Online Joint Optimization of Sponsored Search Ad Bid Amounts and
Product Prices on e-Commerce
Shoichiro Koguchi
, Kazuhide Nakata
1 a
, Ken Kobayashi
1 b
, Kosuke Kawakami
Takenori Nakajima
and Kevin Kratzer
Department of Industrial Engineering and Economics, Tokyo Institute of Technology, 2-12-1 Ookayama,
Meguro-ku 152-8550, Tokyo, Japan
HAKUHODO Technologies Inc., Akasaka Biz Tower, 5-3-1, Akasaka, Minato-ku, Tokyo, Japan
Bid Amount Optimization, Revenue Management, Dynamic Pricing, e-Commerce.
With the rapid development of the e-commerce market, sellers are increasingly required to devise effec-
tive strategies to maximize sales and profits within limited resources. This paper insists that demand on
e-commerce platforms can be partially controlled through advertising bid amounts. We examine the simulta-
neous control of demand and product pricing via advertising bids. Specifically, this study proposes a method
for the joint optimization of advertising bid amounts and product prices to maximize sellers’ sales and profits.
Previous research has often focused on either advertising bid amounts or product prices, with little considera-
tion of their simultaneous optimization. In contrast, our study develops an optimization method that accounts
for the interdependencies between advertising bid amounts, advertising budgets, product prices, and inventory
control. This comprehensive approach enables sellers to optimize advertising bid amounts and product prices
simultaneously by considering these interrelated factors. Moreover, the proposed method demonstrates high
scalability and is well-suited to real-world e-commerce markets, allowing for adaptation to various market
conditions. Simulation results indicate that the proposed method significantly enhances sales and profits com-
pared to approaches that do not incorporate price variability.
The global e-commerce (EC) markets have been
growing, driven by advancements in information
technology and changing consumer behavior (Chen
et al., 2016).
As the market expands, sellers on e-commerce
platforms need to find more effective strategies.
Among the multitude of products available, it is es-
sential for sellers first to gain consumer awareness,
which requires effective advertising strategies. Addi-
tionally, setting an appropriate product price is crucial
to encouraging consumers to complete a purchase af-
ter being made aware of a product. In other words,
advertising strategies and product pricing are two key
elements that sellers must optimize. However, deter-
mining the appropriate settings for both of these ele-
ments is a complex task. Currently, both advertising
bid amounts and product prices are often set based on
specialists’ expertise or the sellers’ intuition and ex-
perience. Thus, this paper aims to support sellers in
effectively setting both advertising bid Amounts and
product prices.
This paper focuses on sponsored search ads, a type
of programmatic advertising commonly adopted on
many e-commerce platforms. Programmatic advertis-
ing refers to ads traded via bidding systems through
platforms like Google Ads or Amazon Ads. It is
popular due to its simplicity in allowing advertisers
to launch campaigns even with a small budget and
its flexibility to adjust ad bids, budgets, and deliv-
ery settings. In fact, in 2021, programmatic adver-
tising accounted for 87.4% of internet advertising ex-
penditures in Japan (DENTSU INC., 2024). Spon-
sored search ads are a form of programmatic advertis-
ing that appears on the search results pages of search
engines. When consumers enter a keyword into the
search engine, ads related to that keyword are dis-
played at the top of the search results (Figure 1).
Koguchi, S., Nakata, K., Kobayashi, K., Kawakami, K., Nakajima, T. and Kratzer, K.
Online Joint Optimization of Sponsored Search Ad Bid Amounts and Product Prices on e-Commerce.
DOI: 10.5220/0013118300003893
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Operations Research and Enterprise Systems (ICORES 2025), pages 67-78
ISBN: 978-989-758-732-0; ISSN: 2184-4372
Proceedings Copyright © 2025 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
Therefore, advertisers must set appropriate ad bids for
each potential keyword to ensure their ads are shown.
Keyword selection and bid settings are critical ele-
ments for sponsored search ads to function effectively.
Figure 1: Sponsored Search Advertising on Search Screens
in E-commerce.
On the other hand, appropriate revenue manage-
ment is necessary to encourage consumers to make
purchases. For example, according to the research
by Jamil et al. (2022), product pricing significantly
impacts consumers’ purchase intentions, and proper
price setting directly influences sales. Setting a high
product price increases the revenue per purchase, but
the number of consumers willing to buy the product
is expected to decrease due to the higher price. Con-
versely, setting a lower product price will likely result
in more purchases, but the revenue per purchase will
decrease. In addition to this trade-off, it is essential to
set an appropriate price that considers factors such as
inventory levels by each company’s objective.
