, from a start-
ing list of 135420 hahstags, we eliminated 3451 stop
words and short ones to maintain 131969 hashtags.
With this data, the first thing to do is to build our
multidimensional model. Thus, we instantiate our
user profile model taking X (Twitter) as our dynamic
social network. We differentiate 5 time periods dur-
ing which tweets are sent, notably T0, T1, T2, T3 and
T4. From X, we distinguish two layers: Following
layer, tweets and retweets layer. Figure 3 represents
an example of instantiation of the proposed model at
a moment T1. For clarity, we have just represented
one user (U1).
In the initial ’Following’ layer, we examine the so-
cial dimension, emphasizing the connections formed
through user following and the count of shared fol-
lowers. In contrast, within the second layer involving
tweets and retweets, our focus shifts to the relation-
ship established through retweets among users. Here,
in terms of the behavioral dimension, our attention
centers on the hashtags included in each tweet. Lo-
cation and age are the subject of demographic dimen-
sion. Those dimensions form the generic profile of
each user.
After establishing our model, our aim is to offer
the most pertinent hashtag recommendations for each
user. To fulfill this objective, the subsequent section
Figure 3: Instance of the proposed multidimensional user
profile model.
introduces an approach to recommendation guided by
this model.
4.2 Used Model-Driven Hashtag
Recommendation Approach
Drawing from our multidimensional model and
within the recommendation context, which is in our
case hashtag recommendations for individual users,
our objective is to identify relevant suggestions. In
line with this, as depicted in Figure 4, we advocate
for the implementation of a hybrid recommendation
approach. This approach is based on three phases.
The initial phase involves graph construction, trans-
forming the model into an exploitable structure. Sub-
sequently, a community detection algorithm is em-
ployed to identify clusters for each user. Finally, a
hashtag selection process is executed to provide per-
tinent hashtag recommendations tailored to each user.
These phases will be detailed in the following.
Phase 1: Graph Construction. To exploit the
proposed model with its different dimensions, we
choose to use graph as a powerful mathematical
abstraction, especially for user profile (Daoud et al.,
2009; Caro-Mart
ınez et al., 2023). To do so, we reuse
the temporal multirelational information graph-based
model (Rebhi et al., 2017b) for representing entities
(i.e., actors in social network) and their relationships
(Rebhi et al., 2022). For the collected data, each
user is described by a set of tweets. To simplify
Multidimensional User Profile Model to Support System Recommendations in Complex Social Networks: Application to Hashtag
Figure 4: Hashtag recommendation case study.
the analysis of tweets, we apply Latent Dirichlet
Allocation(LDA)(Blei et al., 2003). This step is
of major importance, as LDA allows us to analyze
the semantics of hashtags in our context and group
them into significant topics. LDA is applied to
each user profile to extract the meaningful topics
that represent it. In our data, for each profile, we
tested different values of k (number of significant
topics), and ultimately, we chose the value k=3. This
decision was based on the observation that for a
number of topics greater than 3, we did not observe
a significant difference in the hashtags within each
topic. Consequently, there is a stabilization of the
content within each group of hashtags. As a result
one user is represented by 3 topics. For example, for
the user U1, the 3 topics are: (america, usa, news);
(science , technology , Google , tech) and (job, team).
Then, at each time t
and for each layer j, a simi-
larities matrix MS
is defined as follows:
= (ms
. (1)
Indeed, each element (ms
represents the sim-
ilarity between the node N
and the node N
the layer j at t
. For the tweets and retweets layer,
we consider similarities between users based on each
extracted meaningful topics. As for following layer,
we consider, similarities based on age and location.
Phase 2: Users Clustering. Once, we have
constructed the graph, our aim now is to form
users clusters. To do so, we propose to apply the
Stable Communities Detection Method for Temporal
Multiplex Graphs (Rebhi et al., 2021). We opted
for this approach due to its effectiveness and its
capability to build communities by utilizing the
diverse dimensions proposed in our model (Rebhi
et al., 2021). Applied to our data , we obtain 8
clusters grouping similar users.
