budget at the start of the period and intensively de-
ploy ads to boost future sales. This approach could
lead to early market share acquisition and long-term
profit increases while also ensuring the budget is fully
utilized. However, from another perspective, it may
be more optimal to allocate less of the budget at the
start of a period with high uncertainty and conserve
the budget until the situation becomes more apparent,
maximizing overall profits across the entire period.
More effective advertising strategies can be realized
by flexibly adjusting budget allocation within the pe-
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more accurate optimization models, contributing to
the maximization of sellers’ sales and profits on e-
commerce platforms. Extending the proposed method
and validating its effectiveness in real-world environ-
ments rather than through simulations could lead to
developing strategies that maximize sellers’ sales and
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ICORES 2025 - 14th International Conference on Operations Research and Enterprise Systems