Based on these considerations, this paper aims to
improve sellers’ sales and profits by examining the
online optimization of both ad bid amounts and prod-
uct prices over multiple periods. The contributions of
this paper are as follows:
We mathematically model the optimization of bid
amounts and product prices in the context de-
scribed in Section 2. These two elements are
closely intertwined in the purchase process, mak-
ing it essential to account for their interdepen-
dence rather than treating them separately.
Based on the related work (Majima et al., 2024),
we proposed a method that simultaneously op-
timizes ad bid amounts and product prices over
multiple periods using machine learning-based
predictions. The method reduces the problem
to a Mixed-Integer Programming (MIP) problem
through discretization, allowing for efficient com-
putational solving.
The performance of the proposed method was val-
idated through simulations using real-world data
from Hakuhodo Technologies. These numerical
experiments demonstrated not only the effective-
ness of the proposed method but also its flexibility
and scalability.
The structure of this paper is as follows. Sec-
tion 2 explains revenue management in e-commerce
sites. Specifically, it describes the process of gener-
ating sales and profits in e-commerce and highlights
the necessity of simultaneously optimizing advertis-
ing bids and product prices. Section 3 reviews related
research. It introduces previous studies and theories
on advertising bid optimization and revenue manage-
ment, providing the background knowledge for this
study. Section 4 details this paper’s proposed method.
It explains the proposed approach’s modeling, the for-
mulation of the sales maximization problem, and the
formulation of the profit maximization problem. Sec-
tion 5 presents the results of numerical experiments
conducted to verify the effectiveness of the proposed
method. It discusses the construction of the simu-
lator, the experimental setup, and the simulation re-
sults, confirming that the proposed method achieves
superior outcomes compared to other models. Finally,
Section 6 provides the conclusion.
2.1 Sales and Profit Generation Process
on e-Commerce Sites
In this paper, the terms related to advertising opera-
tions are defined as follows:
When a user enters a keyword into a search en-
gine, the advertisement is displayed on the search
results page.
When the user clicks on the displayed advertise-
When the user purchases a product associated
with the clicked advertisement.
The sales and profit generation process in e-
commerce sites is illustrated in Figure 2. First, an
advertisement is displayed on the search results page
after a user searches. Next, whether the user clicks
ICORES 2025 - 14th International Conference on Operations Research and Enterprise Systems
on the displayed advertisement depends on the click-
through rate. Similarly, whether the user purchases a
product after clicking on the ad depends on the con-
version rate. At this point, sales are the product of the
number of conversions and the product price, while
advertising costs are incurred based on the number of
clicks and the ad bid amount. Additionally, inventory
costs are incurred based on the remaining inventory.
Among these processes, the two variables that sell-
ers can control are the ad bid amount and the product
In the next section, we will describe in detail the
mechanism by which the number of impressions and
advertising costs arises, as shown in Figure 2, and
clarify the impact that ad bids have on the sales and
profit generation process in e-commerce sites.
Figure 2: The flow until the seller generates profit.
2.2 Sponsored Search Ads
This section provides a detailed explanation of the
type of advertisements handled in this paper.
2.2.1 The Process by Which Sponsored Search
Ads Are Displayed
Sponsored search ads are displayed based on the key-
words users enter into a search engine. For example,
if a user searches for the keyword “wine, advertise-
ments related to wine will be displayed.displaying the
ad that wins the auction
Next, the process by which sponsored search ads
are displayed is illustrated in Figure 3. When a user
inputs a keyword into a search engine, an auction is
held for the ads associated with that keyword. The
advertising platform conducts this auction automati-
cally, displaying the ad that wins the auction. How-
ever, many advertising platforms do not disclose the
detailed mechanisms of these auctions, making it dif-
ficult for advertisers to measure the competitiveness
of each ad and keyword precisely. For example, in
Google Ads and Amazon Ads, factors such as the bid
amount, the relevance of the ad text to the search,
the estimated click-through rate, and the quality of
the landing page contribute to a hidden score (quality
score) calculated by the platform, which influences
the auction results (AmazonAds, 2022; GoogleAds,
2024), but the specific algorithm is not disclosed.
As a result, advertisers must estimate the number
of clicks and conversions they can expect for a given
keyword and bid amount based on the limited infor-
mation available to them.
Figure 3: The process leading to the display of sponsored
search advertisements (quoted from Majima et al. (2024)).
2.2.2 Information Available to Advertisers
Figure 4 illustrates the interaction between advertis-
ers and the advertising platform. Advertisers set bid
amounts for each keyword associated with an adver-
tisement. Additionally, advertisers can flexibly adjust
bid amounts throughout the day. Although real-time
adjustments for each search and auction are impos-
sible, advertisers can access detailed data from the
advertising platform, allowing them to track impres-
sions, clicks, conversions, and advertising costs at a
more granular level than daily reports (Yang et al.,
Additionally, advertisers set a budget for each ad-
vertisement. If the budget is depleted during the cam-
paign period, the ad will no longer be displayed unless
the advertiser replenishes the budget.