Phase 3: Hashtags Selection. Now, as each
user belongs to his pertinent cluster, we use these
representative hashtags from each cluster and sort
them based on their decreasing frequency within the
cluster. We then suggest to each user, in order, the
most frequent and recent hashtags in the cluster that
they have not already used.
4.3 Results and Discussion
The proposed Hashtag recommendation approach is
applied to the collected data, considering only the first
four time instances (T0, T1, T2, and T3). The fi-
nal instance is allocated for validation, where the ob-
tained recommendations are assessed by comparing
them with the hashtags users have actually shared at
T4. Therefore, we measure the performance of our
system in retrieving the same hashtags contained in
this last tweet. Furthermore, to compare the perfor-
mance of our system with existing works, we have
chosen to position ourselves in relation to the study
by (Dovgopol and Nohelty, 2015), which proposed
two recommendation methods. The first relies mainly
on Naive Bayes, while the second utilizes cosine sim-
ilarity with the KNN method. As evaluation metric,
we choose to calculate the Recall which is in our case
represents the system’s ability to provide all relevant
hashtags in response. For us, relevant hashtags are
those that appear in the last tweet T4. We depict re-
sults of recall after respectively 10, 20 then 30 hash-
tags recommended. Results are displayed in table 1.
Table 1: Recall results.
Recall R10 R20 R30
Our system 0.8157 0.8504 0.9175
Naive Bayes 0.6312 0.6987 0.7278
Cosine with KNN 0.7237 0.7687 0.8097
As shown in Table 1, for our recommender sys-
tem, the recall for 10 recommended hashtags is
0.8157 , 0.8504 for 20 hashtags, and 0.9175 for 30
recommended hashtags. For the Naive Bayes system,
the recall values are 0.6312, 0.6987, and 0.7278, re-
spectively. Regarding the cosine similarity measure
with KNN, the recall values are 0.7237, 0.7687, and
0.8097. Hence, our system produced recall values su-
perior to those of the two systems we benchmarked
ICAART 2025 - 17th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
We calculated the improvement rate in terms of
recall for our system by comparing it with the two
methods of (Dovgopol and Nohelty, 2015). Our sys-
tem shows a significant improvement rate of 15.7%
compared to other comparative approaches in terms
of recall.
The results obtained affirm the efficacy of the
model-driven approach in retrieving a greater num-
ber of relevant hashtags compared to other meth-
ods. In contrast, the Naive Bayes and KNN ap-
proaches rely predominantly on a profile composed
solely of user-shared hashtags. As a result, depend-
ing solely on hashtag similarity may not consistently
yield accurate recommendations, highlighting a lim-
itation of these two approaches. In contrast, our
proposed approach capitalizes on all dimensions of-
fered by our model, encompassing social interactions,
shared hashtags, and similarity with diverse users.
Additionally, it takes into account the inherent char-
acteristics of the social network itself, including its
multi-layered structure and dynamism. Indeed, by in-
corporating information about the user’s social net-
work connections, we can create a more comprehen-
sive representation of the user. This multilayer dy-
namic social network perspective allows us to cap-
ture the influence of social ties, community dynam-
ics, and evolving relationships on user preferences
and decision-making. Thus, taking into account the
user’s environment in this way enables us to leverage
the power of social influence and network effects for
more accurate and effective recommendations.
This paper has proposed a multidimensional user
profile model designed to enhance system recom-
mendations within intricate social networks. The
model comprehensively captures diverse dimensions
of a user’s presence in their complex social network,
including demographic, social, behavioral, and ho-
mophilic aspects. The overarching objective is to pro-
vide more comprehensive recommendations tailored
to distinct contexts. As a practical application, we
have implemented this model in the realm of hashtag
recommendations within Twitter platform, demon-
strating its utility within a real social network rec-
ommender system. Employing a recommendation ap-
proach, we sought pertinent recommendations, show-
casing that the proposed modeling approach enables
the acquisition of relevant suggestions for each user.
In future works, we aim to test the performance
and the scalability of the proposed modeling approach
for recommender systems in other contexts using real
large-scale multilayer social networks or benchmarks.
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