2.3 The Necessity of Simultaneously
Determining Ad Bid Amounts and
Product Prices
Revenue management, focusing on price adjustments,
plays a crucial role in strategies for maximizing sales
and profits for sellers. Revenue management opti-
mizes the trade-off between product demand and pric-
ing to maximize both revenue and profits. Moreover,
it enables optimization that considers inventory lev-
els, allowing for more efficient profit maximization by
integrating inventory management with pricing strate-
Online Joint Optimization of Sponsored Search Ad Bid Amounts and Product Prices on e-Commerce
Figure 4: Interaction between advertisers and ad platforms
(quoted from Majima et al. (2024)).
gies. In practice, on e-commerce sites like Amazon,
sellers can set their product prices, and pricing deci-
sions are critical factors influencing the seller’s rev-
enue and profits (Schlosser and Richly, 2019).
Figure 5: Overview of the proposed method by Majima
et al. (2024).
However, several studies have highlighted the dif-
ficulty of demand forecasting in revenue management
(Besbes and Zeevi, 2015; Koupriouchina et al., 2014).
Therefore, this paper focuses on the fact that a signif-
icant portion of purchases on e-commerce platforms
occurs through advertisements and considers control-
ling product demand via ad bid amounts. Specifically,
by adjusting ad bid amounts, sellers can control the
number of ad impressions and advertising costs while
optimizing product prices, ultimately helping to im-
prove overall sales and profits.
3.1 Bid Amount Optimization
The optimization of bid amounts in Internet advertis-
ing has been studied under various conditions, such as
different advertising platforms, constraints, and sce-
narios. Nuara et al. (2022) formulated the problem
of optimizing bid amounts and daily budgets across
multiple platforms in cost-per-click advertising cam-
paigns as a semi-bandit problem (Chen et al., 2013).
Their study aims to maximize the expected revenue
of an advertiser while adhering to daily budget con-
straints across all campaigns. Their algorithm is
based on GP-UCB (Gaussian Process Upper Confi-
dence Bound) (Srinivas et al., 2010), predicting con-
versions and advertising costs for each bid amount
and performing optimization through dynamic pro-
gramming. GP-UCB is a Bayesian optimization tech-
nique that uses Gaussian processes.
Inspired by the work of (Nuara et al., 2022; Ma-
jima et al., 2024), proposed a method focusing on
keyword-level bid optimization over multiple periods.
Figure 5 illustrates the overall framework of their ap-
proach. They combine Bayesian inference with ban-
dit algorithms, modeling relationships between ad-
vertising metrics using Bayesian networks to predict
the conversions and advertising costs associated with
each keyword. Their method then solves an optimiza-
tion problem that maximizes the number of conver-
sions under budget constraints for each period, dy-
namically adjusting bid amounts while considering
uncertainty. The study by Majima et al. (2024) is
closely related to the advertising setup in this paper
and serves as a foundational approach.
However, these studies assume constant prod-
uct prices, equating the seller’s revenue maximiza-
tion with the maximization of conversions. This pa-
per proposes a method that simultaneously optimizes
both the bid amount and the product price, consider-
ing that click-through rates and conversion rates can
vary with product prices. To the author’s knowledge,
no previous research has explored the simultaneous
optimization of bid amounts and product prices, mak-
ing this problem setup a significant contribution to
this paper.
3.2 Revenue Management
Research on revenue management has become in-
creasingly active in recent years, driven by ad-
vancements in data analysis technologies and the
widespread use of the Internet. Since this paper fo-
cuses on setting product prices for each period, the
field of dynamic pricing within revenue management
is most relevant. Dynamic pricing is a pricing strategy
that continuously adjusts prices based on fluctuating
demand or available supply. This approach is com-
monly used in pricing for airlines, hotels, and event
tickets, as well as in e-commerce pricing.
A dynamic pricing framework using deep rein-
forcement learning was proposed by Liu et al. (2019)
for e-commerce platforms and demonstrated its ef-
fectiveness. They modeled the problem as a Markov
decision process and evaluated it through online ex-
ICORES 2025 - 14th International Conference on Operations Research and Enterprise Systems
periments on However, appropriately
representing the complex relationship between bid
amounts and product prices using deep reinforcement
learning is challenging, making this method difficult
to apply to the current research.
In addition, Li and Zheng (2023) proposed a dy-
namic pricing model that combines external informa-
tion with inventory constraints. Their model explores
a method for dynamically setting prices under un-
known demand functions by utilizing newly observed
external information at the beginning of each period.
This study maximizes expected cumulative revenue
while balancing inventory management and pricing
Gharakhani et al. (2022) proposed a model for
optimizing pricing, inventory management, and ad-
vertising frequency. Their model considers a time-
dependent inventory cost function and explores a
method for dynamically adjusting product prices and
inventory levels for each product. This approach
seeks to maximize revenue while accounting for the
impact of inventory costs.
These studies highlight that considering inventory
constraints and inventory costs plays a vital role in
maximizing revenue and improving the efficiency of
inventory management. This paper combines these
insights with the foundational work of Majima et al.
(2024) to explore the simultaneous optimization of
bid amounts and product prices.
4.1 Modeling
In this section, we explain the proposed model. We
assume that the seller sells products over T discrete
periods and determines the optimal advertising bid
amount and product price for each period. The adver-
tising budget R is the total budget across all periods,
and the product stock is replenished at any quantity
for each period. Additionally, any remaining stock at
the end of a period will be carried over to the next
Based on these conditions, this paper considers
solving a multi-period optimization problem as an on-
line optimization problem for each period. In each
period, based on the process by which sales and profit
are generated on an e-commerce site (see Section
2.1), the flow through which the seller obtains sales
and profit is assumed as shown in Figure 6.
First, after a user performs a search, whether or
not an ad appears on the search results page and its
position depends on the bid amount (generally, ads
Figure 6: Flow until profit is generated for the seller.
displayed in higher positions tend to receive more im-
pressions). Next, whether the user clicks on the dis-
played ad depends on the click-through rate (CTR),
which is influenced by the product price. Similarly,
the conversion rate (CVR), which indicates whether
the user purchases the product after clicking, also de-
pends on the product price. Furthermore, advertis-
ing costs are incurred based on the number of clicks,
and sales are determined by multiplying the number
of conversions by the product price. Additionally, in-
ventory costs are incurred based on the remaining in-
ventory level.
Based on the above flow, the expected sales
u(b, p) for the seller is modeled as follows:
u(b, p) = p · φ
(p) · φ
(p) · v(b). (1)
In equation (1), b represents the bid amount, and p
represents the product price. The terms φ
(p) and
(p) refer to functions for the click-through rate
and conversion rate, both of which are influenced by
the product price. Lastly, v(b) is a function represent-
ing the number of impressions determined by the bid
The expected profit for the seller is then modeled
as follows:
r(b, p) = u(b, p) c(b, p). (2)
In equation (2), c(b, p) represents the cost in-
curred before the seller generates profit.
Additionally, budget constraints to ensure that ad-
vertising costs do not exceed the seller’s advertising
budget, as well as inventory constraints to ensure that
the number of conversions does not exceed the avail-
able inventory, are set as follows:
c(b, p) R, (3)
(p) · φ
(p) · v(b) S. (4)
In equation (3,4), R and S represent the advertis-
ing budget and inventory quantity in period t, respec-
Online Joint Optimization of Sponsored Search Ad Bid Amounts and Product Prices on e-Commerce
4.2 Formulation of Sales Maximization
Based on Section 4.1 and previous research, we for-
mulate the sales maximization problem. In particular,
we construct a model suitable for the problem setting
of this paper concerning the study by Majima et al.
However, since the number of impressions v(b)
and the advertising cost c(b, p) cannot be determined
a priori, it is necessary to predict these values. We
employ the Bayesian estimation method (Bayesian
AdComB-PT) used in Majima et al. (2024) to predict
the number of impressions and advertising costs.
Furthermore, as we cannot assume the convexity
of the functions for impressions and advertising costs,
it is difficult to obtain a globally optimal solution us-
ing continuous optimization methods. Therefore, we
treat these functions by discretizing them. The prob-
lem is formulated as a discrete optimization problem
by discretizing the combinations of bid amounts and
product prices.
4.2.1 Explanation of Parameters
We explain the parameters used in the formulation.
N denotes the number of keywords, representing
the total number of keywords used in advertising.
Next, P represents the number of price candidates,
indicating the number of possible product prices. B
is the number of bid candidates, which refers to the
number of potential advertising bid amounts. These
parameters are fundamental in building an advertis-
ing strategy.
The current inventory is represented by S, showing
the amount of stock on hand. The remaining advertis-
ing budget is denoted by R, representing the budget
left for advertising. The product price is expressed as
, representing the price set for each product.
i, j,l
refers to the predicted number of impressions
for keyword i, bid amount b
, and product price p
Similarly, c
i, j,l
represents the predicted advertising
cost under the same conditions. The sales volume
is denoted by u
i, j,l
, representing the number of units
sold for keyword i, bid amount b
, and product price
. x
i, j,l
is a binary variable, taking a value of 1 if the
combination of keyword i, bid amount b
, and prod-
uct price p
is selected, and 0 otherwise. Furthermore,
) represents the click-through rate (CTR) at
product price p
, and φ
) represents the conver-
sion rate (CVR) at product price p
. The inventory
cost function is defined by h(·), which calculates costs
based on the inventory level. The functions for CTR,
CVR, and inventory costs will be discussed later. The
parameters introduced so far are summarized below:
N : Number of keywords
P : Number of price candidates
B : Number of bid candidates
S : Current inventory
R : Remaining budget
: Product price
i, j,l
: Predicted number of impressions
i, j,l
: Predicted advertising cost
i, j,l
: Sales volume
i, j,l
: Binary variable
) : Click-through rate at product price p
) : Conversion rate at product price p
h(·) : Inventory cost function
4.2.2 Objective Function
We now explain the objective function. Since the goal
of optimization is to maximize sales, the objective
function is the product of the predicted sales u
i, j,l
the decision variable x
i, j,l
i, j,l
· u
i, j,l
· p
. (5)
Additionally, u
i, j,l
(the predicted number of con-
versions) is calculated as the product of the predicted
number of impressions, click-through rate, and con-
version rate:
i, j,l
= φ
) · φ
) · v
i, j,l
. (6)
4.2.3 Click-Through and Conversion Rate
Click-through rate (CTR) and conversion rate (CVR)
are defined as functions dependent on product price.
This reflects the assumption that when a product is
searched for on an e-commerce site, consumers make
click and conversion decisions based on the product
Many studies (Li and Zheng, 2023; Bolton, 1989;
Lee et al., 2023) use a log-linear function to compute
price elasticity for their own products during specific
periods. This paper adopts a similar method. In this
case, the price elasticity of a product is equivalent to
the slope of the regression function’s β coefficient,
representing the change in sales volume for a given
change in price.
= α + β · log P
In equation (7), Q
represents the sales volume
of product A, α is the intercept, and β is the price
sensitivity of product A.
ICORES 2025 - 14th International Conference on Operations Research and Enterprise Systems
In this paper, we assume that each company can
calculate its products’ price elasticity. Therefore, we
treat the regression coefficients as parameters set by
each company.
Since both click-through rate and conversion rate
take values between 0 and 1, we use a sigmoid func-
tion to represent them. Based on this, the functions
for CTR and CVR are defined as follows:
(p) = σ(α
+ β
(p) = σ(α
+ β
In equation (8), σ(z) =
is the sigmoid func-
tion, and α
, β
, α
, β
are parameters.
4.2.4 Constraints
This section explains the four types of constraints
used in the optimization.
Budget Constraint
This constraint ensures that the advertising cost
i, j,l
stays within the given advertising budget for
each period. While it is possible to set a lower
limit as well as an upper limit on the budget, in
the sales maximization problem, the optimization
is expected to consume as much budget as possi-
ble, so no lower limit is set. To prevent the budget
from being exhausted at the start of the period, the
budget for each period is set as the remaining bud-
get divided by the number of remaining periods:
i, j,l
· c
i, j,l
T t + 1
. (9)
Inventory Constraint
This constraint limits the number of conversions
i, j,l
to stay within the available inventory for each
i, j,l
· u
i, j,l
S. (10)
For simplicity, this paper sets only an upper in-
ventory limit, but depending on the objectives, the
problem can also be formulated to approach the
optimal inventory level.
Same Price for Each Product Constraint
This constraint ensures that the same product
price is used across different keywords searched
by users for the same product. In equation (11),
is a binary variable indicating whether a spe-
cific price is applied to the product. The following
constraint holds under the assumption that each
keyword is assigned a single bid amount:
N · p
i, j,l
l {1, 2, . . . , P}. (11)
Single Bid Amount and Product Price Selec-
tion per Keyword Constraint
This constraint ensures that only one combination
of bid amount and product price is selected for
each keyword:
i, j,l
= 1 i {1, 2, . . . , N}. (12)
4.2.5 Formulation
Based on the above, the sales maximization problem
for each period handled in this paper can be summa-
rized as follows. The variables are x
i, j,l
and p
i, j,l
· u
i, j,l
· p
subject to
i, j,l
· c
i, j,l
T t + 1
i, j,l
= 1 i [N],
N · p
i, j,l
l [P],
i, j,l
· u
i, j,l
i, j,l
{0, 1}, p
{0, 1},
i [N], j [B], l [P].
The optimization problem (13) is an integer pro-
gramming problem and can be solved using a general-
purpose integer programming solver. This model al-
lows finding the optimal combination of bid amount
and product prices to maximize sales while efficiently
utilizing the advertising budget.
4.3 Formulation of the Profit
Maximization Problem
In Section 4.2, we formulated the maximization prob-
lem to maximize the seller’s sales. The sales max-
imization problem is effective, especially when the
goal is to exhaust the budget within the period or re-
duce inventory as much as possible. This applies to
situations where the focus is on increasing product
awareness. On the other hand, in actual business, it
is often essential to consider the costs incurred before
generating sales and making efficient decisions re-
garding bid amount and product prices. Therefore, in
this chapter, the objective of the optimization is profit
maximization, balancing sales and costs. Specifically,
Online Joint Optimization of Sponsored Search Ad Bid Amounts and Product Prices on e-Commerce
based on the process of generating sales and profits on
e-commerce sites (2.1), the costs considered in this
paper include advertising costs and inventory costs.
Advertising costs depend on bid amounts and product
prices, while inventory costs depend on the duration
and size of product storage.
4.3.1 Objective Function
Since our goal is to maximize total profit, the objec-
tive function is defined as the predicted profit (pre-
dicted sales - advertising costs - inventory costs) mul-
tiplied by the decision variable x
i, j,l
, which is ex-
pressed as follows:
i, j,l
i, j,l
· p
i, j,l
S u
i, j,l
4.3.2 Inventory Cost Function
The inventory cost h(S) is defined as a linear function
of the inventory level. Specifically, the inventory cost
increases depending on the amount of goods held in
stock from this period to the next. The proportional
coefficient is proportional to the size of the product
and is a parameter that the seller can set. This reflects
the fact that e-commerce sites like Amazon set storage
fees based on the size and quantity of the inventory
(Amazon, 2024).
4.3.3 Formulation
Based on the above, the profit maximization problem
for each period handled in this paper is defined as
shown in (15), where the variables are x
i, j,l
and p
As in (13), the optimization problem (15) can also
be solved using a general-purpose integer program-
ming solver. This model allows one to find the opti-
mal combination of bid amount and product prices to
maximize sales and minimize inventory costs while
efficiently using the advertising budget.
5.1 Experimental Setup
In this study, we evaluated the performance of the pro-
posed method using a simulation-based experimental.
i, j,l
i, j,l
· p
i, j,l
h(S u
i, j,l
subject to
i, j,l
· c
i, j,l
T t + 1
i, j,l
= 1 i [N],
N · p
i, j,l
l [P],
i, j,l
· u
i, j,l
i, j,l
{0, 1}, p
{0, 1},
i [N], j [B], l [P].
Since it was difficult to access a real-world opera-
tion, we adopted a simulation-based approach. The
simulator employed in this study was designed to
replicate the operational environment of e-commerce
platforms based on real advertising log data. Further-
more, the simulator was extended from the one pro-
posed in Majima et al. (2024) to align with the objec-
tives of this study. Specifically, while Majima et al.
(2024) assumes constant product prices, we modified
the simulator to account for the effects of price fluc-
tuations on sales, CTR, and CVR.
To the best of our knowledge, there are no exist-
ing methods that can be directly applied to our prob-
lem setting. Thus, we conducted comparative exper-
iments under various scenarios. We showed the spe-
cific experimental setting in Table 1. For everyday
items, we assume a low price elasticity. In contrast,
luxury goods are assumed to have high price elastic-
ity. This distinction is critical as it allows us to explore
various pricing patterns and evaluate their impact on
sales performance. In our experiments, we set the pa-
rameters to N = 10, B = 20, P = 20, and T = 10. The
Gurobi Optimizer (Optimization, 2022) was used to
solve mixed-integer programming problems. For the
current problem, it was solved within 10 seconds. Ad-
ditionally, even when increasing the values of N, B, P,
and T, Gurobi solved the problem without any issues.
Additionally, this paper compares and evaluates
the following six models:
Model 1 (Proposed Method)
A model that optimizes both bid amounts and
product prices.
Model 2 (Lowest Price Fixed Model)
A model that optimizes only the bid amounts, fix-
ing the product price at the lowest among the can-
ICORES 2025 - 14th International Conference on Operations Research and Enterprise Systems
Table 1: Experimental Settings.
Experimental Setting Assumed Product Objective Function Budget Supply Inventory per Period
Setting A Everyday Item Sales Maximization 5,000,000 200
Setting B Luxury Good Sales Maximization 2,000,000 50
Setting C Everyday Item Profit Maximization 5,000,000 100
Setting D Luxury Good Profit Maximization 2,000,000 25
Model 3 (Highest Price Fixed Model)
A model that optimizes only the bid amounts, fix-
ing the product price at the highest among the can-
Model 4 (Lowest Bid Fixed Model)
A model that optimizes only the product prices,
fixing the bid amount at the lowest among the can-
Model 5 (Highest Bid Fixed Model)
A model that optimizes only the bid amounts, fix-
ing the bid amount at the highest among the can-
Model 6 (Random Model)
A model that randomly selects bid amounts and
product prices.
5.2 Optimization Results
In this section, we present the simulation results for
the sales maximization problem and profit maximiza-
tion problems, demonstrating the proposed method’s
The experimental results using the simulator are
illustrated in Tables 2, 3, 4, and 5. Tables 2 and 3
present the results for the sales maximization prob-
lem, while Tables 4 and 5 show the results for the
profit maximization problem. The results indicate the
improvement rates based on the metrics from the ran-
dom model (Model 6). Empty cells indicate that the
model was not executable.
The proposed method (Model 1) demonstrates that
optimizing both the bid amount and product price
can achieve the highest sales and profit. The random
model (Model 6) was found to be ineffective, as it
failed to utilize advertising budgets and inventory ef-
ficiently. Models 2 and 3 optimized bid amounts, but
Model 2’s low prices increased CTR and CVR while
leaving advertising budgets underutilized due to in-
ventory constraints. Model 3, with high prices, re-
duced CTR and CVR, limiting conversions. Models
4 and 5, which fixed bid amounts, either overspent
or underutilized advertising budgets. The proposed
method addressed these issues, overcame these chal-
lenges, and achieved improvements in both sales and
profits. The foundational research for this paper (Ma-
jima et al., 2024) focused on optimizing only the bid
amounts, but it has been demonstrated that optimizing
the product price in tandem further enhances overall
In the next sections, we will discuss the proposed
method’s optimal solution and validity. The experi-
mental results in these discussions will be based on
experimental settings A and C, but similar trends are
observed in experimental settings B and D.
5.3 Validation of the Optimal Solution
of the Proposed Method
In this section, we will examine the optimal solu-
tion of the proposed method to validate its effec-
tiveness. First, we illustrate the scatter plots of the
remaining advertising budget and the optimized bid
amounts for each period in Figures 7 (sales maxi-
mization problem) and 8 (profit maximization prob-
lem). The figures’ notation “round n” represents the
points for the n-th period. As illustrated, both in the
sales maximization problem and the profit maximiza-
tion problem, a higher remaining advertising budget
corresponds to a higher bid amount. This can be in-
terpreted as an attempt to increase sales by improv-
ing the number of impressions when there is a suf-
ficient advertising budget. As a result, the proposed
method produced reasonable outcomes. However, in
the profit maximization problem, due to the optimiza-
tion considering advertising costs, there is a tendency
to choose lower bid amounts compared to the sales
maximization problem, which can also be deemed re-
Next, we illustrate the relationship between inven-
tory levels(Stocks) and the optimized bid amounts as
well as product prices for each period in Figures 9
and 10 (sales maximization problem), and Figures 11
and 12 (profit maximization problem). As illustrated,
both in the sales maximization problem and the profit
maximization problem, it was observed that higher
inventory levels were linked to higher bid amounts
while also indicating a tendency to opt for lower prod-
uct prices. This aligns with realistic expectations and
confirms that valid results were obtained through the
proposed method.
Online Joint Optimization of Sponsored Search Ad Bid Amounts and Product Prices on e-Commerce
Table 2: Experimental Results for Setting A.
Model1 Model2 Model3 Model4 Model5 Model6
Remaining Budget 89% 73% 100% +130% - 0%
Remaining Inventory 93% 87% 71% +254% - 0%
Sales +47% +32% +32% 68% - 0%
Table 3: Experimental Results for Setting B.
Model1 Model2 Model3 Model4 Model5 Model6
Remaining Budget 20% 8% 35% +89% - 0%
Remaining Inventory 51% 45% +9% +95% - 0%
Sales +22% +16% 0% 44% - 0%
Table 4: Experimental Results for Setting C.
Model1 Model2 Model3 Model4 Model5 Model6
Remaining Budget +368% +354% +348% +524% - 0%
Remaining Inventory +8800% +10500% +20600% +52700% - 0%
Profit +32% +24% +16% +31% - 0%
Table 5: Experimental Results for Setting D.
Model1 Model2 Model3 Model4 Model5 Model6
Remaining Budget +1160% +1280% +680% +1590% - 0%
Remaining Inventory +550% +743% +493% +1243% - 0%
Profit +6% +2% +4% 20% - 0%
Figure 7: Relationship between the remaining advertising
budget (Budget) and the optimal solution (Bid Amount) for
each period (Sales Maximization Problem).
Figure 8: Relationship between the remaining advertising
budget and the optimal solution (Bid Amount) for each pe-
riod (Profit Maximization Problem).
Figure 9: Relationship between inventory levels (Stocks)
and the optimal solution (Bid Amount) for each period
(Sales Maximization Problem).
Figure 10: Relationship between inventory levels and the
optimal solution (Product Price) for each period (Sales
Maximization Problem).
ICORES 2025 - 14th International Conference on Operations Research and Enterprise Systems
Figure 11: Relationship between inventory levels and the
optimal solution (Bid Price) for each period (Profit Maxi-
mization Problem).
Figure 12: Relationship between inventory levels and the
optimal solution (Product Price) for each period (Profit
Maximization Problem).
In this paper, we proposed a joint optimization
method for advertising bid amounts and product
prices to maximize the sales and profits of sellers on
e-commerce platforms. Unlike previous studies that
focused on either bid amounts or product prices indi-
vidually, our approach aims to achieve a more realis-
tic and effective optimization by considering the inter-
dependence between the two. The proposed method
uses a machine learning model to predict the num-
ber of impressions and advertising costs, thereby op-
timizing the bid amounts, advertising budget, prod-
uct prices, and inventory control while considering
their mutual interdependencies. This enables sellers
to comprehensively optimize both bid amounts and
product prices simultaneously.
The results of numerical experiments illustrate
that the proposed method significantly improves sales
and profits compared to conventional methods that
only optimize bid amounts. In particular, the ef-
fective allocation of inventory management and ad-
vertising budget proves crucial, as properly handling
these factors leads to sales and profit maximization.
Specifically, the proposed method, which optimizes
both bid amounts and product prices, achieved higher
sales and profits than other models, such as fixed-
price models, fixed-bid models, and random models.
Furthermore, we explored the relationship between
bid amounts and product prices, illustrating that the
proposed method selects the optimal bid amounts and
product prices based on the remaining advertising
budget and inventory levels for each round.
Moreover, in the profit maximization problem, we
incorporated advertising costs and inventory holding
costs into the optimization, constructing a model that
is closer to real-world operations. We also examined
the differences in remaining inventory levels depend-
ing on the magnitude of inventory holding costs, fur-
ther illustrating the validity of the proposed method.
These results demonstrate that the proposed method
provides a practical and effective strategy for sellers
in the real e-commerce market.
As for future work, We think that constructing
more accurate demand functions is a potential direc-
tion. In this paper, demand is modeled as solely de-
pendent on price, but in reality, numerous factors in-
fluence demand. By incorporating these factors, it
will be possible to more accurately predict the base-
line demand and price sensitivity, thereby refining the
price elasticity curve. Specifically, following the ap-
proach used by Li and Zheng (2023), we will consider
incorporating customer demographics and real-time
market information (e.g., sales events) into demand
forecasting. For example, we can construct a demand
function that reflects these variables by collecting ex-
ternal data such as customer demographics, purchase
history, social media trends, and competitor pricing.
This approach allows us to express baseline demand
and price sensitivity as coefficients in a logarithmic-
linear function.
Additionally, a model that accounts for the uncer-
tainty in predicting impressions and advertising costs
could be explored. For this, applying robust opti-
mization methods may be effective. Robust optimiza-
tion considers the worst-case scenario for uncertain
parameters, enabling optimal decision-making even
under uncertainty. This approach would help miti-
gate the risks associated with inaccurate predictions
of advertising costs and impressions, ensuring stable
performance. Specifically, this approach sets a range
of uncertainty in determining bid amounts and prod-
uct prices and finds the optimal solution within that
range. This would help avoid extreme losses even if
predictions deviate from expectations.
Furthermore, there is room to improve budget
control methods. For instance, a strategy could be
devised to spend a more significant portion of the
Online Joint Optimization of Sponsored Search Ad Bid Amounts and Product Prices on e-Commerce
budget at the start of the period and intensively de-
ploy ads to boost future sales. This approach could
lead to early market share acquisition and long-term
profit increases while also ensuring the budget is fully
utilized. However, from another perspective, it may
be more optimal to allocate less of the budget at the
start of a period with high uncertainty and conserve
the budget until the situation becomes more apparent,
maximizing overall profits across the entire period.
More effective advertising strategies can be realized
by flexibly adjusting budget allocation within the pe-
By introducing these methods, we can construct
more accurate optimization models, contributing to
the maximization of sellers’ sales and profits on e-
commerce platforms. Extending the proposed method
and validating its effectiveness in real-world environ-
ments rather than through simulations could lead to
developing strategies that maximize sellers’ sales and
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ICORES 2025 - 14th International Conference on Operations Research and Enterprise Systems